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26.08% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18

A/N: just wanna get this out of the way before I get a bunch of comments.

Godrick and Jeanne, and a lot of the other Servants are still really young. Godrick and Jeanne are both 17 years old still. Even though they've been through alot and have matured when they were still living, they are still technically teenagers. It's going to be awkward at some moments.

Also.. I kinda like the cheesy cringe moments. I feel like it makes the story a little more lighthearted!

Also as I'm writing this I'm having trouble imagining Godrick in his armor. I've been seeing him in the armor of a Grey Knight Terminator from Warhammer 40k. I think it might be because I'm currently reading a fanfic of a space marine in the world of dnd. So I'd kinda like to have a vote with you all to see if you want to change the armor he is wearing. I'll post a couple of pictures below and see what you guys think.


"What a fool." Semiramis said as she watched the knight she now knew as the Juggernaut, throw Ruler out of the way of the Noble Phantasm.

"He should have gotten out of the way. No matter, one more piece off the board." She said to her master, who had just returned.

"Yes. Very foolish indeed. It looked like he intentionally got hit by it though." Shirou thought out loud.

"What do you mean master?" Semiramis asked.

"He only reacted when the ruler started to run towards him. He had more than enough time to get out of the way, yet the moment she was in danger of getting hit, he lept into action. How very strange."

When Spartacus' Noble Phantasm stopped they stared at the live magical projection screen in shocked horror.

"Impossible!" Semiramis shouted.


As she ran towards her companion, fear and anxiety coursed through her body.

She could make it. She could get to him, and plant her banner. As he started to run to her her heart began to calm That was until the purple ball popped and she felt the energy rushing at them.

Suddenly she felt large hands grab her by her left arm, and right thigh, before hoisting her into the air. Godrick then threw her back the way she had come, out of the path of the Noble Phantasm before being engulfed by the purple and blue energy.

She landed hard on the ground, but then sat up as she felt her companion's life signature begin to fade.

"Godrick!" She shouted As she got to her feet, and began running towards where he had been. A moment later she was tackled to the ground by the servant that had been with her.

"No!" She shouted As she struggled.

"Get off of me Astolfo!" She commanded as she brought her elbow back into his face. He didn't let go however, so she elbowed him a second time which allowed her to finally break free from him.

At this time the Noble Phantasm was starting to fade as she stood and began to run again. Seeing nothing but a large canyon in the ground she feared the worst.

"No, no, no!" She shouted as she finally came to the edge of the small canyon.

Godrick was still there, armor white hot, kneeling in the bottom of the canyon.

He shakily got to his feet as he stood tall, reveling in his triumph. A moment went by before he lost the strength in his legs and collapsed to one knee, trying to stay upright.

Jeanne leapt into the canyon as she ran to him, stopping as she got close. She could now see the damage to his armor. Small cracks ran across it, making it look like shattered glass. She could feel the heat from his armor, so she dared not go any closer.

As Godrick looked up he saw his companion, worry etched on her face. He summoned his halberd, and used the weapon to help him stand, as he let himself absorb and adapt to what he had been through. Through his adaptation ability, he was now certain that any Noble Phantasm below the C tier could no longer hurt him whatsoever.

As his armon began to cool, the damage began to repair itself. Making his armor good as new. With the temperature dying down quite a bit, Jeanne approached cautiously. She tentatively put a finger to his stomach to feel if the armor was cool enough to touch. Feeling it was fine, she then placed her palm on his armor.

"I'm so glad you're alright." She said with a sigh of relief.

Godrick planted his halberd in the ground, then reached up and removed his helmet. He dropped it to the ground as it dematerialized. He was covered in sweat, still heaving as he calmed down.


"Don't you ever do that again, do you understand me!" Jeanne shouted at him as she struck the top of his head with her spear.

Feigning he was hurt, Godrick crouched down holding his head, which made Jeannes anger lessen.

Suddenly green lightning shot up to the sky as two other servants battled it out over the tree line.

"We should probably check that out." Jeanne said.

Godrick had now fully recovered from his ordeal, and was now back in top shape. Following the group, they ran to see who was fighting.

As they came to the top of the hill overlooking a part of the valley, Godrick froze as he saw the two combatants.

One was a woman in a wedding dress, with a horn growing out of her head, wielding a large two-handed mace.

The other… Godrick sprang into action as he saw the two fighting. The woman in the wedding dress was badly injured, and had just landed on the other servant's shoulders. She proceeded to use one of her damaged arms to choke the other servant as green lightning filled the air as her mace appeared above the two and began to spin.

Tensing every muscle in his body, Godrick proceeded to utilize an aspect of his Noble Phantasm. The ability to strengthen himself from the energy he had stored.

His stats at this moment were:

Strength: A+

Endurance: EX

Agility: B

Mana: E

Luck: C


Using up a sizable portion of the energy he had stored he raised his Agility Stat from B, to A+ for a split moment. White lightning covered his body as he moved, appearing right in front of the two servants.

As he did he was already swinging his halberd at whom he assumed was Berserker of black. He struck the servant in the stomach with the hammer end of the halberd, sending her flying off the other servant's shoulders into the mountain side behind them.

This left the mace she was using to start to slow as it lost its energy source, falling to the ground.

Excruciating pain shot through Godricks body for pushing past his limits for that split moment, but Godrick thought it was worth it.

Turning to the servant he had saved he looked her over. She wore a suit of armor he had seen a thousand times. Horns on the helmet that could be retracted, the iron skirt used to protect her hips and waist. The Grey and red color scheme that matched her sword. The sword that had killed him.

She took a step back which did nothing as he fell to one knee and embraced her.

"Um… excuse me?" The Servant said in a shocked voice.

He began to shake as joy filled his being at seeing her once more.

"What's happening right now?" Mordred said, confused.

He then realized she didn't know who he was. Unlike him, she hadn't ever seen him in this armor. To her, some random knight appeared, saved her from a Noble Phantasm, then proceeded to hug her.

The moment he released her from the hug, she stepped back and raised her blade to him.

"I don't know what's going on here, but you don't just get to hug the rightful king of Camelot. Remove your helmet!" She commanded.

Doing just that, he took his helmet off and let it fall to the ground, dematerializing as it did.

The moment she saw his face, her helmet retracted, folding itself along her back.

"Godrick?" She asked breathlessly.

He smiled at her, and held his arms out to her once more.

"No." She whispered, shaking her head.

"No." She said again, all her pride and arrogance gone, leaving nothing but a young woman.

"It's not you." She said, still shaking her head as she backed away from him.

"It can't be you." She said, her voice breaking.

Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him, as she still backed away from Godrick.

Confused, he stood and began to follow after her.

"No!" She shouted As he reached out for her. She swung her sword, barely striking one of his hands to keep him away from her.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted at him.

Feeling confused and hurt, he looked down at his hand. The strike did nothing to him, but he was hurt that she lashed out at him.

Seeing this she stopped and looked up at him once more.

"I'm so sorry." She said as she faded away, returning to her spirit form.

Godrick looked back down at his hand still confused at the situation, not knowing what had just taken place.

This was like a dream come true, finally being reunited with his sister. Only for her to walk away from him once more.

Jeanne approached him, and when she stood next to him, he looked down at her.

"You ok, big guy?" She questioned tentatively.

He shook his head at her, as she placed her hand on his thigh. He stood there for a moment before walking to a nearby rock and sitting down. Jeanne sat next to him and turned to Astolfo.

"I think we are alright for now. Thank you for your help earlier. I won't forget it." She said to him

"Oh anytime!" He said rocking back and forth on his feet as he stretched.

"Also, sorry for tackling you earlier. It just kinda happened." He said sheepishly.

Jeanne just smiled and nodded as Astolfo disappeared and returned to the battle.

As Godrick sat with his thoughts, Jeanne reached up and started to rub the part of his back she could reach. As he looked down at her, she said

"I don't know what happened, but I'm sure she was someone special to you?"

He nodded his head.

"A lover?" She questioned.

He immediately shook his head. He didn't see the smile of relief she hid.

"A family member?" She asked, to which he nodded.

"A sister?" She inquired. He nodded once more.

"We can sit here for as long as you like, alright?" She finished.

He looked back to her once more, and nodded.


"I'm so sorry." Mordred said as she faded into her spiritual form. She stayed a moment just looking at Godrick.

'What is happeningright now?' She asked herself.

'No, no, no, no, no!' She shouted out as she felt something she hadn't felt in a very long time. Fear and anxiety.

"Whoa kid, calm down. Your emotions are way out of whack." Her master Kairi Sisigou said in her mind.

"No!" She shouted back.

"You don't understand, he's here!" She screamed as she made her way back to her master.

"Who's here?" He asked.

She materialized next to him in the little car he drove around.

"My brother!" She said to him as her eyes filled with tears.

Seeing her emotional state, Kairi got serious. He put the car into drive, and began to drive away.

"Speak to me kid. Deep breaths. What's going on? What's the deal with…" He raised his arm and waved it around for a moment.

"All… this?" He finished.

"That huge knight thats with the ruler. He's my brother," She said trying to calm herself. She was beginning to hyperventilate, and tears rushed from her eyes.

"If he ever learns what happened, he'll hate me!" She cried.

"What happened? You're not making any sense, kid." Kairi said as he tried to calm his servant.

"I don- I don't know!" She said, finally breaking down. She held her head in her hands as she wept.

Kairi felt awkward about the situation he was in. Ever since he had summoned Mordred, she had been a pillar of pride and arrogance. She had the strength to back it up as well. But now here she was… acting like a girl her age, crying in his passenger seat.

"Take your time kid." He said, trying to comfort her.

After a while of letting her go through the motions, she finally began to speak.

"When I was a couple years younger, I wanted my mother's throne. I wanted, no. I deserved to be "King" of Camelot. But my mother, who I referred to as father just to annoy her, refused to give it to me." She began.

"At this time we were at war with a person named the Warlord." She said.

"That's right, I've read the histories. I know who you're talking about." Kairi said, encouraging her to speak on.

"After a while, I began to resent her for her refusal, so I defected over to the Warlords side. My brother, in an effort to bring me back, fought and was beaten by the Warlord. She spared him, but took his ability to speak. After years of working with her, she betrayed me, and locked me away in a stronghold to the north. I rotted in that cell for what felt like years. I can't really remember how long I was there for." She said.

"I didn't know what had happened, but the Warlord was defeated, and my mother found me in the stronghold. I had grown to hate her for leaving me to rot, and resented my brother for not coming to get me." She stopped as her voice started to tremble and tears sprang to her eyes once more.

"I later found out that it was my brother Godrick, who had killed the Warlord. But he was mortally wounded in their fight, and later died in my mother's arms." She continued.

"Wait, don't tell me!" Kairi exclaimed as he looked over at her.

"Your brother is the knight of ruin!?" He asked, practically yelling at her.

"Yes." She said in a whisper.

"After I learned of his death, I only grew more resentful at my mother. I led a rebellion against her, because I thought I could do a better job. I thought that if I were king, Godrick wouldn't have died. In our final clash, my mother and I mortally wounded each other. And I died before I ever found out what happened to her." She finished.

"That's a lot to take in, kid." Kairi said.

"How can I face him?" She asked him in a pleading manner.

"How can I look him in the eye, when I know he died to stop the war, and was trying to save me. He died trying to bring my mother and us back together, And we killed each other. He died so that Camelot would survive, and I'm the one who ended up destroying it. How can I face him?" She asked in a small voice.

Kairi didn't have an answer for her, but he said what he was thinking.

"That's not really your choice kid. He deserves to know the truth, and he's going to find out one way or another. I think it's best if he learns it from you. And if he ends up hating you because of it… I don't know. But actions have consequences. And you have to live with them." He said as they drove back to their base for the night.

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