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5.66% Forbidden Desires: A Targaryen Tale (Completed) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Planning

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Planning

Inside the tent the last Targaryens stood with their dragons, the creatures were on the floor playing and fighting each other ignoring the world around them. "So…" Daemon began.

"Dragons" Aegon breathed.

"You hatched them Dany." Rhaenys whispered looking at her aunt in awe.

Daenerys blushed "Yes…but without your help I wouldn't be able, you three fought and won against the Dothraki. We all had a part in it"

Rhaenys gave Daenerys a quick peck on the lips "You are amazing" She said jumping off the bed and sitting on the floor next to the dragons.

"We have to be more careful now, news about the dragons it's already spreading, maybe you should come back with the blue hair, brother" Daemon said

Aegon scowled "No, thank you. I will just cut again"

Suddenly the tent flapped and Ser Arthur entered, he eyed the dragons and shook his head incredulously. "I hope they like horse meat, we have a lot" He informed them motioning to where a squire had put a large bowl full with meat.

As they sensed the smell, the dragons raised their heads and flapped their wings jumping into the bowl devouring the meat.

"Well, I just wanted to tell that due your new… friends. I'm going to Qarth to receive our gold" Arthur told them.

"We can still go" Aegon said and Daemon nodded.

"I don't know boys, you have dragons now. The danger increased, people may try steal or kill them." Arthur protested.

They stood silent for a second "Nothing will happen with them Arthur, we know the risks and we will prevent that any harm come to them, besides we can take more men with us" Daemon said.

"Maybe, for a side it could help me, before we left I signed a contract with Myr, and according with Gerold's last raven, Myr, Lys and Tyrosh are on verge of war, but for the other it mean leave the three of you alone. And we all know that the three of you can't stay without supervision-well the four of you now"

Daemon shot him a offended look. "You insult us Arthur, we don't need supervision"

"Hmm, should I list the things that the three of you did on the times that I left you by yourselves? Because I can" Arthur raised his brow.

Daemon licked his lips "No…" He murmured.

Ser Arthur just nodded and narrowed his eyes at him. "I'm going to leave a thousand men with you, plus the hundred men and women of your trust, the ones that went with you on the field and fulfilled contracts, for your protection and to escort the gold. And please, don't anything stupid."

"We won't" Aegon promised.

"Well" Arthur breathed. "We depart tomorrow, you will go to Qarth by land, I'll send a few ships to wait for you there." He said making them nod then exiting the tent.

Daenerys joined Rhaenys on the floor and asked. "What was he talking about?"

"We may had crossed some limits a few times, you know. In battles, Arthur were always careful with us he always kept us safe, but he also wanted us to learn. So he has sent us to do small contracts, or negotiations, most of them went completely smoothly, but some of them has ended with us fighting, killing, destroying, throwing feasts."

"You forgot the orgies" Daemon said.

Daenerys brows raised "Orgies?!"

Rhaenys shrugged.

"Ah…Debauchery" Aegon murmured fondly.

"You gonna love it" her niece winked at her.

"Ah yes, what is better than days of drinking and fucking." Daemon said sitting by her side.

Dany blushed a little at the thought of participating of a orgy, but she definitely found the thought interesting.

"Did you name them?" Aegon asked changing the subject.

"Well, I named mine" Dany answered. "Ella" She said and the Black Dragon turned his neck and screeched at her.

"I named my Rhaegal" Aegon announced.

"Aeli" Rhaenys said.

"Lyx" Daemon said.

The four dragons hearing their names cocked their heads and eyed each other screeching and purring, they seemed to be talking to each other the four Targaryens realized. The dragons seemed to come to a conclusion and ran to their respective riders.

"Such smart creatures" Daemon cooed brushing his finger under Lyx' jaw making the grey dragon purr.

"They are magnificent" Dany smiled caressing Ella.

"That's funny, I thought they would be smaller" Aegon said.

"Me too, I think I read in a book that hatchlings were the size of small cats, but they are the size of medium dogs." Rhae mused.

"Maybe they are different" Dany guessed and they nodded.

"Hmm, You must be right, after all you are their mother" Rhaenys grinned.

"Aye, Daenerys Targaryen, The Mother of Dragons" Daemon said dramatically.

Daenerys just suppressed a smile and continue to ran her hand through Ella's scales.

Dany left her tent as she heard shouts outside, she walked to where her nephews and niece were standing, she tried her best to move fast but the black dragon on her shoulder didn't allowed much, Daenerys enjoyed having her dragon close to her, but her size, weight and mainly her claws didn't were much comfortable. The other dragons were alongside theirs rider on the floor, Dae, Rhae and Egg rarely carried their dragons on their shoulders in public, they didn't want to raise any suspicion of why they could carry dragons on their shoulders just like her.

Daenerys alone already drew a lot attention, they didn't need more.

"What's happening" She asked them. Daemon pointed with his head making her narrow her eyes to where ten riders were coming in their direction. "Who are they?"

Daemon shrugged "Probably the Qartheen"

"What are those creatures?" She asked when the riders were closer, she never saw these animals in her life.

Rhaenys raised her brow and looked at her "You don't know what a Camel is?" Her niece tone wasn't sarcastic but serious.

"No" Dany said.

"They are use to transport in Essos and Qarth, but I think they are more used in Sandy places. They are kinda like horses" Rhae explained.

As the Qartheen approached them, the soldiers of the Golden Company had their weapons in hand aiming directly at them, when they dismounted their camels they raised their hands.

"We are here in peace My lords" A red masked woman dressed in robes said "I am Quaithe, this is Pyat Pree and Xaro Xhoan Daxos, we are representatives of Qarth, we are here to escort you"

After a couple of seconds Daemon waved his hand and the men and women lowered their weapons. "A pleasure Lady Quaithe, I'm Jon Snow, this is Griff and Nymeria, and-"

"Daenerys Targaryen…" Quaithe said. Looking cryptically at Dany.

"Yes" Daemon said.

"A surprise see you with the Golden Company princess" Xaro said, a elegant, pale and lean man with his nose crusted with rubies. Dany just gave him a tight smile.

"Very well my lords, we depart in a hour" Aegon announced.

Daenerys looked behind at the cart that was carrying the dragons, she didn't liked to cage them none of them did but they need it, they couldn't let the four creatures roaming around…mainly in Qarth were they didn't know what was expecting them, A gallop on her side drew her attention, Pyat Pree stared at her suddenly making her uncomfortable, she looked at his blue lips and frowned.

"Shade of Evening, princess, the wine of the warlocks. accompany me to the House of Undying and you will drink and see the truth and wisdom." He said.

Dany nodded "Maybe I will, thank you my lord" She said trotting her horse forward close to Rhaenys.

"Are you fine?" her niece asked.

"Yes" She said.

It took a couple hours for them to arrive in Qarth, as it was already night they had to wait till morning for their audience with the Pureborn and the thirteen. Xaro had offered his hospitality and let them stay on his palace.

"Dracarys" She heard Rhaenys command softly, Aeli cocked her head looking at her future rider then at the meat. "Dracarys…" The dragon coughed letting a huff of smoke from its mouth, she repeated the act two more times before a stream of pale gold fire leave his mouth.

Rhaenys gasped and clapped. "Good girl" She brushed her finger on the dragon's chin.

"They will be able to feed themselves now" Dany smiled.

The door opened drawing the attention of both princess, Daemon and Aegon entered with dresses in their hands. "My ladies, your Qartheen Gowns." Aegon said.

That was a thing that surprised her, the women here dressed themselves with Gowns lacking the left side leaving their left breast bare. Daenerys and Rhaenys got up and took the gowns in their hands.

"Well at least they are pretty and have a good material" Rhae said.

"Go on, wear it. Let's see how it stays on you" Daemon said.

Daenerys narrowed her eyes "You just want to see me naked"

"What? I can't see my wife naked anymore?" he grinned.

"Actually you two are not married" Aegon said.

"No one asked you" Daemon raised his brows.

"Well, Egg is king-"

"Not yet"

"And he can make you two husband and wife." Rhaenys smirked.

Daenerys eyes widened slightly "Yes! let's do it"

Aegon shrugged "why not" He said walking to the middle of the room. "Come here brother"

Daemon shook his head with a lopsided grin, he walked and stood beside his brother. Rhaenys linked up her arm with Dany and walked till both brothers.

"Erm, today we are here to witness the union of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Princess Daenerys Targaryen, please say your vows." Aegon said.

Daenerys eyes widened slightly and she pursed her lips, Rhaenys stepped close and whispered on her ear, Dany cleared her throat held Daemon's hands.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers(his) and she(he) is mine, from this day, until the end of my days." Daenerys and Daemon said together.

"Well, at the power that i don't have yet, I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss your wife" Aegon clapped his hands.

Dany giggled softly before she sealed her lips with her husband's, after a couple of seconds they parted. "that was fast ceremony." She grinned.

"Well, we don't have a heart tree neither a septon, so that is going to be everything. Now, if I'm not wrong, it's the time for the consummation." Her white haired nephew said.

Daemon smirked and raised her in the air carrying her to the bed, he pushed the dresses aside and laid her in the soft mattress. Aegon and Rhaenys sat beside them and watched as their brother and aunt loved each other, slowly and tender, then fast and rough ending the night as husband and wife.

By the morning Daenerys woke with a pleasurable ache between her legs, she snuggled on the body next to her holding tightly. After a second her eyes shot open, she eyed the person that definitely wasn't her husband. "Where's Daemon?" She asked.

Rhaenys opened her eyes and stretched her body "He and Egg went meet the Pureborn" Her niece mumbled closing her eyes again.

"Why they didn't took us?" She questioned.

"Don't know…but is better for us, we can sleep more" Rhae said.

Daenerys furrowed her brows, she didn't want to stay in bed the whole day, when they arrived at the city it was already night and even in the dark Qarth was beautiful and she wanted to explore.

Rhaenys opened one eye and glared at her "Fine, I can go alone." Dany said jumping off the bed.

Rhae groaned loudly and sat on the mattress. "Wait, I go with you"

Daenerys grinned "Thank you dear niece" She said sweetly.

After Daenerys cleaned the mess that was between her legs, they picked their Dresses, Daenerys wore a light blue while herr niece wore a bright orange.

Rhaenys hummed and shook her breast. "I liked" Her niece said observing her own bare breast then eying hers. "What do you think?" Rhae sided with her brushing a hand on the side of her dress.

Daenerys shrugged "Is fine"

"Really? Just fine?" Rhae raised her brow. "Doesn't excite you? You breast bare for everyone to see"

Dany grinned weakly. "Just a little, I bet you are barely holding yourself." She teased.

Rhaenys linked their arms and walked to the door. "Yep" Her niece said making her chuckle.

As both women left their chambers, they were greeted by Serysa, A tanned, dark haired woman with brown eyes and a gorgeous face. "Gods, even you are wearing these." Rhaenys said. "Daenerys this is Serysa, a longtime friend."

Daenerys smiled and nodded. "My lady" She greeted.

The woman smiled back "Princess"

"Come, we are going to the markets" Rhaenys said.

As they walked through the market Daenerys could see merchants selling spices, wines, silks and among other things. Ten soldiers of the Golden Company walked behind them, with one guiding a horse who was pulling a small cart. "Here" Rhaenys stopped in front of a booth. Her niece picked up a shirt and trouser. "Here you need more clothes"

Dany looked at the dark brown leather clothing and clicked her tongue. "I'll take this one, and this" She said grabbing a pair of boots.

"We have a lot gold Dany, pick up more things" Her niece said eyeing a dress that Daenerys hardly believed that would be covering anything.

Daenerys hummed and picked sandals, boots, dresses and jewelry. "You have a great taste Dany" Her niece gushed. Dany flushed.

They kept walking at the market, Rhaenys bought two daggers for Daenerys and another spear for herself. Daenerys were now eating a grape of bunch she had brought while watching a firemage, it was really impressive trick. Daenerys turned her head to side as she felt someone beside her.

"Lady Quaithe" Dany greeted the masked woman.

"Daenerys Targaryen" She bowed a little. "A strong magic" Quaithe said as the firemage conjured a wall of fire.

Dany raised a brow. "You mean trick, that isn't real"

"Why do you say that?" Quaithe asked after a second.

"Magic doesn't exist, people can't create fire from their hands" Dany told her.

The shadowbinder stared at her. "You say that magic doesn't exist, but if I'm not mistaken I saw you with dragons…Your grace"

"He wasn't this power two days ago, he became able to do this after you arrived with your Dragons, their magic, your blood. Their blood and magic" Quaithe continued. "A advice for you, Mother of Dragons. Beware of the man with blue lips…Leave this city as soon as you can, because if you don't, you will never be able to"

With that the woman touched her arm and disappeared at the crowd of people, what does she mean with that? Dany thought. She brushed her nails at the spot where Quaithe had touched feeling a odd tingle.

Suddenly the show ended, The firemage bowed and accepted the coin from the people, Daenerys blinked and turned around making her way to where Rhae was.

"Did you like it?" Her niece asked as she came close to her.

"Meh" She answered. "Quaithe showed up…and gave me a advice"

"What she said?" Rhae asked.

"Something about a man with blue lips and That I have to leave the city soon as possible and if I don't, I'll never be able to leave again"

"That's odd" Rhaenys said with concern and Dany nodded. "Did bought what you needed?"


"Then let's get back to the palace, we can discuss this with Dae and Egg when they come back"

When they arrived at their wing of the palace Rhae asked for a bath to be prepared for them, they entered the hall where their chambers were and were greeted by the twenty warriors protecting the dragons.

"Did my brothers arrived?" Rhaenys asked a dark skinned man. He shook his head. Both Princesses entered their chambers and were greeted with screeches and flap of wings, Aeli jumped at her niece's arms almost knocking her down.

"Ouch girl, you are heavy" Rhae grunted and her dragon just purred brushing its head on her neck.

Daenerys was greeted in the same way, just being more prepared for the heavy dragon colliding against her body. As they calmed down the dragons she asked for meat for them, the dragons showed that they could feed themselves and burned the horsemeat before devouring it.

"Your bath are ready my lady." A maid said knocking at the door.

When Daenerys entered the place where they should bath her eyes widened. "Rhae, what is this?" she murmured.

Rhaenys blinked sweetly. "Well dear aunt, these are people, the ones that came with us, the hundred warriors of my thrust." Her niece smiled.

"I know what people are!, I'm asking why they are here. Naked." Dany whispered. Her eyes rooming in the room counting the ten people there.

The fellow princess rolled her eyes. "You know why they are here Dany…there" She pointed to a man who was between a red haired woman legs. "Let's enjoy a little" Rhaenys kissed her cheek.

"I-i I'm not ready for this" Daenerys said rushedly, her face growing red.

Rhaenys just grinned and shake it off her dress letting fall in her feet, Daenerys pursed her lips. "Come on Dany, it's going to be fun, a new experience for you." Rhae said stepping behind her and moving the strap of her dress. Daenerys bit her lip and let her niece take it her dress making her heart beat fast.

Rhaenys giggled "See, it will be fine"

"But Daemon…and Aegon" She stuttered.

Rhaenys chucked. "You know what they think about this, and they will probably join us if they arrive in time." She whispered in her ear.

Rhaenys intertwined her finger with hers and guided her to a pool in the right corner of the room. "Rhaenys!" A olive skinned man said from inside the pool.

Rhaenys waved at him. "Dany this is Jaeren, Noren, Sallen, Phena and Aymee. They are long time friends." Her niece introduced the three men and two women.

"Princess. " Aymee said raising her glass of wine. Daenerys just nodded at them. Rhaenys stepped into the warm water bringing Dany with her, it felt good the cool water against her skin refreshing against the heat outside. "Princess" Jaeren called giving her a glass of wine.

"Thank you My Lord." She thanked him taking the glass and taking a sip.

"Oh please, you can call us by our names." Aymee said, she had brown skin, dark hair and brown eyes.

"Well, then you may call me Daenerys" Dany smiled.

"Your brothers are join us Rhaenys?" Peena asked. She was a white skinned woman with dark blonde hair and green eyes.

Of course she want her nephews. Daenerys thought.

"Dunno, they are with the Pureborn, maybe they will come back in time" Her niece answered drinking all the wine of her cup and pulling aymee to her lap.

Well that escalated quickly. She thought.

"And you Daenerys, are you joining us?" Jaeren asked from beside her, his eyes filled with desire. Dany could hear the noise of Rhae lips colliding against Aymee's lips, she also could feel Rhae's eyes burning on the side of her head, she took a deep breath and swallowed all her wine in one gulp.

"Of course" She breathed. He smirked and surprised her pulling her to his lap, he brushed the hair from her neck and held it firmly bringing her to a hungry kiss, Daenerys was reluctantly first then her lips matched the hunger of his. His hands held her arsecheeks firmly grinding her cunt on his hardening cock, he broke the kiss and went to her neck kissing and sucking.

"Fuck" Dany gasped. She looked to her side and saw Rhaenys smirking at her, Daenerys rolled her eyes and suppressed a grin. Jaeren took her from his lap and sat on the edge of the pool, he opened his legs and pointed at his cock. Dany breathed and moved forward, she had taken Daemon and Aegon's cock in her mouth before, so Jaeren wasn't a hard work for her.

Daenerys wrapped her delicate fingers around his girth and stroked softly, he groaned and threw his head back, The Princess licked her lips and licked the underside of his cock from the base till the tip making him moan. She wrapped her lips around the head and sucked gently, like Rhae had thought her. Daenerys found a excitement at sucking a man that wasn't her husband or nephew, of course it wasn't like when she was with Daemon or Aegon, they have their own spot above anyone. But still It was a good different.

Jaeren supported himself in one hand while the other he rested on her head pushing down making her take more of his cock, his tip hit her throat making her gag and pull back slowly. "Look at her" Rhaenys gushed from where she stood having her cunt eaten by Aymee. "I told you would like"

Daenerys just held a snort and continued with her task lowering her head and sucking his balls. "Fuck just like that Princess." He moaned.

Dany sucked his nuts for one more minute before he pulled her up by the arm and helped her climb on his lap, he took his cock and brushed against her wet pussy earning a moan from her. Then finally he lined up his mushroom head with her opening and she lowered herself slowly on his length. "Oh yes…" She moaned, he was quite tick.

His hands went to her arsecheeks again squeezing and pulling them apart, Dany shuddered and blushed at the thought that people could see her arsehole. Daenerys moved her hips back and forth riding him slowly. "What a tight cunt you have Daenerys." He moaned on her ear.

She smirked and held his cheeks kissing him deeply, it was great all that she was feeling right now, but it sorted of annoyed her the apprehension of a mind blowing orgasm that she had every time since she met Daemon but she knew that she wouldn't be receiving. She did her best to tell her body that, that sort of pleasure wasn't coming but a close one would, Daenerys caught herself moaning loudly in his mouth and riding him like a stallion.

Jaeren supported himself on his elbows and Dany prompted herself in a better position and began to bounce up and down on his cock, her hands went to his shoulders for support and held tightly.

"Oh gods, yes, yes, yes. Fuck" Dany whimpered.

The man under her groaned "I'm gonna cum"

Daenerys nodded with a tired grin on her face "Cum for me, cum for Dany."

From the side of the pool Rhaenys smiled widely watching Jaeren filled Daenerys cunt with his hot spunk while Noren and Aymee kissed her neck. Daenerys gave a pitchy moan and fell on top of him, Rhaenys licked her lips as she watched her friend and niece share a slow kiss.

Rhae pushed her other two friends off her gently and swan till where Dany had rolled off the top of Jaeren and laid breathless. She got out of the water and crawled on top of her aunt.

"Hello" She whispered giving her aunt a peck.

Her aunt stared at her eyes niece. "Hi"

"Did you enjoyed yourself?" Rhae asked. Daenerys nodded.

Rhaenys giggled "I told you…"

"Shut up" Daenerys said sealing their lips.

After almost a minute they parted and Rhae looked at the entrance of the room and said. "I think this is about to get even better love" Dany's brows furrowed and she looked to where her niece were looking. Daenerys eyes widened as she saw her nephews approaching them.

"Well hello there" Daemon said crouching in front of her. Rhaenys rolled off her and practically jumped on Aegon.

"Hello" She said and he helped her up.

"It's look like you are having some fun my little dragon" Her husband said brushing his finger on her cheek.

Daenerys almost gulped, she was still a little hesitant about all this. "I…did"

Daemon held her tightly against his body. "Hmm, I'm glad…did he fucked you well?"

Daenerys blinked "how…"

"He can't stop staring at your arse" He kissed her neck making her hum.

"Oh" She gasped

"Oh" He chuckled. "You didn't answered my question love"

"No…yes…? I mean, I rode him" She murmured as he sucked her pulse.

"Hmm, I think I should show him how to properly fuck you, don't you think?" He squeezed her arse.

Daenerys nodded quickly. "Yes, you should, please"

"That's my girl…hands and knees love." He ordered and she got in position as fast as she could while he took his clothes off, he spat on his hand and passed on his cock, he knelt behind his wife and entered her roughly making her eyes roll. "Oh, fuck Daemon. So big." She moaned as her husband began to hammering his cock in her.

"I thought it would take some time before she jumped into this." Aegon said in his sister's ear from where they stood at other side of the pool, her back was grinding against his chest as she rode him making sure that her eyes never left Dany's.

His sister let a breathless laugh. "Yes, you lost a bet, and now you have to do everything I say"

"And what I will have to do?" He asked.

"Don't know, but I will make sure you enjoy" She giggled and watched her brother put a show and make her aunt scream like a whore from Lys. They kept they fucking for one more hour, with Jaeren, Noren, Sallen, Phena and Aymee participating. By the end they were all tired and satisfied and Daenerys wasn't that shy anymore.

"We leave tomorrow, at this time the gold it's probably being loaded onto the ship." Aegon said staring at stars from the balcony.

"That's good, Dany can't stay at the city for long" Rhae jested from beside him. Daemon and Aegon brows furrowed.

"Lady Quaithe gave Dany a warning, that she have to leave soon as possible and beware of the man with blue lips." Rhaenys continued.

"Pyatt Pree?" Daemon asked.

"Maybe, he's not only one with blue lips, it has other warlocks in the city. The house of Undying" Daenerys snapped her fingers.

"Didn't he invited you there? To see the wisdom and truth." Her husband asked. She nodded.

"Maybe we should go there" Dany said.

"Oh, of course, let's go to the place called house of the undying" Rhaenys snorted putting emphasis on the last word earning a chuckle from her brothers.

"I'm serious, maybe they can show us something that will help us when we go to Westeros, or maybe Daemon's dreams." Dany insisted making Daemon stiffened.

"Oh, we forgot something, Xaro wants to marry you, he says that he can give you anything you want. He must think you want the Throne" Aegon said and Daemon snorted.

"I didn't forget that, I just didn't want to mention." Daemon said.

"Oh? It's my husband jealous?" Dany smirked a little raising a brow.

Daemon just stared at her. "Oh yes, i definitely didn't saw you having sex with five of our friends didn't I?"

Rhaenys grinned widely.

"I was jesting" Dany mumbled with her cheeks red. Dae chuckled and pulled her to him with her back on his chest wrapping his arms around her.

"Egg and I think he wants to marry you because of our Dragons-

"It's obviously because of the dragons" Rhae interrupted.

"-in Qarth they have the custom of the husband and wife can ask for anything as token of love, that can't be declined. So marrying you he could ask for one dragon" Daemon told her.

"You should consider Dany, he's very attractive. I bet his nose can do things" Rhaenys wiggled her eyebrows.

Dany narrowed her eyes and wrinkled her nose. "Why are you so disgusting?" Rhae just winked at her.

"Anyway, this gave us a idea, we want to use Dany as 'target" Aegon announced.

"Pardon?" Dany and Rhae said at same time.

"Hear him." Dae kissed her head.

"Dany will be a sort of distraction for us, Because Daenerys Targaryen wants to take the Iron throne back. And while they worry about you and the dragons, we can finish our plans of conquest." Egg explained.

"Of course we will protect you and be with you all the time, but not as Prince and princess but as commanders of the Golden Company that support your cause." Daemon finished.

"It's seems a good idea" Dany said after a minute.

Daemon turned her around and held her cheeks. "I'm sorry that we are putting a target at your back"

Dany shrugged. "I've always being a target, since I was little running away from cutthroats, just this time I have you all to protect me."

"Nothing will happen with you Dany, we would never let." Rhaenys promised.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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