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44.44% Halo: The New Neighbor / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - last boundary of sin

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3 - last boundary of sin

"Why are you doing this? Can't...Can't you please just leave us alone?" Her voice was the pathetic noise of a defeated woman, and Chloe's eyes reflected the hopelessness of her situation. She stared across the room at the towering Sangheili with the hope that somewhere, deep within the alien's heart, she'd find some level of mercy and no longer haunt her. In just three days Chloe had done things that were simply unspeakable, and though her desire to do them had fluctuated depending on how deeply she was breathing in the alien's musk, it had never once been truly an action of consent. The Sangheili had dropped into her life seemingly with intent to ruin it, and that particularly afternoon they were perched on what could easily be the most life-altering moment of Chloe's life.

It was day three, and Xala 'Sudami was going to fuck her new human slut for the first time today. The two of them stood in the bedroom that Chloe shared with Samantha; a room that was filled with nearly endless fond memories that were quickly becoming tainted by the Sangheili's continued presence. Just yesterday Chloe had been forced to clean alien cum off of her wedding picture, and today…? Today it was even worse. The human trembled; feeling exposed and raw, even though she was fully dressed.

...fully dressed in her bridal gown.

It had been by the Sangheili's own demand, of course, a strict order that Chloe had obeyed for fear of what would happen if she didn't. She had gone to the attic to dig out her wedding dress; just as white and pure as ever, and had slithered into it with the expressed purpose of doing nothing anywhere near pure within it. It was a gorgeous thing, purchased by Chloe's parents at a hefty cost. Beautiful white lace and silk swept over her arms and down her back in crossing straps, leading into a flowing white lower half that was embroidered with flowers and gentle sweeping ornaments. Underneath that dress she had worn the same white nylons and garter that she had worn the day she was married; a sexy white fabric that had been hidden from all their wedding guests, but Samantha had deeply enjoyed on their first night as a married couple. Her outfit was accented by the short white heels and the veil that now sat atop Chloe's head, obscuring slightly the vision of the gray skinned, dominant woman standing just a few feet away from her.

She fit well into her old wedding dress; after all, it hadn't been that long since she and Samantha had been married. Every day since that time had been filled with joy and laughter between the two, a growing love that Chloe had never once felt was a mistake. In so many ways her love with Samantha had been simply perfect; at least, until that week. Until their new neighbor. Until moved next door.

"Don't do this. Please?" Chloe asked once more, swallowing as she stood there in her beautiful, elegant dress. The last day she had worn it was the greatest day of her life, and now she stood on the edge of her very worst. She stepped forward, hoping to plead her case further, though her voice quivered and creaked while she spoke as if desperate to show her own vulnerable weakness. "We...We can pretend nothing ever happened, we--"

"Why would I ever want to pretend something like that?" Xala 'Sudami announced simply, quirking her alien brow as she regarded the other woman. Unlike Chloe the Sangheili stood far from dressed; completely naked there in the married couple's bedroom with her member already hanging out and thick. She had padded over to Chloe's front door only moments after Samantha had left, wearing a simple bathrobe that had been cast aside nearly an instant after stepping within. Now her cock ached; throbbing in a growing heat as she let her gaze drink in the sight of Chloe wrapped in that pure, beautiful outfit. Her stark red hair was a beautiful contrast to all the white, and that tint wasn't lost on the powerful, thick-cocked alien. Chloe was indeed beautiful when she was framed with white...whether it was the veil from her wedding day, or the dense layer of Sangheili cum that she was coming to know in a way more intimately than most ever could. The alien snorted with a small smirk, her mandibles opening and closing with a predatory click as she took her own firm step forward. Towering over Chloe she moved to bring one powerful hand forward, letting a finger tease underneath the redhead's chin, forcing it to lift up. She gazed into her eyes just like Samantha did on her wedding day, but when Xala 'Sudami spoke it was far, far distant from the loving and tender words that Samantha had spoken that day.

"On your knees before me, whore." She purred, mandibles opening and closing once more. "My cock is the new love of your pathetic human life."

It was fitting, then, that Chloe was dressed for the moment. With a whimper the redhead lowered herself down just as she was ordered, knowing full well that she couldn't possibly resist the commands of the alien no matter what she attempted to do. Against the fabric of her wedding dress she pressed her knees into the ground, and she lifted up her veil just as she had done before the first wedded kiss she had shared with Samantha. She tented her lips together for a lingering moment before turning towards that thick and throbbing shaft, breathing in deep as she started to lean forward.

The deep breaths...she had learned that they were absolutely critical when it came to enduring this madness. Whatever scent the Sangheili gave off seemed to fuel her own passions, pushing them beyond reason, beyond measure, and beyond any woman that she ever saw herself as. The simple fact was that as she drew in that aroma the ache in her heart became less and less; at least until the moment that Xala forcibly reminded her of it again. When her hands moved up to touch along that thick Sangheili cock she made sure to bring her mouth down as well, and with a willing motion she let her nose brush from the base of her tip to the end of her shaft, breathing in almost as if she were drawing in a long line of some mind altering substance.

It was, if nothing else, a survival tactic. The only way she could fight the guilt as she began to cheat on her beloved wife once more. From her perspective standing up with her cock throbbing in pleasure and joy, Xala simply chuckled as she experienced the young woman's touch. Lace-covered fingers stroked along her shaft and she witnessed Chloe draw in that deep breath, only to force a wicked smile on her own cruel, alien features. Whatever the human needed to do in order to cope: she didn't particularly care. The musk she gave off was a powerful aroma to be certain, one that human sluts seemed to be particularly vulnerable to. Every breath she drew might make the moment easier for her to endure, but every last bit that the girl felt shudder down her senses was another step down a path that had no return route.

"Drink it in, human whore." Xala mused to herself, hungrily thrusting her hips forward. "Breath it in so much you never want air that hasn't been laced with my cock." She didn't say as much for fear of warning the little slut, and to be fair, Chloe hardly needed the instruction. She was doing just fine all on her own, taking noticeable, deep breaths just before she started to lick.

And when she finally got to work, her service was excellent considering the whining she had done. For a girl that had just been begging not to be forced into the moment she started off sucking Xala as if she was a seasoned professional, her mouth moving up and down that thick Sangheili cock and her tongue weaving flawless wet lines across that enormous gray length. Her saliva coated Xala's length back and forth as she continued to lick, and with every bit of wetness she spread across it she made sure her hands were there to smooth it even further, stroking her on both sides. When the tip of the Sangheili's cock started to glisten with precum Chloe didn't hesitate to move to claim it, looking up at that towering, big-breasted Sangheili with her lips slithering over her wet, drooling tip. Her tongue teased against the entrance, and her throat made noticeable gulps as she swallowed a brief hint of the flavor that awaited her.

"...such a hungry whore." Xala whispered, her gray features twisting to a cruel grin and her dark, harsh eyes narrowing. She stood with her hands on her hips since there was no reason to hold the girl's head just yet; Chloe was an eager slut in the making and she would impale herself on that length if the alien told her as much. Just a few short days and all it took to turn her from a whimpering mess to a wanton and desperate whore was a few breaths of cock-scented air; a few savoring doses of heavy musk to make her pupils dilate and her senses reeled. Xala 'Sudami's pride in her could only have been matched by Samantha's disappointment, but thankfully the soldier was far away for the next few hours. It was neighborly of her to leave her bride, fully dressed in that flawless white dress, for the Sangheili's sexual delights. "My balls, slut. Kiss them like you do that worthless wife of yours."

"Y-Y...Yes…" Chloe nodded, swallowing nervously as she moved her lace-covered hands underneath the woman's shaft. She pushed it up so that heavy and hanging pouch was visible at her eyeline, but just before she moved in with parted lips and blushing cheeks, her attention was drawn upward once more. Clicking mandibles and a harsh glare came from Xala, and she corrected the girl firmly with that same dominant, forceful tone.

"Do you just sweep in and kiss your wife, slut?" She asked, accusingly. "No. You tell her how much you love her, first."

Chloe's cheeks flushed red, and guilt ebbed at her that even the musk of the alien couldn't totally force away. The dressed bride ached with shame as she lowered her head, staring point-blank into the heavy sack hanging underneath the Sangheili's shaft. The scent was stronger there but still unable to force away the image of her lovely wife, of the soldier that fought for her, of the woman that made her life worth living. She was forced to bring the mental image of Samantha to the forefront of her thoughts, even as she drew in close with her lips parting in a shameful, wicked whisper.

"I..I love you…" And then, her mouth pressed towards the object of her affection.

She wasn't talking to Samantha in that moment, or even Xala. Her words were meant purely for the Sangheili's balls. Heavy, wet, and rich with her musk. The source of the alien's copious cum and the most potent area of her massive body; the source of the power that she took such great delight in hovering over the human. When she spoke her words of love straight to Xala's balls she spoke as honestly and genuine as she had on her wedding day, her tone tender and dear and her talk of devotion a deeply considered commitment. And when she swept in to kiss Xala's balls, it was with the same level of passion and adoration that she had kissed Samantha in front of their parents and their closest friends on the happiest day of her life.

There the whore knelt, dressed fully in her wedding gown, desperately making out with the hanging sack of an alien conqueror. Her lips were spread wide and her tongue was openly visible moving up and down across that hanging gray carriage, slurping and slobbering and whimpering as she drew in deeper and deeper breaths. Lines of spit began to coat her cheeks just as they dripped from Xala's balls, each of them landing to form tiny wet spots against the human's gown, little marks of sin and betrayal that she was far too gone to care about. Over her shoulder she carried the rest of Xala's heavy shaft, and was forced to shudder as the tip leaked a line of precum that slid straight down across the exposed back of her dress, over the crossed straps and right along her spine. Xala and her magnificent cock could control her, dominate her, completely own her without even trying...and they could do it from any angle.

From there, Chloe worked of her own volition, and Xala afforded her the opportunity to explore her new life as bride to her sack. She shuddered in delight while Chloe spent several long moments licking up and down her balls, and when those lace-clad fingers lifted her up even more she grinned in delight to feel the human drifting even further below. Soon it wasn't merely the front of her balls that were being teased but their backsides as well, the weight of her carriage resting on the human's pretty face as her tongue wove back and forth. Inch by inch the human's mouth drew close to the spot separating Xala 'Sudami's sack and the tight rear pucker of her ass, and before long her tongue first pattered against the Sangheili's taint. That wet pink muscle made gentle contact at first, and as soon as it did her own pathetic whimper of desperate submission was rivalled only by the pleasurable groan that escaped from the alien's throat.

That spot...that beautiful spot, was the space where Xala's scent was the most dense. The heart of her musk, the region responsible for her lewd, wild control over the young bride. From the moment Chloe's tongue met that spot Xala knew that it was all over for the girl that evening, and that she wouldn't have to listen to much more human whining before she did the only thing her mouth was worth doing. Soon that tongue turned into a pair of lips pressed flush against her taint, and Chloe found herself suckling at that random spot of gray flesh as if it were the very center of her universe.

For in that moment, dressed as a bride and kissing like her true love was on the other end of her tongue, it was.

Chloe's eyes were closed as she swept her tongue back and forth, teasing more and more over that spot of Sangheili flesh. With her head gently lowered underneath the towering alien it was indeed a bit overwhelming; on either side of her there were powerful thighs capable of closing and crushing her, and the weight of the woman's cock over her shoulder was alone a heavy presence to bear. Still she endured, wet within the ruffles of her wedding dress, and burning with a desire that she would certainly regret when the air cleared and she had a moment to collect her thoughts. Underneath the presence of Xala she had already committed so many crimes against her bride, and with that knowledge deep in her mind she moved even further still, recognizing that the greatest damage had already been done. At least, so she thought, and yet continued to march towards calamity with every lick, every taste of rich Sangheili flesh that echoed along her tongue and down her throat.

Chloe worked of her own volition for a while; her tongue weaving eagerly back and forth and lapping at the spot of that powerful scent like a craven cat. She didn't pull away; or rather, move even further ahead still, until the Sangheili woman herself spoke up and stood with a wider gait. Her powerful legs spread out and she stretched herself further for the human's attentions, and while she spoke she lowered one of her mighty hands to wrap around her cock, taking that responsibility away from Chloe for the moment.

"The ass, whore." The Sangheili practically growled, giving the girl one more stern, forceful order. "Lick my ass. Let's see what a depraved slut a human bride can be."

As it turned out, the answer to that mystery was that there were no depths to how low one could sink. Chloe didn't hesitate once she heard the order, her head drifting even deeper underneath Xala's quarters despite the screaming of what sensible parts of her remained. She was forced to brace a hand against one of the alien's powerful thighs as she pushed forward and turned her head upwards, bringing her mouth squarely up against that tight and powerful rear. The Sangheili had stood with a wide enough gait that her gray pucker was fully exposed, and Chloe didn't hesitate before leaning up and battering it with the warm, wet muscle of her tongue. Whimpers escaped from the back of her throat at the overt vulgarity of the moment, but within her wedding dress she only grew hotter.

"Yes, that's it…" Xala grinned wide, her mandibles opening and closing in a slow, predatory click. She continued to stroke along her powerful shaft with a series of heavy and steady pumps, moving her grip to just underneath the tip and then back nearly all the way to her sack. Every time she pumped her length she could feel her balls strike against Chloe's back, leaving spots of scent against the open flesh that her wedding dress left exposed. All of that pleasure rolled to her while the human continued to slurp at her rear entrance; a spot that unlike on a human, wasn't meant for fucking. Just licking. "Keep at it, whore...I'm just about ready to fuck you."

The Sangheili shuddered in delight, her arms tightening and trembling and her cock practically aching from pleasure. Her rear tightened underneath the attention it was being offered and she let the human continue to work along it for a few more moments, drinking in the joy that ran across her powerful frame the longer the human's tongue continued to tease. When the time for more came the Sangheili gave a shuddering sigh from deep within her chest, and pulled back as she moved a powerful hand down to take the human by her red locks. Chloe's face was already a mask of ashamed delight; her cheeks were red and covered in spit and as Xala pulled her back the entire length of her throbbing cock passed by the human's cheek, brushing along her flesh and smearing the mess even more. In a sign of obedience the human's head turned towards that cock as it passed, licking along it and clearly ready to take it into her mouth once more. That time; however, the Sangheili had other plans in mind.

"Time to fuck you, slut." Xala grinned across her cruel alien features, and started to drag the girl up by her hair. "Let's see how tight a human pussy can get, wrapped around my cock."

Chloe just gasped as she was brought up to weak knees, and swiftly thrown towards the bed. The dress bounced around her as she fell down to her back, and her eyes went wide as the Sangheili immediately began to advance. The bed she shared with her beloved wife ached underneath the alien's presence as she got on her knees at the edge of it, and the hazy lust of musk that clouded the young woman's mind started to ebb as she realized just what was upon her. That massive Sangheili cock was swinging back and forth, and before Chloe knew it both of her ankles were gripped by the other woman's powerful hands. Xala lifted her legs up rough and hungry, exposing their nylon-clad frames and the garters they led up to. Her pussy, exposed and raw and excited despite her fear, quivered as the heavy weight of Xala's cock slapped squarely atop it. There the alien let it sit, rocking gently back and forth, forcing the girl's lips to rub up and down over the heavy pressure that she offered.

"Please...please don't…" Chloe whimpered again, but was helpless to fight back. Her legs were locked hard in Xala's grip; spread wide and open and ready to be fucked. Though the musk was still deep within her the shame she felt in that moment was even greater, and when Xala moved to push herself inside goosebumps rode across Chloe's entire body. She looked to the side in hopes of blocking out what was about to happen, but on the nearby nightstand she only caught sight of her wedding photo, a stark reminder of just what she was doing. " don't want...I love Samantha, I...oh god…"

It was to Chloe's credit that she didn't scream when that massive Sangheili cock forced its way inside of her. Xala wasn't a particularly gentle woman, and she carried that ferocity with her that moment when she stuffed her impressive length deep into the human's tight, wet folds. She was already wet thanks to the time she had spent sucking on the alien's cock, and Chloe's tight, tender entrance made one hell of a close fit for the larger woman's massive length. When Xala had pushed forward she ignored any resistance offered by the human's pussy, shoving herself in with a fluid and smooth motion that used every last ounce of her powerful strength. The human's eyes simply went wide, her color drained and her mouth hanging open, looking like the truly fucked, used whore that she was becoming. Still no screaming: only the look of abject shame, fear, and hopelessness that only made Xala's cock ache all the harder.

"Such a tight whore...ha! Look. You can only barely hold me." The alien moved one of her hands forward to where the front of Chloe's belly was pushing forward; a bump straining not only against the fabric of her wedding dress, but the muscles of her very body. The alien cock was fucking her so deep and so hard that the bump was easily noticeable, and Xala ran her thumb across it with an approving grin crossing over her mandibles. Chloe simply looked down, and upon seeing another testament to her shame and her betrayal, only whimpered and let her head fall back in a pathetic sign of hopeless obedience.

Her enthusiasm didn't matter to Xala; at least not in that moment. All that mattered was that the blushing bride remained wrapped around her cock, and that she'd soon fill her up with every last squirt of thick Sangheili cum she could offer. With a wicked smile across her mandibles Xala scooped the girl's ankles up once more, and as she held her legs open wide and tall, finally began to fuck.

It was nowhere even resembling gentle. The bed screamed underneath the weight of it; the alien's powerful form crashing down against the frame, each push shoving her enormous cock into the depths of the well-claimed human. Her cock spread wide and tight that human's tender pussy, and every time she pulled back and shoved herself in once more the girl's belly bulged through the fabric of her wedding dress. A dress that would forever be sullied by the sins Chloe committed that day; a dress that would always carry the stench of Sangheili lust and the cumstains leaked from a slutty human's tight, wet cunt. The alien practically growled in delight of that, and continued to fuck Chloe all the harder.

There was nothing quite like a tight human pussy to wrap around her enormous gray cock, and there were no noises in the galaxy quite like the ones the human was making as she was fucked. The whimpering and the whining were a given considering the sheer size of her enormous cock, but each one of them were blended in a tiny noise of guilt and submission, making each sound fucked from Chloe's throat all the sweeter. It combined with the gentle rustling of her wedding dress each time Xala thrust herself into her, and went well with the Sangheili's own noises of heavy, hungry breathing. She drew in close as she steadily fucked the little human, leaning down so close that Chloe's legs ached from being spread so wide, and as she pushed herself down she squeezed her large gray bust right on top of the human's chest.

It was a heavy weight; far too much for Chloe to take comfortably, and as the breath was knocked out of her from that thick presence Xala just growled with an even more aroused delight. Her hips flew forward harder and faster as she continued to fuck the tiny human, and as she leaned in just close enough her tongue finally slipped out, seeking out a taste of human flesh.

Chloe just tensed up; keeping her eyes closed tight and her cheek pressed against the bed as Xala licked her face, from the edge of her jaw line up along her cheek, to the tip of her temple. It was a slow and dominant lick that was etched with arousal every inch of the way, the primal motion of a woman marking what she considered to be her own property. Chloe couldn't deny the latter part very much in the moment, but she could still writhe and whimper underneath the slimy feel of Xala's Sangheili spit on her cheek. With goosebumps lining her body and shame still covering her features, the human finally found the effort to look up, her eyes half-opening as she glared above her to the larger, dominant woman.

"Y...You''re a monster…" She hissed out, tears licking at the corners of her eyes. "...we never should've made peace with your're're all…"

"Humans are all worthless." Xala spoke up, grinning wide as she rutted herself particularly hard into the human's pussy. She went so deep and so hard that Chloe's belly bulged even further, and when it knocked the girl out of whatever protest she was about to offer the Sangheili simply chuckled in horny, aroused delight. "Look at you. Worthless human scum...all you're good for is a warm place to put my cock. Too weak to fight. Too weak to resist. Now shut your cockhole; whore, or I'll make sure you wear this dress for your bride when she comes home." It wasn't a meaningless threat; there was a true danger there that lied within. "...and wouldn't that be interesting, if she smells my cockscent on you then?"

Chloe's mind spun with the possibilities, and fear gripped her once more. She couldn't have that; not just because it would reveal what had been going on the past few days, but because it would risk Samantha falling into the same trap as she had. Perhaps it was hypocritical of her, but she couldn't quite contend with the idea that Samantha could fall into the same lewd submission, the same state of effective sexual slavery. Not her wife. Not her beloved. With a whimper Chloe fell silent just as Xala had demanded, and to help appease the monster looming over her she moved her hands up, working to brace them against the other woman's shoulders. She looked up at her, forcing her eyes to open, and even moved to stretch out her legs to hitch the nylon-clad appendages against the larger woman's waist.

Maybe...Maybe if she threw herself into it, it wouldn't break her heart so much. If nothing else the physical stimulation was there; her pussy was aching and wet and wild as she was steadily fucked, and even the bulging of her belly felt oddly sensual and erotic every time it happened. And as she hitched her knees to Xala's waist and rested back into the bed, she could put her mind towards giving up her resistance and simply letting that pleasure go through her. A pleasure that was dangerous in its scale, not to mention the addictive qualities that it held. And when she had her arms around Xala's shoulders, looking up at the alien with all the features of an adorably blushing bride, the alien finally gave a wicked smirk.

"...good whore." She murmured, and leaned in a little closer. "Now kiss me, like you'll never kiss her again."

On that note Chloe would've resisted, but she didn't have a choice. No sooner did Xala say those words did her mandibles stretch out, and soon they locked against the sides of Chloe's cheeks before the woman's mouth lowered and pressed hungrily against the human's. It was...a unique experience, to say the least, though as the kiss started and the fucking continued, Chloe would be hard pressed to find it distressing outside of the heartache within. With the alien's mandibles locked against her cheeks there was simply no escaping the kiss, and her mouth was forced open against the other woman's maw as Xala's uniquely shaped tongue wove forward to claim its lover. Their tongues battered together as Xala continued to fuck the beautiful young human, and as the moment went deeper and deeper the heartache guiding Chloe's guilt started to subside. Hands tightened around the monsters shoulders, she breathed in deep the lingering musk on her wedding dress, and she let her pussy fully invite and milk that enormous Sangheili cock as it continued to fuck her.

And when the moment of release came, Chloe screamed into the other woman's mouth with all the ferocity of the slut she had became. Her body tightened and her fingers dug in deep against Xala's shoulders, clutching her hard and tight as she hitched her knees hard against the other woman's waist. Her own orgasm was twitching and tense and filled with the sort of shameful delight she was rapidly coming to know; the sort of spite-filled climax that reminded her of Samantha even as she felt a pleasure her wife could never give her. She could feel that massive Sangheili cock plumping up inside of her and rushing with a heavy spout of cum, so thick and so fierce that it spread her walls even further in its passage. Their kiss was heavy and deep as Xala came inside her human fuckpet, and the wedding dress rustled as the belly of it was stretched a little more. This time not merely with cock, but with the heavy load of alien cum pumped squarely into her cunt.

Even Xala tensed up as her climax began, overcome with pleasure thanks to the tight, slender pussy of her human pet. Her hands lowered to brace against Chloe's shoulders and she continued to kiss her throughout her climax, her tongue battering hungrily back and forth over the human's and forcing her to become completely engulfed in her presence. From the ample bust of alien tits holding down her chest, to the wiggling tongue so greedy and hungry, to the throbbing cock stretching out her belly with dose after dose of thick, white cum.

That kiss ended swiftly near the end of the Sangheili' climax, pulling out at the very last minute as her mouth broke free of Chloe's own. She pulled out for the expressed purpose of saving her last two squirts for the human's body, and that heavy gray length fell hard against Chloe's belly as she fired them across her slender form. One battered against the lacy bust of her wedding dress while the other plastered squarely over her face, dashing over those pretty features and striking her gasping mouth. Chloe, filled with cum and left in a stunned state, needed some time to process everything that had happened...time that the Sangheili wasn't willing to give her. No sooner did her face become plastered with cum did the alien return with another kiss; this time her mandibles locking even harder as she swept the cum on the girl's face towards her mouth with her tongue. She ushered mouthful after mouthful past Chloe's lips, cum that the girl readily gobbled up and swallowed as best as she was able. Her eyes were glazed and her entire body was raw and sensitive; cum dripping from her slit and her legs and arms hanging limp. When there was just one more mouthful of cum left for Xala to usher to the girl's mouth she kept it cradled against her own tongue, and this time moved forward to give her a proper, intense kiss.

Chloe, well-fucked and used and exhausted from her long trial, found herself kissing back. Her arms moved to once more embrace the Sangheili demon that had claimed her, and she slurped and suckled at that cum-flavored kiss as long as the other woman could offer it. Their tongues wove back and forth within the cream just as she felt some of it slither from her pussy; drooling out of her well-fucked folds and forming a dense, wet spot within the inside of her wedding dress. Soaking the fabric, covering her nylons, making a true mess of the beautiful gown her parents had purchased. The kiss continued as lewd and as deep as ever, and when it finally ended the Sangheili gazed down at her human whore with a hungry, dominant smile still on her face.

"A perfect human slut." She offered her a bit of praise, and moved one hand up to paw gently down the young woman's cheek. Chloe, still rocking with heartbreak and shame, found herself pushing her cheek against the inviting palm of the other woman. She wasn't a good wife...she knew that now, more than ever. From the bloated belly full of cream to the cock laying on her stomach, to the taste of the alien's kiss still on her lips. But she found herself still shivering in pleasure, and in an odd way beaming with a bit of pride underneath the Sangheili's praise.

"T...Thank you…" She managed to croak out, tears clinging to her eyes and a steady, throbbing ache of desire building inside of her.

If she couldn't be a good wife to Samantha, she could be a good whore to Xala 'Sudami. That would at least count for something, wouldn't it?

End of Chapter 3.

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