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23.07% Harry Potter - Carry On Wayward Son / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: We Went Too Far

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6: We Went Too Far

September 11th, 2007 – Midnight

"Ow…Just, ow…"

Harry was slowly waking up on the cold hardwood floors. A quick look around told him immediately that he was still in the library.

"Rise…Rise, my son…"

Harry heard a smack before hearing Crowley speak, "Shut up, Gabriel. This is not the time and place for this."

Harry made a hasty examination of his surroundings. He checked his body – now without sigils and markings that he remembered were part of the ritual. That's when he noticed the hair – it was covering is eyes way too much. Now that he took note, his nails and limbs were too long, his body… more robust then he recalled.

Harry parted his hair before realizing he was still in handcuffed by the legs and knees, the appendages red from wear and tear.

Harry saw Crowley and Gabriel standing by the couch, carefully observing his reactions. He has seen those looks before…

"Guys, how long was I out?"

Both of the supposed adults in the room checked back with other, too afraid to answer.


Everyone in the room paused. Gabriel and Crowley both got weapons out of their clothes before either realizing what just happened – they got frightened by Harry.

Harry, on the other hand, was trying to figure how his voice got that…menacing. That was also when he noticed that he managed to rip the chains out of the floor.

His head was suddenly in pain. He saw flashes of things…things he never did… places he has never been in…people screaming in fear…

He slowly looked up at the demon and angel cautiously approaching him.

"Crowley, Gabriel, please… tell me what happened?"

A few minutes later…


Crowley, Harry, and Gabriel were currently in the kitchen, enjoying a late night meal. Generally, angels and demons don't need to eat, but seeing as how Harry hasn't consumed anything in such an extensive time, they faked it best they could.

Crowley was trying his best not to tap his fingers on the table, "Well…you were actually out for a month. The rest of the time…"

Harry remembered the vision flashes. "No…Did I break out? Did I kill someone in Boston?"

Gabriel answered rapidly, "No on both counts. You did, however, go a little crazy in Las Vegas, Nevada." Gabriel casually mentioned this as he gave Harry more meat, which he inhaled – he was famished.

"NEVADA? How the hell did I get to Nevada?...Where's Nevada?"

Crowley jumped in, "Other side of America. Let's just say that the demon essence in you temporarily overpower your soul and we had to let you loose to…get the extra energy out of your system."

Harry banged his hand on the table, "DON'T LIE TO ME CROWLEY."

Again, Harry's words took on a predatory, cold, quiet tone. It's the kind of voice you hear from a professional assassin or the devil himself. It's the kind of sound that stops you in your tracks and makes you reconsider who the apex predator is.

Crowley and Gabriel knew he could do it, but it is still caught them off guard. It was an instinctual response from some primitive part of the human brain – one that even spirits like Crowley and Gabriel had no control over in their vessels. Just consider what it can do to a normal person…

Harry coughed, his throat hoarse, "I have… to get that voice…under control."

Gabriel asked, "How are you doing that by the way? That's not something demons or angels can do. You using magic or is that something natural to you now?...Oh dear God, we actually made Genesis…"

Harry thought about, "Not really sure. I was angry last time, this time I was annoyed…Negative emotions? That's not the issue here – tell me, what happened in Vegas?"

Gabriel tried not to laugh at that phrase – it has been said way too many times in history.

Crowley carefully crafted his response, "We think that your subconscious mind tried to erase all that happened to you in the Dursley's house by using our ritual as a foci. Instead, your conscious mind chose to resist and as an alternative, removed all emotions from your memories. If it literally took emotions from your memories specifically or just did significant damage to your limbic system, we don't know. All we were able to understand is that there was a serious disconnection with all the new mystical energies in your body. You went primal, some weird aspect of my demon essence came to the surface, made you into a 'psychic vampire' that needed to satiate your need for emotions. Long story short, Las Vegas was a cesspool of them, nobody died or was significantly injured, your back to normal with no chance of relapse in the future, and now we can start raising you as my son – with Gabriel acting as the crazy uncle who helps me out."

Harry looked at Crowley deadpanned before turning and asking Gabriel, "Is he serious?"

Gabriel took a small camera out of nowhere, "We have pictures. You want to see?"

Harry raised both hands, "NO! I BELIEVE YOU! It's just…it's not something I can just bury under the rug or something…"

Crowley looked at Gabriel, pleading with his eyes for the angel to do something to raise the boy's spirits.

"Harry… you want to see a movie like a normal family?"

Harry slowly started to smile, "Sure…what movie?"

Crowley smiled as well, "I believe that they just made a remake of '3:10 to Yuma'." (1)

Gabriel got excited, "Good. Let's jam!"

All three were teleported to a theater in Boston to spend the next two hours being a family and enjoying a great movie.

September 12th, 2007 – Noon

The gang teleported back to the lodge – after a movie, very early morning breakfast, and a quick shopping trip to get clothes for Harry.

With Harry's new longer limbs, finding something that fit him was particularly challenging, especially since Harry kept tripping over his own feet. Crowley and Gabriel finally settled on the all-black ensemble for the kid – he was too pale for colors but not pale enough to make his new clothes get him to look like a Twilight wanna-be.

Thank god Harry didn't get the reference at the time when Gabriel made the joke.;

Crowly and Gabriel were no worse for wear, yet Harry was dead tired after the long exertion, particularly since he carried all the bags.

"Look, guys, I know you trying to get me acquainted with my new body and all, but you realize I have been in a closet for most of my life – I am not used to this much activity and heavy lifting."

Gabriel just laughed, "Calm down Harry. Just be happy we only went clothes shopping. I had half-a-mind to go get you a…"

"GABRIEL! Not now. Harry, just put the clothes in your room and met us in the study…We have to take inventory."

"Sure thing, Crowley."

Crowley paused, "Look, Harry… I know we are all new to this but… let's try calling me 'Dad.'."

Gabriel jumped in, "He has to call me 'Uncle' then. Only makes it fair."

Harry looked a bit conflicted. This was a man – who from his linear perspective – just rescued him a day or so ago from the Dursley's. To him, calling the demon before him 'Dad' was a bit too alien, but…

"Alright… Dad. I'll see you upstairs."

After Harry had left the room, Crowley did his best not to smile.

Gabriel, smiling ear to ear, "Oh, did the Grinch's heart grow three sizes last night?"

"Shut up, Gabriel – don't ruin the moment."

Harry was currently standing in front of Crowley and Gabriel, both sitting on the couch, observing him. Crowley currently had a notepad and pen in his hands while Gabriel had a camera.

Harry just looked at the smirking angel, "Are the pictures necessary?"

Gabriel was just kiddy, "It's like watching a child walk for the first time – we are gonna immortalize this for as long as possible."

"Speaking of which," interjected Crowley, "is he immortal now?"

Gabriel started thinking about it, "Not yet. His current vessel – your body, Harry – is gonna live a long time, especially since you are a wizard – yes, despite everything we did, you are still, on a fundamental level, a wizard. If nothing happens, you live a good few centuries, no problem notwithstanding. Dying, however, will make you immortal – in a sense."

Harry was about to interrupt, but Gabriel kept going, "You can't kill yourself; gonna have to die in the line of duty, accident, or old age. But when you do, it's going to be just your soul left, and that thing is like a fusion reactor cubed. You'll do the same thing as all of us, which is finding yourself a vessel and be truly immortal. Just to clarify, immortality includes a long life span and being unaffected by disease, toxins, or time. There will also be the fact you won't require food, water, oxygen, or sleep."

Harry slowly took it all in, "Do I have these abilities now or…?"

Gabriel thought it through, "You still have a body, so you still need sleep and food, but at much lower levels. You are probably susceptible to time but on a much weaker level – same for disease and toxins. Other than that, your body is still mortal by human standards. I give you a good six centuries before your body finally gives in to natural causes."

Harry gawked at the adults in the room. "Just how old are you guys?"

"I am about three and a half centuries – young for a demon."

"I was made by God so… as old as the universe?"

Harry nearly fainted at that revelation. "Anyway, back to the topic at hand. So, Uncle Gabe - what can you do?"

Gabriel started to count off his fingers, "Let's see… lower tier night-omnipotence, nigh-omniscience, immortality, super strength, super senses, shape shifting, teleportation, telepathy, empathy, telekinesis, chronokinesis, conjuration, self-duplication, reality warping, …oh, and superhuman bravado and sex appeal."

Crowley just looked at the angel annoyed, "I am not writing down the last two, no matter how much you argue."

Gabriel just chuckled, "Fine, fine…Look, I know you're gonna be weaker than me, but we still have to know what you have up your sleeve."

Crowley started writing on the pad for his column, "Mostly same things but toned down. Immortality, supernatural perception, super strength, super senses, teleportation, telekinesis, electrokinesis, pyrokinesis, thermokinesis, biokinesis, terrakinesis, invisibility, spell casting, memory manipulation, and animal communication."

Harry just stood there, trying his best not to fall over. He tried to keep the conversation going, though, "What about weaknesses? You are bound to have some."

Gabriel started to tick off fingers again, "Lucifer's Cage, Enochian sigils, blood spells, holy fire, Heaven's weapons, angel blades, Hand of God, and Death's Scythe."

Crowley did the same, "Devil's traps, holy water, angel blades, demon-killing knifes, angels, higher demons, exorcism, and some forms of magic."

Harry couldn't help but notice something odd, "Wait, there was a lot of things there I don't get, but something is bothering me - how come Crowley has more powers?"

Gabriel would have done a spit-take if he had water, "Are you deaf or something? I WAS MADE BY GOD! I warp reality at my whim!"

"But you can't do spells or manipulate energies."

Gabriel paused and looked at the watch on his wrist, "That is the fastest anyone has ever picked up on that ."

Crowley just snickered, 'Seriously? You can manipulate reality, read people's minds, and TRAVEL THROUGH FREAKING TIME, but you can't manage the basics forces of nature or spellcraft? That's like skipping learning how to walk and going straight to flying a freaking plane!"

Harry had to ask something that Crowley was overlooking regarding the angel, "Is it because you don't have a soul?"

Crowley hesitated, "Harry, you may be new to this, but everything that the big bearded man in the sky made has a soul. It kind of how life is made – no soul, no fuel, no life…"

Gabriel started to panic chuckle, "Actually, that's not ENTIRELY true, Crowley. I mean… it's not a secret or anything, but…it isn't something we angels like to bring up."

Crowley just looked at Gabriel in silence, but Harry had to ask, "Then…how do angels work then?"

Gabriel started to walk around the room, pacing from one end to the other, "We angels are like automatons – we act like humans, we function like humans, but we aren't humans. We know the secrets of the universe, we can see reality on the smallest of levels, we can jump from one century to the next, we experience life on the same fundamental level as all of Father's creations…BUT WE AREN'T TRULY ALIVE! We are compressed Suns walking around claiming to be Pinocchio who became human."

Crowley had to ask, "Where do you go when you guys die?"

Gabriel got depressed at this, "We just seize to exist. It's 'Game Over' for us – no continuation, no returns, no second chances."

Harry got a worried look on his face which Crowly noted, "Nothing to worry 'bout Harry, he isn't going to be kicked off the board anytime soon. He is an Archangel of the Lord – one of the strongest things in creation… Definitely top 10…Now, back to the boy."

Gabriel perked up, "Yeah, so what do you expect, Crowley? He gets all of our abilities and more?"

Harry started to look at his hands, "I'll have so much power?"

Gabriel couldn't help himself, "Okay, seriously, I have to introduce you to music when this is over, or you'll remain a 'straight man of comedy' for the rest of your life… The line is sung 'I GOT THE POWER'…" (2)

"GABRIEL! Time and place!"

"Sorry, Crowley…"

Gabriel looked back to the columns on the pad, "While I sincerely doubt he is going to ever be in your weight class Gabriel, I see a few power overlaps here that are certain. We should test Harry for the following: super strength, super senses, supernatural perception, teleportation, and telekinesis. While we are at it, we should also check if he is able to manipulate energies and perform spells. Also, should we look into the possibilities of him inheriting our weaknesses?

Gabriel interjected, "First, what energies are we talking here – pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, ferrokinesis, other forms of kinesis? Secondly, most of our weaknesses apply to everyone – just look at angel blades. What we should really check are your weaknesses – you are now the boy's father, in spirit and blood."

Crowley started to tap his fingers, "So, I guess we check for holy water, salt, iron, and Devil's trap. Should we test for exorcism and Enochian sigils?

Gabriel tapped his chin, "Exorcisms may be the one thing that can kill Harry since his soul and vessel are one and the same on a mystical level. Sigils and spells are a different story – each is made to repel something explicitly KNOWN. Harry is something entirely new – there is no spell, no ritual, no potion, no mystic hoodoo-voodoo that is expressly crafted to repel him."

Harry got a bit conflicted regarding that, "So, I am unkillable… That doesn't bode well for me, that seems like tempting fate…"

"Oh don't worry Harry, you are entirely killable, and in all fairness, Fate isn't really that easy to tempt – I know from trying to hook up with her. Your body is still technically human, just magically enhanced – it would take a lot of effort, but it could be done. No, you would have… an adverse reaction to holy water, possibly salt, and definitely iron – that is a universal response for most magical beings to that particular metal. We may have to test the Devil's trap, though – that may actually hold you back."

Crowley started making a checklist, "Alrighty then, let's start simple then. Should we try testing for strength and endurance?"

Gabriel cracked his knuckles, "Leave that to me – I'll start training him soon enough. By the time I am done, he will be hunting werewolves for fun."

Crowley nodded. "Okay, then, let's move on to super senses. Harry, anything you would like to share?"

"Besides the fact that I am never leaving this house until the scent of sewage, perfume, and grease leaves my nostrils? No, not much."

Crowley laughed – an honest laugh at that, "Good, sarcasm – a fine weapon of choice. I can only assume that sound and sight are equally hard to control?"

Hary had to nod at that – it was like living in a world of ultra-high definition…How did he know that?

"Fine. Gabriel, I can only assume that getting his senses all filled away and tunned up are going to be covered by you as well?"

"Yep. In fact, let's just leave all the physical activities under my jurisdiction – I'll be Coach Gabriel, you be Professor Crowley."

"And what am I supposed to be – troublemaker Bart Simpson?…Okay, what is going on? How do I know this?"

Gabriel started smirking, "I guess the download actually took hold – must have been passively being installed. Figured you were getting around town easier than anticipated."

Crowley perked up, "Is that why how he spoke Spanish in the diner? Thought I misheard him."

Harry freaked out at that, "¿Yo hablo español? Espere… Que acabo de decir?"

Gabriel got a panicked look, "Oh, damn - it went into active mode. Harry, Harry… listen. You have to calm down. Go sit on the couch, have something to drink," he made soda appear in his hands, cup and ice, before giving it to the boy, "and let me explain."

Harry started to drink the soda in large gulps while Crowley watched the angel.

"When you were… out of it… I figured it would have been a good time to teach you how to read and write. Normally, such a thing would be easy but… you were undergoing a metamorphosis, and the standard neural connections that most kids your age would have weren't there. So I did a little restructuring, little remodeling, got everything hooked-up…Basically, I brought your head up to code. Following so far?"

Both Harry and Crowley nodded. Crowley was already aware that the angel did something in the boy's mental attic, but he wanted to know the fine details.

"Okay, so you see, there is this notion of something called a 'mental palace.' It's something the doctors in brain and psychology community came upon a while ago, but really, Arthur Conan Doyle coined it way back when. In essence, it a process of training the mind to organize itself – a place for everything, and everything in its place. Now, beings like me – and to some level Crowley and anyone long-living – need a system like this in place to organize all the information we take in over time. It's why the very notion of immortality is impractical – sure, you'll live forever, but the brain simply can't handle more than a century's worth of memories. Once someone normal – like a vanilla human – passes one hundred, things just start getting…overwritten. It's not Alzheimer's or Dementia bad, but it becomes apparent after a while. The physical skills stay - that's muscle memory, which can't disappear – but trying to remember how you learned that skill is bound to mess you up after a while. Thankfully, Wolverine has yet to run into that issue since they keep erasing his memories…"

"Gabriel, focus."

"Right, sorry Crowley. Anyway, I had a similar thought that Crowley brought up earlier regarding immortality and the like, which is why I did what I did. So after about a week of working – don't give me that look, Crowley, it wasn't easy – you finally stabilized, and your condition was progressing along nicely. So I started slacking off, watched some Youtube and it hit me! Even if you knew the language, you weren't up to date with society and culture. So, being the good Uncle, I decided to correct that little oversight and did a massive info-dump."

Crowley pointed up a finger, almost afraid to ask, "How much information are we talking here, Gabriel? You didn't just go and fill his head with junk, did ya?"

Gabriel shook his hands in front of himself, "No, no…well, not really…maybe. Okay, I started off with the biggest events in the last decade or so news wise. Then, I added culturally significant works and the like. But then I realize he needed context behind them, but I didn't want his head cluttered with useless trivia regarding the celebrities and the like. I also didn't want to dump music, movies, and tv shows since that is something you pick out because you like them. Then there was an issue regarding world history…"

Crowley could only hold his forehead in desperation, "Just what did you dump into him?"

Gabriel chuckled a bit sheepishly, "Long story short, he now knows all the world languages – speaking, reading, and writing."

Crowley was gonna scream in shock but then, "THAT…is not entirely as bad as I thought it was going be… anything else?"

"I gave him the bullet point of all RECORDED world history – with some corrections – as well as highlights for all the nations of the world. Figured it would be handy."

Crowly nodded, making sure Harry followed, "Proceed."

"After that, I put in all relevant cultural events and proceedings that have made their way into common vernacular or usage. Anything else that he might need to know or look up can be done by his own choosing. I did, however, connect the dots, as it were, in his mind. As an example, if someone mentions Jim Carrey, Harry would know the relevant films, some famous quotes, maybe even some things about him. He won't however, know the movies from memory, stuff he has done, or anything that deep regarding the man. Same can be said if he hears something like, "My precious." He may know that it was used in Lord of the Rings, but he won't necessarily know what or who it pertains to. You get what I mean?"

Crowley shrugged, "Seems simple enough. It's like playing six degrees of separation."

Harry jumped in, "Are you referring to Kevin Bacon or the actual concept?"

Gabriel smiled, "See, just like that. I also added essential coverage of most topics covered in school and some he SHOULD know. I didn't generalize either; I didn't just go ahead and dump some rudimentary understanding of the sciences and the like. No, I went topic by topic, subject by subject. Harry can now have a basic conversation regarding anything under the spectrum, from simple biology to calculus to art history and even quantum physics."

"I am assuming you left enough room in there for something afterward?"

Gabriel clapped his hands, "That the best part! All I did was leave footnotes, summaries, and citations. The world is an oyster for anything Harry chooses to indulge himself with! Music, literature, art, television…That's free will at its best - when the individual is perfectly informed about his choices regarding everything!"

Crowly quickly pointed out a flaw in his speech, "Except the supernatural."

Gabriel was caught off guard, "I put in mythology in there…"

"But not our form of supernatural. Nothing on magic, spellcraft, rituals, potions, nothing actually pertaining the world he would be involved in?"

Gabriel realized that Crowly misunderstood his intentions, "Ah, I see what you mean. There are two reasons for that. One, this is one of those things better learned in person – the connection between knowledge and magic has to organic, not forced. It would be like giving someone a gun without them being taught how to use it and expect them to be a Green Beret."

Crowley had to acknowledge the reasoning, "Fair enough, and the second point?"

Gabriel gave Crowley a devilish smile before stating, "I have to leave something for you to teach, don't I, Professor Crowley?"

Harry just looked at the demon sitting next to him, smirking, "He has a point, Dad."

"You choose NOW to jump on his bandwagon of crazy?... Fine, but you are gonna have to teach that as well: I am only so young, oh great and ancient Gabriel."

Gabriel just chuckled, "Now who's rubbing salt into open wounds? Common Crowly, give yourself some credit – I can't be as wicked as you."

"Suck-up. We can cross telekinesis off the list since we know Harry can already do that. All that's left is to simply train the muscle for heavier loads. Teleportation…," Crowly gave a cursory glance look at Harry, "Let's leave molecular deconstruction and reconstruction for after he is better acquainted with this body."

Now it was Hary's turn to be insulted, "Hey!"

Crowley pointed a pen at the boy, "The day you can go 24 hours without tripping over your feet is the day we even begin to DISCUSS the mechanics behind teleporting from one place to another."

Harry sighed in defeat, "Fine, Dad."

"All that is left is supernatural perception…"

Harry raised his hand, "Is that being able to see magic?"

Crowley just kept talking, "There's more to it than that, and it has levels but yeah…Wait, you can see magic, even now?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, ever since I woke up. At first, I thought it was just this house, with all the different lights and sigils, but when we got to town, I started to see more of it everywhere. It's all over the place…some people and venues have more than others, the different hues, the radiance of it all…"

Crowley looked at the angel, "Can you do that, cause I sure as hell can't."

Gabriel thought about, "Could be a benefit of his wizard heritage. That, or it could be his brain trying to process all the energies in the world as a form of synesthesia… Tell me, Harry, can you see some kind of orb in the center of my being?"

Harry quickly nodded, "No, but I can see one in Crowley which is red. I can see it in everyone. I actually had to turn it off in town because it was getting too bright. Can't really tell much about them – just the color. Not like in the air where I can see hues and shapes and… it's hard to describe."

"Oh, I know exactly what you are describing… Crowley, remember when I mentioned I can see the world to the smallest atom? If that is seeing reality on a micro scale, then Harry is doing something unique – he sees it on the macro level."

Crowly actually got afraid at that, "You mean he sees how everything is connected and involved? Isn't that GOD's domain?"

"Apparently not, or one of my brothers would have detected the intrusion by now. No, I can only assume that Harry is seeing the same thing Father did but via a different method – that, or he is riding along on the edge of the border of His vision, on the periphery."

Harry shakingly rose his hand again, "I can only assume that this is a bad time to mention that my eyes have a second level to them?"

Crowley nearly set the coach on fire at that – Harry quickly put out the embers. "Do you actually know you can do it or is it instinctual?"

"Seems like something I know, like how dogs know how to swim when put in water. Let me show you."

Harry closed his eyes and started to concentrate. The angel and the demon both felt his energies shift to his head and then his eyes.

When he opened them, they were no longer human. The iris – once a shade of green – was now a frightening shade of red, with the whites of the eye now black and the pupil white rather than black. It is an unnerving sight, especially on a child. They twitched and looked around like normal eyes – if a regular eyes underwent a dye job.

Gabriel just shivered, "That…is very unnerving to watch. It is like you Crowley – like when you demons show your real eyes. So what exactly can they do?"

Harry just looked around the room, which Crowley realized was unsettling because it reminded him so much of owls. He started to speak slowly, "It doesn't change much – makes things clearer, shadows less hinder some… I can see into weird spectrums, things that shouldn't be seen…But mainly, it lets me see the truth behind the truth…"

Crowley started to get worried. Harry began to sound as if he wasn't entirely present, "Harry, come back to us…"

Harry just kept going, swaying back and forth on the couch, "…I see souls for what they are. I can see their true shape, their shades… No one can lie in my presence, no one can hide anything from me…The lights are like clay, bendable and malleable…what beautiful lights they are… should I cross the streams?...oh look, there are no strings on me…" (4)

Gabriel started to remember hearing something similar in the past, until it dawned on him, "CROWLEY! KNOCK HIM OUT, RIGHT NOW! KNOCK HIM OUT BEFORE HE…"

It was too late.

Harry stared directly at Gabriel.

All they heard was Harry screaming, his hands covering his eyes.

He fell to the floor, spasming in pain.

All Crowley saw was Gabriel jump toward the boy and start healing him.

Crowley covered his eyes from the light coming of the angel. Gabriel was directly using his Grace to heal Harry.

All was quite in the library afterward.

Harry woke up, gasping for breath. Before he had a chance to react, Gabriel grabbed the boy and lifted him over his shoulders. "HARRY, YOU LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN WELL! NEVER, EVER LOOK UPON ME WITH THOSE EYES!"

Crowley started to wave to the mad angel, "Gabriel, easy now…the boy couldn't have known."

Gabriel was near foaming at the mouth, but when he realized the image he was presenting to the terrified Harry, he calmed himself. He slowly lowered him back on the coach, adjust himself, and spoke calmly.

"Look, Harry… I am sorry for my outburst, but it was necessary to get the point across. An angel's being – their true appearance – is not something that should ever, EVER be seen by anyone. The thing is, no one should be able to do so unless we allow it. Your eyes, however, are the freaking exception to the one rule that can't be broken."

Harry started to sweat, "It just the energies of the world – how could that be against the rules?"

"No, no, no… your first level of sight doesn't violate anything. It is precisely as advertised: you see behind the vale, the souls of living beings, observing all the connections and gears that make the machine called 'life.' Your second level is basically you seeing the freaking code that makes the MACHINE work! No one – NO ONE IN EXISTENCE – can have that kind of access!

Crowley was lost now, "Hold up a minute, I really don't see the big deal here. So the kid sees the code – it's not like he has the power to manipulate it."

Gabriel was pacing again – it seems like it an awful habit he developed as of late – and he wasn't stopping, "THANK FATHER! I can honestly say with certainty that with the modifications we made, he will never gain the power to manipulate reality. But as of this moment, whenever those eyes are 'on,' he is basically Neo in the Matrix."

Harry thought about that for a second, actively accessing the new information in his head, "Wasn't Neo able to manipulate the Matrix after seeing the code?"

Gabriel nodded, "Yes, but it was more of a 'mind over matter' scenario. Remember how I said we angels are like very advanced machines? Yeah – there's a reason I said that the universe runs on code. To us upper tier angels, manipulating reality is basically running a pre-set program to change reality in an expected matter. We don't actually see the code being changed, we just use a program to do it. It's kind of like a blind study – we know the outcome, but we don't know what we are taking. You, however, Harry, see the code but you don't have the program at your disposal. THE ISSUE, however, is that an application can still be made if one can decipher the code…"

Harry started to panic, "Gabriel… That sounds suspiciously like God-Mode…" (3)

Crowley sat in silence, taking in everything the angel said, "Should I assume that the boy can't make such programs?"

"No. But with those eyes, Harry can basically fine tune magics and rituals to do the same thing."

Crowley was finally getting the analogy. "First level is like a magnifying glass but the second level is a microscope, right?"

"Close, but it fits the bill. On both levels, whenever Harry performs magic or a ritual, he will see its impact – its modification – to the world. With time and practice, he could start creating personal magics to do the same with less effort and with better results."

Harry had to ask, "So how does the second level come in?"

Gabriel shrugged, "Hard to say – I only know ONE BEING who was given limited access to it, and he was pretty tight lipped about it. I can only assume that you would eventually learn the 'true' rules of reality."

Crowley and Harry were giving Gabriel blank looks. "Think laws of physics but more comprehensive and wider applications…significantly larger applications…."

"Was it Uriel?"

Gabriel gave Harry a sharp look. He honestly expected Crowley to make the connection. "You put the Bible in here as well – one of the few books that you did… I know it word for word and he is barely mentioned. The only reason you do that if the individual isn't important enough to matter… or he chooses to stay out of the spotlight."

Gabriel nodded, "We Archangels were second in command right behind God, so we each had our tasks and duties. Uriel was the spymaster – the original Nick Fury as it were. Originally, he had access to the 'Sight' as it were, which he used to 'nudge' certain events, like a Domino Effect played on a galactic level. Claimed the 'Sight' let him see patterns and predict events. As he said, and I am quoting, 'All the strings that are around. All it takes is the pulling and cutting the right ones to make things happen the way I want.' It's why I knew what you had access to when you said what you said, Harry. It also confirms that you are a unique existence, one not bound to God's grand plan – YET. Things may settle down and he will make a role for you, but for now, we have to keep you locked away – unless Crowley wants to start World War III with you."

'You said 'initially' – what happened?"

"Humanity came along. Some angels were already annoyed that God claimed that you were his greatest creation and should be protected. I caught on quickly why he said that. My brothers – not so much. Free-will was not what Uriel wanted – he wanted everything to be under his control, under his manipulation."

A light bulb went off in Harry's head, "While there's significant backstory I am missing here, can I guess that Uriel basically tried to lock away humanity somewhere?"

Gabriel nodded, "Let's just say that the Garden of Eden was a better story alternative than for what actually happened. Basically, Uriel went too far – J. Edgar Hoover levels too far. He was abusing what limited access he had, so God took it away. Ever since then, Uriel has disdained humanity with a vengeance. If he ever found out that the Apocalypse was gonna happen, he would make sure that it would, out of spite. I may love my brothers, but Uriel is the only one I may actually kill if it needed to be done."

Harry just put up his hands, "Okay, okay, I got it, no using the God-Vision – EVER."

Crowley jumped in, "No, not using the God-Vision – YET. That is something truly unique and useful to you, especially with your voice."

Everything finally clicked, "Crap. Eyes to see the truth and a voice of compulsion. We did make Genesis – on some level at least. Okay, battle plan. Crowley, you go back to Hell and look anything about the magics and energies of the world, as well as anything regarding spells that override free-will."

Crowley got annoyed, "I hate it when you take charge, but I'll make the exception. I will be back as soon as…"

"No. You go away for a while – at least a few months, maybe even longer. There will be no magics for Harry."

Crowley and Harry both said in shock, "Why not?"

Gabriel just cracked his fingers, "Because until I beat humanity and appreciation of life into Harry's head – as well as into shape – there will be no magics or rituals for the boy. Gotta make sure he understands the powers he is messing with before he gets to play around with life and death."

Harry got real quiet. "Dad…Help…"

"Sorry kid, he has a point, and you are on your own. Till next time!"

Before Harry could stop him, Crowley teleported away.

Harry just started to sweat and shake while Gabriel just made an evil chuckle, "Oh, what fun we will have…"

Harry just backed away further into the couch, "Please, have mercy…"

Gabriel just laughed, "Mercy, what a fun concept! Let's see if I have any to spare…"

"So, let me get this straight… He is a two-hearted alien who travels around the universe in a time machine called a TARDIS which looks like a British phone booth? And he saves people with nothing but his wits, tenacity, and a sonic screwdriver? Just because he likes humanity?" (5)

Gabriel just shook his head, "You are overthinking it. Just sit back and enjoy the show. Pay attention to his speeches regarding mankind and the beauty of life. When we are caught up, we are gonna transition to 'Seinfeld,' then 'Friends,' then as much of 'Law and Order' and 'Criminal Minds' as we can – you gotta see the dark side of humanity as well. After that, we watch the 1987 and 2003 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.' Afterward, I don't know – I'll think of something. Probably make you read a few classics that I didn't put in your brain." (6)

"Why 'TMNT'?"

Gabriel just laughed, "Because they are funny and the fight scenes in 2003 are kind of awesome. Now be quiet, the Doctor is fighting the mind-controlling spiders." (7)

Harry just shrugged, leanedback into the couch, and continued eating the buttered popcorn

next chapter
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