With Lucien taking a leave of absence to contemplate his recent issues, Victor found himself in an unusual predicament. The impostor Butcher, or Butch as they had named him, needed to be managed, and the responsibility now fell squarely on Victor's shoulders.
Victor made his way to the warehouse where Butch was being held. The building was old and decrepit, a perfect hideout for someone like Butch. As Victor entered, the dim light cast long shadows across the walls. He walked down a narrow corridor and unlocked a heavy metal door, revealing a large room where Butch sat on a simple wooden chair, staring blankly at the wall.
Butch was the same height and build as Victor, with an menacing face, short black hair, and a moustache. Despite his imposing appearance, there was an emptiness in his eyes, a testament to the extensive hypnosis and conditioning he had undergone. He was a blank slate, ready to follow any order given to him.
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