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28.57% Götterdämmerung (A Campione Verse Fic) / Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - A Familiar Yet Unfamiliar New World

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1 - A Familiar Yet Unfamiliar New World

(Fair warning, this is AU and the mechanic or some rules will be changed to my preference.)

[Good Morning, new Host. The restarting process had been completed. The System is prepared for operation.]


He reached for his eyes that were assaulted with intense light and simultaneously a splitting headache which thankfully receded very quickly and replaced with a cold soothing sensation spreading inside his cranium.

"Did I oversleep again…?" He stirred awake and found himself in unfamiliar places yet again.

Opening a small slit of his eyes, he stares at the dreaded sun shining brightly at the sky, inwardly cursing why he is even staring at a sun.

"Wandenreich has no sun… am I in Seireitei?" He made the most logical conclusion based on the last location he remembered going to.

But looking at the architecture around him which looks very western as opposed to the eastern style medieval Japanese architecture that the Shinigamis use to build Seireitei and the Soul Society. This place cannot be Seireitei or Soul Society. Not to mention, those two places are enemy territories. He should be locked up in prison or something if he is still in Seireitei after the end of the war…

War! Yes! He remembered now, he should still be fighting a war led by Yhwach… but after that, his memories felt fuzzy and recalling them only made his head throb in pain.

"Grr! Just what the hell is happening to me?" He cursed at his incomplete memories to reassess his situation.

At least, he is relieved to know the people aren't hostile to him and he is somewhere within the Human World.

[Host! Thank goodness you survived!]

"Hmn?" He heard the familiar voice and immediately clicked his tongue.

"Tsk! Can you pipe it down?" He had an irritated expression while holding his head that started to throb again.

[S-Sorry, Host. But I am glad that you survived! I swear that you had died back then! But… someone saved your soul.]

Shocked by the revelation and learning that the voice might be able to fill in the missing gap in his memories. He starts questioning the voice. The voice is happy to help him in whatever capacity it is possible.

A few minutes of questioning later.

"So, you're telling me. I actually managed to win against Yhwach? But in the process, I also died?"


"Hmn. Not much of a surprise. Even if I am immune to The Almighty's precognition, Yhwach isn't a one trick phony. To think I am forced to use the Hollow energy to secure a cheap victory… still a victory nonetheless." He shrugged while staring at the sea from the beach he found himself at and sighed.

"So, this is a different world altogether? Not just the Human World?" He asked with a troubled look, worried about what world he had found himself in.

[Indeed. Upon death, Host's soul was taken by someone and dragged away from the crumbling dimension.]

Of course he is aware of it. He had long planned to kill Yhwach to free himself from Yhwach's control due to the Quincy power he relied on. He planned the battle to take place at the edge of the Bleach universe. At the very outer edge where he made preparations to sever Yhwach from his power source, other Quincies that he could call upon using Auswahlen.

In short, his soul transmigrated into Bleach world several hundred years after the first Shinigami and Quincy war waged by Yhwach against the Soul Society and the Soul King's Palace. During the time where Quincy is hunted down and prosecuted by Shinigami to the brink of extinction.

He joined the Wandenreich after his clan he was born in was exterminated and slowly climbed his rank to become a Sterntitter. But aware of the future and Yhwach's ambition. He knew the Quincies were merely his pawn and tools. He never truly cared about the Quincy race. So, he sought freedom. But no matter where he runs, as long as the Quincy blood and power flow in his body, Yhwach can kill him any time he wants.

Knowing this, instead of running away, he hatched a plot to kill Yhwach. He started by swaying the other Sterntitters to his side by revealing the ultimate fate of Quincies that followed him during the Thousand Years Blood War. Revealing what Yhwach thinks of the Quincies as a whole. Then he hatch a plan to ultimately kill Yhwach to free himself and others that decide to follow him. Unfortunately, none of them survived and he barely did it with outside help. Otherwise, he would also perish after he killed Yhwach.

"This… is just too much to process." He groaned.

The splitting headache and the thought of arriving in a foreign world made him wish he simply just died with Yhwach instead of being revived.

[Speaking of which, Host. You might want to check on your Status Screen.]

Seeing no harm at the suggestion, he opened his Status Screen and greeted with familiar information. Except, it changed very drastically.


Name: Eryx Silberkranz

Title(s): Sternritter / The "E" / Campione

Race: Hybrid (Human/Quincy/Divine)

Schrift (Sacred Letter): The "E", Entropy

Core Stats:

- Strength:

★★★★★★★★☆☆ (8/10)

- Endurance: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

- Agility:

★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

- Intelligence:

★★★★★★★★☆☆ (8/10)

- Perception: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

- Reiryoku:

★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (6/10)

- Reishi

★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

- Reishi Control: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

- Spiritual Pressure: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

- Divine Power;

★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (3/10)

-Magic Resistance:

★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

Skills & Abilities:

1. Heilig Pfeil (Holy Arrow):

Description: Fires highly condensed arrows of spiritual energy. Arrows increase damage based on the user's spiritual pressure and reishi absorption.

[Blut Vene (Blood Vein - Defense)]:

Description: Reinforces the user's body with reishi to drastically enhance defense. Reduces damage taken.

[Blut Vene Anhaben (Blood Vein - Defense Shell)]:

Description: The user creates an external aura of reishi around their body, shielding them from attacks. This defensive layer deflects spiritual energy-based attacks and mitigates physical damage.

[Blut Arterie (Blood Artery - Offense)]:

Description: Enhances attack power by infusing spiritual energy into the bloodstream.

[Hirenkyaku (Flying Screen Step)]:

Description: High-speed movement technique allowing instant movement over a medium distance.

[Gintō (Silver Tubes) Techniques]:

Description: A series of Quincy spells that use spiritual energy capsules for combat. Advanced Gintō spells available.

List of Spells;

[Sklaverei (Slavery)]:

Description: A powerful technique allowing the user to forcibly absorb and control reishi from their surroundings, including hostile reishi such as that of Hollows or even Shinigami. Greatly increases attack power and defense by assimilating foreign reishi. But overuse can destabilize the user's Reiryoku.

[Ransōtengai (Disheveled Paradise Puppet)]:

Description: An advanced Quincy technique that allows the user to control their body using spiritual strings, even when immobilized or severely injured.

[Kirchenlied: Sankt Zwinger (Church Hymn: Holy Executioner)]: Description: The user creates a powerful barrier by forming a cross-shaped sigil, which destroys any enemy who enters its radius. Can only be used during Vollständig.

[Vollständig (Complete Holy Form)]:

Description: The Quincy's ultimate transformation, granting flight, enhanced reishi manipulation, increased attack, speed, and spiritual power. Unlocks spiritual wings made of reishi.

[Schatten (Shadow Movement)]:

Description: Allows the user to move between shadows, rendering them invisible and near untouchable for a brief moment.

[Reishi Absorption (Passive)]:

Description: Automatically absorbs reishi from the environment to replenish reiatsu and strengthen attacks. Absorption rate increases in reishi-dense areas such as Hueco Mundo or the Soul Society.


[Spirit Weapon]:

Type: Longbow, Blade and Pistol

Description: The primary weapon formed from spiritual energy, allowing ranged combat and sniping from a distance.

[Leiden Hant:]

Description: A training glove that significantly enhances control over reishi manipulation, but can be removed to unleash extreme power temporarily.

Effect: Increases Reishi Manipulation and Spiritual Awareness

[Quincy Cross]: Description: A pendant that forms the Quincy bow and facilitates reishi absorption.

Effect: Increases spiritual pressure and attack power.

[Seele Schneider (Soul Cutter)]:

Description: A blade composed of spiritual energy that vibrates at high frequency, allowing the user to cut through any spiritual being or object. Also functions as a high-powered arrow when fired from the bow.

Effect:Increased cutting ability and can drain reishi from struck enemies.

Passives & Buffs;

[Marksmanship Mastery (Passive)]

Effect: Enhanced accuracy and speed with ranged attacks. Capable of firing multiple homing arrows with diverse effects or massive barrage of arrows.

[Swordsmanship Mastery (Passive)]

Effect: Exceptional proficiency with bladed weapons. Enhanced attacks made using sword or blade. Can extend blade reach, create energy waves and cut through barriers.

[Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery (Passive)]

Effect: Mastery of martial arts, enabling powerful strikes and grappling. Enhanced punches and kicks.

[Blut Mastery (Passive)]:

Enhanced mastery over Blut techniques, allowing faster transition between Blut Vene (defense) and Blut Arterie (offense).

[The Sternritter (Passive)]:

Increases spiritual resistance against Hollow and Shinigami reiatsu and boost core stats when in battle against supernatural opponents.

[Spiritual Awareness (Passive)]:Increases detection range of spiritual entities and hidden foes.

[Reishi Master (Passive)]: Boosts the speed and efficiency of reishi absorption and manipulation.

[Campione Physique]

A unique trait granted to those who have defeated a god and usurped their divine authorities. This skill grants a body far surpassing human limits, bestowing immense physical strength, durability, accelerated regeneration, heightened senses, and mastery over all languages. The user's vitality is drastically enhanced, enabling survival against fatal injuries, resisting harmful effects, and adapting to divine and supernatural energies.

Special Abilities:

Schrift-Specific Ability:

The "E" (Entropy):


[Entropic Touch]

Description: Upon touching an object or target, the user accelerates the natural process of decay, causing it to crumble or weaken rapidly. The affected area erodes from the molecular level, bypassing standard defenses. Entropic Touch can disintegrate small items and weaken spiritual energy barriers or parts of a target's body.

[Entropic Field]

Description: The user generates an aura around them that accelerates decay in the surrounding area. Entropic Field can reduce incoming attacks, weapons, and spiritual constructs into deteriorated fragments. Prolonged exposure weakens opponents' spiritual energy and stamina, affecting living beings directly, including biological functions and spiritual powers.

[Decay of Reishi]

Description: This ability specifically targets spiritual energy, enabling the user to unravel reishi-based constructs like Quincy weapons, Soul Reaper kido, and spiritual barriers. The user can break down massive reishi structures or disarm spiritual attacks before they reach them. Allows the user to decay not only reishi constructs but also spiritual connections, rendering certain abilities or techniques useless.

[Temporal Entropy]

Description: Entropy affects not just matter but also the flow of time. The user can accelerate time for specific objects or areas, causing them to age rapidly. This technique can make weapons rust, plants wither, biological targets to age rapidly to death and spiritual constructs age into ineffectiveness.

[Entropic Collapse]

Description: The ultimate ability of Entropy. The user generates a concentrated point of entropic energy, which rapidly decays everything within a large radius into dust or spiritual fragments. Entropic Collapse ignores all barriers and shields, ensuring total destruction. This ability can erode even high-tier spiritual beings or spaces.


[The Almighty]

Type: Fate and destiny manipulation authority

Previous Owner: Yhwach

Current Owner: Eryx Silberkranz

Usage Cost: Requires immense divine power and concentration to maintain continuous future manipulation. May drain spiritual energy over prolonged use in complex scenarios.

Cooldown: None

Duration: Continuous when active


This supreme authority grants its wielder omniscient vision over all possible futures, enabling the user to control outcomes by altering reality. The Almighty provides foresight into any situation and the ability to shift events to ensure victory, making the wielder almost invincible in combat.


- Future Sight (Passive):

Instantly perceive all possible future outcomes, providing total foresight in battle and allowing flawless tactical decisions.

- Future Alteration (Active):

Manipulate the timeline by selecting the most favorable future, effectively nullifying any attack or counter-strategy. Ensures the user's survival and success by bending reality to their will.

- Divine Foresight (Passive/Active):

Complete knowledge of enemy abilities, tactics, and weaknesses in real-time, providing an unparalleled strategic advantage when used actively. Effect reduced significantly when used passively.

- Guaranteed Victory (Passive):

Ensures that every battle ends in the user's favor by manifesting the outcome where they emerge victorious.

Usage Cost and Limitations;

- Immense Energy Drain:

Sustaining The Almighty in complex, long-term battles requires a massive amount of divine energy. Continuous use without rest may weaken the user.

- Limited Future Manipulation:

While nearly omnipotent, The Almighty can be countered by authorities that interfere with or erase future timelines, such as entropy-based powers, reality-bending abilities, or those capable of nullifying destiny.

- Concentration Requirement:

To properly control The Almighty, intense focus is needed. If the user's concentration wavers, their control over future manipulation may falter.

—[Screen End]—

"What the hell? Am I dreaming?" Eryx stared at his Status Screen in astonishment and blinked a few times before trying to slap himself in the face.

[Host, I assure you everything stated here is accurate.]

[After the Host nearly died in battle between Yhwach. Host's soul was slipping through the crumbling dimension and taken by an unknown power to this world and granted with these gifts. The Almighty was included.]

Eryx didn't pay much attention to the voice and was still skimming through his Status Screen several times over.

Aside from The Almighty, there's also the addition of few core stats and visible increment on his core stats especially his endurance which is basically maxed when it previously sat on 6/10 only. That means, most attacks that are going to be fatal would only injure him significantly. But not enough to impact or reduce his combat capability.

Also, the evaluation of stats is based on the average powerhouse for the world he currently inhabits. For his stats to be given maximum evaluation means in this world, his endurance is amongst the best in the world and only a handful could possibly injure him. Unless he put his guard down.

When he looks at his title and race. He felt a sense of familiarity.

"Campione? Divine? I felt like I had heard or seen this before but…" He tried to scour through his memories of his past life prior to his Transmigration. However, the memories of the dozen years he lived on Earth was fleeting compared to the centuries he lived in the Bleach world.

He couldn't recall anything. However, he is confident that this is one of the fictional worlds he enjoyed before from Earth. This is both good and bad news for him.

Good news, he got vague information about the world and it's not the worst one out there.

Bad news, because his information is vague. He had no idea what sort of enemies he should expect. Hopefully none like Yhwach because of his win or should it even be considered a victory? Was just a sheer dumb luck and 100% suicidal recklessness.

But regardless of what happened, Eryx is grateful that he survived. Even more grateful that he seems to have grown stronger. However, he cannot shrug off the strong sense of premonition tugging at him that his new found strength is not given just for free without any strings attached.


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