"...Can you?"
The odd question took Lucas completely out of his train of thought. Looking down at the small boy with a raised eyebrow as if asking "Come again?", Finn clarified his question.
"Can you really save me?..."
"Now, why're you asking a question like that?"
"Nobody was able to do it...I-I watched as Father carried me here. The gray men couldn't be stopped even by the guards, and they were strong…"
In complete honesty, Lucas understood the source of this concern from Finn. He wasn't exactly possessing a sturdy, bulwark build nor did he wore fancy armor or wield a weapon for that matter. Still, an important step in saving the boy was having him believe he could be saved in the first place.
"I was going to hide my identity, but...I'm a famous adventurer, Finn."
"An adventurer?..."
The term seemed to garner a hint of childlike wonder from the distraught boy, who looked up with eyes as wide as the moon.
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