The sixth left the room after saying, "The event will start after three hours. You can do whatever you want, but I would suggest taking a rest because my strongest champion is… strong."
'His vocabulary is also broken.' Zach thought of the seventh and nodded, 'Definitely brothers.'
Aurora walked to the glass window and touched the glass before saying, "This is otherworldly."
"Well, we 'are' in another world," Zach commented.
"I feel like I can see this scenery all day." Aurora turned to Aria and said, "Don't you think so, Ameria?"
However, Aria was lost in her own thoughts.
"Ameria?" Aurora called out to her.
"Huh… yeah?"
"What's wrong? You have been acting strange since last night," Aurora asked with a concerned look on her face.
"Nothing. I am just… missing the real world…' she said with a sad look on her face.
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