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REL Test

Damien Knight

I watched as Atlas walked towards the machinery. 'His reaction earlier seemed more like a reaction to trauma then a sudden sick feeling.' I thought to myself as I hesitantly followed behind him wondering what kind of memories this room could've brought up.

Atlas was mystery after all. His application was sent anonymously and barely had any information on his background.

His application stated his Regalia, 'regeneration', the fact he came from a powerful family, his name, date of birth and nothing else.

His acceptance into the school was so sudden, even I, who ran the school had no clue as to how he was accepted so quickly. Out of my own curiosity I tasked some private investigators to dig and try and find some information on him. But it was harder than expected, we didn't even have his last name after all.

I had some of the best investigators I could find working on Atlas but after a week we had still found nothing. 

There was not a single shred of information about anyone called Atlas on any database. Obviously, this is why I introduced them to the school personally.

  I was beyond shocked to see Winston with him. The previous most powerful Regalia user working as a simple butler? It only made my curiosity extend past its peak.

Winston was a very solitary person, he refused to join any team when going into gates and whenever someone tried to scout him he would immediately deny.

So, what kind of family would be able to convince him to babysit their child?

"-mien? Damien?" Atlas' voice drew me from my thoughts as I focused my attention on him.

"Sorry, kid. I was just lost in thought." As I made up me excuse his eyes narrowed and he quickly responded.

"Are you starting to fade out, old timer?" Hearing his witty response I took a slow breath in through my nose. 'let's try not to kill a child today,' I thought to myself as I slowly released my deep breathe.

"Whatever, how does this REL test work?" he asked me curiously as he turned on his heel towards the machinery and started poking at it.

"Ugh... The Regalia Energy Level, or REL test, is a type of test which allows us to see how potent the power of your Regalia is. The test is scaled between 0.01 and 100." I explained in as simple terms as I could, not even bothering to ask why he'd never heard of REL "Do you get what I'm saying so far." I quickly asked and waited for his confirmation.

"I get it so far, I think." He said while nodding.

"Alright then, I will continue." I said as I took a breath getting ready to finish my explanation.

"Your Regalia is regeneration so let's use that as an example. If you had a REL of 1 you'd almost be able to heal micro cuts and maybe a tiny bruise, whereas if you had a 100, you would be nearly immortal, able to regrow limbs and organs. The speed of your regeneration and the stamina it would use also depends on the REL. A person's REL isn't set in stone and can be increased as they use their Regalia more and grow accustomed with it." I stopped to make sure Atlas was still listening and then quickly began talking before he could ask any questions.

"One more thing, every person with a Regalia has enhanced physical abilities such as, strength, speed, durability, endurance and even reaction time that scale off of their REL. This means even if you have a Regalia that's practically useless for fighting you could still kick ass."

'And that's the last time I ever explain Regalia theory.' I thought to myself letting out a pained breath.

"Hey, Old timer?" I draw myself from my thoughts and look towards him, "What?" I asked, bothered by the effort this was taking.

"What's your REL?" I felt my brow raise curiously at his question, "Why do you want to know that?" I asked allowing my curiosity to guide my actions.

"Well, I don't know, you just seem powerful." I felt a prideful smirk spread across my face, "Very well, my REL is 86.2." hearing my own answer I felt my sense of pride growing but, when I looked at Atlas he was simply standing their with an awkward expression.

"Uhm... I'm sorry, but I have no clue if that's impressive, based on your explanation it does seem impressive but I have no clue what your Regalia is or what the average REL is..." I rolled my eyes as I heard his response.

"You know what, never mind let's just get your REL tested..." With an awkward laugh and smile he simply nodded.

"Stand by the machine." I stated and he shuffled over to the large mechanical marvel without any resistance or stupid  reputations. I then went over to a nearby computer where I could activate the test and see the results.

"You should see a panel on the machine where you can place your hand?" after a few moments he called out, "yep I see it."

"Good. Place your hand on it and wait." As he placed his hand on it, I activated the machine.


I held still with my hand on the machine until a sharp pain in the tips of my fingers cussed me to quickly draw away my hand. "Ow!" I shouted aloud as I took a close look at the tips of my fingers.

On the tip of each finger was a puncture hole from a small but sharp needle. However, thanks to my regeneration they quickly faded along with the stinging pain.

"What was that." I shouted towards Damien. Getting no response I walked over to the computer where he was standing.

As I got closer I noticed his facial expression was knotted with confusion. I tapped on his shoulder but he gave no response simply pondering whatever he'd seen.

I peek over his shoulder to look at the computer monitor and what I saw was surprising to say the least.

Written on the computer screen in bolded letters was my name, Atlas. Below it in a slightly smaller size was the shocking part: "REL: 0.001." Though just text these words seemed to hold an ominous glow.

"Aww that's a shame, guess I'm not going to be some instantly op main character then..." Damien slowly turned towards me his expression seemingly frozen in shock.

"The lowest is supposed to be 0.01..? You're score was this low and you don't even seem to care?" He blurted out as he looked  back  towards his computer screen in disbelief.

'If I'm being honest, no, no I don't really care that my REL is low. In fact I'm more surprised its not 0. I guess being around humans with Regalia is returning my power faster than expected. I haven't even been around anyone that activated their Regalia.'

"Well, it's not much of a problem. Maybe your machine is broken after all I'm healing fine." I showed him my hand, where the needle wounds should've been.

He starred at my finger tips in disbelief, "The machine can't possibly be wrong though."

"I say we ignore it for now." Damien stared at me once more in disbelief, "W-We.. ugh! Fine, for now I will take you to your class and we will re-test you at a later point." I felt my expression quickly shift as now, I was confused.

"I thought I didn't have class today?" Damien's expression shifted, he was obviously trying to move on from whatever mess we had experience with my test result.

"You're right you don't have class today, but you're still going to introduce your self to your homeroom." He had a mischievous smirk planted across his face as he spoke.

"Eh!? But I'm not ready..! Maybe we should just wait 'till tomorrow?" by the end of my speech I hate to admit it but I was practically pleading. It was my first time ever being in school I wanted my introduction to be perfect...

"Nope!" but I guess I'm just going to have to send it with what I have, Damien begun to practically drag me towards the classroom. I felt immensely shamed and embarrassed as many students in the hall stopped to watch the headmaster drag the new transfer student to his class, as if he was some spoilt child..

"I will have Divine Retribution.." I muttered under my breath while pouting.


Eventually we stopped outside of a specific classroom and Damien had let me go causing me to slowly flop to the floor as I wasn't paying attention, to busy pouting.

'Class 1-S' Read the sing above the door. Damien knocked on the door, after a few seconds it slid open revealing a young looking female teacher.

The woman wore a light-pink off shoulder jumper and casual blue jeans. Her hair was quite long, down to the middle of her back, light brown and perfectly wavy. She bore a kind smile and had a really cute face with perfect porcelain skin.

"Atlas, allow me to introduce you to your homeroom teacher, Rose Evergreen. The number one healer." My eyes widened at the realisation.

"your my homeroom teacher? You seem so young?" I shouted in disbelief. Rose simply giggled with her hand over her mouth.

"you sure are lively. Thank you for your compliment." As she finished talking she held out her hand for me to shake. A kindness and compassion seemed to float in the air around her.

I took her hand and shook it gently. "It's nice to meet you, I've heard your Regalia is regeneration. Very rare indeed."  Her voice was soft, and sweet, like honey.

'Does every staff member here already know me...' I thought deadpan.

"you've been placed in Miss Evergreen's homeroom in hopes that you can learn somethings form her, your Regalia both involve healing after all." Damien spoke up from my side.

"That makes sense." I said with an understanding nod.

"I'm happy to help whenever, you can always stop by homeroom during a free period to ask some questions." She said with a smile that seemed to emit a comforting light and pleasant warmth.

"Thanks, I will keep that in mind." From my side I felt Damien's hand land on my shoulder, "Well, I have business to attend to, I'm sure you'll be fine with Miss Evergreen from here on out." He said as he began to walk away back in the direction of his office.

Me and Miss Evergreen who were both following his path looked back at each other, "Are you ready to head in?" I simply nodded while taking a deep breath. She smiled and then spoke, "I will go in and give a small brief when I signal you come in."

She slid the door open and walked into the classroom towards the podium. Standing behind the podium she gave the class a short brief, informing them of the arrival of a new transfer. From outside the class room I could hear discussions between class mates and some gasps of disbelief.

Taking that as my cue I strolled into the classroom, I couldn't help but feel out of place in my bright white suit. The podium awaited me, and as I approached it, a hint of nervousness crept in.

I stood behind the podium and looked over the class. Among the class there were many whispers. I could see some people were eagerly awaiting my introduction and others he didn't really care.

Many people were still muttering about me, I caught a few people who were shocked I transferred, others who were sceptical of me, a few who thought my outfit was over the top. I called that last one...

But overall, the people seemed curious, that's a good thing.. I think. Anyway I took a deep breathe and did one more scan of the class room, out of all thirty-ish students there were a few in particular who caught my attention. Ones who stood out more than the others.

I wonder if I will get to know them?

(A/N) Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.


















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