The next day, a crowd of Black Stars all wearing suits and some other curious rumourmongers, including the entertainment news media, flocked together near the conference centre. The Black Stars waved huge banners of their Boss Iris in support of her.
Police officers prevented them from getting anywhere near the entrance. At first, the officers were alarmed by the group of suits-wearing people. They thought that a triad group had come to terrorize the international business conference.
Fortunately, the Black Stars quickly explained that they were fans of the celebrity turned interpreter Iris Long, and that they usually wore suits to support her. Only when the police verified this information that the Black Stars were allowed to stay.
Is this chapter length okay with you once in a while?
I'm feeling much better than last week, but I still don't have my usual energy. I still get tired easily doing the most basic things, so please stay patient. Once I regain my normal energy, I think we can return to our usual release schedule. Hopefully.
Thank you very much for your understanding and for continuing to support HGWS!!!
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