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Home To Mama

Autor: AdmireHailena

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

Hailey Baldwin's P.O.V

"Hailey wake up! Ryan, Jason, Chaz and Nina will be here any minute!" ugh I groaned and looked over at my phone to check the time. Couldn't they come a little later? Like around 3pm instead of at 8am. I was about to put my phone down as I heard my alarm ringing.

"Justin comes home today get up don't be lazy" the alarm read. I shot out of bed and quickly look for an outfit. Justin hasn't been in Canada for about 2 maybe 3 years. I missed him so much, I mean I had his twin Jason here but it isn't the same. Justin was now a big shot company owner Bieber's Corporation to be exact and he just didn't have time to visit.

I quickly did my morning routine and walked around my room in my undergarments to do my hair and make up. As soon as I was done I got dressed and went to meet my friends downstairs. "Hey guys"

"Hails! Its about time. We have to go pick Bieber up. He's going in your car though so hurry up." I rolled my eyes at them and quickly grabbed my keys kissing my mother goodbye.


We all met up at the airport and walked to the luggage section to look around for Justin. As soon as I spotted him I ran towards him "Bieber!" I smiled as he smiled back at me as he dropped his luggage and opened his arm, which I gladly jumped into letting him spin me around "Oh my god, Hails I've missed you"

"I missed you too. You're finally here" he put me down and proceeded to hug the rest of the group, his brother Jason grabbed his bag and pulled it out to where our cars were parked

"Were 3 cars really necessary?" Justin asked

"Yes it absolutely was because Ryan over here insists in going to pick a friend up after we g-" Chaz was speaking only to be cut off by some girl screaming "Babe!" everybody turned around to look at her as they all gasped me being completely oblivious to what was going on asked "Who's that?"

"Guys this is my girlfriend Selena, Selena these are.." he pointed at Jason "my twin Jason" he moved to point at Ryan, Chaz and Nina "my friends Ryan, Chaz and Nina" and then he pointed at me "and my best friend Hailey" I felt the group look at me as I did my best to avoid everybody's eye contact, nobody said hi to his girlfriend and I for sure didn't feel like saying anything but I decided to speak up "anyways. Nina is coming with me while Justin and his girlfriend go with Ryan or Chaz"

"Wait I thought Justin was going in your car." Ryan's big mouth decided to speak up

"Well she changed her mind. She has other things to do. Besides it doesn't matter we are all going to end up in the same place anyways" Nina snapped at Ryan and pulled me to my car, which I wasted no time in getting in and waited for the rest to get in the cars. We carefully made our way out of the airport and as soon as I was in the highway I sped up. Nina didn't really care, she was always telling me about how I should drive faster well today was the day where I wanted to just drive fast and disappear.

My phone started ringing and Nina put it on speaker "You're on speaker, choose your next words carefully"

"Hey baby girl.." I heard Selena say baby girl with a questionable tone "slow down, you're gonna crash" I rolled my eyes at him "is that what you called me for Bieber? I got a bigger chance of crashing just by you calling me"

Justin Bieber's P.O.V

None of my friends said 'Hi' to Selena, instead they all looked over at Hailey who was avoiding eye contact with everyone for some odd reason, I reminded myself to ask them what that was all about but right now I was more concerned with the speed Hailey was going at. She could easily just get into a car accident that way.

"You're on speaker, choose your next words carefully" I heard her say once she answered the phone

"Hey baby girl.." I stopped talking when I heard Selena say baby girl with a questionable tone but I ignored it "slow down, you're gonna crash."

"Is that what you called me for Bieber? I got a bigger chance of crashing just by you calling me" I sighed "we gotta talk when we get back to your house. Slow down, drive safe. Love you" she didn't say a word back she just hung up. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt at the fact that she didn't say she loved me back, what was wrong was a question that wasn't leaving my mind during the whole ride to Hailey's house.

AdmireHailena AdmireHailena

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