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87.37% Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector / Chapter 180: Ch. 180 Battle of the Ministry pt.2

Capítulo 180: Ch. 180 Battle of the Ministry pt.2

"Now then. Which one of you tried to bully my godson?" The newly revealed Sirius Black asked as he stared at the ridiculous looking Death Eaters.

"Kinda feels like the kids bullied them Uncle." Tonks said with a massive grin on her face as she looked at the group.

"It was the Malfoy Sir Padfoot." Fred yelled out to one of his idols.

"He's been calling the shots." George added as they taddled on the man.

"Good to know. I call dibs." The former marauder said as he began casting spells at the pigtailed man with a smile.

This was the catalyst to begin the battle.

Each order member immediately targeted those they knew were more dangerous thanks to the information they had received prior to coming here.

Although they looked a bit different and some masks were sporting new coloring, all members were intelligent enough to ignore the minor details and go after their targets.

(As far as I know the masks of most death eaters are pretty unique, so you could identify a person by them. You just can't use that in court though since it's a mask.)

Aedan had done a thorough job in investigating known and possible Death Eaters after all. From their pasts, to their time at Hogwarts, accounts of conflict, known habits and general skill levels. He had files on every member could recruit in the British isles at least and a good amount for Tom's potential allies or servants from the whole of Europe. And although Sirius and Tonks had joked a bit when he mentioned this, they were both stunned when they got the information.

And as the Order members started fighting throughout the room, the Hogwarts group paired up quickly as they took on the leftovers.

Cedric paired up with Luna since he had the most experience with her. Luna was in charge of shielding and distractions since she really enjoyed doing beautiful pieces of Magic, causing their foe to be constantly distracted as lights flashed and tried to strike him with unknown Magic. She also helped block when Cedric was on attack, using the protective spells she put a great deal of time and effort to learn. At the same time Cedric used the girls rhythm to strike at the masked Death Eater in front of them, using minor curses and hexes to gradually slow the man down, aiming for a slip up sooner or later. He also had to make sure his Junior was safe and sound as well.

The twins were obviously together. They chose to go after the man with the least of their products on him, feeling like he needed some more colors in his life. He was wearing all black after all, except for his pink pig tail anyway. The pranksters immediately made their foe start regretting having to fight them. Instead of using curses to hurt him they kept making parts of him inflate dramatically, like his nose which knocked his mask of and impeded his vision, then his tongue so he had trouble breathing and had to only do silent casting which reduced his stamina and arsenal, not even mentioning the anger he felt when his curse was blocked by a flock of colorful birds which then turned his robes into a Jackson Pollock painting.

Ginny and Hermione paired up because they frequently sparred against each other. They complimented each other well since Ginny had a lot of fire in her and Hermione was much more conservative in her actions. So the youngest Weasley was heavily focusing on attacking as she showed just why her Bat-Boogey spell was so feared in Hogwarts, while Hermione displayed how a solid and systematic foundation can really protect someone, also not forgetting to throw in a curse or hex from time to time to stop their foe from believing she was harmless.

Ron and Daphne began to lay a choreographed beat down on one poor Death Eater. The man couldn't even get a curse in as he was perpetually stuck on defense against the two. The man was desperate, but any moment he thought he could counterattack was but a calculated pause by the two as they almost beat him multiple times already. Ron was passionate in both his attacks and defenses, while Daphne was ruthless in her efforts to end the man in front of them.

Susan got Neville since she actually helped in the most during training, giving hints and tricks she likes since they have some similar interests. The young Bones was probably the most relaxed amongst those present simply because she knew she could wipe the floor with the Death Eater in front of her. Make no mistake though, she was not letting her guard down one bit, something her brother had thoroughly ingrained into her, Susan was simply confident in herself. She also decided to let Neville get as much experience and confidence as possible from this confrontation, thinking it would help the guy to feel like he's growing after her bro and his parents taught him. As a result the Death Eater was currently thinking he had the advantage, but the tide was slowly turning against him as Neville gains more experience.

And lastly, Harry was now with Sirius near the Archway as they fought against Lucius and his comrade.

The Godfather and godson duo were really putting the pressure on their chosen foes. Harry having trained for a few years with Sirius knew exactly what to do and Sirius covered up for his charges minor mistakes through experience and skill.

Padfoot and Prongslet combo'd their attacks as the four exchanged volleys of spells, the fight actually filling Sirius with pride as he saw his best friend's son cast spell after spell with him.

Then Harry saw a chance as Sirius' attack left both opponents unstable.

He quickly chained a flipendo-expelliarmus-stupefy and completely incapacitated Lucius' helper as he barely blocked the first attack, lost his wand in the second and was knocked out with the third, leaving Lucius all alone against the duo.

"Nice one Harry!" An ecstatic Sirius yelled out with pride as he attacked Malfoy with greater fervor to not lose out against his godson.

Although Lucius had some experience and knew many dark arts his master had taught him, he was still too accustomed to punching down. He is a man who spent nearly his whole hitting those weaker than him, hurting the ones who couldn't even defend themselves, killing those at his level or higher through group assaults or with his lord by his side. He was simply not able to keep up against someone experienced in one-on-many battles, a man who devoted himself to retraining so he could protect his wife and loved ones, a wizard who was even given help the two of the greatest wizards of the modern age. And so Lucius lost as he was disarmed and blasted away with a strong stunner. Sirius watched his angered face with glee as a man he hated was blasted away to unconsciousness.

"Haha! We got them pup!" Sirius said with a hearty laugh as he look around the battlefield.

He could see that most Death Eaters were already down, with the rest about to join them as Order members and students ganged up on whoever was left.

"Avada Kedavra!" A crazed voice Sirius recognized as his cousin's shouted from his blind spot.

"Sirius!" A desperate Harry yelled out as he watched the green bolt inch closer to his family again.

"Can't have that. I promised mother you would be back safe and sound." A calm and confident voice resounded as a blue flame erupted in the unforgivable's path.

The room then heard of the song of the large Azure Phoenix which appeared from the flame at the same time as a hand simply catches a curse which should kill any who come in contact with it. (I hope yoda would be proud.)

As the Phoenix circled the room and sang, giving those it saw as friends courage, the blue flames receded to reveal the silver haired, blue eyed and handsome, Lord Aedan Bones in his full glory.

-1st person POV

"You know, I really hate how cheap this curse is." I said as only small green particles escaped my now open hand.

"Aedan!" Harry yelled out in relief as he ran up to me.

"Hey Harry. Looks like everything went pretty well. Good job." I said to the kid as I looked around to find only the completely stunned Bellatrix remaining as a possible threat.

"Thanks for the save kid." A very relieved Sirius said with a pat on my shoulder.

"You do know I'll have to tell mother right?" I simply said with a raised eyebrow at the man.

"Oh come on, don't do that to me! Amelia will never let me do another mission if she hears about this." Sirius pled as he knew just how bad it will be if mother hears he almost died.

"Hehe. Take it like all married men. She'll yell at you sure, but that's just to show how much she loves you and cares about you." I replied as Sol landed on my left forearm with a melodic chirp.

'Oh look at that, Bellatrix finally rebooted.' I thought as made sure to keep an eye on her.

"Avada Kedavra!" She yelled out again as she casted towards me this time.

I decided to show off a bit using the only time Kylo Ren ever looked cool as an inspiration, by freezing the curse in midair.

"Really? That's the best you have?" I mockingly said as I look at her.

This infuriated her, but she also felt some measure of fear over the feat even her beloved master has never demonstrated. Sure he can't be truly killed by the killing curse, but he can't stop it so effortlessly either.

Under the eyes of the stunned order members and Hogwarts students, I completely played with the feared Bellatrix Lestrange as if she was a child.

She casted curse after curse, hex upon hex and even some nasty charms, all of which joined the green bolt as they stopped in midair, forming a growing gathering of lights.

"Are you done yet?" I simply asked as I looked at her with some sadistic glee over her haggard state.

She was breathing heavily after that barrage, because even as feared as she is, Bellatrix is still only a second stage witch. She is incredibly deadly and knows the dark arts in great depths, but she is still limited in power and stamina.

In comparison, it would be if a first year, who was taught some dark arts before coming to Hogwarts, challenged Dumbledore to a fight. Just the thought was ridiculous since the child simply had no chance no matter what he/she did and this is pretty much the same scenario except done by two adults.

"Well that's enough of that." I finally said as I just yanked her wand out of her hand through magic.

I also gathered all the loose wands lying around the room as a result of all the death eaters being defeated into one bunch and...


Then with a loud series of cracks, only pieces of their wands remained.

"Noo!" Bellatrix yelled out as she looked at her broken wand.

"Isn't that a bit too far kid?" Sirius asked with some shock over my action.

It is understandable due to the great bond between wizards and their wands. Snapping them is considered one of the greatest punishment after all.

"If you don't want to kill them then that's your deal. But I will not let them simply keep something they've used to terrorize and murder others when they are the enemy. This way even if they get back up they will no longer be threats." I sharply answered back.

'I may have promised Dumbledore to not slaughter these animals without trial since these aren't wartime's yet and he made several solid points on the demerits of such actions, but this doesn't stop me from at least punishing them in a none lethal manner. And what better way to humiliate those so proud of being wizards than by breaking the very symbol of one.' I thought with a cold smile.

"Aedan, Bellatrix is trying to run!" Harry suddenly yelled out.

"She is good. Using the time everyone was distracted by my actions to flee. But it doesn't matter, let's go." I replied calmly as signaled for Harry to follow.

"I'm coming with." Sirius said as he saw us start to leave.

"No. You and the other order members secure the rest and make sure they don't killl themselves somehow. Bellatrix only has one way out now and that's through the Atrium. The same Atrium the Headmaster will soon arrive in and the rest of the Ministry after that." I countered strictly since I really didn't want fate to just fuck with me and still kill Sirius somehow.

If the man still dies when he is surrounded my capable allies, with incapacitated enemies with no wands and nothing actually life threatening beyond the archway in the room, then I really don't know what to say.

"Also, stay away from the arch. It's a a doorway to death itself so you don't want to go anywhere near it. Make sure no one succumbs to its tempting whispers, especially those who've lost dear ones." I added on now that I was thinking about it.

"Sol, keep them safe for me ok?" I asked my grown up girl, to which she chirped I acceptance of her duties and flew to rest on top of the archway itself.

After that I ran towards the elevators alongside Harry, going through the various hallways and changing doors of the Department of Mysteries, finally reaching them just as Bellatrix's own started going up.

"You still have the prophecy?" I asked Harry as his tension was rising.

"Hm? What? Oh yeah." He answered at my sudden question and tried to take the glass ball out of his jacket's pocket.

"Good. We're going to do something that'll really piss Voldy." I said with a grin as I looked at the ord.

"What's that?" My little bro asked curiously.

"You're going to smash that thing right in front of him." I answered as a grin became larger.

"Don't we need it?" Harry nervously asked as his grip tightened on the prophecy.

"We already know the prophecy. Well me, Dumbledore and a very small number. I can tell you later if you're curious. So this thing is only really worth something to the Tom and a bit to the Ministry." I replied as Harry's face told me exactly what he was going to ask next.

"You knew and didn't tell me?" He predictably asked.

"Yes. The reason for no one telling you is because you were already under enough pressure without it and it honestly wouldn't change much except maybe make you act somewhat recklessly. You'll understand when you hear it." I answered seriously as I told my honest opinion on this matter.

I truly believe that the major effects on Harry because of this prophecy have already happened. The only that Harry will learn is why his life is the way it is and that his conflict with Voldemort is inevitable.

He is mature enough to learn why and he will soon be able to at least fight back against his destined foe thanks to some things I've cooked up. Hence it makes the prophecy pretty useless to our side overall.

Plus Tom will always have that voice in his head to make him doubt his actions since he believes in that prophecy so much. He will wonder if the second half told us how to defeat him, or divulged a weakness, if it might have helped him avoid many pitfalls or even helped him achieve his goals already. Just another way to unbalance the fool more.

*ding* 'level 8 - Atrium'

As the elevator door opened we could see Bellatrix desperately running for the fireplaces.

Harry ran to catch up with wand in hand, but I just waved my hand to make the woman's leg lock up as my spell hit her, resulting in the feared Bellatrix Lestrange face planting in the Ministry of Magic.

"You can't leave without a proper goodbye Mrs...wait you aren't technically married anymore so which name are you using nowadays?" I asked as I was genuinely curious as to how broken this woman was.

If she chose Lestrange then she would truly be insane simply because she has become so attached to her identity under Voldemort that she doesn't recognize any other. On the other, if she says Black then I have to see her as more dangerous because she still retains some of the cunning witch she once was.

"My lord will torture you in ways you can't imagine you filthy half-blood! I will laugh as he does so in order to show you your place!" She angrily spat out with her face still on the floor, making the whole scene far less intimidating.

"Right. Lestrange it is then. I doubt you remember me. You are after all basically an insane fanatic at this point, but I let you run to get some revenge you see." I began as my aura became colder and more oppressive as I spoke. "Your ilk took my family and made those I love suffer, while you personally killed my mother in a horrible fashion and took me to be experimented on and tortured under your very home."

I then made her float in front of me a she did her best to seem unaffected by the pressure I was omitting. Too bad I could feel the fear just under the surface after what I have demonstrated tonight and the absence of her lord.

"Aedan, I know you're mad but are you sure?" Harry asked softly as I could see him worrying about me.

"Yes Harry. She is naught but a monster who has hurt far too many. But she won't die tonight. That would be far too easy after all." I calmly answered as I prepared my little gift for the insane Witch.

"Alright then. Do what you have to, just don't go too far alright." Harry said as he turned his head to what would happen next.

"I dare you to touch me! My lord will pay you back ten fold!" The woman yelled out with some bravado.

"It's alright little Bella. I'm actually giving you a present." I softly said with a very cold smile as I lifted my hand and made a tiny blue flame appear. "You see this little flame is very pure and can do wonders for the body and soul. It can burn away harmful components and strengthen the person exposed to it. The only problem is that the more crap inside, the more aggressive it becomes, but I'm sure you'll live."

I then pushed the tiny flame towards Bellatrix as she begins to violently struggle in an effort to not be touched by the little flame her very soul was telling her to avoid. Too bad her panicked expression and trashing about in the air did not help her as the flame completely entered her body.

For a moment nobody said or did anything as they waited for her to burst into flames or something.

"Why is nothing happening?" A confused Harry asked.

"Because it is not meant to happen now. Only when I designed it to act will she understand what I've done." I answered with a vicious smile as I looked at the woman.

She instinctively felt the danger that the flame possessed, even when it appeared to have done nothing.

"I am done with you now. You're punishment has begun. I hope to see you again after it truly starts taking effect little Bellatrix. It would be so satisfying." I then said as I dropped the woman.

At the same time it seems like the Dark Lord could no longer stay his hand as he appeared like a specter behind his loyal hand.

"It would seem like the others have failed. But no matter you, my dear Bellatrix, have brought me my prize for tonight, as well as a few extra. You have done well and shall be rewarded later." Tom said in something like a whisper, but it was also very clear to all of us.

"Thank you for your generosity my lord!" Bellatrix fervently cried as she was moved by her lord.

"Now retreat. I shall take care of these two and show them their place beneath me." Tom ordered as Bellatrix swiftly entered one of the fireplaces after being freed from my little spell by her master.

"Aedan shouldn't we do something?" Harry nervously asked from beside me as he gripped his wand.

"No, tonight's finally is unfortunately not for us to star in." I answered with a bit of disappointment over not being able to wax his hairless noggin by using the polished floor.

"Then who-" Harry began to ask but he was interrupted by the appearance of Albus Dumbledore.

"It was foolish of you to come tonight Tom. The Aurors are on their way." Dumbledore calmly stated as he held his wand.

"By the time they arrive I shall have my prize and three new corpses shall lay to welcome them." Voldemort confidently replied due to him not understanding just how outclassed he is.

I mean, just Harry could probably give him a few good hits with how good he's become with white magic.

"Aedan, if you please." The Headmaster simply said without looking away from his opponent.

"No problem. You are free to fight without worrying Headmaster." I replied as three glowing circles emerged around Harry and myself.

"Aedan what's going on? And what are those circles?" My younger brother asked as his nerves got the best of him.

"This will be a fight for the world to remember one of its defenders and for you to see exactly what you will have to face in the future. These circles are to protect you so the Headmaster can fight without worrying about your safety. So now watch. Watch and learn this lesson from the Headmaster." I seriously answered as I looked at the two closest to me in terms of power and skills.

Harry gripped his wand and the prophecy tightly as he listened to me. He then put his entire focus towards the two powerful men before us.

And so, the last act of this play was set to begin as they both raised their wands.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

Yes yes I know, cliffy. But I’m trying here ok.

Anyway, it would have taken forever to write up all the fights happening in the Room of Death, so I did general flows. It was going to be one sided anyway since pretty much everyone there could at least take on a Death Eater.

I wonder if you guys noticed the difference I made during that fight which has a lot of things behind it.

Also, I basically left a small spark which will burn a witch later. She is not getting off easy.


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