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61.32% Hentai Verse / Chapter 157: Gloryhole Princess Fiora [1]

Capítulo 157: Gloryhole Princess Fiora [1]


Princess Fiora had always been a bit different even among the eccentric high elves. But then she was tasked eradicating a demonic sex cult and ended up leading them as their gloryhole goddess of the void.

Tags: Portal Gloryhole, Female Voyeur, Vaginal Sex, Oral


The ruling council of the Grand Principality of Merana met once a week but usually not everybody was present. Especially not Princess Fiora von Merana who held a mostly ceremonial position as the heir to the grand princess. If Fiora would get to decide, she would not even be in the council but her mother was very insistent on the matter now that the noble daughter was over twenty and needed to gather merits to her name to stay as the heir.

"I'm delighted that you decided to join us today," Prince Logar who sat next to Fiora voiced. Despite not being related to the princess he was in the line of succession if something unfortunate would ever happen to her. Though so were all the princes in the council who represented the main elven noble houses on the ancient flying island-state that was currently in the middle of the sea packed full of trade goods from one continent to the other.

"I'm glad my presence delights you," Fiora voiced with thin lips while she fiddled with her silky purple hair that matched her mother's due to the magical affinity the two high elves were born with. The princess did not know why but she seemed to be the only one who thought that all of the council members wearing matching garments with their eyes and hair was infinitely silly. Sure it came from an ancient tradition but it did not make it look any less like the table was surrounded by a rainbow with most colors on the spectrum.

"We are all delighted since there is a simple task you should volunteer to do," Grand Princess Afera von Merana voiced from the fanciest chair around the large round table. Despite her considerable age, the ancient elf did not look that many days older than her daughter who was only in her twenties.

"Whatever may I do to the principality," Fiora voiced with a nod. Despite her reluctance, the heir knew she was going to do the task one way or the other as Afera had gone through the trouble of finding another rare void mage to sire a pure-blooded void user and the grand princess was not going to let her only daughter slack off.

"There are whispers of a demonic cult taking root among our hard-working human population. With the progress you have made in your studies, you should be more than able to track them down and eradicate them within days," Afera voiced while emphasizing with her tone her daughter's void magic that was the most feared among all elements. "It should serve you as good practice on tracking down our enemies where ever they are hiding."

"It shall be done as you instruct," Fiora nodded again. Afera slid her a small letter with further details.

"You may leave on your mission with haste," Afera voiced. Just from her tone, Fiora knew she was told to leave just because of how bored she had been looking today. Just as she had planned.

"Princes, grand princess, I will take my leave then," Fiora nodded and stood up to walk out of the hall. Once she entered a small utility closet on the corridor, she opened a void portal and went through it. Because her magic was rare, her mother did not want her to publicly demonstrate it in any form. But still encouraged to practice it and its applications as much as possible in secret using stealth.

** * **

For a moment Fiora simply floated in the dark void. Even if she did not want to do the tedious task, she still eventually had to before her mother would come after her. Despite the princess being invisible even to other similar mages in the vast void, unless the designated heir would just escape the city-state entirely she would be eventually tracked down and punished.

"Ooh well, find the cult first, decide how slow I want to do it after," Fiora mused and opened a one-way viewing portal that let her see the large floating city-state from above from perfect stealth. It had many towers and walls that divided it into multiple sections that were patrolled by airships. The sight was beautiful in multiple ways as the sea was under the flying island and the open blue sky above it.

Even as the void bordering realities lacked most laws of the physical world Fiora still had a limited reach out of it. So she floated her focus to the human sections of the city to find people talking about the demon cult. Like magical cameras, one-way portals opened all around Fiora and she saw people and streets through them.

"This is going to be so boring, can't the cult just yell where they are and be done with it," Fiora muttered while focusing to hear any suspicious words the moving portals around her might catch. She was not sure how long it lasted but eventually, she heard someone mention a demon in a suspicious context.

"Just thinking that we might fuck a sex demon tonight makes me so hard," a coarse human voiced just before the easily bored princess was about to fall asleep. Though the word sex was the one that made her focus first as listening to humans talk about that was far more interesting than how the sea would affect the weather on the island or some other boring trivial matter.

"Of course they just want to fuck demons, such base humans not knowing the dangers," Fiora shrugged and focused her magical monitors on the origin of the voice. It came from a narrow alley where two men were talking to each other.

"I heard once you fuck a demon, you can't go back. We should enjoy an earthly fuck before ruining our cocks for life," the older of the two mused. "Especially since demons can make you hard with magic and stuff I heard."

"There is a good and cheap gloryhole nearby. We could go there since there is a few hours before the set time," the other offered.

"Ehh, sure, lead the way," the older shrugged and the two began moving.

"Gloryhole? Isn't that some human word for low-class brothels... I know my mother would not want me to dirty myself seeing such a thing... but since seeing it is part of my mission. I can't risk losing these two," Fiora muttered with a sudden need to swallow. Just thinking the humans acting like base animals was making her a bit excited as so far she had only secretly watched her servants masturbate due to increasingly common accidents while practicing void magic. Though even she had to admit that the few dozen last times had not been exactly accidents since she knew the men did the act on most nights and she had opened one-way viewing portals into their rooms waiting it to happen.

"So you two deranged humans have the honor of giving me a tour of what a... gloryhole is," Fiora voiced with a tilted grin while following the two. On the way, she learned the men were called Jack and Logan. She watched them enter a shady-looking place with armed guards and give some silver coins to an even shadier-looking human in black robes.

The men walked along a corridor until they saw some open wall holes and began digging their cocks out. They might have looked a bit disgusting but still, they made the curious princess watching them feel a weird tingle going up her spine.

"Heh, yeah hide your filthy cocks," Fiora mused while the men inserted themselves into the holes. "But why would they pay for just putting their things through a wall."

Out of sheer curiosity, Fiora looked at what was behind the wall and it was a short-haired blond half-elf on her knees. She slid her tongue up the cock while holding its base.

"She's licking it... and a half-elf," Fiora uttered almost in momentary shock. Both of them had the same pointed ears but this one was on her knees cleaning the filthy manhood of the human.

"She does not even see how bearded and ugly the humans are... but still she is eating that like some... candy... it can't taste that good. It must taste disgusting," Fiora commented while fixing the angle of her portal to have a better view of the technique the half-elf was using. She had even closed her eyes like the skilled professional did not even need to see the cock to know what to do with it.

"They aren't even seeing how pretty she is," the elf princess kept stuttering while her body heated. "They would not even know... if I was on the other side. Or if it was an orc or a pig, so filthy."

"I knew humans were deranged base beasts but this is something else," Fiora voiced while opening a one-way portal to see what was happening to the other cock. It was being fucked by a relatively attractive black-haired human.

"S-she took it in... like it's nothing... the filthy thing of a man whose face she hasn't even seen," Fiora uttered and zoomed on the cock sliding in the soaked human pussy. The skillful pace of the movement was almost mesmerizing to her.

Fiora let her hands slide to feel her nethers through her purple robes. Especially when the half-elf began fucking the cock on her side it made the princess swallow hard while the heat rose in her body. Even if she had liked seeing the cocks being jerked, this was on the next level when it came to the reactions of her body.

"Did the princess come to work or did my cock just enter heaven," Jack commented. Just mentioning the title in this context made Fiora's body jerk. Though she was able to guess it was some pet name or something to the half-elf who looked almost regal. Though she did not reply but twisted her hip a bit like they were not supposed to talk or something.

"Damn degenerates... making even me feel weird," Fiora voiced. Actual sex was happening right in front of her and the half-elf was even smiling. Like she was actually enjoying pleasing the cock whose owner she had not seen. Just like Fiora had enjoyed watching her unaware servants touch themselves.

Even as the noble princess knew how disgusting what she was watching was supposed to be, she was unable to stop herself from getting aroused. But just when she thought the act would not turn any more deranged, the half-elf grabbed the base of the cock the moment it slipped out of her and turned around to suck it.

"L-licked it clean? It was in your... hole and you liked it clean?" Fiora uttered while realizing why the manhood had begun to deflate. She even zoomed in to see how clear white cum was dripping out of the kneeling half-elf.

"So filthy... so deranged," Fiora panted. She had been so focused on simply watching that both of the men had climaxed even before she had gotten to decide if she would let herself masturbate. Though the half-elf did not seem to have that issue as she began rubbing her clit while staring at the hole waiting for the next client.

Fiora kept staring at the half-elf touching herself long enough for the next customer to push his green cock into the service hole. It immediately jolted the princess to remember her task even as she made a mental note about the location of the establishment for further inspections since it was definitely not legal and should be carefully observed.

It barely took minutes for Fiora to find the two men sitting on barrels on an alley. For some time they talked about some construction project that indicated they were part of its crew even as the princess really did not understand the details of the things they talked about.

"Any bets on how tight a high elf cunt is?" Jack asked seemingly out of nowhere like he had gotten bored of talking about the best ways to hone dry pine wood. Though so was Fiora listening to it so the sudden topic change made her face jolt with excitement.

"Really tight, might cut your cock off. Especially if you thinking our grand princess," Logan replied and an immediate look of confused disgust distorted Fiora's face.

"More like the daughter, she even younger than us so she must be tight even for a high elf," Jack clarified and the look of disgust on Fiora's face tilted to gape. Though she quickly shook her head to remove the image of the human testing her tightness.

"You sick degenerates, I'm right here," Fiora flared even as the men were unable to hear her. "But I guess I will allow this talk as long as you don't creep on my old as mountains mother and help me find the nest of the demon worshiping idiots."

"Why limit your dreams, just imagine fucking both of them. They could be twins with their sexy eternal looks," Logan shrugged with a grin. He was looking at the central spire of the city with distant eyes.

"No no and no. Don't even imagine that you filthy humans," Fiora uttered even as she herself did so at that very minute despite the feeling of disgust. Though her mind twisted the features of both look like actual twins to make it more tolerable to her.

"Yeah, those perky breasts on both of them. Could slap my cock between them and have better fuck than some whores," Jack exclaimed and did a grabbing motion in the air.

"You want to fuck these? That's so dirty," Fiora voiced while grabbing her breasts to feel their handful size. Even through the robes, they were very perky and pleasant to touch even to their owner.

"Just imagine, you and me spit-roasting that tight high elf cunt on this alley," Logan mused.

"You want to cook and eat me?" Fiora stuttered. She was immediately assaulted by mental images of the men sucking her breasts.

"You can have her high-cunt, I'll fuck her throat while staring into the crying purple eyes," Jack voiced while standing up and holding something in the air in front of his crotch.

"Why would I cry? There is no way some humans can make me cry," Fiora said while staring at the man dry fuck air.

"Princess Fiora, I'm going to cream your cunt like a fat pie," Logan added and stood up like to hold something in the air opposite of Jack.

"You want to eat me with cream? I did not think even the commoners were that starved," Fiora exclaimed to herself while images of the men licking cream from her skin filled her mind.

"Take that royal cunt, once we are done with you. We are going to sell you like a whore and get rich," Logan declared and slapped the air.

"I don't have that much meat... but I'm starting to think spit-roast is some weird human sex thing," Fiora voiced while her mind positioned her naked form bending down between the two. Usually, when she had watched her servants masturbating, they had been looking at some kind of picture of her or muttered her name. But even when compared to that this was far more twisted to her mind to comprehend.

"I'm going to buy a three-room house with your tight holes, every fucker wants your cunt," Jack grinned and began doing short pumps in the air.

"Do you act out these weird plays often or something? But you just were at the gloryhole and the half-elf was pretty," Fiora uttered while the men accelerated to a ridiculous thrusting speed like in some exercise routine. "Are you like some deranged lust beasts that think about me all the time?"

"Or we could just lock that tight ass in a fuck-box in our room and keep it all for ourselves," Logan pondered. "Would really brighten that damp room."

"No amount of private cunt is worth living in that dump if we can get rich," Jack flared and stopping his air-fucking.

"Might be right about that. We better get going so we won't be late. Would not want to waste the silvers we contributed for the ritual," Logan voiced and grabbed Jack's wide shoulder.

"Where are you going? Didn't you want to fuck me?" Fiora uttered while being very glad in seconds the humans had not heard her in the void. Once again she had been too focused on watching to start properly masturbating herself.

"Yeah, the sex demon not fucking itself," Jack shrugged. "There better be one this time or that damn high priest is going to get it."

"Aah right, your dumb suicidal demon cult thing," Fiora muttered while closely tracking the men. "Just watch me let you be eaten by some abomination or fucked to death before I eradicate the demon filth."

** * **

Fiora followed the men to a large underground room filled with black-robed men wearing silver masks. It was clearly the right place even as she was not sensing anything demonic and everything in the hall looked like copies of real demonic artifacts.

"Welcome my faithful. Today is the day all your sacrifices will pay fruit as we summon the most beautiful sex demon into the world that will satisfy all your desires," one of the silver masks declared. He was obviously the cult's high priest but no matter how hard Fiora tried to examine him he wore nothing dangerous or illegal.

"Fall to your knees and pray eyes closed for the sex demon to appear," the high priest declared and he stepped on some bag that exploding into a thick mist. It did not really hinder Fiora's vision as she simply adjusted her portals to show heat. She saw how around twenty supposed cultists were kneeling on the ground while the high priest made his way to the stone altar filled with offerings and began to take coin pouches and jewelry from it.

"Is that guy planning on running away?" Fiora muttered as the man was quick and silent in his task and barely took a minute to empty the altar into his robes. "This has to be some kind of crime even if it's not demon summoning... fraud? Or was that only illegal if done to nobles?"

A wide playful smile spread on Fiora's lips as she got an idea. She could easily amuse herself with these men without even her mother really caring what would happen to them. Though since only one of them was an actual criminal, the merciful princess at least planned to hold back.

As the high priest tried to run away to a side corridor, a portal opened in front of him that sent him right back to the altar. Even in the smoke he immediately stopped moving like he had realized that something was wrong.

In the next moment, several portals sucked out the smoke using an air pressure trick to reveal the confused high priest to his followers. As all of them had felt the strong wind, they all looked at him like something was going to happen soon.

"Now, how should I play with them... I know, they wanted some sex demon to worship but what about a goddess," Fiora pondered while the images from the gloryhole kept vividly visiting her mind. Especially how the men would not know who had been toying with their cocks.

"It is I, your goddess. You have awoken me from my slumber with your strong faith alone," Fiora declared through a speaking portal she opened to boom her void in the stone hall. "The high priest may offer his cock to me as his reward."

Once done talking Fiora closed the special portal so she could mutter to herself without being overheard. Then she opened a portal that did not transport sound to the stone altar's side where the offerings had been collected. To the robed men, it looked like a small swirl of purple magic.

All eyes were on the high priest and even his gloved hands were suddenly trembling. The fact he began stepping towards the altar made Fiora assume he had realized that he was dealing with some pretty powerful entity or was very afraid of the others.

"There is no way he is putting it in. Only a complete idiot would do it. Just look how dangerous looking it is," Fiora voiced with a tilted smile. Even as void magic was very rare and it excelled in stealth by being hard to detect by other mages, she still made the portal seem as strange as possible.

"If the goddess demands it, I shall deliver," the high priest declared and fell to his knees in front of the altar. A moment later his decent-sized cock was pushed into the vortex and it appeared floating next to Fiora.

"Damn pervert, I could cut it off or make it appear inside a rock," Fiora exclaimed. Her lips gaped a bit while she tried to resist the temptation to just touch it a bit to learn what it felt like. Her servants jerked them all the time so it most likely was somewhat pleasant.

"Then don't mind if I do, since you gave your cock to your merciful goddess," Fiora voiced and grabbed the cock with her left hand before she would regret it. Though as she felt up the strangely smooth, soft but yeat hard experience her mouth began to water a bit. She could play with this cock as much as she wanted and not just watch her servants do it and nobody would know it was her.

"I better be careful not to make him cum too fast. They always stop it when they do it," Fiora voiced while her hand gently stroked the manhood. Despite her interest, it was her first time touching one so she kept looking at it with great focus. There was a certain familiarity to it but there was no way the princess would even think that she could recognize someone just from their cock alone.

Fiora's breathing washed over the sensitive member while she was forced to repeatedly swallow her excess saliva. The longer she looked at the raw man-meat the tastier it looked to her. From the lollipop tip to the veined shaft. Not to mention it felt so oddly silky and tempting.

So the elf princess gripped hard on the thing offered to her and began jerking it. Like she no longer wanted to be careful but to feel all the member had to offer her. After all, she could probably get a few more once she was done with this one.

"Just a taste," Fiora muttered and enclosed the tip with her lips. The raw taste was enough to make her eyes tilt but still, she pressed her tongue to it. Despite only taking it partly on her mouth the rest of her body was reacting and heating up too. Just like when she had been watching her servants.

Fiora let her free hand wander down her robes to push against her clit that was getting increasingly swollen. It throbbed like she had already worked on it a bit so the princess concluded it must have been the raw taste and touch that were arousing her even more than usual.

"You are going to release it soon... aren't you?" Fiora muttered while floating to the side of the cock. "I don't want to taste your dirty cum... bit I want to see it... I want to make it fly."

While swallowing hard, Fiora did not spare much strength to force the dick cum while breathing on it from the side. With the way she did it, the climax was only seconds away and it soon shot the first salvo into the void around it. The princess watched it float away while retreating her hand to avoid getting it stained. Though her eyes stayed locked on the cock that now pulsed on its own to pump out slimy semen.

"It looks so icky, such a disgusting thing. But why do I want to taste it?" Fiora uttered. Her tongue almost reached towards it before it was pulled away. Due to how the portal functioned with external substance, it cleaned the external cum and it dripped from the portal. The white droplets floating in the void looked suddenly so filthy to the princess that she sent a portal to send them away.

"Praised be the goddess for she has accepted my seed," the high priest declared while rising from his knees. It made the cultists worship him on their knees.

"Goddess please accept our seed," the cultists began to chant.

"You sick base creatures, you want me to do this to all of you?" Fiora voiced while feeling her lips and clit at the same time. Even if she had just kissed the tip for a moment, the raw taste kept burning her body in strange ways.

"The goddess seeks more symbols of devotion in the form of things you value before she accepts your seed," the high priest declared. Some of them robed men who still had some began digging out coins or jewelry from their robes.

"That greedy scam artist, if you want your cocks toyed with that badly, then fine," Fiora flared. She had not even managed to reach a climax and she kept thinking an opportunity like this might not come again.

"Now the rest of you, offer your cocks to me," Fiora declared while opening lines of shady-looking swirl portals to the walls of the stone hall. She even made them pulse like some dangerous vortexes.

"Now let's see how many of you are dumb enough to put your body parts into suspicious portals, they might lead inside rocks all you know," Fiora shrugged while looking at the line of portals on her end. One by one they were filled with varying sizes and shapes she had never seen before since her experience was mostly related to her servants.

"Those degenerates actually did it, twenty-two of them," the princess uttered while closing the excess portals since every man but the high priest was already on their knees.

"W-why is that one green? And those are darker and that is redder," Fiora uttered. Just looking at the four rows of cocks made her feel all kinds of things. They were all mostly erect and one of them had even pushed his balls through.

"They look so different... I wonder if they feel different," Fiora uttered while reaching for the green cock and the balls she had never felt before with different hands.

"Then don't mind if I play with them a bit, I'm not going to stop until every urge in my body is satisfied," Fiora declared to herself. "Not that any of them are as degenerate as you people who gave your beautiful... disgusting things for me to toy with."

Even as Fiora was able to wrap her hand around the green dick, it was clearly bigger than the others. She was able to guess from the color he was some sort of half-orc. Though even as she gripped it, her other hand found the time to feel up the only pair of squishy marbles in a wrinkly sack visible to her.

"So grotesque how the veins bulge like that," Fiora voiced and gave several hard slaps at the green rod that made it sway. "Take that you filthy thing... it grew harder?"

The cock owner just grunted but did not pull away. Even as some of the cocks had entered a bit flaccid, they were all growing increasingly hard. Fiora knew the portals applied some pressure to any mass going through them but she was far too occupied by her urges to think portal theory.

"So big... so hot... I could get naked... and they would not know, have them slide on my skin," Fiora muttered and created a portal to take her clothing into a safe location in one downward swoop. It had teleported only things that were not part of her body.

"So many cocks can see me naked. It bet your degenerate owners would love to see this," the princess voiced while covering the silky purple pubes on her meaty mound. The move squashed her notable breasts that already had erect nipples.

With a gaping grin, Fiora made the cock-portals float closer to her so that they surrounded her. She trapped her body with them and made them close in on her like soft spikes. When the green one poked her breast, she made all of them stop for a moment before making them rotate around her. The bigger ones gave taps and slides on her skin while some of the shorter ones only did it when they were lucky with her body shapes.

"So dirty, you all would be so disgusted to know what I'm doing with them," Fiora voiced while one of the cocks slid across her perky ass. Even as her fingers kept giving attention to her clit, the thought of at least rubbing it into one of the cocks kept appearing in her mind.

"Why is none of them saying anything?" Fiora asked as the men simply knelt on the portals. She was tempted to send portals to unmask them to at least see their reactions but she had learned, the most tolerable part to look at was the human's cock. Especially if they had weird beards or wrinkles no true elf would ever get.

"Your cocks belong to me now, your new goddess," Fiora declared through a temporarily opened speaking portal. "Praise me."

"Praised be the goddess of lust that brings pleasure for our manhoods, accept our seed," the high priest announced and the rest began to repeat it one by one. It made Fiora freeze even as the cocks kept circling around her, feeling her soft high elf skin.

"They just keep chanting... fucking pervs," Fiora uttered as the repeated chorus-like chant kept echoing in the void. "Though being called a goddess is not that bad... and these servants won't go telling that no-fun grand princess... no matter what I play with them."

Fiora made the portals stop spinning and reached for the most pleasing-looking cock that was pretty decent for what she was planning to use it.

"I could even test... how it would feel... Just the tip... just the filthy human tip," Fiora voiced and spread her knees before floating the cock down while holding its base. She stared at it with gaping lips as the tip touched her clit. It made her nethers tingle and want a bit more.

The excited cock-owner began thrusting into Fiora's hand in a way that rubbed her vulva. It made the princess's body pulse and she even dripped a bit of saliva that happened to land on the cock. Not that her already soaked pussy dripped any less down her inner thighs.

"I'm kissing it... just a bit more and it would," Fiora voiced while the cock slid along her vulva and a moment later as the portal moved closer, the man pushed through like he had held some of his length back.

"I-I did it... I did it now. The m-man-cock is touching my tight high elf cunt, this is so not p-proper," Fiora uttered as Jack's coarse words about her filled her increasingly lust-addled mind. Meanwhile, the man who she did not know and who did not know her was fucking her opening as best he could. Especially after her hand parted he focused on stirring her with his tip.

"Y-you should be h-honored to be the first c-cock to teach me this feeling," Fiora declared with increasingly ragged breathing that gaped her lips. Since she had gone this far, she should go a bit further just to test how it would feel.

"But I should not let him... cum in there... it would be bad," Fiora pondered in a race against time. The man was not holding back despite only feeling her with his tip. Just seeing it while the shaft was completely unused suddenly inspire her since she liked the shaft more than the tip.

"Well... nothing a few object-locked portals can't fix," Fiora declared and fixed a portal to the tip of the cock. Its pussy-juice soaked flesh-shroom appeared in the distance and its movement suddenly stopped like the owner had gotten confused about the sensation change. But then the princess let all of the shaft slide into her pussy. It took only moments for him to start thrusting again even as his tip was only pressured by the natural magic of the portal. It must have felt weird to him since no matter how much his foreskin moved against hot elf-flesh, the tip touched nothing while trapped into the portal that moved with it.

Though Fiora could not have cared less how she had done it, the man slid his fleshy rod in her without restraint. The soft but hard bareback ride was making her ears and knees tremble almost in unison. Even as she did not stand on anything but the void, the princess suddenly wanted to sit down.

"H-how, d-dare this man, act like this i-inside of me, I-I could drop him to the sea," Fiora panted as the man just kept fucking her adaptive elven walls. Without the tip hitting on anything, it was like a weird pleasure massage while she rubbed her swollen clit.

Despite her reluctant words, Fiora floated some of the cocks to poke at her face. One even pressed into her nose while she made another slide between her breast just to see what the vulgar man from before had described would feel like on her silky skin. Without even stopping their chant, the cocks began to be rubbed into the princess's face and breasts. Especially the one between her mounds moved like to fuck her.

Suddenly the cock in Fiora's pussy pulsed and she saw the tip shoot out semen in the distance. It looked like a lot against the dark void and it all could have been released inside the lustful elf if she had let it. So she swallowed hard while thinking how it could have felt.

"Cocks like to be toyed like this? No wonder the servants keep playing with them," Fiora voiced while looking at the cock fuck her breasts that naturally pushed close enough to almost surround it. Though when the weird sensation from one of her portals trying to enter another jolted the princess, she removed the ones on the cock that had entered her pussy. Its owner began immediately feeling up his cock and even licked the fingers that he had stained in high elf love-juices.

"Divine taste of the goddess is on me," the man declared and showed his deflating and soaked cock to the others who just kept chanting even harder now. Nobody wanted to even lick the hand he offered, regardless of how divine he called its taste.

"So damn disgusting," Fiora uttered, seeing the man act like an utter degenerate, made her have an amusing idea and she opened two object-locked portals on the man's hands. They were seemingly cut-off by swirling portals as the owner stared and moved them. Though no matter how much he shook, his hands did not come back. But he stopped the moment they landed on Fiora's firm thighs.

"My hands are on the goddess's body," the man declared while falling to his knees. His fingers felt up every place he was able to reach and it soon turned into an almost pleasurable massage. Though then cum shot on Fiora's jaw and it dripped on her breasts from the cock that had fucked her breast.

"H-how dare you, dirty me," Fiora uttered while the cock kept fucking her mounds to milk more of its load out. Its owner soon stood up too but then his hands were trapped like the other man, but this time they landed on the princess's breasts.

"Clean them for me," Fiora stuttered even as the man already began to knead her perky bosom. He too fell to his knees even as he was made to rub his own cum into the silky elf breasts.

Despite everything else, Fiora had been constantly glancing at the green cock. She wanted to play with it so bad. So she cut it into two parts with an object-locked portal. Half of the shaft she sent floating into her pussy while the tip and the rest came to her face.

"So raw," Fiora voiced and gave the bloated green tip her first kiss. She had decided to lick it like a delicious lollipop while the owner would stretch her elastic elven pussy wide. So as her walls parted for the veined shaft, her tongue explored the tip and some of the length. Even her lips kept kissing it while she was once again fucked only by the base of a cock.

All the while Fiora's breasts were being treated like dough. The coarse and clearly human hands acted with odd gentleness despite their forcefulness to shape her.

"You gave this to me to play with, so you can't blame me," Fiora muttered between her increasingly passionate kisses on the hard and hot cock. Unable to hold back she even began nibbling it with her pearly teeth, the raw taste alone was oddly intoxicating to her body that was reaching levels of arousal the noble princess had never felt before.

"I'm not the sick pervert here who gave their body parts to others to play with," Fiora voiced while licking a half-orc cock whose owner's face she had not even seen. Her pussy had perfectly adapted for his width as he kept thrusting even harder after getting over the initial confusion on his tip seemingly not moving no matter what he did.

One of the longer cocks that had rubbed onto Fiora's ass cheek began to cum but she barely paid any attention to it. She only moved the hands from her thighs to rub the cum into her ass.

"You want to cover all of me into this disgusting slime?" Fiora asked and made all of the cocks touch some part of her skin. She did not even stop the man who replaced his cock with his hand to feel up her ass. Though she did move the other hands away to cover more of her skin.

"So disgusting," Fiora panted while fingers began playing with her rear hole. Though it barely warranted any attention shifted from the other sensations assaulting her body. The half-orc cock kept fucking her harder and harder despite her kisses lessening on its tip.

Fiora stared almost excitedly at the green meat in front of her, It could cover her face with its load at any moment and the only warning she would get were sensations from her walls. Just thinking how such a big cock would pulse while it climaxes made her drool as she rubbed her clit.

With a sudden wicked grin, Fiora made a hand that had been skillfully playing with her nipple move to her clit. It immediately began to massage her while feeling up the stretched vulva around the green cock.

"Like good obedient servants for the pleasure of your goddess," Fiora grinned while thinking all the things she would make her actual servants do if she could trust they would not talk about it. Though she shook them from her mind since she definitely did not want her mother involved, let alone let her know what she was doing right now.

"J-just make me cum and we can stop for the day," Fiora panted while all the problems this could cause began visiting her mind even as she was nearing her climax. The man's hand was surprisingly skillful and he did weird half-twists that kept driving the princess's upcoming climax.

"Ihii... ihii," Fiora's breathing made her moan a bit while she already knew she was going to experience the strongest climax of her life. She had thought masturbating to her servants had really done it for her but now these faceless men made her hip tremble as the heat and ecstasy pulsed through her nubile body.

Even as Fiora's clit began to throb in a climax along with her pussy the stimulus did not stop. It kept assaulting her and for a moment she wanted it to never stop. For her to do the impossible and freeze herself to this moment. Not even when the green cock shot hot semen on her face did her euphoria lessen.

"Cover me, touch me, use me," Fiora panted with glazing eyes as she licked and swallowed cum from her lips. The half-orc thrust hard and used her pussy to milk all he had on the princess's beautiful face. Even once he was dry, he kept fucking her like to savor every pleasuring moment her walls could give him.

The more Fiora swallowed the slimy cum, the more she was forced into the reality of what she had done by the raw taste alone. Especially when the hands decided to start twisting her clit and left nipple at the same time. It might not have been unpleasant but it made her think for a moment that the man might have been playing with her body and not the other way around.

"I-I should stop, this is so f-filthy, this should be enough for now," the princess slurred while slimy semen forced her eyes closed. In the next moment, she sent all of the portals away even as not all of the cocks had climaxed. Then she used a special portal to fly through her body to wash her skin. She might have been able to clean the external semen but her body kept pulsing and throbbing in the aftermath of her prolonged climax.

"Damn this tastes raw... even the stuff that shoots out is disgusting," Fiora exclaimed as she was not able to remove the taste from her lips. She watched how the high priest directed the cult to go back to kneel and worship the altar. Some of them muttered about not climaxing with coarse synonyms.

"Those whose seed was not accepted, your offers had not pleased the goddess. She will reward you with release when your offerings please her," the high priest announced and the men who still had erections began looking anything of value under their robes.

"You utterly greedy bastard... and you people. What is wrong with you? haven't you heard of gloryholes and other brothels?" Fiora voiced even as nobody else heard her. Instead, they found some more coins and jewelry to place on the altar but out on a whim, the playful elf used a portal to confiscate all of them for her personal use. Despite being in the council, her personal salary was not exactly massive in comparison to nobles who owned businesses and she was not allowed to pilfer her house funds at will.

"The goddess has accepted your offerings. Pray for her to manifest for us," the high priest declared. "Ooh, merciful goddess of lust, show us your divine form."

"I'm not going to show you anything," Fiora flared but then her hands held her ass. The man's touch still pulsed the filthy place so she got an idea.

"If you want to worship something, then worship my ass," Fiora declared with an evil but also clearly lustful grin. She skillfully used special portals to clean her rear-hole and then lifted her legs to a fetal position in the void before letting a portal swallow the midsection of her body.

"You have sacrificed me enough to manifest this much. Worship my flesh made manifest, feed me with your devotion," Fiora declared to the men while her shapely ass seemingly grew out of the side of the altar. All of the men began bowing to it on their knees even as they tilted their heads to stare at it.

"Those damn humans are worshiping my ass. Fuck they are dumb," Fiora mused to herself. "If you like it so much, why not make some altar with it... such base beings."

"You may now fight over for the honor of worshiping my divine ass with your cocks," the assumed goddess declared to the cultists. Even as the noble elf had said her words with a grin, it froze the moment she saw the first of the men send another almost flying with a hard punch. Almost like they simply did what she told without thinking. Though some of them simply attempted to move away, especially the high priest.

"T-they are killing each other?" the princess uttered.

"Stop, this is not the fight... I mean you have proven your loyalty to me so you may form a line... to worship me one by one," Fiora declared to the men. "But be warned, you have only been granted access to my ass. My divine pussy will give you worse fate than death if you dare to enter it without permission."

Fiora grinned while thinking just where she would open the other end of the portal that blocked her pussy. Though in the end she just placed it next to her in the void.

"Wait... I was supposed to deal with them... so should I actually make them kill each other," Fiora uttered while the first man grabbed her firm but silky high elf ass. He did not waste time to slide into the elastic rear-opening with immortal skin that took him despite the lack of lube.

"Praised be the soft but demanding ass of the goddess," the man declared and began fucking the hole with audible slaps. As Fiora was still recovering from an almost violently strong climax, the sensation of having her other nether opening stretched felt oddly pleasant while her clit throbbed.

"Well, as a merciful goddess... it would be sad if I actually... got my faithful servants killed, no matter how disgusting ass-worshipers they are," Fiora muttered. "I just need to make sure they stop talking about demons and instead about some goddess cult."

"Accept my seed, Goddess of lust," the man declared and climaxed even before the princess had decided what to do. Though another soon took his place and began pumping her ass with even more zeal.

"Am I really going to let... all of them… do this to me?" Fiora uttered after the man slapped her rear-cheek. She had thought this would humiliate the men but this second one seemed even more excited to pleasure himself with her other hole.

Fiora was not even able to reach her pulsing clit without putting her hand through the portal so it kept throbbing on its own. The princess had never enjoyed the best impulse control but somehow she was able to resist reaching for it.

"I'll stop once he cums, I'm their goddess so I should be the one to decide," Fiora panted. It took only seconds more for the man to climax from her tight opening and the moment he pulled out, the princess closed the portal. Her hands immediately reached to feel her throbbing knob, it had never been as hard and hot as it was now.

"My ability to stay connected to the mortal realm weakens. I will come to you later," Fiora voiced to the cultists, even if her body could have wanted a bit more, she wanted to really think about what she was doing.

"My goddess, may you grant us in your infinite wisdom a divine artifact that lets us connect with you?" the high priest declared. One specific object came to Fiora's mind, a simple silver bracelet that would function as an anchor to her powers and would let her open direct portals around it where ever it was.

"Have this, you can use it to send me messages. Just rub it really hard and I can open a portal through it... to my divine realm," Fiora instructed while dropping a simple silver bracelet on the altar, there was nothing special about it and even most experts would not realize what it was when not activated.

After that the cult dispersed, Fiora found special joy hearing the ones that had not climaxed complain to the high priest and demanding their donations back. He grudgingly returned some that he had hidden in his robes while treasuring the silver bracelets like an object that would let him get infinite money. Though out of cheer morbid curiosity, Fiora soon went after Jack and Logan to see what they thought about their goddess since they had been so excited to fuck a demon.

"I swear our new goddess knew I loved tittyjobs and her silky mounds felt so good even without any spit," Jack voiced. "I could play with them for hours. There was just something so special about that skin I doubt even high elves compare."

"Sorry, just a high elf playing with you, no goddesses here," Fiora mused while floating in the void naked and watching the men walk on a side alley. Part of her kind of hoped they would still have the strength to masturbate or something since they seemingly did everything together. The princess had never seen two men do it together even as some of her maids did it.

"And here I thought we were all fucking some strange pleasure holes. My tip was touching something truly heavenly while some weird power was squeezing my base," Logan pondered. "Like the goddess was just teasing me but her divine flesh still made me cum."

"Damn you guys are deranged, humans are such filthy perverts. You don't even know what you fucked, it could have been a demon pig all you know," Fiora muttered with a twisted grin. The cocks she had fucked still made her pussy pulse and she was not going to forget those vivid memories anytime soon. So she went to inspect the gloryhole again before calling it a day.

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