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100% Genshin Impact : Transmigrated with Gloxinia template / Chapter 6: Chap 5: Commissions and Attack

Capítulo 6: Chap 5: Commissions and Attack

Author's note: Well, hello there! First time writing a story so don't expect an amazing one, but I will do my best. If you have some complaints, please give me constructive critique so I can hopefully improve and give you a better story down the line. I write for fun and to relax so don't bother with powerstones, but I appreciate comments so don't hesitate!

English is my second language if it can even qualify as is so sorry but don't expect amazing grammar and all of that. I will do the best I can.

Do you think he should gain other powers from anime or games later?

Thank you all again for your support, I really appreciate it!

Alright, it's time to read and enjoy for you.








"Ngh… Haaaaaa"

"What a pleasant night, the Divine tree really live up to his name." Gloxinia said to himself as he stretched after waking up.

'Let's see, this morning I need to go to the Adventurer's Guild and become a true adventurer. In the afternoon I will join the troupe for the Festival in 4 days.'

"Alright, it's time to go." He said as he began to fly down the Divine Tree.



"Hi Katheryne!"

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild. What can I do for you today, Gloxinia?"

"I'm here to do my commissions for the test, can you hand them all to me?"

"Certainly. Here you go." She responded as she handed him three paper.

"Thanks, I will come back soon."

"Understood, good luck."

'Still as stoic as ever…' he thought while leaving.

'It seems my arrival spread among the people.' he said.

As he looked down around him, he could see some people with their Akasha Terminal on pointing towards him to show others.

'Anyway, the matter will calm down in a few days when I won't be a novelty anymore.'


"Alright, first is collecting 10 Kalpalata Lotus. It seems to be found in the mountains of Sumeru huh. I recall that Arasata once said he founds some near Mawtiyima Forest. Well, I don't need to find the ten, one is enough." He said as he quickly flew in the directions of the mountains, becoming a blur for the people who watched him leave.



As soon as he arrived near Mawtiyima Forest, he fully deployed his magical sense to locate one Lotus.

"Alright, let's accelerate the growth of your seeds."


And as soon as he uttered those words, numerous Kalpalata Lotus seeds began to sprout rapidly becoming mature Lotus.

"Perfect, let's take ten of them and leave the rest to nature."


The tasks complete, he then flew away. But as he proceeded to look at his next commission, he sensed a foul energy coming from not far away in the forest.

"A new zone of Withering huh…" he said grimly.

"I better take care of it, I can almost hear the forest crying."

Although Gloxinia isn't a Vision Holder, he can resist the effect of the Withering thanks to having magic and being able to control it, like the Traveler being able to use the Elements without Vision.

"Let's make this quick."

"Basquias: Form Ten "Emerald Octo""

As the thick vines enveloped Gloxinia, he began to head into the Withering zone to deal with the corruption.

'Those bolts would really be annoying without Basquias protecting me.'

He then used his tentacles-like vines covered with Darkness to effectively kill the corrupted Fungus and channel his magical power when striking down the Withering Branches to destroy them. After that, he proceeded to destroy the main Branche of the Withering, completely destroying It in the area.


"Alright, now the next commission. Delivering something from Alcazarzaray to Sumeru City? Simple enough, and it's not far from here." he said as he checked his next task.

'Isn't Alcazarzaray the name of where that rich brat, Dori, live? I wonder if that commission is from her… Well, I doubt it, her company is huge after all.'



"Hello, I'm an adventurer tasked to deliver something in Sumeru City, do you know where I can take the good?" he asked someone at the gate.

"Ah! Yes, I was notified someone would come for it. Here is the package, Mr. ?" he asked as he handed a small package to Gloxinia.

"You can call me Gloxinia, and thank you."

"I see, I wish you luck in your travel then Mr. Gloxinia. But, before you depart, I have a question. How are you able to fly like this?"

"Magic." He answered seriously.


"Yes, magic."

"Goodbye, Mr. Guard." He said as he flew away.

"How incredible… Too bad the Chairman isn't here to see this, I'm sure she would be thrilled."



'Let's see if I can do my third commission on the way…' Gloxinia thought while flying leisurely.

"Hmm… Destroying a camp of Hilichurls in Gandha Hill huh. Too bad it's not on my way to the City. Let's speed up then."



As he arrived near Sumeru City, he suddenly sensed something coming toward him at a relatively high speed.

'Hm? An arrow? How stupid of them.' He thought while looking down at a group of bandits, destroying the arrow with his bare hand.

'In the game, only Eremites were seen like this, attacking people on the road. But I guess in reality they wouldn't be the only one.'


"Well, well, well. Who are you, stupid people trying to kill me?"

"Keep attacking the weirdo! The client paid a huge price for his head!" the leader of the group yelled at his comrade.

'Clients?' Gloxinia thought while narrowing his eyes.

"Take that, you handsome weirdo!" a woman in the group shouted as she fired a bolt with her crossbow to Gloxinia.

"Pfff..! Hahaha! You shouldn't compliment your enemy like that you know?" he said to the woman who was now blushing while dodging the projectile.

"Anyway, I have some question so I won't kill you all but that mean I only need one person alive!" he said to them with a feral smile, scaring shitless the bandits.

"Basquias: Form one "Spirit Spear""

And as the spear materialized from his bracelet, the bandits felt an immense pressure on their mind, as if someone stepped on their head like they were ants. All of them dropped their weapons and fell, to the annoyance of Gloxinia who didn't even get to see someone with a bit of backbone among them.

'How boring, let's kill them quickly.' He thought with disdain.

And with a gesture of his hand, Basquias shot forth, passing through their head like butter and sparing only the previous woman.

"Thank you! Thank you! Please let me live, I will do anything you ask!" she begged him as she cried.

"Then answer my question. Who is the client your leader mentioned?"

"I don't know! Nobody saw him in person, he only used intermediaries to communicate with us. I swear to you, sir! No! Lord!"

"Is that so… Alright then."

"Does that mean you will let me leave, my lord?" she asked, tear-streaked but full of hope.

"Well, were you useful to me?" he responded with a cruel smile on his face.

"Please! Please let me live, I will be your servant, your slave! I'm still a virgin, I can serve you!" she begged him in desperation.

"Disgusting… You are better dead for me." He said with disgust.

"N…!" was her the last thing she could said before having her head impaled by Basquias.


"A good thing taken care of." He said with a self-satisfied smile.

"But I wonder who were their client? The Fatui or one of the Sage?"

"Anyway, It doesn't matter. I need to continue with my commission."



"Are you Harim?"

"Ah, yes. And who are you exactly?"

"I'm Gloxinia, the adventurer who was tasked to deliver this to you." He responded while he handed her the package.

"I see, thank you. You can go now." she said, seemingly irritated to be interrupted in her job.

"Alright." he said as he shrugged his shoulder in response.



"Next is the Hilichurls camp." He said while flying toward Gandha Hill.

'That one shouldn't take long. It's already 11 am, all those things took me longer than I thought.'

As he arrived above the camp, he decided to destroy it the most efficient way he knew.

"Basquias: Form Three "Sunflower""

As a giant sunflower emerge from the ground, a blinding light gathered at its head, pointing towards the camp. Of course, this phenomenon attracted the attention of the Hilichurl Camp. But as soon as they thought about attacking it, they heard: "Bye Bye!"

And then a huge beam of light crashed into the camp, annihilating everything in its path. What was left of the camp was just a deep, wide trench with burning soil.

"Much better! I thought it was a good time to truly test this move since I was limited in Vanarana. And I must say, the results didn't disappoint me."

"Now let's go back to Sumeru City before someone come here and start interrogating me with some nonsense."



"Katheryne! I'm back!"

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome back, Gloxinia. Do you have a problem for one of the commissions?"

"Not all, I'm all finished for today tasks. When can I have the identification plate?"

"I see, we will need to make sure your commissions were truly completed before handing it to you. You will be able to get it tomorrow afternoon if everything is correct in my calculation."

"Tomorrow afternoon? Got it! See you then!"



'Let's stroll around the city, I didn't get the chance to go to Treasure Street yet. I will eat after that.'

'Hmm... I forgot about that. Alchemy exists here.' He thought while flying around the street, having seen the Alchemy Table.'

'It looks like it's too complicated for what it's worth to me. Potions and the like are useless, and I don't need to fuse material for anything, so I guess I won't ever do Alchemy. Maybe Albedo in Mondstadt will do something that interest me someday.'

'But the street is certainly bigger than in the game, I remember that there were only a few stalls but here there's a lot. The same for the bazaar now that I think about it. But I can still recognize the important location, like the blacksmith over there.'

'I wonder what he could deduce if he were to inspect Basquias… No, I better refrain myself for now. His finding will be reported in the Akasha System and that mean to Sages. I better hide a bit of information about myself.'

'Oh, there's the general goods shop near the blacksmith. That could be interesting to see what's there.'


"Hello! What do you sell here?" He asks the shopkeeper as he descended from the sky.

"Hello, young man! We sell a bit of everything here, like cooking ingredients or even basic furniture for your home."

"Cooking ingredients, huh… It's been a long time since I didn't cook anything."

'Even if Disaster let me grow almost everything I want, there's still things I can't get like milk or different meats.'

"I will come by another day, old man. Have a good day!" he said after inspecting the goods.

"No problem and thank you!" the old shopkeeper responded as he saw Gloxinia return to sky with amusement.


"Now, let's see… There's not a lot of things left here except the fruits and other food vendors… Let's go see the part where there was a more rural area in the game, I think it was north of here."

As he flew to the location, he passed by the famous Puspa Café where he was called out.

"Hey! You! The young man flying up here! How about I tell you your fortune?" a rather sketchy young woman shouted to Gloxinia.

"My fortune? I don't really care about it, and I doubt you could really read it…"

'I'm an otherworlder, so I doubt I'm in the Irminsul and that I have a constellation about myself.'

"Come on! I will make you believe in the fine art of fortune telling! Come down here!" she insisted.

"Fine, fine…"

As he descended, the young woman cheered and prepared herself.

"Alright, tell me your full name!" as she sat in front of a table with a crystal ball on it.

"I'm Gloxinia, no last name."

"I see, here I go then…" she said as she began to do weird movements above the crystal ball.

And as she muttered something Gloxinia couldn't make sense of, the crystal ball changed color to a dull grey, and the woman face was confused.

"Huh? Something's wrong here… Why can't I see your fate? I should be able to see everyone's fate with it."

"Hmmm… I'm sorry Gloxinia but It seems I can't tell you your fortune. Did you knew it would end like this?" she asked him as she remembered his word from before.

"Well, something like that yeah…"

"I see, maybe that mean you're someone so special that a normal fortune teller can't see your fate! Yeah, that must be it!" she said, trying to cheer herself for her failure.

"Haha, let's say you're right…" he responded, shaking his head while looking at her with amusement.


"I guess I won't charge you since I couldn't do anything…" she said with disappointment, making Gloxinia's eyebrows twitched.

"Alright, I will be going now. Bye!" he said to her while rapidly flying away in case she decided to charge him in the end.



"It's also beautiful here, a piece of land within the city." He said as he gazed at the rural homes and personal gardens.

'Those two vegetable gardens are really something compared to other houses…'

'Hmm…? Isn't that Mazaar? What is he doing here? The public hospital…?' he thought as he saw Mazaar enter the hospital's ground.

As he flew to greet Mazaar, he could see that he stopped near a bed where a man could be seen bandaged and asleep.

"Mazaar." He called silently as to not waking up the injured man.

"Hm? Sir Gloxinia? What are you doing here?" said Mazaar as he turned around, surprised to see Gloxinia.

"I saw you going in here earlier when I was flying so I thought I would say hi."

"I see, let's step out a bit so we don't wake him up." responded Mazaar as he gestured toward the man on the bed.



 "So, who is he?" asked Gloxinia.

"He is my senior in our group, he was injured when going on a mission with Lady Dehya and ended up here. I came to see how he was doing." Mazaar responded with a small frown.

"I see, was the enemy he encountered strong?"

"Well, for us he was indeed quite strong. But I doubt you would find him dangerous, any Vision Holders like my Lady are also capable of defeating it. It was a flying Ruin Drake apparently." He said with a bit of envy.

"Is that so… I can understand why you would find him dangerous, especially if you're a close-ranged fighter."

"Exactly, without being able to control an Element, it's difficult to vary our attacks." he responded with a nod.

It was at this moment that they heard someone calling Mazaar.

"Mazaar! How is our proud warrior doing?"

"Lady Dehya! He is recovering slowly in bed right now!" Mazaar responded as he straightened himself and saluted his boss.

"Good to know, now how about you introduce me to your friend here?"

"Yes! He is the one who rescued us on the mission like I talked about."

"Sir Gloxinia, this the boss of our group, Lady Dehya!"

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Gloxinia." He said as he proposed a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, thank you for saving their ass back then. Every member of the Blazing Beasts are like family to me." She said as she shook his hand then bowed her head with sincerity.

"Don't worry, I just happened to be here at the right time." He responded, shaking his head.

"Then, how about joining me for lunch? My treat."

"Hmm… Why not? Mazaar, want to go with us?"

"Thank you, sir. But I need to be with the injured of our groups right now." he said with a sense od duty.

"I see, good luck then." Gloxinia wished him as Mazaar left.

"Alright, let's go! I know a good restaurant around here."

"Lead the way then."


And chapter five finished!

Not much to say except that my classes will begin again soon, that suck…

The story continues slowly but surely and I hope you enjoy every part of it!

Thank you for reading!

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