It took Jianjun many seconds to register what had just happened.
Even the back of the pants he was wearing was now wet and he could feel the cold prick his skin.
There was only one name that came to his mind and quickly, he marched to the room.
When he entered, Changyu was still lying on the bed with an innocent look on her face. Her eyes were also still fixed on her phone's screen just like he had met her earlier.
"Are you not already too old for games like this?" He asked her rather coldly.
"Games? What did I do?" She sat up and looked at him with an innocent look.
If someone had told her a week ago that she would be having fun and acting all naughty now, she never would have believed it.
She could not count the number of times she had laughed loudly ever since she came in here.
She was happy! And she knew she deserved it.
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