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93.2% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 192: Ch. 191 One last welcoming for an old man

Capítulo 192: Ch. 191 One last welcoming for an old man

The last days of summer were tense for many, but they were also incredibly busy.

With the current political situation, having a war brewing and a near genocidal madman on the loose, people were scared and many who remembered the first war feared for a repeat performance.

This resulted in many letters being sent to Hogwarts actually. Parents fearing for their children and the likes.

Ministry actions were incredibly reassuring. News of successful vampire purges, captured dark wizards and spies, arrested Death Eater sympathizers/supporters, all of it helping reassure the public about their safety, but a true parent would never stop worrying.

This actually resulted in Dumbledore requesting me to travel on the Hogwarts Express this year, alongside additional Aurors, Hit Wizards and Fortress employees. Safeguarding the journey to the castle.

Just in case.

We didn't want any kidnappings and ambushes were easy to set up when it comes to a train.

"So how have you been feeling Harry? Any difficulties with your exercises?" I asked the teen as we walked together in the train before entering an empty cabin.

"A bit." He answered with some hesitation.

"Perfectly expected. I'll sign some forms forms to let you use an empty classroom for practice." I said with him with a supportive pat on the shoulder. "We can also speak to Hermione about helping you out."

The flinching from Harry immediately told me the young man hadn't mentioned his issues to his friends. Something rather in line with his personality, but not any less drama inducing.

"Just talk to her. She's a bright and kind girl. She'll understand and then likely go overboard to help you if everything I've seen her do means anything." I gently advised the stubborn young buck.

I mean, his and his dad's Patronus are stags and his dad could transform into one, plus Harry can be rather hardheaded and stubborn, so I think it fits.

"*Sigh* Alright fine." Harry responded with teenage reluctance.

"Good. Now, try to have some degree of fun this year and don't get yourself stuck in your head. When the time comes, everything will be fine." I genuinely advised, stepping out of the cabin we were sharing before the train's departure.

The Order had brought him ahead of time, with the other kids coming separately to not make too much of a target. We might have the advantage but we didn't want to risk Harry and his friends.

Walking around the train, checking on all the boarding students.

It was good to see the numbers didn't significantly decrease.

I made a lot of efforts to arrange every Hogwarts aged witch or wizard's transport to King's Cross, allowing half-bloods and muggleborns in hiding to attend.

Dumbledore's 'victory' over Tom helped a lot to reassure parents about Hogwarts' safety. With the addition of a proper garrison in the school and in Hogsmeade bolstering our case tremendously.

Regardless, it was odd that so many people were whispering when I passed by on patrol.

"Um, excuse me. Professor Bones?" A hesitant female voice sounded from behind me.

I turned around to see one Cho Chang with her friend, Marietta Edgecombe, looking a bit nervous.

"Yes Miss Chang?" I asked with curiosity at why I was stopped and the sudden silence around me.

"Are, are you still going to be teaching Defense?" The young woman asked with some Hope under that hesitation.

"Indeed I am. I hope you've finished your summer homework." I answered her with a small smile as hurried voices began resounding around us.

'So that's what it was. The students thought the curse would get me and were wondering if i was still going to be teaching.' I realized as I spread my senses a bit. 'And it seems like Hogwarts' rumor mill is alive and well, even when not at the castle yet.'

"That's great!" Cho exclaimed with clear delight. "Don't worry Professor, we both have our homework done."

"Exemplary Miss Chang and Edgecombe. I look forward to going through the results of your works." I praisingly said.

The homework for my NEWT level students revolves around open ended scenarios and conflict resolution against enemies which varied from humans to dangerous creatures. Plus some studies on common injuries, curses and poisons. Then I threw in a requirement to learn two White Magic spells since all my students at that level could actually practice from home.

"But do forgive me, I must continue my patrol." I apologetically added before politely moving along.

Going through the train compartments, I greeted various students and fellow security team members as I passed them. Many were much more subdued than usual, even the compartments with Slytherin students.

It was interesting and rather promising that so many Slytherin didn't begin to swagger about as if Tom's full return was the greatest thing to happen for them. If that was due to his 'loss' or successful efforts to enlighten them to the dangers they face under him, I could not tell without peeking into their minds, something I desired to avoid when unnecessary.

Draco seemed to be very well after spending his summer break with his mother. He's even got some color instead of being pasty from being stuck inside a gloomy mansion all day.

Narcissa sent me various correspondences regarding her gratitude, but surprisingly refused my offer to have the young man transferred to Beauxbatons.

Although very protective of her son, she thought having him aware and relatively near the 'conflict' would help stomp out any remaining beliefs in 'Pureblood Supremacy. And more importantly, apparently, she was rather excited when she learnt of a potential Daughter-in-Law when Draco let slip that he enjoyed spending time with one Astoria Greengrass. She didn't want to mess that up.

'I need to check on Tory about her progress to cure the young teen. She deserves a full life.' I thought as I remembered her issue that my lovely medi-witch wife said she was taking care of.

But on a more serious note, she also believed he was safer near me and mine over a place she doesn't fully know and where there were no allies to help protect her son from possible attacks. If the Death Eaters could kill Igor Karkaroff, the Headmaster of Durmstrang, then Draco wasn't particularly safe in Beauxbatons if Tom was determined enough to punish them for fleeing.

Theodore Nott was in a bit of a familiar situation, but was directly under my protection instead of being jointly protected by a family member. He was with Draco as he calmly chatted with both Greengrass siblings.

The two young men had cleanly cut themselves off from the remaining students firmly believing in the Death Eater cause, which, interestingly enough, I've heard caused Slytherin to form two factions. One centered around Draco and Daphne Greengrass, wanting to not plunge the already very low magical population and recuperating economy down the shit hole because of a volatile maniac with too much power, and the other side still believing in the 'Pureblood Utopia', led by Pansy Parkinson and supported by Millicent Bulstrode, Crabe and Goyle.

I was pleased to see the more intelligent members of the House were mainly siding against mass murder, even if just for profits sake.

It was easily visible to see who was siding with who considering they were either in separate cars or glaring from across each other.

But no blows were traded at least.

Not when the train had a professor and actual Aurors on board, ready to take down anyone who casts a spell anyway.

And even better, there were no attacks during the trip.

Arriving at Hogsmeade Station, I met up with the guards stationed here, learning that nothing happened here or along the path to Hogwarts either.

The lake was protected by the Giant Squid and Merpeople, so that was covered as well. But just to be extra sure, I would be going with Hagrid on the boats to protect the first years while the guards from the train would go on the Thestral drawn carriages to add some additional protection along the way.

"Hey there Hagrid, how's everything been going?" I asked the half-giant as we watched the students disembark and waited for the first years.

"Fine, all things considered. Helped some folks find the best spots fo' wards an' traps. 'Ad to talk to Aragog about some things, and the centaurs cause they were none too pleased about people in the forest. Especially Ministry folks." Hagrid answered with some fatigue.

"You're doing good work helping us protect Hogwarts, but try to not push yourself too hard. You're still a professor after all." I said to him out of concern.

I had known the big man for quite a few years. I didn't want him to get hurt or in trouble because he was doing too much.

"Oh don't you worry 'bout me. I can take care of meself. Glad to see you back though. Broke the curse and all." The bearded half-giant replied with more lighthearted tone.

"That I did." I said with a small, confident smile as we continued to chat until Hagrid called out the exiting first years.

It was rather nostalgic to see all those kids looking in awe and fear of Hagrid.

'But, damn it, I am not lolicon. Why are little girls blushing at me?!' I inwardly wept as little girls shyly peeked at me with blushes.

"Right then! Follow me and Professor Bones!" Hagrid ordered as the last students came out of the train.

Our little group walked over to the boats I had not thought I would actually ride on again in my life. Especially so soon. But today had a nice night and I looked forward to seeing Hogwarts like a first year again.

"Four a boat! No more than four!" My colleague shouted clearly as the little ones quickly gathered with the friends they had likely made in the train itself.

I would ride the last boat on my own while Hagrid takes the lead.

"Alright. Forward!" He declared, causing the boats to lurch forward and begin their yearly journey.

On the way I could hear students talking to each other, about possibilities, magic, hopes, fears, all until they witnessed Hogwarts in all its glory.

The illuminated magical castle made even more breathtaking by its reflection in the lake.

'As beautiful as ever.' I thought with a soft smile.

It was nice that the moment wasn't interrupted by an attack or I would have been rather unforgiving.

All good things must come to an end however, arriving at the stairs, everyone disembarked and began the last leg of the journey until we reached the ever stern and proper, Professor McGonagall.

"Firs' years Professor McGonagall." Hagrid simply said like almost every year.

"Thank you Professors. Now please head on to the table while preparations finish." The deputy headmistress replied with a nod.

"Right away." Hagrid said as he hurried along.

"I'll see you later Professor." I politely said as I calmly went along as well.

It wasn't a long walk. I simply needed to cut through a small room linked to a few corridors and the Great Hall. An exclusive for professors to get to the Head Table without having to walk between all the students.

And entering the nearly filled Great Hall, I felt many eyes on me as it took my seat next to Filius and Pomona.

Slughorn wasn't recruited because it simply wasn't necessary.

I was here to be the DADA's Professor and we had destroyed all the Horcrux beside Nagini already, so no need for his memories.

Although a much better teacher than Snape, his need for connections and favoritism would have likely irked me a great deal.

I do wonder if he would be asked to join anew next year however.

With how things are, Dumbledore would die this year, with Snape killing him, meaning that even if he lives through the coming battle I seriously doubt he would return to teach unless absolutely necessary now that he would be 'freed'. That leaves some kind of possibility for his return.

Maybe I should put out some feelers for possible replacements from the Potion Masters in Breaking Grounds. A sort of way to train future masters and spot talents maybe.

And then there's going to be a need for a replacement Transfiguration Master with McGonagall being the next in line to become Headmistress. Even though I'm pretty sure she takes care of most of the paperwork already, being both Headmistress and a full time Professor would be too much.

I should suggest my plans for overhauling the current system to her and Dumbledore later. Getting some more teachers or at least teachers aides to help lessen the burden on professors and to assist in security and disciplinary matters. Maybe some people working towards masteries taking care of the beginner years for experience and access to Hogwarts' library.

But those thoughts needed to be put away as the first years came into the room.

All of them looking around in wonder and nervousness as all eyes were on them, approaching the hat on a stool before the professors.

Similar to last year, the hat warned of the conflicts both outside and in, emphasizing unity within the school to triumph over adversity.

And then it was time for sorting.

When it was all done, I would say Hufflepuff had the best yield this year and then it was time to feast.

The food was very good as always, but I would personally prefer to go home and enjoy a nice dinner with my wife.

Just the two of us.

But it was not meant to be. And she knew i couldn't come back early today, so she planned a nice evening with her mother.

So I just did my best to enjoy my lot by discussing things with the two Heads of House beside me.

Interesting conversations regardless of my feelings at the moment.

And as the feast ended, the Headmaster stepped up and made everything vanish.

"Welcome one and all, to new and returning students.

Now that we are all fed, I have a few announcements to make, before we all turn in for some well deserved sleep." Albus said as his voice resounded clearly through the Great Hall. "First, I am very pleased to welcome back, Professor Aedan Bones as our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor."

Just as the man took a small pause, the Great Hall erupted his cheers and clapping to welcome me back and likely congratulate me for beating the curse.

So I stood up and took a bow.

"I see you are all as pleased as I." Dumbledore merrily said as he subtly calmed the room to continue his announcements. "Next, Mister Filch has added all products from Weasleys Wizarding Weases to the banned list, which can be found near his office.

On a more serious note, I must stress, this year more than any other, that, due to the current climate, all students are strictly prohibited from entering the Forbidden Forest. Not just because of the natural dangers within, but so that none fall pray to the additional security measures in place. I must also warn that punishments for being outside of dormitories after curfew will be punished much more severely than previous years.

This is for your own safety and so that we, the staff and the team of professionals from the Ministry, can do our best to ensure your time here is minimally affected by the troubles brought forth by adults.

And finally, before going to bed, I would like for everyone to learn that I am planning to retire from my position as Headmaster once the most recent war is finished."

That made a lot of people surprised and shocked as students immediately began asking for clarification and others were stuck in disbelief.

'So that's how he's going to prepare them for his departure.' I thought as I looked at the old man calmly standing in front of the chaos he created.

"Settle down please." Albus peacefully said, causing the students to immediately quiet. "As I was saying, I will be gradually handing down my position to our dear Deputy Headmistress, Professor Minerva MacGonagall, over the course of the year, while I take on her duties as the Transfiguration Professor for my retirement."

'Ok, now I want to go see his lessons to gain some new insights. The man was said to be a transfiguration prodigy and even if I've surpassed him in power, his vast experience in the field would still be invaluable.' I thought as I remained one of the only ones calmly sitting down.

Even Professor MacGonagall was caught off guard by everything.

"I am so glad last year's events allowed for me to gradually relinquish my other duties. Now I will be able to enjoy my retirement doing exactly what I love." The old man jovially said with a happy smile. "Now, off to bed all of you. First years, please follow the Prefects."

And just like that, Albus Dumbledore sent waves with his rather casual announcements and last welcome speech.



Hi, been a while since I wrote for this one.

Felt really weird writing this chapter. Like I'm not in the right flow, so I hope it wasn't bad.

But anyway, here it is, Dumbledore's way of preparing the world for his coming passing and how a competent Ministry with a real defense force would handle the one day a year where nearly all magical children were vulnerable and how a wartime government would generally act during a time of crisis.

I thought extra security and precautions would be obvious.

Voldemort is currently out doing something else and just doesn't the forces to do something like making everyone in Europe enemy number one for trying to take the Hogwarts Express hostage while not in power.

The return of a DADA Professor for a second year should be a pretty big deal since it's pretty much the first time in decades, so I had a bit of fun with that.

And I just felt like it would be in Dumbledore's style to drop bombs all casual like that. And that if he would be dying that year, having taken care of most of his regrets, he would spend time doing something he loved: teaching, while preparing Minerva.

Not sure if I ever mentioned Dumbledore's Head Mugwump and ICW representative titles being taken away while he was Fudge's main focus the year before or that they were reinstated, but I think an Albus who was going to die would just pass them on instead of screwing things up in the future.

Regardless, hope you liked. It's kinda short for the first chapter in months, but I've been working on my DxD fanfic and just didn't really have anything clicking for this one until I had a sudden urge to write a couple chapters for my Mass Effect FF and then thought 'what the hell? I'll write something for the Harry Potter one since people were asking.

Don't know when I'll update this one again, but it does make me feel nice that even after months some people still want to read it.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

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Thanks a lot to all those who've already supported me. You guys are great.

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