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36.48% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 23: Ch. 23 Hunting a flame in Orleans

Capítulo 23: Ch. 23 Hunting a flame in Orleans

The next week was probably the most relaxing and carefree since I became a teenager in my past life.

It helped that the time dilation made it closer to a month for us.

Spending time as a newly wed couple where no one could even try to bother us was pretty great.

Indulge in each other, lounge around lazily, enjoy cooking for each other a bit, something she was surprisingly excited to do and quite good at, and then there was just the fact that she was usually strutting around in one of my shirts and with no pants.

We also trained together when we were feeling a bit stiff or just wanted to use some of our demonic power. Something Serafall was interested in doing once I had freed her in talent in ice and water magic. I also helped her diplomatic talent and administrative skills so she would be able to better handle her job and be home more often.

So with that, the days passed and our little honeymoon away from everyone was coming to an end.

"Damn I love you." I told her as hugged her from behind and planted a kiss on her neck.

"*Giggle* Love~ you~ too~!" She replied happily in a sing-song manner, "But let me finish the stew. I want to get this last one right before we have to get back to work."

"*chuckle* Couldn't help myself in front of my oh so lovely wife." I responded with a little peck on her cheek.

"I know~" Sera said with her own quick kiss as she focused of the stew.

Although the stew didn't end up being as good as Liora's dishes, but it was more fulfilling to eat food made by my wife.

"So what's the plan after you go through general Devil stupidity?" I asked her as I took care of the dishes.

"Hmm. I have a meeting with the Hindu Pantheon about possible exchanging some Sanjeevani grass for Phoenix tears. Then I have to on the Romans to see how they're doing. I'm hoping to avoid them starting a war to get our Pantheon out of Italy or Rome even. And lastly Zechy and Juky wanted to have a meeting with me and Falby for some reason." She casually answered from the table as she enjoyed some strawberry ice cream.

"Let me know if those Romans cause you any trouble. I don't think I'll like it if both versions of Zeus hit on you though." I replied as I finished the dishes.

"Yes hubby! But what are you gonna do?" She said as she went to clean up her bowl and spoon.

"Going to go out in the human world for a bit. I have a lead on a Longinus that I think I can bring back for us." I answered as it was as good a time as any to go after Incinerate Anthem.

"Oooh, really!? That would be great! But make sure you aren't messing with any other faction or at least don't get caught while doing it." She reminded me half excitedly and half seriously.

"No worries love. I won't give you anymore paperwork." I jokingly replied with a smirk.

"Hmph. You better not or I might take mom up on learning her punishments for dad." She threatened mischievously.

"Yes ma'am." I replied in joke surrender.

The next day came all too soon honestly, but a week was the most we could stretch things with just staying inside the H.A.H. Serafall was a free spirit and needed to be out in the world to be really happy and that meant having to deal with our responsibilities, so making that week a month was the limit.

With a good day kiss and peppy step, she headed off to deal with all the stupidity that devils could cause, while I finally opened my last perk on knowing the location of Incinerate Anthem.

Surprisingly it was in France. Orleans to be more precise.

More annoyingly however, it seemed to currently be inside the cathedral of Orleans.

'Annoying, but easy enough to deal with in the right situation. Plenty of people disappear in these times after all.' I thought as I disappeared from my office.

-Cathedral of Orleans, France (3rd POV)

"We must hurry Jeanne. The people should not be kept waiting." The priest said as he dragged a beautiful young girl with him.

She was likely 14-15 judging by her face, but her well developed body made many men swallow in temptation as her bosom and curves remained visible even through the stuffy religious clothing she had been forced to wear almost her entire life.

The girl had remarkably pale complexion due to having been forced to basically remain trapped in one church, cathedral or monastery after another, with braided white-blonde hair forcibly kept so long that it almost reached her ankles and yellow eyes filled with frustration and… very well disguised anger, maybe even hatred.

"Why? It's just like always. Put on a smile for the faithful. Be nice to the faithful so they may feel her through me. And then go back to your room." She replied with some spite.

'But who cares about me? Or the fact that that all these bastards are just parading me around to feel less guilty about the fact that they burnt her to the stake like a witch. Or that every time I have to do these things, all I can dream about after is the pain and sadness or their betrayal. About how that fucking 'Lord' let me, her, die in agony after saving them.

They should all feel the same pain she did and that I feel every time these so called holy men show me off like I'm a damn relic.' She thought with pure venom as she did her best to do what she's always done ever since she had started to experience what holding the spirit of The Maid of Orleans entailed, endure.

When those men from the church called her a saint when her parents took her to church to have her blessed, she had been happy. But that changed when all too coincidentally, her parents were killed by devils and some exorcists saved her. She endured that.

When they told her she held the spirit of the last true holy woman of France and started to treat her like an object and forced her to study the Bible almost day and night. She endured that loneliness.

When they took her away from everyone she ever knew and locked her into various 'modest' rooms to keep her 'pure of heart and mind', transforming her into a prisoner in all but name? Jeanne endured that too.

The punishments for any sort of behavior not deemed 'Saint-like' she endured. Being tormented in her dreams by betrayal, pain and sadness, she endured. Forced to be a doll on display so hypocrites could feel better about themselves and use her as if she was a tool for them to gain power, she endured.

"That is not how our Maid should speak." The priest scolded much to the girl's annoyance.

'That's because I'm not her you delusional ass.' She thought as she just scoffed.

Being forcefully dragged, neither could possibly notice the Devil observing the situation with a smirk.

"How interesting. This may change my plans a bit. Such potential. And I might be able to keep her blessing as well. Only if I'm willing to go with plan b though." Lith said thoughtfully, "It seems a trip to heaven might be required after this."

Jeanne suddenly turned around instinctively looking in the direction of where she felt someone look at her, but seeing no one she quickly followed after the priest. She knew she was probably going to get punished later anyway, but might as well not make things worst.

Later that day Jeanne found herself back in her 'room', which was basically drab stone walls with a cot on the side, a small nightstand with a Bible on it, a small window and an altar for praying.

The girl was currently limping slightly from the latest 'teachings' of the bishop who oversaw her and the cathedral.

'Fucking bastard! fucking sadist! Hypocrite piece of shit!' She thought in rage as he dared say how grateful she should be to be a prisoner in all but name while he lives in the lap of luxury.

"Oh holy father, the one who cursed my existence by making me suffer for your name, if you have any shred of actual love for your so-called saints, give me my freedom.

You already took everything from me so give me at least that in return." The teenage girl said as she thought the tears of anger, resentment, sadness and weariness as she knelt at her altar.

"Well…" the smooth voice of a man said from her cot, causing her to jump in surprise and become slightly scared, "The dead can't help others much and I'm pretty far from being the big guy, but I'm all ears for a maiden in need."

Jeanne got a good look at the man who mysteriously appeared in her small room without a sound, finding the infiltrator to be a handsome young man with darker skin than she'd ever seen, plum colored hair, enchantingly bright green eyes, and wearing fine black clothes over a well muscled body.

The teenager felt intimidated by the clearly very large man silently appearing in her room near the night, but she was also curious and slightly hopeful after hearing what he had said.

'He isn't acting like those so-called blasphemers those pigs in robes always whine about when foreigners are mentioned. At least not like a flesh eating Barbadian who wants to defile any woman he meets.

It might be a bit exaggerated, but I should be beautiful by any standards and I'm not seeing anything similar to those looks the supposed priests or my 'guards' give me since I began maturing.' She thought carefully as she looked at her uninvited guest.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Jeanne asked as did her best to keep an impassive tone.

"Well I know about you so it's only fair to introduce myself." The man replied with a confident smile as he stood up and showed his impressive height as he basically towered over the girl. "My name is Lith Azaroth, Lord and Founder of House Azaroth. Husband of Satan Leviathan. A pleasure to meet you Jeanne, the second coming of the Maid of this city."

The introduction made Jeanne's eyes widen dramatically as she began to feel fear.

'How can a Devil be here!? And did he say he married a Satan!? Those monsters who want to destroy everything and turn our world into an extension of their hellish domain!?" She thought as she began looking around for something she could use to defend herself, not noticing the amused look on her guest as he looked at her.

"Wh-what do you want from me? A-are you h-here to kill me?" The girl asked as she did her best to not trigger the Devil before her into turning into the slaughtering monster she had been taught about all her life.

"Originally yes." He bluntly admitted as the girl's breathing began growing erratic. "There's something inside of you I desired to obtain, but after seeing that you were the host I decided to maybe go about things differently."

"D-did you come for my soul?" She fearfully asked.

"*Sigh* I get that it was a popular practice at one point, but it basically stopped about 300 years ago." Lith replied as he passed his hand through his hair.

"T-then what do you want from me?" The girl asked a bit calmer.

"Inside of you is something called a Sacred Gear. A tool created by God before his death to give humanity a chance to combat the supernatural world. Not just devils, fallen angels, witches, wizards and beasts of the night either, even the gods of other beliefs should one become strong enough. And you have a specific one I had desired." Lith answered her calmly.

"Great. Not only do I have to deal with being her, now I have a holy armement too. Just how much is He trying to cage me up?" Jeanne cried out in frustration as she momentarily forgot her fear towards her guest. "Wait, did you say God was dead?"

The sudden realization that the Devil before her had said that not once, but twice, finally hit her.

"Yeah, not really commonly known outside the higher ups, but he died alongside the original Satans over 100 years ago. Micheal's been doing his best to run Heaven, but it's pretty obvious that he can barely keep things going." Lith replied with a thoughtful look, "Now that I think about it, it's probably why you have the spirit of Jeanne D'Arc. Her spirit slipped out of His system and became part of you."

"So the reason I had to go through all this crap, is because God is already dead?" Jeanne said in disbelief.

"Not really sure, since there have been some examples of other famous heroes of old having second comings, but that's from other pantheons, but your case is pretty likely to be becaused of that." Lith honestly answered the girl.

'So all this time, I had to suffer because of some broken system under a dead man?' Jeanne thought as she looked at her hands which had been canned alongside the bottom of her feet. With tears beginning to fall from her eyes as everything started crashing down on her.

*Sob* *Sob*

With a heavy sigh at sight of a teenage girl crying like this, Lith stood up and carefully approached the girl.

"Come on, let's sit you down at least and I'll have a look at you." He gently told her as he guided her to her cot.

As the girl cried her frustrations, sadness, anger and at the pointlessness of her pain, Lith tenderly removed her shoes and applied a restorative balm to her bleeding skin, causing it rapidly mend, following up on her hands as he silently applied more there.

He was honestly thinking that his decision so far was the right one. He had plans to simply kill the person holding Incinerate Anthem silently or making it look like an accident if it was some random person, especially since there had been no news of the church gaining such an important Longinus user. But killing an innocent girl who had already not been living the best life, was something which wouldn't sit well with him.

Plus, Incinerate was just his surest bet, Lith had many other possibilities to work with and 500 years to work on them.

"*Sniff* *Sniffle* What was that?" The girl asked through some sobs as she began to calm down.

"A balm made in the Underworld. Devils can't really practice healing magic, so we learn how to create potions and medicine like this to cure our wounded. We have something called Phoenix Tears, but that's only for life and death injuries due to its scarcity." Lith answered her gently.

"*Sniff* Thank you." Jeanne quietly said as she did her best to wipe her tears with her sleeves.

"No problem." The Devil responded with more kindness than she had experienced from anyone in a long time.

"So," Jeanne started off awkwardly due to having been comforted by a being who is supposed to be the enemy of humanity, "Why don't you want to kill me anymore? It's not like I could stop you. I didn't even know I had a holy armament until you told me."

"Killing for some power I could achieve in another way would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Yours was simply the most compatible I could think of with myself and the easiest to obtain for me." Lith simply answered which surprised her.

"Why would a Devil care about killing a human? Even more when it's a Saint like me?" She questioned.

"Well being half human might be part of it. But my greed might be another." Lith answered the girl.

"Humans and devils can have children?!" She asked out of shock. She had never heard about that.

"Yeah, but it usually doesn't end well even if the parents had the child out of love." The Devil replied a bit sadly at the thought.

"I didn't know devils could love, but why doesn't it end well?" The curious girl asked since this is so a unique chance for her.

"Of course we feel love. Problem is that we also have a stronger connection to sin than humans and live a lot longer while also having different values, so it usually doesn't happen often that a Devil can have a meaningful and long lasting relationship with a human.

But the real reason it doesn't end well, even if it does happen, is that either the church or whatever noble down bellow, orders the death of both parents and the child due to it being either a 'sin' or an insult to their name." Lith explained to the sheltered girl.

"How can they do that!?" She exclaimed in outrage.

"It's how things are. If they can do what they do to you, imagine what they'll do to people who 'get seduced by devils'." The hybrid replied distastefully, causing Jeanne's face to scrunch up as she looked at her now healed hands.

"Yeah." She quietly said in thought.

"Not that devils haven't done and aren't still doing stupid and plainly malicious deeds due to some believing in their innate superiority allowing them to do whatever they please, or in pursuit of pleasure, gains or simply for ego, or even due to the belief that devils ought to be evil and selfish. But sometimes humans are truly their own monsters." Lith added as he didn't want to give the girl the wrong idea about devils.

Jeanne couldn't help but agree.

Ever since she was young, she grew more and more disillusioned by the church as she experienced how the 'men of the cloth' really were. Lustful, greedy, gluttonous and avaricious pigs the lot of them, with prides surpassing nobles most of the time and quicker to anger than most, envious of the wealth and power of others as they try to use the 'faith' of the people to gain whatever they please.

It disgusted her.

"So what is are you going to do with me?" Jeanne asked at the devil hybrid who, so far, seemed a lot more human than most of the priests she knew.

"Honestly, I am debating a few options:

Number one. I just go back and wait until you pass on, waiting for your death to either take the gear or go after the next person who has it. I have plenty of time and humans aren't exactly a long lived race. You'd live your life out as it 'should' be I guess and we never meet again." Lith said, which Jeanne thought would be too bad since she found talking with the dark skinned Devil was the most freeing interaction she'd had in years.

No pressure to be the 'Maid of Orleans' or act like a saint. Just being her.

"Two. I give up on your gear and start a search for another while you live your life." Again not great since her situation doesn't change at all.

"Three. I take you from here and train you on how to use you gear and in exchange for joining me you'll receive the freedom from the church you desire." Now that got Jeanne's attention as some hope sparked in her eyes.

"Um, can you?" She hesitantly asked.

"Hm? Well it would come with some conditions of course." Lith answered.

"Like? You already said you don't want my soul." The teen asked curiously.

"Mostly that you'd follow my laws and direct orders. Aside from that you would generally be free to do as you wish as long as you stay in my territory." He explained, "That last part is because I don't see a human with your holy power being warmly welcomed anywhere else. While my people will be fine with it as long as I say it's fine."

"Are you a tyrant?" The girl asked.

"I do hold absolute power there, but I don't think my people see me as a tyrant. It's more like most of them understand wanting a safe place to live where they can hope and dream. The place is full of weirdos, misfits, the desperate, and those who've suffered in the past." Lith answered with a fond smile as he thought about all those passionate idiots he's met.

"Sounds nice when you talk about it like that. Are you sure you're talking about a city filled with devils in hell?" Jeanne asked with a bit of amusement, but also some jealousy that the supposed evils of the world could dream and hope while she was caged up.

"Want to see it? You'd see it eventually if you went with option three or four." Lith replied with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the pale girl.

"You can take me away from here?" She asked hopefully.

"Easily. But I will have to return you since your disappearance at this moment would be problematic. Plus take this as a sample." Lith replied with confidence as he held out his hand.

Jeanne looked at the big Devil with a handsome look, the kindness and patience he's shown with her and the offer her had proposed as she eyed his outstretched hand.

It was everything she had been warned about when it comes to devils. A perfect deal which should inevitably go wrong for her as he would reveal his true face and torture her for eternity once she was in his grasp.

But that was also why it was so tempting. She desired her freedom from the church which kept her as a living relic to show off to the masses, while being locked up at any other moment. To get away from the bastards and hypocrites who would betray her again and cause her pain everyday. To just live her life away from all these pigs acting in the name of a dead god, justifying her suffering day and night as her burden to bare.

So she took the devil's hand and the two vanished from the small room without anyone being the wiser.

-Capital City of Azura, Castle Azaroth Main Gate.

The two appeared, much to the surprise of the guards until they recognized their lord.

"Lord Azaroth!" The guards called out.

"Hey guys. Follum, Whik, how are you two doing today?" Lith said to them with a casual smile.

"Doing fine M'Lord! We have some more congratulatory gifts from some of the residents waiting for inspection, but all quiet besides that." Whik answered with salute.

"Well, quiet is a way to say it. More like no one's been trying to do anything stupid here while the celebrations are still going." Follum added with a smile.

"Haha! Too bad you lost your bets and got stuck here then!" Lith boisterously replied to the two.

"Bah! I would have won that bet if it wasn't for that last hand." Complained Whik, "But at least the ladies still give this Whik some attention when they pass by. Follum on the other hand looks so lonely."

"You little shit! It's only because I'm actually married and have someone to go home to. But at least the extra pay makes up for it and I can take her out for a nice dinner tonight." Follum shot back as he gloated.

"Are all devils like this?" Jeanne wondered aloud as she watched the Devil Lord who had seemed so mysterious before, just casually talk to two guards in front of a massive castle.

"Nah, just our lord girly. Most Lords wouldn't even look at us, while some would spit on us even." Whik answered with some pride.

"Aye. No other Lord would bother to know our names either. Just guards after all." Follum followed up.

"That's because they all think with their egos and can't know what fun is even if you hit them with it." Lith said, causing the three men to burst out laughing while Jeanne looked at them.

"Anyway M'Lord, how was your time with the new missus?" Follum asked as another married man.

"Great. Honestly didn't know a meal from your own wife could make you feel so happy." Lith answered him.

"Aye. The food in the city tastes the best from anywhere, but there's just something about a wife's cooking that hits different." The man agreed.

"Bah! No need to rub it in my face you know." Complained Whik.

"Then you get married!" Replied Follum as the two began a song and dance they had done many times before.

"Come on, I'll show you around the city. These two will take a while." Lith told Jeanne as he pulled her by the hand.

What came next was a day filled with shock and awe as the sheltered girl walked through a place straight out of stories.

Unlike the images the church told about the underworld, a world filled with fire and blood, this was a city far surpassing even Paris and Orleans in terms of beauty, life and happiness.

She saw devils do incredible things as she witnessed magic which wasn't miracles or blessings for the first time. Tasted food which brought her to tears as it made her remember her mother's cooking. Talked to people like she was just a normal girl, even if they were respectful due to her being with Lith.

Jeanne was even surprised to learn that all the festivities around her were because Lith had actually gotten married to a Satan, something she had kind of forgotten he had mentioned. But finding out that it's been a whole week and still going strong was just ridiculous.

When she met said Satan, she was just blown away that she was such a beautiful and cheerful person as she happily greeted her without any suspicion.

"*Chuckle* Sera can have that effect on people." Lith told her as he saw her dazed look after his wife left to take a nice bath.

"It thought she would be more… intimidating, I guess." Jeanne replied with a wry smile.

"That's only if you piss her off. Then you'll end up frozen in ice which will never thaw." Lith responded with a smile.

"It's a bit difficult to see." The girl said as she remembered being hugged by the cheerful Satan.

"You would understand if options three or four are taken." Lith responded.

"You never said what option four was." Jeanne probed as she looked at the man she had probably spent the longest amount of time with beside her late father.

"That is the most difficult choice for you and the one with the longest lasting effect." Lith seriously began as he looked into her yellow eyes directly. "Let me explain what a peerage is first."

One explanation later.

"So I could become a Devil?" She asked as she digested the information.

"Yes. You would be bound to me until either of us dies or something drastic happens." Lith answered, "You would be considered part of my House and receive everything and anything I can give to help you grow stronger and for you to fulfill your endeavors."

"That sounds too good to be true. There has to be some conditions." Jeanne said to the Devil.

"Of course there are conditions beyond the standard one I've told you regarding becoming a peerage member." He replied seriously at the girl. "I expect loyalty and friendship to myself and my people, which can slowly be built over time as we get to know each other and you explore my lands. During battle you will be my most trusted forces, so strength and intelligence are a must. And i will expect for at least professionalism amongst my peerage even if you can't be friends with each other."

"That's reasonable." Jeanne murmured as she thoughts about everything.

"Don't feel rushed." Lith then told her as she looked up in surprise.

She had thought that this was an offer she needed to answer now or it would be gone.

"Take your time digesting everything properly. I'll visit you so we can talk during the next few days and you can ask more questions. If you can give me answer in about a week, then that's great, if not, like I said, i can be patient." The Devil told her understandingly as she nodded firmly.

After bringing her back to her room, which now felt even more lonely and lifeless than ever before after the fantastical time she had just spent with a Devil lord, Jeanne began to seriously think about what she could do with her life now that she had been given a real choice.

Almost like Eve herself, but hopefully without such a bad ending.

The next week was both a blessing and a curse as Jeanne began to only have Lith's visits to look forward to as she was forced into 'training' intensively as the city prepared for the annual festival held in Jeanne D'Arc's honor.

The biggest problem for Jeanne however, was that her connection to the Maid's spirit strengthened during this time, making her feel her life even more intensely than usual and causing her to feel the pain and betrayal clearer than any other time.

It got so bad that her new Devil friend even gifted her potions for dreamless sleep so she could avoid the dreams.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You said that it's been getting worse. I'm worried your current state might even make your Sacred Gear awaken." Lith told her from the room they had put Jeanne in after making sure she was ready to be presented.

"I'll be fine. This is the last thing I'll do and that's only so her spirit can at least feel a bit of peace for the suffering she went thought. After that, I decided to come with you. I'll become a member of your peerage if you'll have me." The teenage girl declared seriously as she looked at the person she felt the strongest connection to ever since her parents 'died'.

Lith had confirmed the church was behind the death of her parents during the week, in order to give her some closure, and now she was just staying here for Jeanne D'Arc. Her spirit might have caused her a lot of pain and suffering, but it wasn't her fault. All the blame was on the church. Plus she had been a sort of companion and teacher.

"Then I'll be around until everything is over." Lith softly told the girl, "Don't push yourself too hard. I want to introduce you to the two other members later after all."

"I hope I can be friends with them." Jeanne replied with a small smile.

"Mana has a hard time opening up because of her hard life and personality, but she's a good girl who cares about her close ones. While Leonardo is rather a bit too open about himself, but he's friendly and passionate. You would probably hit it off with Yasaka and Tamamo who are currently in the care of myself and my wife, and let's not forget my unicorn familiar Sigil." Lith replied with a warm smile to the hopeful girl.

"You have a unicorn!?" She exclaimed in shock.

"Yup. Rescued him when he was a newborn. Became quite the chivalrous fellow." Lith answered fondly.

"Do you think I'd be able to ride him? I am pure." She asked with big hopeful eyes.

"Haha! Being a virgin's got nothing to do with it! But he'd probably be up for it since you'll be family." Lith mirthfully answered the girl.

"Then that's one more thing to look forward to after this is done." She replied with a look of excitement.

The festival which she was to be the central figure of, was simply one to honor the woman the people of Orleans still believe to be their savior, no matter what the English and pro-English pigs who had captured and trialed her said. So while it caused her a lot of pain, Jeanne went through everything for them. The people who never renounced her.

Doing her best so that they may enjoy things one last time with the 'second coming of the maid', Jeanne perfectly enacted her role, much to the liking of those in charge of her.

They believed their 'teachings' had finally gotten through the spiteful girl.

Too bad the next morning would reveal that Jeanne had disappeared in the dead of night, leaving only her long braid behind, with the investigation finding a secret exit which had been unknown prior to this event.

The investigation led to the entire city being put on lock down as they searched everywhere for the girl, thinking she had escaped without much thought and couldn't have gotten out due to the gates not even being open during the night anyway.

Too bad she didn't need to leave from the gates.

Their target hadn't even left the Cathedral's premises as she watched everything from its roof with Lith.

But they would be shocked if they did find her due to her having truly cut off her long braid and now wearing some black men's clothes she had liked when visiting Azura, something Lith had noticed and gotten for her.

"How did you know about the secret passage?" She asked him out of simple curiosity.

"I made it." He answered with a smirk.

"How?" She asked.

"My powers revolve around [Space], a concept I'll explain later, but suffice to say that creating a simple secret passage is rather easy for me." Lith bragged a bit.

"Alright then. Shall we go then, my Lord?" She replied with while teasing a bit since she had never actually called him a lord before due to always feeling rather close with the Devil.

"We shall my dear." He responded as the two disappeared from the city.



This was actually something I wasn't planing on doing until I had like three sudden inspirations.

The first was a revelation that a planned peerage member fit a different piece than I had originally thought and made some adjustments.

Second was that since DxD Jeanne was supposed to have the spirit of the Original Jeanne d'arc, this should mean other have had it before her, which led to the frequently requested Saint becoming a possibility.

But what really clinched everything was when I thought about Jalter's fire abilities and then about Lith's perk and desire regarding Incinerate Anthem, which led me to recreate a Jeanne Alter in DxD who has the Longinus and has a strong hatred for the church due to being heavily controlled and being influenced by how strong the Spirit of the original is.

So tadaa, Jalter now be a Peerage member. Half because Lith said the truth when he feels bad if her did just kill her and could actually just wait, and partially because he say a bit of himself in her.

Plus he was planning on sneaking a peek at God's system anyway and this would let him look through secondary Sacred Gear options.

I already have a pretty nifty idea for a replacement.

And before people complain that I'm using to much Nasu-Verse stuff, I did say at the beginning that it was going to be added into this specific DxD verse.

Anyway, should be a timeskip of a few decades next, with another peerage member coming up.

So far it's 3/13 members recruited. May change if another bout of inspiration hits.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Sorry for no chapter yesterday. Was really tired and fell asleep early.

But I hope the longest chap yet can make up for it.

Had some more fun writing it and had the urge to have Jeanne burn the entire place to the ground, but sadly it was not meant to be since although she hates the church, she actually cares for the people or Orleans at least for always being on her past self’s side.

But Lith get’s the witch England had fabricated after all.


next chapter
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