Weiyoung hid herself in a little studio outside of town. She couldn't believe that the first incident she faced after getting to her place was to get attacked by someone who had tried to kill her. Luckily, she was smart. As soon as she noticed the funny movement of the uninvited delivery man, she had taken to her heels. It had been a bit difficult running from him. But with her life on the line, she was able to survive. They must have really underestimated her will to live. Sending just one person to kill her was their mistake.
Now, she was here. Her family's business had collapsed. All investors had pulled out, shares prices plummeted and sold undervalue.
There was nothing left of her family. What was she supposed to do now?
She tried to think of who had actually wanted her dead. Obviously not Sara. She didn't see any reason why Sara would want her dead.
Thanks to you all who keeps voting..
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