Her presence attracted many attention as she strode into the glamorous restaurant. She was putting on a short white gown that revealed her long straight legs with feet covered with a black boot. She wore a pink beret, her long black hair flowed beneath it to her shoulders.
"I said I'm not going" She complained loudly into the phone and slumped into a chair. She looked around her to see people staring at her. Some stared because she was really pretty. Some, because she was noisy. She bowed politely to them and spoke softly.
"Mother. This is not fair. You always push me to do everything I don't want to do."
"Do you know what you want to do?" Her mother scolded her. "You should be grateful we are making good choices for you." Her mother spoke angrily from the other side of the phone.
Truthfully, I am not a writer. I was just trying things out one day here, then I realised I had written a chapter. lol.
People do ask me why I keep writing here when I don't get paid. I couldn't find any answer for them. But I guess I know one now. You are all truly my family and I am grateful. Thanks for all your wishes.
More Love from me to you all. *muah*
And happy birthday in advance to Darkie33 and many others born in July.
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