Author Note: There will be '*' in the title if there is sex scene in that chapter.
--Story Start
Tick, Tick, Tick. Tack, Tack, Tack.
I scroll mindlessly through Twitter, feeling an overwhelming sense of boredom. Nothing excites me anymore; everything feels dull and lifeless.
"Haaah," I sigh to myself. "Maybe I should finish that fanfiction I started yesterday."
Just as I'm about to close Twitter, an ad pops up on my screen—one of those forms that appear every now and then. Normally, I would close it immediately, but for some reason, this time, I don't. Instead, I decide to fill it out.
The form has questions like, "Where would you want to reincarnate?" I answer without hesitation:
Question 1: If you were given the chance to reincarnate, which world would you choose?
Answer: Game of Thrones.
Who wouldn't want to reincarnate in Game of Thrones and fuck the many beauties there? Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Myrcella Baratheon, Ygritte, Ros, and of course, Daenerys Targaryen. There are countless others, but those are the ones I can recall for now.
Question 2: What power would you want to reincarnate with?
Answer: Darkness and Shadows.
With these powers, I could dominate the Game of Thrones world. Naturally, I'd also be immortal, and I'd have the power to summon an immortal army—just like the Shadow Monarch from Solo Leveling.
Question 3: Which family would you wish to be reborn into?
Answer: An AU (Alternate Universe) family named Dark.
The Dark family consists of immensely powerful witches and wizards who could have conquered the world but didn't bother. Instead, they wait for their true master's reincarnation. I would become the reincarnation of their master.
How would they know I'm the reincarnation? Simple. The one who has authority over darkness and shadows will be the chosen master.
Question 4: What time would you wish to be reborn?
Answer: Two years before Daenerys Targaryen's birth.
After writing these answers, I submit the form. At that moment, the sky outside darkens, and a bolt of lightning strikes me, bypassing the walls.
I die.
Time passes in darkness—how long, I don't know. Eventually, I realize I've been reborn.
"Yee-hoo!" I think to myself with excitement as I come into the world.
The moment I am born, I instinctively understand the powers I now possess—powers over darkness and shadows. Everything has unfolded exactly as I wrote in that form.
Most people would be terrified or angry about this sudden shift in their existence, but not me. I'm thrilled. I can finally let loose. I've always dreamed of living without consequences, of taking whatever I want, doing whatever I please. Here, there is no right or wrong—only power. I can rape whoever I want as power equals to do whatever I want.
I look around and see a stunning woman with black hair and black eyes. She's drenched in sweat, gazing at me with love and reverence. Beside her stands a tall man, equally black-haired and black-eyed, his expression filled with awe and expectation.
They speak in a language I don't understand. After a moment, the man says something to the woman, who nods. He stretches his arm toward me, and in his palm, dark flames—shadowy and alive—begin to swirl.
Without thinking, I raise my tiny hand, and with the instinctive knowledge of my powers, I take control of the shadow flames and extinguish them.
The man's eyes widen, and he smiles brilliantly before dropping to his knees in complete reverence. Behind me, I hear a series of thuds as others follow his lead, prostrating themselves before me.
I glance at the woman holding me—my mother. She looks like she wants to kneel as well, but instead, she clutches me tightly, a victorious smile on her face as if she's won the greatest honor.
She has birthed their true master.
Five Minutes Earlier – Mother's POV
"Aaaaah! Ha, ha, ha! Aaaaaah!" I scream in pain.
"My lady, one more push, and your son will be born," one of the midwives urges.
"Shut up!" I snap. "Why aren't we using our thousands of years' worth of magic to make this easier?!"
My husband, standing beside me, leans in to kiss my forehead. "You know we can't. Magic could harm the baby."
Grumbling, I nod. One last push.
And then it's over. My baby is born, but something's wrong. He's not crying.
"My baby! Why isn't he crying?!" I shout at the midwives in panic.
The midwives examine him briefly before smiling reassuringly. "Not to worry, my lady. Sometimes babies don't cry because they're full of magic."
They place him in my arms, and I gaze down at him. His eyes—dark as the night—stare back at me, and I can't help but smile.
My husband steps closer, looking down at our son with a serious expression. "We need to test him," he says softly.
I sigh. "You know he's probably not the master reborn. Why bother?"
He doesn't respond, just stares at me until I finally relent and nod.
Extending his hand, my husband conjures shadow flames in his palm. He aims them at our son, testing him. The flames move toward the child, but to our utter shock, he stops them effortlessly, controlling the shadows with a power that can only be instinctive.
"He is our master reborn," my husband cries out in triumph, falling to his knees. Behind him, the others follow suit, their heads bowed to the floor.
My heart swells with pride as I look at my son. I kiss his forehead and rise to my feet. As I walk through the castle, everyone prostrates themselves the moment they see me holding him.
"Reborn Master."
"Our God."
"Our Master has reborn."
The words echo through the castle halls.
I smile. My son is no ordinary child. He is the reborn true master of darkness and shadows. He is our master.