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44.92% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 31: Chapter 31. Celestial Flame Iris

Capítulo 31: Chapter 31. Celestial Flame Iris

-Shirou Amakusa-

Opening his eyes after being in the Holy Grail for a time, Shirou reached out with an armored hand and touched the wall of the Grail. It reacted to his touch, opening up for him to leave.

The red faction all watched as he walked down the magical steps to the ground, marveling in his glory.

He was clad in black and red demonic samurai armor, with an extremely long blade mounted to his back. In his right hand he held his helmet that had horns growing out of it.

(Image here)

"It seems our enemy hasn't attempted an attack, given all of you are here." He said as he looked upon his servants

"M-master? What is this?" Semiramis asked In a hesitant voice.

"As I told you earlier. We have had a change of plans. The Juggernaut is a variable I had not accounted for, so I have made adjustments." Shirou Said, placing his helmet atop his head.

"I will deal with this Juggernaut myself, then we will wait for the next Grail war to start." He said in a distorted voice.


Godrick sat on Jeanne's bed after their discussion earlier, telling her about some of the new abilities he had gained. She had asked him about the increase in his stats, which were as followed

Strength: A+

Endurance: EX+

Agility: A

Mana: E

Luck: C


The + on his Endurance Stat had caught her eye, which she asked him to explain.

If he were ever in a situation, where three or more Noble Phantasms that were rank A or higher that targeted him, he would become completely invulnerable for a split moment, while still absorbing and adapting to them.

This ability would be extremely beneficial in fights where he faced multiple opponents at the same time.

Soon after, Godrick left, letting Jeanne get her sleep.

The morning after, Fiore asked everyone to meet in the main study, where they would discuss their next move for the fight to come.

Fiore told the gathered group about the night raid, and their plan to use the planes to travel to the Hanging Gardens.

After an outburst of Astolfos excited shouting about wanting to pilot a plane, Fiore's regrettable answer, and Astolfo admitting he didn't remember the name of his Noble Phantasm, they finally got down to business.

"Now that everything has been explained, does anyone have any questions?" Fiore asked the group.

"Our chances don't look very good in this situation." Jeanne said.

"Other than the fact that we outnumber the Reds, we'll still be sitting ducks on those planes." She finished.

Fiore nodded in agreement, not knowing the best solution for the problem.

"I think we should have more planes in the sky. It would let us jump around on them and increase our chances of getting to the Hanging Gardens." Chiron spoke up.

"I don't really see much of an alternative in this situation." Fiore responded.

She let out a long sigh as she looked at the plans and notes in front of her on the table.

"We will figure it all out by tonight. All of you, take this time to rest. We have a long night ahead of us." She said, dismissing the group.

Jeanne and Godrick left the study together, followed by Mordred and Kairi.

"Hey," Mordred said, lightly hitting Godricks arm, getting his attention.

"Do you mind if we talk for a little bit?" She asked when he looked at her.

Jeanne lightly touched Godricks arm, letting him know she was leaving the two of them. He nodded at her, then turned his attention back to Mordred.

"Let's go to the library." Mordred said as she began walking in that direction.

Finally reaching the library Mordred and Godrick sat on either side of the table.

"So…" Mordred began. "When we met after you so rudely started a fight," She said, which made Godrick roll his eyes.

"You said that you would make things better between our family. I would like to know how you plan to do that."

Godrick sat back in his chair as he thought for a moment.

"I had a lot of time to read in here, after my fight with Adam while I healed. I've learned so much in the small time I was given. You know that legendary figures from history are sometimes reborn as Heroic Spirits." He signed to her.

"I'm sorry to say, but your legend and mine don't compare to the likes of mothers." He signed to her. She had an expression of haughtiness on her face, which he ignored.

"You know it's true, don't deny it, Mordred. The two of us are only 'famous figures' because of her. Without her, you wouldn't be here, and I'd be in some slave grave. Without her, we are nothing."

"OK, but that still doesn't answer my question, Godrick. How are you going to bring us together?" She asked.

"Well if you would shut up for a second, and let me finish, I'd tell you!" He signed aggressively.

"We know that-" He stopped to look at her, waiting for her to interrupt. She gave a huff and folded her arms as she rolled her eyes at his shenanigans.

"We know that people like you and me have been given the opportunity to become heroic spirits. That only means that-"

"That she must be one too!" Mordred interrupted, sitting up with a shocked face. She suddenly ducked as Godricks right arm swiped at her head, nearly missing her.

"Sorry, sorry!" She exclaimed. "I just got a little excited."

If Godricks looks could kill, she'd be dead right now. He could only lament that fire didn't come from his eyes like Karna.

"If you interrupt me one more time, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you." He signed to her.

"You would try, you mean. You only won that fight in the forest because I wasn't going all out. It'd be different if I did." She said haughtily.

"Oh I'm sure it would." Godrick replied.

"Anyway, I'm sure that there would be at least some point that one of us could meet her. At that point, I'll figure out what I should do next. There must be something that we can use to reunite everyone."

"My master said something about the mage association. That might be a good place to look. I can ask my master about it, maybe he could help you?" Mordred asked.

Godrick nodded his head, and waited for Kairi to show up. When he did he took another seat on Mordred's side of the table, letting him look at Godrick.

"It's good to finally meet you," He said, sticking out a hand for Godrick to shake.

"I've heard and read a lot about you and your family. It's nice to meet a Pendragon that is not as crazy as this one." He said, nudging Mordred with his elbow.

"Who are you calling crazy old man?" Mordred hissed at him, looking as if she was about to pounce on the man.

"I'm calling you crazy, you dumbass. Who else would I be talking about?" He replied to her.

"Oh, you are so dead!" She shouted.

"Oh, and you're going to kill me, hm? Real smart Mordred, take away the only thing linking you to the world right now." He challenged.

Mordred rolled her eyes and sat back down, turning away from her master.

"Now, what can I help you with, Knight of Ruin?" He asked, using Godricks title.

Godrick explained his ideas and goals to him through Mordred.

The man was in deep thought for a while, then began to speak.

"That's a big goal, kid. I'm not sure how you'd achieve that, other than through the Grail, but I'm not sure. I have some contacts from the Mage Association that I could put you in contact with, but it would Be pointless. I could contact them, but then we would have to wait for them, and we're just about to go to war and all that." He started to ramble as he waved his hand back and forth in the air while taking regular drags on his cigarette.

"Sorry I can't be of much help, kid." He said to Godrick, then got up and walked out.

"Sorry I wasn't much help, big guy." Mordred said.

"It's no big deal. I'll figure something out." He replied to her.

The pair continued to talk about some of their adventures after they had been separated. Tales that made each other laugh and cry. It was good for them to catch up with each other.

"Before we leave, I need you to promise me something." Godrick signed to her as they got ready to stand.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'm not sure what this last battle has in store for us, but I'm certain that things won't be easy." He looked her in the eyes.

"Please keep yourself safe. I don't want to see you die out there, and i dont wanna have to use any of these on you." He said, holding up his left arm that was covered in the jagged red tattoos symbolizing his Command Seals.

She smirked at him, rolling her eyes for the umpteenth time.

"I could say the same about you." She said as the two of them stood.

"Well, I'm the Juggernaut for a reason. It's kinda my job to take the brunt of everything here." He signed as they walked out of the study.


After a while of looking around for Jeanne, Godrick finally found her in the gardens. She was sitting down next to one of the flower beds, tending to the flowers there.

Godrick sat beside her, leaning on his hands behind him, with his legs outstretched.

"You know, I never got to tell you of one of my favorite memories from my lifetime when we were on our date." Jeanne said to him, attention still on the white flowers.

Godrick looked to her, drawing his gaze from the sky above them.

"It was before I left home to fight for the Lord. I was a poor farmer's daughter, but I was so happy Godrick." She said looking up at him.

-Flashback to Jeannes memory-

The door to a small house creaked open as a man with a slight hunch walked into his home.

"Where are my girls?" He said, using his favorite "coming home" phrase.

The sound of laughter filled the small home as a small girl came running from deeper in the house.

"Papa!" She shouted as she jumped into his arms.

"Hey!" The man laughed as he picked her up.

"Where's your mother?" He asked the girl with a smile, walking towards where the girl came from.

"Mama and I are making your favorite food!" The little girl giggled to her father.

"How wonderful!" The man said as they finally made it into the kitchen.

The girl's mother was standing next to the wood stove they used for cooking and heating the house, attentively tending to the pot of food she was standing over. The woman turned to him, a smile growing on her face as she kissed her husband's cheek.

Her face quickly soured as she pulled back, bringing her hand up to wipe her lips.

"My goodness you stink, go wash up, I'll have dinner ready in a moment."

"What do you mean I stink?" The man asked.

"Jeanne, do I stink?" He asked, turning to his daughter.

"Papa stinks!" The little girl giggled out.

"Oh I do, do i?" The man said, beginning to chase his daughter around the small house, giggles and laughter filling the air. He finally caught her, and lifted her up into his arms, rubbing his cheek against the girls.

"EEEEEEWWWWW!" The girl shrieked as she tried to no avail to push herself away from her father.

"Both of you, go wash up for dinner!" The woman shouted with a laugh.

"I cannot believe you would torment our daughter like that." She said to him as he passed, jumping as she pinched his butt.

"Ima gettin, ima gettin!" the man said as he took Jeanne by the hand and led her to the wooden pipes they used for water.

The man helped her wash her face, before washing his own.

Soon the small family sat down at the table, laughing and talking about their days.

"Well, things didn't go very well at the market today." The man said in a more serious tone to his wife.

The woman's smile dimmed as she thought of their financial situation. Things had been going downhill for a while, leaving them scraping for every coin they could.

"Im.. I'm not sure, but prices just aren't as good as they used to be. Shamus could only give me three quarters of what he gave us last year." He said. His wife gently squeezed his hand, letting him know they were in this together.

"Mama, papa, what's wrong?" Jeanne asked innocently.

Her parents looked to one another, before her father sighed and set his wooden spoon down on the table.

"Jeanne. Mama and Papa are just going through some troubles from now. Our carrots and tomatoes aren't selling as well as they used to, that's all." He explained to her.

"But your veggies are the best!" She shouted, holding up one of the carrots her mother had prepared before shoving it in her mouth.

Her parents just chuckled at her before her father perked up.

"You know what jeanne? I forgot to give you my gift from earlier!" He said before standing up and walking into the other room. He soon came back and knelt next to her chair, before asking her to hold out her hands and closing her eyes.

He then placed the item he was holding behind his back on her hand, then told her to open her eyes.

She gasped as she saw what it was.

"Papa, it's my favorite!" She squealed, almost crushing the flower he had given her with her hand.

It was a Celestial flame iris, her favorite flower. He took it from her hand and placed the flower on her ear before returning to his seat.

The rest of the night was spent laughing and playing with each other, before it was time for her to go to sleep.

"Jeanne." Her father said to her, carrying her to her room.

"I love you so much." He said, setting her down on her bed. "You are meant to do incredible things in this world. And I will support you in whatever you wish to do, do you understand me? I will always be on your side." He said while kissing her on the head, before blowing out the candle next to the doorway.

It would be a few years after that night that he would make good on that promise.

-A few years later-

A young woman stood outside her home, saying goodbye to her parents.

The man, now much more hunch from the years of hard labor, stood comforting his wife as they spoke to their daughter one last time.

"Jeanne. I don't want you to go." He said.

"But I made you a promise that I would support you in everything. So go. Go with our love, and my blessing. You are meant for great things. I know it, your mother knows it, and so does the Lord." He said, choking up a bit.

"By his mercy, I pray you are kept safe!" He said, bursting into tears as he hugged his daughter for the last time.

-End of Flashback-

"You know, I didn't learn until much later how much my parents sacrificed for me." She said as she picked one of the flowers and brought it up to her nose

"You know what made me love the Celestial flame iris?" She asked her companion.

"I loved it, because it was my father's favorite flower. He would pick them on the way home from the fields for my mother, then for me." She said as tears started welling in her eyes.

"I saw him the day I died. He was in the crowd, fighting his way to me. But he was so small and frail then, no one paid him a thought. I wish he had left, but I saw him when I started to burn." She said.

She suddenly shook her head as if to rid herself of the thought. She suddenly leaned towards Godrick and placed the flower she was holding on his right ear.

"Ahahahaha!" She laughed as she looked at him.

"Oh, you look so cute Godrick." She said, covering her mouth with a hand before she started laughing harder.

Godrick left the Celestial flame iris Jeanne had picked and placed on his ear.

Smiling as he listened to her laugh.

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