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5.1% Gamers in Game of Thrones / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5

The boy looked carefully at where he was, he didn't understand well, he was in a room with white walls, no windows, no doors.

" How did I get here? " Brandon Stark asked himself as he looked around, the last thing he remembered was Ser Jaime throwing him out of the window.

"How much time has passed? Months? Years?" the boy muttered and looked around, there were a couple of tables with utensils, but the strangest thing was at the end a white table was a strange, square object that shined.

Bran approached it and looked at the letters written on the painting.

Agree to enter the game.

Brandon looked at it.

"I don't want to play, I want to see Mom," he said. But the image didn't change, no sound escaped from the room.

The boy let out a frustrated sigh.

" Maybe if I play, I can ask where I am or where Mom and Dad are? " the boy thought and made up his mind.

" Ok I'll play, what kind of game is it" he indicated.

No sound was heard. He read the screen again.

"I said I'll play," Bran clarified.

The screen didn't change. Bran became frustrated.

"I said yes" he indicated by tapping the letters YES on the screen with his finger. Then the screen finally changed, Bran stepped back for a second in amazement and saw that the letters changed by themselves.

Welcome Player

Press the following button to get to all the necessary details.

Before that, accept being the player with all the responsibilities that this entails.


The boy stood still for a few seconds.

" So, I have to touch the buttons. What is a button? It's not the little things on shirts, or where it says next. " he muttered, feeling a little excited by so many new things. Without saying anything else, he pressed next.


From now on you are the player.

Pressing next will go to the game menu.


The boy looked curious, wondering what kind of game it was.

" If it's climbing, I'll win for sure. But I'm not good at archery, Arya would be good there" he said.

His sister's name reminded him of his parents, and he felt sad. He shook his head and pressed next again.

Player Menu

Game menu

Frequent questions

The boy looked in amazement, and saw the three options. He quickly chose FAQ.

What do you want to know?

Where are my parents?

Unknown, they are not players.

Who are the players?

Currently Jon Snow

" Jon? Really? " he muttered.

Where is he?

He is currently located at King's Landing, In the seven kingdoms of Westeros.

Bran frowned.

" Because Jon is at King's Landing. And the others? Robb, Theon, Sansa, Arya. Where will Mother and Father be? " he muttered to himself.

Then the boy shook his head, it was better to find a way out of there.

How can I get out of here?

Press the exit button in the player menu.

Bran blinked and pressed back to get to the menu again and then to the player menu.

Name: Brandon Stark

Level: 1

Skill Points: 2

Exp: 0/50

Attributes: Low

Affected condition: Medium paralysis

Medial paralysis: Currently unable to move from the waist down for one lesson.

You may spend two skill points.



Sword mastery

Polearms mastery

Bowmanship mastery

Firearms mastery

Short blade Mastery

Shield mastery


Fire magic

Water magic

Earth magic

Wind magic

White magic

Black magic

Magic Invocations

Support magic

Concealment magic






Bran gasped and quickly looked up at the skills, but then frowned at his affected state. He quickly went back to the FAQ and asked.

Why does it say I'm paralyzed from the waist down?

Can I move perfectly?

Brandon Stark is paralyzed from the waist down in his bed in Winterfell, northern Westeros, after suffering an injury.

" But I'm here, not in Winterfell," he thought confused.

Brandon Stark is in Winterfell in his room, in his bed in Inveralia, northern Westeros.

His mind is the only one that entered the white room.

"You're saying my body is in Winterfell. And my mind is here, that's ridiculous. " the boy muttered.

How is it possible?

The white room is a pocket dimension for players, it cannot be accessed by anything else than the minds of the players.

Bran shook his head, not believing what he was reading, and calmed down after a few minutes.

" Ok, let me get this straight, my fall left me paralyzed, I get magic, what the hell is going on? " he thought in frustration.

" Oh, hahaha, I get it, this is a dream. Of course, I have to get away from old Nanny's stories, now there are sure to be children of the forest, and a couple of skinchangers" Bran laughed.

He quickly began to look at the skills again.

"Well if it's a dream, I want magic, let's see, Fire, water, earth, wind, white, black, and more... They all sound good " He murmured and chose one.

You have selected the Water magic skill.

Do you want to spend a skill point to buy this skill?

The boy pressed yes.

Water magic skill level: 1 acquired

The room lit up and Bran fell to the ground from the pain he felt, it was as if an eternal cold took over his body, and icy needles came out of his skin.

" The pain is too real to be a dream" the boy murmured then laughed a little. He stood up and looked at the screen.

Water Magic Level: 1

Water magic consumes a percentage of mana per magic, some magic is attack or defense, and others are activated by a time limit.

Water magic Level: 1

cost: 30 mana per magic.

Rainwater: Creates rainwater for one minute.

Poison Needle: Needle of poisoned water, one per spell.

Swim: Increases your swimming speed.

The boy looked curiously at his skills, and then spent his second skill point.

You have selected the wind magic skill.

Do you want to spend a skill point to buy the skill?

The boy sighed and pressed yes.

Wind magic skill level: 1 acquired

He falls to the ground again in pain, this time he feels as if electric currents are hitting him, knocking him to the ground, he barely gets up, tired, and looks at the screen.

Wind magic level: 1

Wind magic consumes a percentage of mana per magic, some magic are attacks, and others are activated by a time limit.

Wind magic Level: 1

cost: 30 mana per magic.

Smog: Toxic fog. Spit a mouthful of toxic fog from your mouth.

Air Blast: You launch a stream of compressed air that pushes your enemies back.

Soft Landing: You are able to fall up to ten meters high without taking damage.

[T/N: not gonna lie, that last one was funny.]

The boy watches with a smile before finishing everything and pressing exit, the room lights up and Bran finds himself lying in his bed at Winterfell, unable to move his legs.

" It was real" he muttered to himself.


Jon watched from behind in a tavern, watching the guards outside question the townspeople, having already killed five of them on the docks, trying to see how they would react to his investigations, a trick he learned in Volantis.

He had cut his hair short and dyed it blonde, giving it a southern look. Ghost stayed on the ship. He also gained information, which confirmed what he heard in Essos, his father in the dungeons, his sister Sansa imprisoned and Arya escaped.

The guards at King's Landing were very poor, lazy, weak, and not very intelligent. Compared to Volantis, they would be cut to pieces, but there are seven times as many guards at King's Landing as there are at Volantis.

Two days had passed since he arrived, and the ship would be there for another week, he had learned that his father was in the dungeons of the Red Keep and had pleaded guilty. Also, Stannis and Renly, Robert's brothers, were in a guerrilla war between them and the Lannisters, Tywin had sent troops to the river country that Robb defended and he could not attack all three at once.

He had learned that in two days his father would be executed.

Jon had decided to infiltrate. The boy left the tavern, crossed paths with 4 guards, and punched one in the jaw, he ran away while the others followed him, he reached an abandoned place in the port, and the guards caught up with him.

" You're dead, boy," said one of them furiously.

Jon smiled.

" Am I? " he asked.

The guards lunged at him.

Jon leapt back, sidestepping to avoid a thrust, and slashed through the first, quickly turning his attack on the second and they locked swords for a few minutes before the third attacked Jon from behind, who dodged and killed the guard fighting, and spotted the last two.

They look nervous.

"Go get help," one said to the other.

Jon was faster and threw a blade at the back of the neck of the one who was fleeing in horror from the other.

"You're the last one," Jon provoked.

"I am a soldier of the king," he said to show his authority.

"Which king? The fat one who can't hunt without his guards? Or the brat who still wets the bed? " Jon asked.

The guard screamed and Jon used Quick Attack to impale his neck.

A familiar light reached his eyes.

" Finally" Jon murmured as he opened his eyes and saw the white room, he quickly went to the AI.

Checking Player Menu. And on the screen appeared his status and skills.

Name: Jon Snow

Level: 5

Skill Points: 3

Exp: 0/250

You can spend three skill points.


Swordsmanship level: 3

Spends 15 mana.

Strong Attack: Gives an attack bonus.

cost: 15 mana

Quick Attack: Gives a speed boost.

cost: 20 mana

Fire Aura: Gives a fire bonus to your attacks, a 40 percent chance of burning the opponent.

cost: 30 mana

Magic Invocations Level: 1

cost: 10 mana


Small fish (Random, no more than 10cm)

Small animals (Mouse, beaver, rabbit, crow)


Piece of meat (Cow/Pig/Chicken/Fish), knife, tent, wood.


Equipment, everything that creatures kill, create, or gain, gives experience to the user.

Does not spend mana.

The boy decided that improving his magic was necessary, he had to get another level if he wanted to improve his sword, but for now, it was better to improve his summoning, he quickly pressed summoning.

Do you want to level up your summons skill to level 2?

The boy pressed yes, and the pain appeared again, images clouded his head.

Magic Invocations Level: 2 acquired

cost: 30 mana


Medium fish (random no larger than 30 cm)

Medium animal (fox, elk, goat)


Vegetables (Tomatoes/Lettuces/Edible Plants), Sharpening Stones, Fire Stones, Leather.


Vision, you can activate vision, which allows you to see through the animal's eyes.

cost: 10 mana and lasts 10 minutes.

The boy looked carefully, it was very useful, especially the magic ability. He went back to questions and asked the AI something.

Can vision magic be used with the Summoning magic skills at all levels?

The magic vision ability is unlocked in all summons.

As long as you have the magic it can be used with invocations of all levels that you possess.

" Perfect" he murmured.

He quickly pressed exit.

Jon looked at the guards and quickly hid the bodies in place, took the armor from one, put it on, and continued on his way out of the port.


Robb looked through the center of the table as his bannermen arrived at Moat Cailin a few days ago, but it was their first meeting. The great Jon Umber had complained, but after a show of power he laughed and said, "There is Ned's son, give your orders my lord, the Umbers will carry them out."

The Karstarks were also eager to kill a couple of Lannisters, Roose Bolton was showing himself impartial about the whole place, not caring at all about the battles or the future. Theon at his side seemed eager to test his bow against the Lannister forces as well, Brynden Tully the Blackfish stared at a map on the table.

They had received a note from Sansa, which was undoubtedly written by the Lannisters, they knew that their father's trial had already begun or ended, and his sentence was approaching, as soon as a sentence was handed down, Robb's decision would come, whether to attack the Lannisters in the west or just defend the Riverlands.

He had not yet participated in battle, and his wolf blood howled for the blood of his enemies, but the boy remained impartial.

"How much longer will we wait?" Greatjon Umber asked anxiously.

"I understand your spirit Jon, but we must wait for news from King's Landing to arrive, at this moment we will form the plans, if the worst-case scenario happens" clarified Robb Stark.

"Thinking of the worst-case scenario is advisable. And the Lannisters' punishment as well" Roose said.

" Heh, I hate to think, I'd rather attack" murmured the great Jon.


" Oh it reminds me of the rebellion, Lord Stark had to tie you to a stable so you wouldn't attack" Richard remembered.

Greatjon laughed.

" Hehehehe I remember, Ned was the only man capable of stopping me, well if we're serious, Bran did it too, but this one in battle" remembered the lord of the Umber.

They both laughed at their memories.

"Can I send a letter to my father?" Theon asked.

" Not yet, we don't know how the trial will end," Robb said.

Theon looked at him with hidden sadness.

They knew perfectly well how it would all end, Robb was just saying that.

A messenger arrived with a letter.

Robb read it and handed it to his subordinates.

" It's not from King's Landing " he clarified and everyone cursed and continued their conversations, he looked at his mother for a second so she could come closer.

" It's from Maester Luwin, Bran has woken up" he whispered to her.

Catellyn's emotions were reflected on her face.

" I have to go back" she murmured.

" No, I need you here, Bran is safe in Winterfell, with a squadron for his protection, if the worst comes to the worst, there will be all-out war against the west and King's Landing, I need you to negotiate with the lords of the Riverlands" Robb indicated.

" No need, there's my uncle Brynden and Edmure... They could do it" she clarified.

" We both know that both will fail, Lord Brynden is an excellent commander, but not a good businessman, and Uncle Edmure... " he indicated, letting Cattelyn form her own opinion of her brother. It was true that he was not the most effective of lords.

The woman sighed.

"Maybe everything will end well, and we can return to Winterfell quickly," she said, not believing a word.

Robb nodded without showing it.

" Joffrey is a cruel child, he will never forgive this rebellion, much less father, this will not end well, and the war begins. I just have to decide who to support. Stannis or Renly " he thought.

That was what he had been thinking for weeks, when Robert's two brothers rebelled against the kingdom, who to support.

" Stannis is the eldest and the one father would follow, but the problem is that he is not appreciated by many lords, many alliances would be lost if he bent the knee to him. Renly, on the other hand, married Margaery Tyrell and obtained the full support of the domain and some lords of the stormlands but he is not the eldest brother, calling himself king is a usurpation, and Stannis will be punished with death if he defeats all those who followed his brother without considering that the honorable thing would be to follow Stannis " thought the boy.

That was the decision.

Do the right and honorable thing like his father would do and follow Stannis but lose many alliances and gain many enemies.

Or follow Renly something his father would never do, something dishonorable but gain alliances in the domain and the land of storms.

The boy sighed.

" There is no decision I can make without at least meeting the kings " He ended up thinking.

[T/N: Poor basterd...I don't really like that Brandon also became a gamer but whatever. If you enjoyed this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you can't wait for more chapters then check out the P@treon or my Ko-fi. Also, check out my other book, Invisible-A Harry Potter FanFic.]


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