Jin Liwei's heart skipped a beat after hearing Iris' possessive words. He was actually a bit taken aback by the extent of her reaction. His baby girl was so furious that her face turned completely red. She looked like she wanted to beat up someone and cry at the same time.
How cute!
His mouth twitched, but he fought against the wide grin threatening to break out of his face. He covered it up by clearing his throat instead. Although he was extremely pleased by her reaction, he forced a serious expression on his face.
"See? What you're feeling right now is the same as how I'm feeling just imagining you being ogled by other men," he told her. "It's not a great feeling, is it?"
She shook her head. Her delectable lips formed into a cute pout. With her contrite expression, she looked absolutely adorable. Jin Liwei's breathing sped up and his eyes became a bit dazed at the sight of her, as a familiar hot ball of desire started burning in his lower abdomen.
Thank you so much for your support for HGWS on WN's 515 Birthday Event. I really appreciate you all! Please continue your support until the event ends on May 21. Like I mentioned yesterday, I'll give a mass release on May 26 depending on which rank we get at the end.
Please know that I'm tremendously grateful to all of your support, so whatever rank we get, I'll continue to work hard to write this novel to the best of my current ability. THANK YOU!