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30% Harry Potter and the Brothers Black / Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Wolves and green eyes

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6 – Wolves and green eyes

Sirius made his way over to transfiguration class with his new friends and dorm mates. Peter Pettigrew who seemed alright, Remus Lupin who Harry had met before was a bit shy, and James Potter who seemed like great fun.

"Hi Sirius" A voice called out, Sirius found his cousin Bellatrix walking alongside them with Severus Snape.

"Hi Bell" Sirius smiled

"Don't call me that" She slapped his arm

"Why not? You let Harry call you that?"

"Yes but that's only because he is Harry, and I haven't hexed you for it because you're my cousin"

"I'm touched" Sirius placed a hand on his heart "you have transfigurations as well?"

"Yeah, me and Severus were just held up"

"What by?" James Potter asked

"Some of the older Slytherin's" Snape answered "yesterday Hadrius warned them not to bother us but some of them weren't there to hear the warning and proceeded to bother us as soon as we got out of the common room"

"What happened?" Remus asked

"Truth be told, I'm not sure" Severus replied "he had just grabbed them and took them into a nearby classroom "

"Though the screams do give us a rough idea of what happened" Bellatrix added with a smile. Sirius shivered, but smiled. A pissed off Harry was a scary Harry but then again it was nice that he only ever got angry when protecting people.

Sirius's other friends widened their eyes in shock, Remus saw how dangerous Harry could be and felt a small bit of pity for his victims, while James who had only known of Harry's capabilities through rumours was starting to wonder if they were all true. Peter was also unsure about what he should think, he had only seen the eldest Black brother at the feast.

Upon entering the classroom, they saw Lilly Evans already sitting there alongside Alice, who Harry would recognize as the future Mrs Longbottom. Behind them was Frank Longbottom who was conversing with them, they all took their seats.

On the desk was a cat, who was eyeing them all. Once everyone came in, Sirius had taken a closer look at the cat. He saw that it was unnaturally still and had marks around it's eyes that looked like glasses, Harry had taught him how to recognize an animagus.

Suddenly the door closed, all on it's own and another animal made itself know. A giant wolf walked from behind the desk, and many of the class looked petrified, some even fell off their seats. The direwolf walked forward and growled menacingly. Sirius and Bellatrix smiled as they knew exactly what was going on. Sirius stood up, surprising the class.

"It's alright everybody" He grinned "I'll deal with it"

"Are you mad?" Lily hissed

"He probably is" Bellatrix shrugged "being mad or crazy is quite common in our family"

Sirius marched over to the wolf, confidently, he stopped before the wolf who was taller than him. James was preparing to grab Sirius and pull him back, as was Remus while Peter was about to start praying before he remembered that he didn't know any prayers.

"Sit" Sirius did his best commanding voice, and to everyone's surprise the wolf sat. "Lie down" Sirius ordered and the wolf lied down, stunning the class once again. Sirius walked around the wolf before he sat on it's back. "Rise" He said, and the wolf did so "run" he told the wolf and the wolf stood with him sitting on its back.

The wolf howled before running around the class and the jaw dropped students, the cat was looking very amused, suddenly the wolf stopped just in front of the desk.

"Fear not fellow students" Sirius shouted dramatically "I, Sirius Black, have tamed the dreaded wolf. Bow before me, peasants"

"'re on the wolf" Remus managed to get out

"Yes, yes I know. Come on mate, try and keep up"

"But how?" Lily asked "did you know that wolf?"

"Know him? We're family" Sirius smiled. Before anymore could be said, the cat jumped off the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall, leaving the shocked students in new found levels of surprised.

"Mr Black" She said "would you kindly stop riding your brother?" Everyone looked at her as if she was mad, but then the wolf transformed into Hadrius Black who was standing there with a grin on his face, and Sirius who he was piggy backing had an identical grin.

"Oh, come on Professor" Harry laughed "little Sirius looked so adorable"

"Yes I did" Sirius nodded before pulling his brothers cheeks to make his smile bigger "thanks to you, glad to know you're being useful for once" Harry shook his head to get Sirius's hands off of him and he let Sirius go, who fell to the floor.

"Ow" Sirius said as he stood up and massaged his bum

"Sorry, accident" Harry said, knowing full well that nobody would believe him.

"Prat" Sirius said

"Brat" Harry responded

"Now" McGonagall interrupted and turned to the class "me and the eldest Black are what is known as animagi, or an animagus. It means we have the ability to transform into a certain animal at will, my form is a cat and Mr Black who is the worlds youngest animagus is a direwolf which is an extinct species of wolf.

Before you ask, it is extremely uncommon to turn into an extinct species of an animal and it only happens on extremely rare occasions. Mr Black is merely here to assist in that little demonstration, now I'd recommend he goes and uses the rest of his free period to do homework."

"Sure" Harry smiled, he walked out of the class, high fiving Bellatrix as he did, McGonagall was about to continue when Harry rushed back in. "Awfully sorry, I've forgotten my bag." Harry's bag flew to his hand, and people were amazed by his casual use of wandless magic "bye guys, oh and don't forget to call her Minnie, she loves it when you do that"

Harry quickly ran out of the class before McGonagall could say anything, she muttered under her breath before turning to her class.

"You will refer to me as Professor, is that understood?" She said

"Sure thing Minnie" Sirius said as he made his way to his seat

"Not a problem Minnie" Bellatrix said with a cheeky smile. And McGonagall said something under her breath again, something which sounded suspiciously like 'they don't pay me enough for this'.

The marauders and friends went through classes as normal, each and every teacher complimented them and would gladly talk about Harry if he was brought up. Sirus and Bellatrix never got jealous when being compared to Harry, he was truly something else and they knew that. Plus, as Harry said, 'be the best you can be and screw anyone else who tells you to be someone you're not' but in reality that was a toned down version of what he said.

James was at the point where he would start considering Harry as his new hero, he was awesome and cool and everyone liked him, even the teachers. He was also a genius at school, funny and was incredibly powerful, James would love to be even half as cool as Harry.

Peter Pettigrew was starting to feel like Harry was the new Merlin, all of the stories he has heard tell him about how awesome Harry is. Harry is rich, powerful, brilliant at magic, smart and everything Peter wants to be.

Lily was also thinking similar things about the eldest Black, he was so nice to her and anyone he met. So much so that she wasn't sure about the rumors of him terrifying the other Slytherin's, but then again it made sense that someone as powerful as Harry could terrify just about anyone.

Severus was also thinking about Harry, it seemed as if he had a split personality, most of the time he was an easy going and popular boy who Bellatrix and Sirius practically worshipped but according to his younger brother he turns into an absolute demon when he gets angry. Harry was like a big mystery to him, one that he was determined to solve.

Remus was starting to look up to Harry even more, it seemed that no matter what, he would always surprise Remus. He had heard a lot of rumors about the eldest Black including him being an animagus but he never believed them, maybe he should at least consider every rumour of having at least some truth. Remus couldn't help but wish he was more like Harry, he was such a kind soul yet down right frightening when he needs to be.

Harry didn't care that he was a werewolf, Harry didn't call him a monster or tell him to stay away from his family, no, Harry supported him. Harry encouraged him to make friends with people including his own brother, he encouraged him to go into Gryffindor, he even advised a possible location for Remus to use for his transformations and he stopped the headmaster from conning his family out of their hard earned money.

When Remus told his father about the meeting, he was furious at the headmaster and told Remus to thank Harry and stick with him if possible. Remus intended to do just that, at lunch he saw Harry sitting at the Slytherin table and while everyone went to the Gryffindor table he went to the Slytherin table to thank him.

"Hey" One Slytherin grabbed his arm "what are you doing here? This is the Slytherin table" Remus was surprised, he had seen Harry come to the Gryffindor's before so he thought that there wouldn't be a problem.

"Hey" Harry had gotten up and walked over, the Slytherin immediately let go of Remus "do we have a problem here?" The Slytherin immediately shook his head to say no. "Good, hi Remus, how are you doing?"

"Ah...I'm good but I was hoping to talk to you"

"Of course, in private?" Remus nodded "come on then" Harry took Remus out of the hall and took him into an empty classroom and made a few wand movements.

"What are you doing?" Remus asked

"Just putting some spells to guarantee our privacy" Harry answered "now, what's up mate?"

"W...well I wanted to thank you" Remus said

"What for?" Harry asked, Remus was surprised to see that Harry looked genuinely confused

"For all the help you've given me" Remus replied "I mean you saving my life and keeping my secret and stopping Dumbledore from taking more money from my family. I told my dad everything and he encouraged me to make friends with you and he has never encouraged me to make friends with anyone"

"You don't need to thank me" Harry said "I was glad to help, and I didn't do it because I wanted something from you. If that was the case then I'd be off saving rich snobs from whatever it is that's trying to kill them. But if you want me to be your friend, then all you've got to do is ask."

"Really?" Remus was still trying very hard to get used to the notion of anyone being friends with him

"Yeah, why have enemies when you can have friends? Merlin knows you need some, how are things going with your fellow Gryffindors?"

"Well Peter is alright, I haven't talked much with Frank. James and Sirius seem to be getting along, I think it's probably just their wild personalities"

"I feel sorry for you Remus"

"What? Why?"

"Because now if Sirius blows something up it's your job to clean it up and now he and James has probably doubled the possibility of that happening" He laughed and Remus despite trying not to, laughed a little "there we go! A good laugh every once in a while is all it takes, now sorry to ruin the mood but I have to ask, do you know when the next full moon is?"

"Yes" Remus nodded as the mood was immediately ruined. "It's tomorrow"

"Sorry about that, how are you feeling?"

"Not good" Remus answered honestly, he just felt like he couldn't lie to Harry "before the moon comes I always feel tired, and achy."

"Again, I'm sorry for you. Now, I have an offer for you Moony."


"How about I accompany you tomorrow?"

"What?!" Remus blurted out "you mean at night...when I change? No! Are you crazy?!"

"Remus" Harry said calmly "what am I?"

"Crazy if you think I'm letting you come and get bitten!"

"Remus, I'm an animagus, remember?" Harry resisted the urge to laugh as realization lit up on Remus's face "that's right, I know you probably studied as much as you can on werewolves and I'm sure you know that werewolves can't turn us into werewolves. Now, I'm willing to do this for you if you do to two things for me"


"Yes, the first is you don't tell anyone what I'm doing because unlike you I'm not allowed to be there or break curfew, the second thing is I want you to try and make friends"

"Make friends?"

"Yes, I don't expect you to try and make friends the second you leave this classroom, you don't even have to do it this year but promise me that if someone tries to befriend you then you won't push them away"

"B...but why?" Remus had never been more confused in his life

"I think the reason why we hate werewolves is because we don't know anymore about them than what we're told" Harry said "I want you to make friends, if they find out your secret then look at their reaction. If they're good friends who are worth keeping around then they won't care. If not then don't bother wasting your time with them, they're not worth it.

If Sirius found out then I'd like to think he'd be supportive, I mean I've drilled into his head that werewolves are normal people enough times but if he does be mean then tell me and I'll deal with him. Another reason I have for doing this is because you need this Remus, I can't always be there for you, not because I don't want to but I may not be able to at the time. I would feel horrible for myself if you had to go through something and I wasn't there to help, but if you have a few other friends then they could help.

Not necessarily with the whole werewolf deal but with other things. Look, not telling anyone about me coming with you is a condition but the friends part is a recommendation. I won't force you to make friends if you don't want, but I really think you should, or at least think about what I've said, deal?"

"Deal" Remus nodded weakly, he knew Harry was right but making one friend was hard enough for him. But he also didn't want to disappoint Harry, he would at least think about it as Harry had suggested "so you're coming with me tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll meet you in the shack tomorrow" Harry stood up and removed the privacy charms before leaving. Remus didn't know how long he stood in that classroom, it might have been minutes or seconds but all he knew was he had to wipe the tears off of his face before he left.

Tomorrow night, Remus made his way into the shack where Harry was waiting for him. Harry smiled as Remus entered, Remus would have smiled back at him if not for how tired he felt.

"The moons approaching" Harry said

"Trust me, I know" Remus replied, Harry took out his wand and produced a small screen in the corner for Remus.

"You can get out of your clothes in there, no point in you ruining them."

Remus was a bit too tired to be embarrassed and did as he was told. He got out of his clothes, thankful that Harry had built this screen for him. It was bad enough that he had to suffer, he didn't want anyone to see him naked as he did so. Soon, the moon rose and the wolf came out.

A werewolf woke up seconds later, he was in a confined space and he didn't like it . He tossed the screen out of the way, and saw another wolf standing in front of him. He eyed the big grey wolf in front of him, he growled at it but the wolf looked unfazed. The werewolf growled and took a few steps forward, the grey wolf didn't seem bothered and that scared the werewolf even more than if he put up a fight.

Why didn't this wolf try and fight back? He didn't look like he was submitting but he didn't look aggressive either, what should he do now? He decided to put the wolf in its place, he inched forward before lunging at the wolf.

The wolf dodged and the werewolf crashed into nearby wall, he shook his head and tried again but this time the wolf quickly dropped to the floor and the werewolf flew over it's head and crashed into a table. The werewolf stood up and growled at its opponent, he charged and was about to slash the wolf with his paws but then the wolf ran at him and tackled him to the ground. The two wolves wrestled for a bit until one won.

It ended with the grey wolf standing above the werewolf, its paws keeping the werewolf's head planted against the floor. The grey wolf roared at it, and the werewolf understood what this meant. This wolf was now the alpha, this wolf was now in command and this wolf would be the one that he would obey.

The werewolf yielded and submitted to the wolf, who slowly let him go. The werewolf stood up, at the moment he was taller than the alpha but it was the alpha who had the power. The grey wolf in front of him stood with power dripping out of him, the werewolf made sure to keep his head low to show respect to the alpha.

Suddenly the werewolf was tackled by the grey wolf, he braced himself for the pain but it never happened. The wolf did not tackle him to attack him, the wolf wanted to play. Slowly the werewolf started getting more confident and obliged, the two wrestled with each other.

The werewolf was enjoying himself, usually he would have nothing to do and just bite himself but now, now he had someone he could play with. The two wrestled until they got tired, eventually they fell asleep.

Remus woke up, looking around he saw that the screen was still there and he was wrapped in a blanket. He slowly stood up, he saw human Harry standing up and stretching his limbs.

"Oh my god, Harry!" Remus said as the events of last night made their way into his head "I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be" Harry waved a hand "it's my fault, while werewolves don't harm non humans they can get a bit defensive around other wolves. It's not your fault, really, if I was a deer or something like that then you probably wouldn't have done anything. But I don't think you'll do it again."

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday I established myself as the alpha and that means that..."

"When I transform I have to listen to you" Remus finished "that means that..."

"I will be keeping your other half in line from now on" Harry smiled at him "so, how did last night feel?"

"Honestly? It was the best transformation I've ever had" Remus said quietly "I didn't bite myself or anything, did...did I hurt you?"

"Nah, well just a few scratches from when we wrestled but that's it" Harry got rid of the screen before tossing Remus his clothes "I'll be going now, got to get out of here before someone comes to check on you and finds me, later on if you want to talk then just come and talk to me."

Harry gave Remus one last smile, before leaving. Remus put his clothes on and walked back up to the hospital wing where madam Pomfrey checked him out.

"You don't seem to have any problems besides a few scratches and a couple of cuts" She observed

"Oh, well, he was more tame than usual" Remus said, he did his best to remain emotionless but whenever she looked away he couldn't help but smile.

Harry arrived at the hall, he saw Ginny sitting at the Ravenclaw table. He sat besides her, and started piling food on his plate.

"My, my" She said playfully "a snake at the house of eagles, or is it a wolf?" She said, referencing Harry's night with Moony which she knew about through the soul bond.

"First of all, can someone please tell me why you lot are called eagles and not ravens? Why isn't it 'Eagleclaw'? Second of all, we both know I don't care for the rules or traditions when you're involved"

"True" She nodded "we've broken our fair share of rules as we travelled through all those worlds. We've broken so many that I've actually lost count. Let's see, we've run from law enforcement"







"And we've had a good reason for all of that" Harry said

"Of course we did, it's not like we did all of that for the fun of it. The fact that we enjoyed them is just a bonus"

"Yes it is" Harry nodded "I loved the look on Remus's face, he looked so happy"

"He deserves happiness" Ginny said "the poor boy"

"Speaking of Remus" Harry gestured with his head to Remus who had just entered with Lily, Snape, Bellatrix and the rest of the marauders.

"Hey" A seventh year Slytherin walked up to Harry "what do you think you're doing?!" He demanded, catching the attention of everyone in the hall.

"I'm sitting with the lovely Miss Gwen Peterson and enjoying a nutritional breakfast, what are you doing?" Harry said as if he was in the middle of a polite conversation.

"Shut it Black" The Slytherin growled "I've had enough of you prancing about like you own the damn place, and now you're here talking to mudbloods?!" Sirius and Bellatrix looked at each other, and after sharing a look they quickly decided to hide behind their friends.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked

"You guys wanted to see what happens when Harry gets angry?" Sirius asked, after they nodded he gestured with his head to Harry and the Slytherin "be careful what you wish for"

Harry wiped his mouth with a napkin, before turning and standing up. He looked straight up at the Slytherin, the marauders and their friends moved slightly so they would have a better look at Harry.

"Would you care to repeat that?" Harry said slowly "Because, it sounds to me like you've said something you don't want to say in front of me. So, go ahead, repeat that, I dare you" The Slytherin sneered at him before leaning in close.

"The only good thing that mudblood is useful for is practise so you can prepare yourself for the purebloods" He whispered with a smile on his face "she seems a bit young for the type of practises I'm thinking of, but maybe when she's older you can lend her to me"

Harry pushed the Slytherin with one hand and he flew back, soaring over a few other students and through the open doors of the hall before he crashed into the wall outside of the hall. Sirius and the rest of them looked at Harry in shock, even more so when they saw lightning was dancing around his fingertips.

Then, they saw it, they saw those deathly eyes that Sirius had claimed to see. The hall went cold, his green eyes seemed like the only source of warmth in the hall, his hand was still in the same position from when he pushed the seventh year. Sirius and his friends weren't the targets of Harry's fury and for that, they were glad but they still couldn't help the fear that was overcoming their bodies as his emerald orbs seemed to get brighter. They were wondering if he was debating whether to kill the unconscious seventh year.

Ginny got up, she walked around the table and stood in front of Harry which led to most people looking at her as if she was suicidal. Ginny pushed Harry's arm out of the way and leaned up and whispered comforting and calming words into his ear.

Slowly the lightning in his hand began to die out, his eyes returned back to grey and he lowered his arm and gave Ginny a little smile. Sirius and Bellatrix were looking at Ginny as if she was a god, nobody could tame Harry when he was angry, mostly because nobody was brave enough to get close.

The rest of them looked at the now smiling Harry, and thought back to the previously furious Harry and the warnings they had received from Bellatrix and Sirius. At preciously the same time, they all made a mental note to never piss off Harry. Snape had at that point concluded that his curiosity was not worth an angry Harry.

Once everyone stopped feeling like death wanted to claim their souls, Flitwick, Slughorn and McGonagall eventually made their way over.

"What happened?" Flitwick asked

"I was sitting and having breakfast with Ginny" Harry answered "then that idiot" he gestured to the unconscious Slytherin "interrupted us"

"You're telling us that you tossed him across the hall because he interrupted you?" McGonagall asked with disbelief

"No Professor McGonagall" Ginny interrupted "he had called me a mudblood then he said that the only thing I was good for is 'practise' and told Harry to lend me to him when I was older. Harry got upset and pushed him, and you saw the rest"

"Well, in that case" McGonagall looked back and forth between the two "ten points from Slytherin for uttering such filth, and ten points for throwing him across the hall. However, I would like to award you ten points for sitting at Ravenclaw and promoting house unity, ten points for defending a lady and ten points for restraining yourself. Also I award ten points to Ravenclaw for preventing more harm being caused to another student and for showing emotional maturity beyond your age".

With that the she walked off to attend to the Slytherin that was unconscious outside of the hall, Flitwick smiled and Slughorn winked at them as they walked past to help McGonagall. Sirius and Bellatrix immediately ran up to the two, but it seems that they wanted to talk to Ginny.

"How did you do that?!" Sirius said, louder than he intended to but he couldn't help it.

"Do what?" Ginny asked

"You've bloody tamed Hadrius Black!" Bellatrix replied "how did you do that?!"

"Oh, I haven't tamed him" Ginny smiled "personally I don't think he is tameable, but I did offer him a reward if he listened to me."

"A reward?" Sirius raised his eyebrow

"Oh yes, that reminds me. Here's your reward Harry" She quickly leaned up and pecked him on the lips "hmm, not bad. I'm going back to my dorm to get my books. See you all later" Ginny cheerily made her way out of the hall.

"Harry" Sirius turned to his brother "I don't care what it takes, you must marry her! She's perfect for you"

"That's the plan little bro, that's the plan"

"So you want to marry her?" Bellatrix asked, she was in no way jealous but she wanted to get to know Ginny. She didn't care much for blood purity because of Harry but no way was she going to let someone unworthy take her favourite cousin, she trusted his judgement but the phrase 'trust but verify' came to her mind. If Ginny was worthy then she'd help, if not then she wasn't sure what she would do.

"Yep, trust me when I say it's her."

"Mother won't like that you want to marry a mud...sorry, that's a habit dad gave me, muggleborn girl." Bellatrix pointed out and the two looked at her "Hey, I'm not the one with the problem here, just saying."

"Well, they might not like it but I'd like to see them try and stop me" Harry said defiantly

"You really think she's the one for you?" Bellatrix asked "I care for you Harry, I'm not saying Ginny is one of them but I've heard all about those girls who want to get to know you because you're Hadrius Black"

"True, but I really think that she prefers to know Harry" Sirius said "I mean, she's muggleborn so the only thing she's heard so far are probably rumours and most of them would be about his school life and not his fame or money"

"Bell" Harry placed an arm over her shoulder "I love you and I'm thankful for you caring about me, trust me when I say that I trust Ginny. If you want, try and get to know her and form your own opinion. If you like her then brilliant, if not then I won't force you two to hang out, deal?"

"Deal" Bellatrix sighed before wrapping Harry in a hug "you'd better be right about this, you've always been nice to me and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know, and the same for you Bell" Harry kissed her forehead "when you get a boyfriend, I promise you that I will be evaluating his worthiness of you"

"Really?" She asked with an amused expression "what are you going to do if he is not worthy?"

"Break a few bones?" Harry shrugged "Use a few hexes and curses, throw them at something, I'm not really sure but I'll think of something."

"What about me?" Sirius asked "If I wanted to go out with a girl, would the two of you be evaluating her worthiness of me?"

"Ha" Bellatrix and Harry laughed

"Not likely" Bellatrix shook her head

"We'd probably have to keep YOU away from HER" Harry added

"You wound me" Sirius placed a hand over his chest and leaned back dramatically "you monsters" he exclaimed "I don't think I can go on".

The two laughed at his antics, before they both pulled him into a headlock and ruffled his hair. Eventually they let him go Harry made his way to his next lesson while Bellatrix went to the Slytherin table with Severus. Sirius sat with his friends at the Gryffindor table.

"Sirius" James said "you know when you said don't make your brother angry, I think I understand why now and I will do my best to keep him from being angry in the future"

"You're not the only one" Remus added, in disbelief about the fact that the kind Harry could turn into such a terrifying person.

"Me too" Peter added "he was scary, I think I nearly wet myself" Sirius leaned towards Peter and sniffed him.

"No, not yet" He said

"I couldn't believe his eyes turned green" Lily added her piece "at first I thought they were like mine but then they looked like green fire, I can't believe it. I thought that death was going to enter the hall" Everyone collectively shivered at the thought.

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