But it was already too late, and none of the men dared to retreat, not when Kizy was still fighting.
Several men in black uniforms climbed down the trees at their fastest speed while Kizy was definitely unable to take all of them down together.
"Y'all go back right now. This is an order." Kizy said before throwing one of her used guns away and taking another one out from her black pants, loading it at an invisible speed.
And yet none of them took even a single retreating step, knowing what their original orders from the boss were - to protect Kizy at all costs.
Their entire group was surrounded by men from all sides, who were making them all move further inside.
Kizy's team kept shooting but watching the enemy close in, holding blades, they had to move onto the blades as well, cause guns were useless at such close proximity.
"Protect young madam!" Joel shouted once again, knowing blades was not her forte.