"So if I understand what you're trying to say....it simply means you want us all to throw a party for your grandmother?" His uncle Li Han asked in obvious surprise.
Muchen nodded in agreement. He looked at his parents and Minde's parents. They all have similar expression on their faces.
"I would really like all of you to put in your best and help with whatever you can."
"I don't understand. Where did this idea suddenly pop out from?" His mother asked.
His father didn't bother to say anything and only looked proudly at his son.
Muchen scratched his head and literally bit his tongue to stop himself from saying 'it was my girlfriend's idea'
He smiled at his mother before asking gently. "You'll help out right?" He turned to also look at his Aunt, letting her know the question was also for her.
A girl has been busy... Sorry people.
I'll still leave another chapter in a couple of hours to make up for yesterday.