The sound of silverware on plates and cheerful banter filled the room. As I looked down the long wooden table I caught the gazes of several men.
Some had eyes filled with curiosity, others with lust, or desire. But a few eyes stood out from the rest. I saw hope for a better future, kindness in a shy glance coupled with a smile. I could tell from the start that each individual had their own reasons for being here. Whether they be pure and genuine or false, only time will truly tell.
Time ticked on as everyone finished our first meal together. The tapping on a goblet caught the attention of the table.
"Clink clink clink!"
A young man with raven black hair with a matching set of dark eyes stood up from his seat. He cleared his throat looking over the remaining guests making sure they were paying attention before turning to me. Our eyes locked as he said,
"I'd like to make a toast, to one of the worlds finest treasures, Fanariel. I hope you find happiness and true love this year on your birthday. To many more memories to come, happy birthday!"
He raised his glass on the last line.
The rest of the room stood from their seats raising their cups as they said in union,
"Happy Birthday!"
They all took a sip of wine before taking their seats. I nodded my head in thanks to this mysterious dark and handsome man before bringing the night to the last event.
"Gentlemen," I said as I stood from my seat,
"I thank you again for traveling all this way to celebrate my birthday with me. But also for wanting to get to know me on a more intimate level. It is my hope that I will get to know each and every one of you better. I have, as you all know, a big decision to make after all of these festivities. So please, join me as we take a walk outside to enjoy a little display before retiring for the night. I've heard that our schedule for tomorrow will be quite packed indeed and I'm sure you each need your rest. So come, please follow me."
I turned to lead the way, but didn't get far before a hand was offered. Another handsome young man with light brown hair and green eyes smiled at me. I returned his smile and accepted his hand as I continued to lead the way for the rest of the gentlemen to follow.
"What is your name?" I asked the man beside me.
"Alastaire," He replied, first prince of the Griffin Kingdom.
"How very interesting indeed, although an invitation was sent, I did not truly believe your father the King would accept." I said with a slight grin. Although I must admit I was truly happy he did, and not just any son did he send but his eldest. What a treat indeed.
"By your expression I can tell that your glad he did, I can only hope that you will be thankful later on that I insisted I be the one to come instead of my younger brother. After your portrait was brought I could not live another second without seeing your face in real life...and might I add Empress Fanariel, merely a fraction of your beauty was captured in that painting."
"I'm flattered you think that Prince Alastaire. I can only hope, as well, that I will come to appreciate your decision to join me here."
We travled down the halls and out to the back courtyard. Everyone lined up on the back porch railing as we looked out at the sky. The stars were shining brightly, twinkling like winks in the night. Their beauty was captivating to me but the beauty of something else captivated the eyes of others that night.
"Now that we are all here, let my little surprise begin!" I shouted excitedly.
Explosions of color lit up the sky even more so. An array of colors ignited raining back down to the earths damp ground.
I absolutely loved fireworks, watching them every year on my birthday. It was the one thing I looked forward to the most. Something about the display seemed so romantic and exciting. I couldn't contain my smile and giggles. Fireworks truly brought out the young girl in me.
My only regret being that I wish they could last forever.
The brightness slowly took on its natural hue again from the stars above. My head was still tilted up in anticipation for more fireworks to come. Several seconds later I came back to my senses.
"That concludes our night gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did. I wish you all a good night and look forward to seeing you all in the morning. Until then."
I went to take my leave back to my bed chambers. Each of the guests were assigned rooms opposite of the grounds from mine. Tonight, was an exciting night. I only hope that things get even better from here.