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Games Of Thrones: The Lost Hero (ENG) Games Of Thrones: The Lost Hero (ENG) original

Games Of Thrones: The Lost Hero (ENG)


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Reborn [EDITED]

" " is used in conversations.

' ' is used for internal thoughts

< >when the system speaks.


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[Third-person POV]

It was a cold night in Starfall, the ancestral home of the Dayne family; in a small servant's room, the screams of a woman in pain could be heard, she was giving birth and had been suffering since the birth of her child began.

Since the seventh month of pregnancy, she has been experiencing prenatal pains, which has worried Grace because she doesn't want anything bad to happen to her baby.

Grace called her friend Mary to help her with the birth. Mary has a daughter with Robert the blacksmith; her daughter's name is Lisa, and she is eight months old.

At the eighth month of pregnancy, the birth came early, so the baby was born prematurely. The strange thing is that the baby didn't cry even when Mary patted his little legs. Mary was surprised by this strange event.

When Grace, the servant of the Dayne household, held her son in her arms, she asked her friend to take care of her child. She felt weak, and the bleeding wouldn't stop; she felt like she was at death's door.

"Mary, take care of my son and ask Lord Dayne to give him a name, as he is the father of my child," Grace said, tears in her eyes because she would not be able to see her son grow up.

"Grace, you know how lords are; he won't take responsibility for an illegitimate child. But don't worry, I'll take care of him, and I'll go to Lord Dayne to give him a name," Mary said, taking the child in her arms.

"Thank you, Mary," Grace said before losing consciousness.

With tears in her eyes, Mary bid farewell to her friend, who took her last breath before leaving this world.

[Host's POV]

When I opened my eyes, I felt like I was in an unfamiliar place. After my death, I felt like I was in a tunnel and that I was running out of air. When I came out of the tunnel, I couldn't see anything around me, just hear a woman suffering and another one consoling her.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in my mind saying, "Welcome, Host, to the world of Game of Thrones."

"I couldn't believe it, finding myself in the world of the book series that had fascinated me. But I had a doubt, why couldn't I see or move my body as I wanted? So, I tried to start a conversation with the voice in my head.

'Hello, who are you, and what's happening to me? Why can't I see?' I asked in my mind."

<The Host has just been born, so they are in a weak state. It is recommended for the Host to rest to regain energy as they will be like this for a month,> the System said again in my mind.

"So, what or who are you?" I asked with uncertainty.

<I am the system that reincarnated with the host. Since the Host is weakened, I will remain suspended for a year. It is recommended for the Host to rest until that time,> the System said in my mind.

"Wait, can you explain more... Hello... Ummm... I'm sleepy," I spoke before losing consciousness.

[Mary's POV]

I watched the baby sleep, weak after being born, and he hadn't cried since I picked him up to breastfeed him.

"From now on, I will be your mother. I will take care of you and give you the love that Grace won't be able to," I said, kissing him on the forehead.

I headed home after arranging for a worker to cremate Grace's body and later make a grave to bury her remains.

Upon arriving home, I laid the baby beside my daughter Lisa, who was deeply asleep after waiting for me to return. I picked up Lisa in my arms and breastfed her.

"I will take care of breastfeeding the baby and wait until he is three months old to go to Lord Dayne to give my son a name.

After three months, I find myself outside the Dayne household, requesting a meeting with Lord Dayne."

"What do you want?" a guard asks me by the castle gate.

"Guard, I request an audience with Lord Dayne," I say, holding the baby in my arms.

"Do you think he will allow you to see him?" the guard said with a contemptuous smile.

"Tell our Lord that I'm here so he can see and name his son," I say, holding up the three-month-old baby.

"Why would Lord Dayne do such a thing? You know that even if he's his son, he's a bastard," the guard tells me, disbelief written on his face.

"I just want him to give him a name; I'll take care of him," I say, continuing, "Tell him it's Grace's only request."

"Wait, I'll go inform Lord Dayne right away," the guard tells me before entering the castle.

[Third-person POV]

Seated on the throne, Lord Dayne listens as the guard recounts what Mary told him. Lord Dayne sits, contemplating his next move.

"Bring her in," Lord Dayne tells the guard, his decision made on what to do next.

At your command," the guard responded, bowing before leaving his presence.

In the hall...

"My Lord," Mary said, kneeling.

"I will only name the child, and when he grows up, he will be a guard in my castle. You will take care of him, and I will give you four silver coins per month," Lord Dayne told Mary, taking the pen and writing an order.

"At your command, my lord. What name will you give to this child, my lord?" Mary said, showing him the baby's face.

"His name shall be Lancel Sand. You may leave," Lord Dayne said, then gestured for her to leave his presence.

"Thank you, my Lord," Mary said, rising to leave with the baby in her arms. As she was leaving, she was captivated by the baby's smile.

"Son, you now have a beautiful name, Lancel," Mary said, kissing his forehead.

[Lancel's POV]

At least my name isn't as bad as I thought. Now I want to find out what year I was born and whether the voice in my mind was my imagination or not.

I hope time passes quickly in these remaining 9 months. The current problem is that I'm sharing a crib with a girl, and it's very uncomfortable due to babies' physiological needs.

My biological mother passed away, but Mary said she would take care of me, and she has been doing so since I've been in her house.

The weather in Campoestrella is warm since it is surrounded by the sea; the air is a bit salty, and I am getting used to the climate. Children adapt more quickly to a place where they grow up, but this doesn't happen when you are an adult.

' It's so comfortable to be a child again; for now, I have to enjoy not worrying about anything,' I thought to myself.

"Lancel, from now on, I will be your mother. You will be the younger brother of my daughter Lisa," Mary told me before I fell deeply asleep in her arms.

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