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54.34% Fake Player / Chapter 25: These Ceaseless Changing Times 5

Capítulo 25: These Ceaseless Changing Times 5

"Finally, home sweet home! And here I thought we would never make it." A voice exclaimed, accompanied by the sound of a door opening.

"Calm down, you big baby." A second voice chimed in.

The voices belonged to Kazuto and Reina, who had just returned from a delightful afternoon at the amusement park. Reina clutched a massive, panda plushie while Kazuto carried a few bags on his arm. As they entered their apartment, they could feel the excitement of the day ebb away, replaced with the comfort of home.

"You're the one that kept on playing despite throwing away your money to the vendor." Reina voiced.

"Like hell, I'm going to give that crook the satisfaction of robbing me blind. Besides, that game was rigged, I tell you! Rigged!" Kazuto argued.

"And yet you kept on playing anyway. If anything, you probably gave him more money than you should've had you just stopped."

"I wasn't going to leave until I won! Besides, you were certainly not complaining when I got you that prize." He smirked, throwing an amused glance at the large stuffed animal cradled in his girlfriend's hand.

The discussion revolved around a shooting gallery game that they stumbled upon during their date. The rules were straightforward. Earn points by hitting moving targets, then redeem them for rewards at the conclusion. One of the grand prizes was the enormous plushie, which Kazuto saw Reina eyeing as they passed the prize stall. So being the kind and awesome boyfriend he was, he marched over to the stall, slapped down some cash, and got ready.

He'd figured it'd be a breeze, and afterward, he would present the prize to his lovely girlfriend, and she would swoon and shower him with praise.

Or at least, that was what should've happened had the game not been rigged! It took him a couple of infuriating attempts before he figured it out. Any normal person would've just taken the loss and left it.

What did Kazuto do instead? He doubled down, naturally. His gamer pride ignited, combined with the indignation of wanting to show off, propelled him forward to win. He was one of the best bowmen in all of YGGDRASIL. His skill in marksmanship was second to only one other. He wasn't going to let some flimsy game best him in a contest of skill and accuracy. It took several more attempts and a lot of money down the drain, but in the end, Kazuto considered the smile from his girlfriend's joy at the stuffed animal to be worth it.

"Whatever." Reina pouted, hiding her cheeks by hugging the doll tighter.

This brought a snicker to his lips. Try as she might to hide it, Kazuto knew his girlfriend had a weakness for cute things.

Walking into the living room and dumping the bags, he looked around at the rather spacious room and subsequently quirked a brow when he noticed something. Or rather, a lack of it, to be more precise.

"Say Reina-chan, where's your parents and sister? I don't see them anywhere."

"Hmm? Oh, my parents are away on a small trip with my baby sister. It's just you and me." She informed him before dumping herself onto one of the couches and letting out a content sigh, all but deflating once her back touched the cozy couch.

She closed her eyes and relaxed as a serene silence filtered in. For several seconds, it continued. It was nice and quiet, a bit too quiet. She opened one eye and saw Kazuto just standing there. An uncharacteristically serious expression took over his face.

"Kazuto-kun, are you alright?" She asked.

He said nothing, content to just stand there for a few seconds before walking towards her. With a quizzical expression etched on her face, Reina raised an eyebrow, unsure of what was going on.

But then, something completely unexpected happened. Without warning, Kazuto suddenly dropped down to one knee right in front of her. And as if that wasn't enough, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black box, which he then presented to her.

Where before he had her curiosity, now he has her full attention.

In an instant, Reina's slouched posture straightened up and her face lit up with surprise.

She could only watch in stunned disbelief as he opened it, revealing what was inside.

A pair of silver rings were there, placed side by side. Apart from the engravings that followed a wing motif and ran alongside the two silver bands, they lacked any noticeable jewelry. On one ring each, their respective names were engraved in the center. Although it was by no means extravagant, there was a simple charm that captivated her.

For a fleeting moment, she believed that he was about to propose to her. Thankfully, calmer minds prevailed, and she noticed a few key details that rebuked such an idea. Nevertheless, the theatric gesture of kneeling and presenting the box with rings did little to dissuade her from the idea.

"W-What are they?"

"A gift, of course. From a lucky boy to the most beautiful girl..."

"Y-you didn't have t-to." She stuttered.

"I didn't, but I wanted to. After all, isn't it a boyfriend's duty to pamper the woman of his dreams?" He smoothly countered, flashing her a charming smile, which only brought further reddening to her cheeks.

"May I have the honor of putting it on you?"

Absentmindedly, she put out her left hand, and it was too late for her to retract it once she realized it as he slipped the ring onto her ring finger. He went as far as planting a chaste kiss on her knuckles before separating.

"Think of it as practice for when I get you a real one." He teased with a wink, showing his ring on the same finger.

Her blush reached nuclear proportion as her entire face and neck turned a rosy pink. She turned away, her eyes glued back to the elegant ring on her finger.

Silence reigned over the room once more. Kazuto stood there with a small, dopey smile. Meanwhile, Reina's gaze never left her ring, her locks cascading down to obscure her visage. Her countenance was almost veiled, giving no clue to her expression.

However, as the seconds ticked by, his smile grew strained, drooping into a small frown. Kazuto wondered for a moment if he went a bit too far on the theatrics, especially on a topic as heavy as marriage.

He opened his mouth to speak, if only to dispel the awkward silence, but Reina beat him to the punch.

Her arm shot out, grabbing his own before dragging him with her. Kazuto's countenance was the picture of confusion as he was tugged along by his girlfriend, while her own remained a mystery. They stopped right in front of her room.

"Soooo. What now?" He drawled out.

She didn't answer him immediately, drawing out the silence even further, which only made bred further confusion with the blond-haired man.

"S-stay just outside my room. And don't come in until I say so!" She all but ordered without turning around.

His eyebrow practically rose to his hairline at the extremely odd demand. She was gone before he could offer any word in, practically slamming the door shut as she entered. Kazuto nevertheless acquiesces as he stands with his back leaned up against an adjacent wall.

If he strained his ear, he could pick up faint noises of something being moved around and the rustling of clothes? He quickly gave up and leaned away. The last thing he wanted was for her to think he was peeping on her.

His girlfriend had quite the killer right hook, just like his sister.

So he waited, humming a small tune as he fiddled with his ring. His thumb traced over the smooth engravings on it.

His senpai's advice stuck with him over the past few days. He had always known that his friend and mentor was a wealth of knowledge, always perceptive, almost to the point of being all-knowing. However, the last few words Shirou shared with him before their departure were the most profound ones. One with a lasting impression and one that forced Kazuto to consider his goals and the future as well as the present.

It was almost as if he were giving parting advice…

Kazuto shook his head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts.

'Everything's fine…' He told himself. 'Everyone goes through the odd rough patch here and there, and Emiya-senpai is probably no different. Things will be back to normal in no time...'

In an attempt to distract himself, Kazuto's thoughts returned to his girlfriend.

The rings were ones he had commissioned days ago, and he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal them. When he realized it was just the two of them, he realized it was the ideal chance for him, and so he followed Shirou's advice and seized it, while also having a little bit of fun with it. He had a few predictions about how she would react, but he had not expected her to give such an unusual response of silence. An anxious fear bloomed within him as he began to worry, worrying that he might have messed up somehow.

Before he could go any further, Kazuto was taken out of his musing by several soft knocks coming from Reina's bedroom door. He walked towards it, returning with a few knocks of his own.

"Everything alright?" He called out concernedly.

"You can come in..." A soft and quiet voice answered back.

Carefully, he grabbed hold of the doorknob and opened the door. As he pushed the door open, a soft beam of afternoon sunlight illuminated the room, casting a gentle glow upon the otherwise dark and silent space.

His eyes scoured the room, briefly taking everything in before coming to Reina. She sat on the edge of her bed, but what was most curious was that she completely engulfed herself in her blanket. This left only her head uncovered.

"Everything ok, Reina-chan?" He asked.

She said nothing, content with just sitting here, her gaze directed elsewhere. She seemed hesitant to meet his gaze, but couldn't help stealing a few glances at him from the corner of her eye. Her cheeks were flushed with a rosy hue. It was among the few times he had ever seen his girlfriend look so demure.

Without a word, she threw off the blanket, revealing what she had hidden underneath. When Kazuto decided to surprise her with the rings, he anticipated a few responses and reactions. What he didn't expect was for it to somehow lead to him standing in her room while his girlfriend was dressed only in a sexy purple and black lingerie.

A lingerie that looked awfully similar to one he commented on half-heartedly months ago which would look absolutely killer on her. A comment that earned him a hard knock to the head in response from her.

"W-well?!" He heard her squeak out, knocking him back to reality as, for the last minute, he was staring dumbly at her.

"Give me a second. I'm both so aroused and confused, that my blood doesn't know what head to go to." The connoisseur of the erotic answered, a calm born from sheer emotional whiplash stalling his usual excitement.

Despite his quips, he was far from oblivious. The intention of her actions was made clear in his mind, it was just taking a moment to process.

Had it not been for the growing unrest in his partner's eyes, he would've surely stayed catacombic. However he may feel, this had surely taken immense courage from her, so it was only fair that he responded in kind.

"You... are sure you want to do it?" For a moment, he wondered if he was dreaming. He never thought such a day would finally come, and so suddenly as well!

"For someone so lecherous, you sure are slow on the uptake, huh?" She scoffed, tension bleeding from her form as the usual banter between them returned.

"Well, I imagined anyone would be stunned if they were invited to sleep with a goddess." The compliment flowed easily from his mouth.

Reina rolled her eyes, but there was no mistaking the edge of her lips quirky upwards slightly.

Another pause of silence.

"Are you really, really sure about this?" He asked again for further clarification.

"What, are you chickening out now?" She prodded, staring unflinchingly at him.

Kazuto could see it in her eyes. She was 100% serious. He didn't answer. Instead, he tilted his head upward, much to her confusion. His eyes were all but concealed in shadows.

'This is it!' He thought ecstatically as manly tears of joy flowed from his eyes, dripping down his cheeks like waterfalls.

Kazuto gave a silent thank you to the eroge gods, who finally heard his prayers and answered them.

His springtime youth has finally come!

At last, he was ready to join his fellow brothers in the sacred land and witness paradise!

"W-well...?! A-are y-you just going to s-stand there and make me wait all day or what?!" Reina passively-aggressively said, a luminescent blush on her cheeks as she kept her gaze squarely on him.

"Impatient, are we?" He teased, which only brought an embarrassed-filled scowl his way.

He then grabbed a hold of his open buttoned shirt and threw it over his shoulder dramatically before reaching the hem of his undershirt and slowly lifting his shirt up, revealing his well-exercised body. He was purposely making a show of it.

Kazuto smirked inwardly, seeing Reina's eye glued to his fit form. Another misconception was that since he always harped on erotic works and games, he would be a lazy dullard with a body to match the image of someone of such a stereotype. However, that couldn't be any further from the truth.

Kazuto allowed himself a moment of pride as his girlfriend's eyes greedily drank his muscular form. He may be an individual who indulged heavily in eroges and the art of perversion, but he most definitely didn't fit the associated stereotype.

His friends and sister might complain about how unrealistic the thousands of hours he toiled away at eroge and hentai he'd completed were, but even they couldn't deny a simple fact: a man who took care of his body was much more appreciated by the ladies.

He allowed a smirk to play across his lips, his flustered girlfriend unabashedly eying him like a piece of meat, whose eyes screamed love and lust in equal parts.

All of his training, it was all leading up to this moment. His mind, one sharpened by simulations of this virtual day over countless hours. His body, one meticulously forged to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

He was ready!

He will readily admit that, in the grand scheme of things, he was a little timid for what was to come. The two of them had always joked around the idea of doing it in the future, but it had always remained playful banter and nothing more. And for all the eroge and porn he watched and experienced, they always involved a screen. A separation between reality and fiction.

But no longer.

In only his boxers, he walked forward confidently. Approaching her bedside, he leaned in for a kiss, which she eagerly reciprocated.

"Get ready, babe, because I'm about to rock your world!" He grinned confidently.

"Whatever you say, sharpshooter. Let's hope you're not shooting blanks." Reina teased, shooting back with a grin of her own.

Kazuto chucked as his girlfriend's arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down onto the bed with her, him on top of her. As they lay there, their foreheads touching, he gazed down at her with tenderness and anticipation.

"Careful for what you wish for, babe. I'm about to show you why I'm called the King of Explosive Strikes!"

—30 mins later—

The two lay in bed right next to each other, their hands interlocked as they stared up at the ceiling, naked as the day they were born. The smell of sweat and musk permeated the air. Their breaths slowly steadied out after a moment of passion from where they were joined as one.

"W-wow..." She let out breathlessly. "That was... something..."

Reina knew their first time together would've been something, but she didn't quite think it would've gone like that. She'd heard and talked with plenty of friends who did the tango with their respective boyfriends and had heard the experience to be mixed. More often than not, the first time was a bit underwhelming.

But with Kazuto, it was certainly an experience. Far from bad, but not anything mind-blowing as was typically depicted in hentai and other explicit works. It was satisfactory, she would admit that much. He was eager to please, and that translated to pleasure for the both of them. Perhaps all those eroge that he played weren't a waste of time after all.

"So..." Reina began, turning to rest on her side, her elbow pressed against her pillow as she rested her head on it. "Was it everything you wanted and wished for, and more?" She teased her boyfriend.

Kazuto said nothing, content to stare at the ceiling with an unblinking expression. One far more serious than she'd ever seen of him before.

"It wasn't what I expected." He replied.

"What, disappointed?" She returned, a frown digging at her lips.

"Oh no, never." He answered immediately, turning to face her before returning to look back at the ceiling. "I was just thinking that while sex is amazing, it might not be the end all be all that I thought it was." Kazuto admitted, his face oddly Zen.

"...Who are you, and what have you done with my perv of a boyfriend?"

"He has ascended past his former self and been enlightened to the ways of the flesh by a certain wonderful woman... I've seen things more clearly now than I've ever before. I have become the master of my own mind."

Reina simply stared.

"Damn. Post-nut clarity hit you hard..."

"Indeed. I have tasted the forbidden fruit at long last and suckled on its splendor. I've now transcended past mortal comprehension."

"Alright then... Well, since you're oh so enlightened now, I guess that means we won't need to have sex anymore then..."

"Now, now. Let's not be hasty!"

Kazuto instantly dropped the act, turning to his girlfriend with a wide-eyed look. Reina couldn't help it and burst out laughing, unable to take his sudden heel turn. She playfully slapped his chest.

"You're such a dork." She scoffed affectionately.

"But I'm your dork." Kazuto gave her a lopsided smile.

An arm reached over and brought her in close, their cheeks squishy and rubbing together affectionately. Reina didn't resist, tucking up to his side. For a few minutes, the two couples were content to remain there, cuddling and enjoying their warmth.

"So, what now?" He asked aloud, unsure of what to do next. In truth, he never bothered to think so far ahead, even in such a scenario.

"What now?" Reina rose from his side, and before Kazuto had a chance to add in a word, she deposited herself on him, straddling him.

"I'm on top now." She purred authoritatively.

His girlfriend peered down at him with a sultry look, her arms pressing lovingly against his splendid and fit chest, biting her lips enticingly. The day was still so young, and she intended to use every bit of it.

Kazuto looked at her, slowly turning his gaze downward.

"Godspeed mini-Pero. Godspeed..."

Before another round of loving-making could occur, something unexpected happened. A sharp and abrupt ringing echoed through the bedroom, knocking the two out of it. It took a second for the two of them to realize that it was coming from Kazuto. A hand snaked its way to the back of his nape, where his Neural Nano import resided.

The couple turned back to one another, Reina giving him a look with a hiked brow while Kazuto had on a sheepish smile.

"S-sorry. Mind if I get this?"

Reina wordlessly got off, sitting in the corner of the bed, her eyes following him. Kazuto quickly sat up, turning off the ringing and accessing the Neural Interface.

Kazuto silently grumbled. To think he would encounter the dreaded 'cockblock'.

While Kazuto was a bit peeved at the interruption, a small part of him was curious who it was. He didn't have many friends outside of a chosen few, which included Reina and his sister. He made sure to keep them on mute, while his sister knew that he would be spending the better part of the day together with his girlfriend.

Opening it up, he was treated to one more surprise.

Accessing the virtual interface through his eyes and the connected neural network, he found that he had received an email message.

Opening the message, Kazuto froze upon seeing the message. It was short, no more than a single line.

It simply read, "Shirou needs help. Please come if you can. - Momonga."

He quickly read the message again, and then a third time for good measure, before the weight of it finally struck him.

In the early days of Ainz Ooal Gown, back when the Great Tomb of Nazarick was still in the process of being constructed, one of their biggest fears was of an opposing guild or group infiltrating their base, breaching the inner sanctum, and destroying the guild weapon, thereby sealing the doom of the entire guild. While Peroroncino understood the danger and concern, certain members, such as Punitto Moe, Bellriver, and Momonga, were particularly anxious about the issue and spent countless hours discussing the logistics and how to prevent such a catastrophic event from happening.

Thus, the decision was made for them to share their numbers and contact information, strictly to be used only in an emergency concerning the guild's affairs.

Kazuto recalled only three instances where the utilization of the emergency contact was necessary. The first occurrence was an impromptu test to ensure that it functioned correctly. The second event took place when a post on the YGGDRASIL forums began to gain traction, creating a contentious debate over a planned assault on the Great Tomb of Nazarick. This happened during their meteoric ascent to infamy, necessitating all hands on deck to address the situation. Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm, as interest in the matter eventually waned and dissipated. The final and authentic employment of the emergency contact was when Ainz Ooal Gown lost total control over the Seven Hidden Mines, which they had a monopoly on. A competing guild leveraged Ouroboros, one of the Twenty, to banish Ainz Ooal Gown completely from the realm, thereby allowing the rival guild to take over control of the Seven Hidden Mines. It was one of the few instances where a circumstance managed to shake Ainz Ooal Gown in a serious manner.

Kazuto had completely forgotten about the whole emergency contact system, as it was never brought up again until now.

The message was simple, and, on the surface, it appeared almost arbitrary, but one thing stuck out most of all. Momonga, ever the stickler for formalities, used their friend's first name. That told Kazuto all he needed to know about the severity of the message.

Minute trembles spread from his hands. His teeth clenched as his face twisted in a pained grimace, and his mind warred with itself. The feeling of apprehension, one that was born from his last conversation with Shirou, returned with a vengeance.

Reina looked on with no small concern as she watched her boyfriend go from confused to conflicted in a matter of seconds. A change that only made her worried that something serious might've happened.

"Everything alright?" She asked, moving beside him.

"It's… one of my friends... He... needs help…"

"You mean from that game you played, YGGDRASIL, right?"

Kazuto nodded, his eyes looking back between her and the air, where the message was only visible to him.

"Ok... And…?" She asked, relaxing upon hearing the issue and all but dismissing the problem.

Reina leaned in, her lips pressing tenderly against his skin, trying to rekindle the mood. However, a crease of worry etched its way onto her brow as she observed Kazuto's hesitancy. She could see the conflict in his eyes from the way his eyes shifted between her, his clothes, and the message visible only to him. Eventually, he reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Reina-chan... I... you mind if we take a small rain check...?" He asked with a strained smile.

Her eyes widened as she looked at her boyfriend in disbelief. She couldn't quite believe her ears. However, her disbelief gave way to another emotion.

"You can't be serious…" She muttered incredulously, hints of anger leaking through as she shrugged off his hand.

Kazuto winced, already knowing what was to come.

"You told me it would just be me and you, no distraction or anything. That it was "our time and no one else's." You even promised!" She shouted, hints of tears leaking from her eyes. She stabbed her finger into his chest, each one only accentuating the building conflict.

Kazuto flinched at her accusation because she was completely in the right. The following day, after leaving YGGDRASIL for the weekend and taking his senpai's advice, he did make good on his promise to her. He fully intended to make sure their fourth anniversary was memorable.

He did not fault her for her anger. If the roles were reversed, he too would be beyond peeved. Especially since he was aware of how courageous she was being to make this much of an effort and present herself to him. A courage that he was but spitting in the face of.

To her, Kazuto was putting more importance into a virtual relationship than their own and that was what stung the most.

"I know... I know... but I..." He tried to placate her, but his girlfriend was having none of it.

"What, you care about some random person on the internet over me, your own girlfriend?!" She accused.

"It's... It's not like that! I do care about you, but also him as well… And I…"

Kazuto struggled to put it in a way for her to understand, but for an outsider, it was difficult to convey the true depth of it without it sounding like nonsense to her. The disparity between firsthand knowledge and hearsay only served to exacerbate the difficulty of conveying the gravity of the situation, especially given her understandable indignation, which made it unlikely that she would readily accept his explanation.

"Why? It's just a game. If you miss it, you can just say it was because you were busy. You don't have to do this, y'know."

Reina wasn't wrong. Momonga's text said to come if they could. He could keep quiet and let it pass, and when they would meet up next time, he would explain himself. There was little doubt that they would understand and not hold it against him, especially Shirou.

But what about himself?

Could he justify it to himself, knowing that he had the chance to help, only to let it pass?

The memory of their last conversation replayed in his mind. The way things had started to feel strange towards the end, and how, after the siblings had finally logged off, a sinking feeling slowly crept into his stomach.

No. He found himself answering, he couldn't.

Kazuto wouldn't be able to look himself in the mirror, knowing he had a chance to help but refusing to do so, regardless of the reason. To him, it was no different than allowing it to persist in the first place.

However, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his girlfriend so suddenly. Yet, he knew that one of them might require his assistance more urgently than the other. And so he made a concerted effort to reach out to her and communicate his intentions clearly.

"I... I can't. I just can't..."

"Why not?!"

"Because this could be important too!"

"More important than us? Than me?!"

"No! I didn't say that!"

The two continued, their argument slowly becoming heated. Kazuto tried to explain himself, but Reina wouldn't listen.

"Who the hell cares about some nobody?!" Reina shouted, her voice growing hoarse.

In a fit of anger, she forcefully shoved him off of her bed, causing Kazuto to hit the floor with a thud. Although he was physically unhurt, he was visibly shocked and taken aback by her callous words. A fleeting expression of something indescribable flickered across his face, causing a sense of trepidation to penetrate through the veil of anger that clouded her mind. She had seen him angry before, but it had always been superficial, either playful or merely an annoyance. However, this time was different - his fury was palpable.

Reina worried that she might have gone too far as he stood up, uncaring for his naked form. But before she could do a thing, Kazuto surprised her a second time.

Faster than she could blink, Kazuto immediately dropped to his knees, his fist pressed against the floor as he bowed his head down, hitting the ground with a loud thud. Reina winced at the sound, her anger giving way to concern. It took her a moment before she realized what he was doing. He was bowing on his hands and knees.

When Kazuto raised his head, Reina was taken aback by what she saw. A large red mark spread across his forehead, but that was inconsequential compared to the sight of his tears. His bright blue eyes, which always captivated her and reminded her of clear blue skies, reflected nothing but conflict and hurt. She had never seen such raw emotion from him before. The tears flowed down his cheeks without end, a clear indication of his inner turmoil.

"I'm sorry…" He said, his voice no louder than a whisper, but in the silence, it was thunderously loud for all to hear.

"You are important to me, Reina-chan, and I wouldn't give you up for anything in this world. But so too is Emiya-senpai. I know this is unfair, but I can't put one of you over the other. I'm sorry, but I... just can't. Please... please don't force me to choose between you and him." He softly pleaded, bowing his head.

Silence filled the room, dispersed by the occasional sniffles from him.

"You once told me that you saw your friends as family. Honestly, I always thought you were exaggerating a bit. I understood that you really cared for your online friends, but this... I… You've talked about him a lot of times before, so why him? What about him makes him so special? What does he mean to you? And please, be honest with me." She implored, her voice subdued.

The name Emiya had become a familiar one to Reina, having heard it countless times from her boyfriend. From his animated accounts of their friendship, it was clear that Kazuto held his friend in high esteem. There was a palpable sense of elation and enthusiasm in his voice every time he spoke of him. Reina had always assumed that their closeness stemmed from close friendship, male bonding, or something or another. But there were moments when she detected a wistful longing in Kazuto's tone whenever Emiya was mentioned.

Reina playfully entertained the idea that her boyfriend swung for the other team, or perhaps even played for both sides. Considering how fervent he could be when it came to this 'Emiya' person, it wasn't an unreasonable assumption.

However, it wasn't until she witnessed Kazuto's emotional response to news of Emiya's troubles that Reina realized she had underestimated the depth of their friendship. The intensity of her boyfriend's concern for someone he had never met in person left her questioning the true extent of their bond. Perhaps she had been too quick to dismiss the importance of their online friendship.

Kazuto answered, and she was treated to one last surprise from him in the form of a confession.

"What does he mean to me? I don't even know where to begin… Emiya-senpai... Shirou... He's an amazing person. Honestly, it would probably be easier to point out what he isn't amazing at. Hehehe." Pausing for a brief chuckle, he leaned back, a look of reminiscence tinged with only what she could describe as embarrassed admiration flickering across his face.

Kazuto took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he would say next.

"He's one of my closest friends, a man I respect over anyone, but above all else, he's someone I looked up to above anyone else and someone I wished for as a father." Confessed Kazuto.

Her bewildered look managed to rouse some joy from him, dispelling some of the gloom that clung to the air. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, ne honeyed with self-embarrassment at such a reveal as his cheeks pinkened.

Prior to meeting Shirou, Kazuto tended to play solo or with his sister. He was a loner who tended to keep to himself and avoid interaction with others. He didn't have much or any friends to play with, as many were put off by his 'quirky' personality and his 'particular' interests. However, the day the siblings met Shirou brought about a completely new opportunity. Through him, he was introduced to an array of wonderful individuals who he was grateful to have as friends, including Momonga, Touch Me, Warrior Takemikazuchi, and everyone from Ainz Ooal Gown.

Kazuto owed a great debt to Shirou, who had not only become his first genuine friend but also a trusted mentor. Through every stage of Kazuto's ascent among the YGGDRASIL player rank and beyond, Shirou had been there to provide guidance and support. He was the one who had taught Kazuto how to soar above the rest and achieve greatness.

For the Haruto siblings, Shirou was a constant source of comfort and camaraderie, offering them kindness that they had never experienced before. In a world as dystopian as theirs, such acts of benevolence were rare and foreign to many of them.

Perhaps most importantly of all, Shirou never treated him any differently because of his sexually explicit hobby or when his perverted side reared its head. He was aware that he was a pervert, enjoying and indulging in the hobby to the point that it almost seemed like a porn addiction. He didn't really hide it, but he would admit that deep down, it would sting from time to time, seeing and hearing his friends' disgusted or exasperated reactions. Not even his sister was immune, occasionally reacting with disgust when he went too far. But Shirou was different. He never looked down on him as if he were some degenerate or lesser for his choices. He treated him as he always was, a friend.

Would someone, anyone, be willing to go through all of that if they genuinely didn't care?

Shirou possessed an array of qualities that Kazuto envisioned as the epitome of a father figure. He exuded kindness and nurturance, a veritable source of wisdom and experience, yet was firm when the situation demanded it, never crossing the line into being overbearing. He was always understanding, striking a delicate balance that made him the embodiment of an ideal father figure. Someone that Kazuto strove to make proud.

Kazuto could still remember coming to such a startling realization all those years ago and how bizarre the whole thing was. A person his age and maturity developing a dad complex was certainly unexpected. Though, considering his and his sister's circumstances growing up and their parental situation, well, maybe it wasn't completely out of nowhere. Shirou wasn't called the team mom for nothing.

In retrospect, when viewed through a particular lens, the various pieces of Kazuto's behavior slowly coalesced into a cohesive whole. He always sought out his senpai's attention and time, whether it was through playing, farming, conversing, or any other activity. Like a five-year-old constantly vying for his father's attention. He wanted to make Shirou proud, no matter what the task at hand may be. Perhaps this drive stemmed from a commitment to seeking his approval, regardless of how small or insignificant it was. Kazuto strove to measure up or exceed his senpai's expectations in any way he could - like a son to a father.

Of course, he kept it under wraps and refrained from revealing any inkling of his true sentiments. He never even broached the topic with his sister. He continued to play the role of the hyperactive kouhai who looked up to his senior or regarded him as an older brother figure.

The last thing he wanted or even needed was for people to misconstrue his relationship with Shirou and risk being perceived as having a deep paternal complex. His family situation was already complicated enough as it was. He did not wish to worsen it by opening that particular can of worms anytime soon.

Shirou had always been there for him, so it was high time that Kazuto was there for him for a change. And so, he decided to confide in Reina, finally sharing his close-kept secret in the hopes that she would understand.

"Shocking, isn't it? Good ol' pervy Kazuto has a dad complex." He let out a sheepish laugh at the end, one awkward and filled with self-embarrassment at his revealed secret. Kazuto couldn't find himself to look at her, unsure of what expression she was making at that moment.

The room was plunged once more into silence following his admission, leaving no one knowing what to say or do next. Finally, it was Reina who broke the barrier of silence with a sigh.

"Go." She uttered.

"S-so you're not mad?" He cautioned a guess.

"I'm still upset, I'm not going to lie." Kazuto winced, but before he apologized, Reina continued. "But I know that holding you here is selfish. I want to ask you one more time. Does he mean that much to you?"

"Yes, just as much as you and sis." He answered instantly, his eyes resolute.

The two locked eyes.

"...Then go. It sounds like he might need you more than I do." Her gaze softened and encouraged.

Kazuto immediately jumped forward and embraced her, pulling her close and resting his forehead against her.

"I'll make this up to you." He promised, his voice sincere and strong.

"You better..." She murmured back. "And don't think we're done with this. You and I are going to have a serious talk after all of this. Also, you're in the dog house until further notice. You hear me, buster!?"

Kazuto's head bobbed in agreement, a bashful chuckle escaping his lips. The prospect of snuggles and cuddles seemed unlikely in the near future, but he knew it could have been worse. He resolved to make it up to her by treating her to something special once all this was over, acknowledging her patience with someone like him.

As he planted a tender kiss on her forehead, he quickly got to work dressing himself. Reina watched with a faint hint of amusement as he hurriedly threw on his clothes, all the while struggling to contain his restlessness. Despite the rush, he managed to get himself presentable again, and with a final affectionate but hurried goodbye, he darted out the door.

She sat there, taking in the sound of his heavy footsteps reverberating throughout the quiet house, before the door loudly opened and shut behind him. And just like that, she was alone.

Reina's room was filled with silence as she sat on her bed, lost in her thoughts. With a deep, heavy sigh, she fell back onto the soft mattress. Her hand draped over her eyes, providing a brief moment of respite from the world around her.

To think her horndog of a boyfriend actually rejected the invitation to sleep with her again. He chose his dad complex over his girlfriend. On any other day, she would wonder if he was playing a bad joke on her. Reina didn't know whether to laugh at the absurdity of it or sulk at the misfortune of it all.

Although she was filled with an overwhelming amount of disappointment and conflicting emotions, she couldn't help but feel her curiosity peak. About this 'Emiya' he held in such high regard.

"Maybe I should've given more thought to trying out YGGDRASIL as he suggested." Reina mused aloud.

She was quite curious to meet the man she had heard so highly about. Perhaps one day...


"...Furthermore, we believe this branding will be maximized if we were to present you as 'Kazeumi Kumi.' It's an instantly familiar name, and that would be used to attract fans that know of your previous work. In addition, I've gotten word back from our designers with some new models for you to look at and choose from. Personally, I'm in favor of the recent one, as they've got a certain charm and would appeal to the loli aesthetic we would go with, furthermore…"

Chihiro sat there, her finger tapping restlessly on the armrest of her wheelchair, as the voice droned on and on. A firm grimace stretched across her lips.

She was currently in talks with a manager for the virtual idol corporation. It was supposed to be the final stretch. All that was left was hashing out the final details before signing the contract. However, she had run into some complications at the last possible minute.

Upon receiving acceptance to her new position, Chihiro was initially overjoyed. However, her elation became slightly tempered upon discovering that the manager with whom she would be conversing was a fan of her prior works. One major concern the paraplegic voice actress harbored was the possibility that her previous roles might influence her potential for success in this new venture. Fortunately, the manager conducted himself with the utmost professionalism, refraining from delving too deeply into any sensitive topics and displaying genuine enthusiasm for her inclusion on the team. Despite this glimmer of hope, her optimism was short-lived as the higher-ups, upon learning of her past reputation and accomplishments, swiftly sought to capitalize on her previous work experience.

Chihiro was then transferred to talk with another manager, one that was primarily focused on giving the executives what they wanted. And one that seemed insistent on cutting her off at every turn.

She originally petitioned to portray a more mature character. While her specialty was voicing loli characters, that did not mean that was all she could do. Being in the voice acting industry as long as she has, she has developed a wide range of vocal talent and could pull off a riper and fem-fatale kind of character. Plus, it would be a departure from her usual roles, a fresh start for something more.

Only for her request to be outright denied. Instead, they were using her previous reputation to their advantage by providing her with templates that all catered to the loli-moe archetype. They blatantly disregarded her thoughts and contributions, choosing instead to push their views with the excuse that it would be best for "her and her image moving forward."

Chihiro remembered letting out a derisive snort when they told her that, and she had to physically hold back her tongue, lest she give them a piece of her mind.

How ironic that she was treated with more respect and courtesy from those in the eroge industry when compared to how a professional company such as theirs was treating her.

That was just one of many confrontations and differences that have persisted, allowing for little to no progress to be made between the two parties to reconcile their differences. The only reason she was still in talks with them and trying to work out some measure of a compromise was because she didn't want to give up this opportunity given to her and her promise to Shirou.

On the topic of her not-so-secret crush, her grimace only grew strained as the mood plummeted. Their last conversation and their less-than-stellar departure were still fresh in her mind. For the umpteenth time, she found herself thinking about him again. Because of the lingering unease, she was unable to completely get him out of her mind.

Chihiro knew something was wrong. She first noticed his odd behavior all those months ago. In the beginning, she said nothing but kept an eye out, confident that whatever it was would pass. But over time, that uneasy feeling only grew. Yet, she never truly bothered to confront the matter directly.

Always watching but never acting.

Much like her attempts to actually work up the courage to confess to him, she has been skirting around the issue. She was unsure and afraid of the results if she tried.

'Like a coward...' A dark voice mocked.

Suddenly, she heard a loud banging noise followed by thumping footsteps running just outside her room, snapping her out of her gloom before it could get any worse. Her face twisted in bewilderment as she wondered who or what was happening.

"Megumi-san?" The voice of the manager called out from her monitor, using the alias that she gave them.

"Something abrupt came up. Please hold." Chihiro quickly informed him, putting him on mute before he had a chance to respond. She was all too happy to use whatever excuse she had to not hear the incessant babbling of her wheezy manager.

As she wheeled herself towards her door, she turned the knob and was taken aback to find her brother hastily making his way down the hallway. He came to an abrupt halt, avoiding a collision with her by the narrowest of margins. Chihiro observed several things about his appearance - beads of sweat trickling down his face, one hand pressed against the wall as if to steady himself, and his breaths being labored and uneven. Her brother appeared as though he had just completed a full marathon and then some.

The paraplegic sister's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as she was certain that her brother was meant to be spending some quality time with his girlfriend. However, he was now back at home, leaving her concerned at his state.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, making her presence known.

Kazuto turned to her, eyes wide and frantic. He said nothing, only a loud wheezy gasp escaping his throat, trying to suck in as much air as possible.

"Deep breaths, then talk." She advised, her hand reaching out and stroking his back, patting it, and doing whatever she could to help.

"!" He managed to gasp out.

Although fragmented, Chihiro was able to grasp what he was trying to say. Her hand immediately scoured the back of her nape to where her Neural Nano interface was. Touching it, she received a message saying she was out of nanomachines and it needed to be refilled.

She vaguely remembered being low on nanomachines when she had logged off of YGGDRASIL the other day, but with the pressing talks, she had neglected to refill them, reasoning that she would do so once everything was done. Hence, she didn't receive the message.

Chihiro wasn't sure what the message said, but she was aware that something was amiss upon seeing her brother's urgency and hearing about Momonga's message concerning Shirou.

"Damn it, help get my set-up ready!" She exclaimed, fully intending to join him.

However, before she could take any further action, she felt two arms calmly pressing down on her shoulders.

"Woah, woah, sis. Don't you have to worry about the idol thing on your end?" Kazuto pointed this out.

Chihiro clicked her tongue, her face scrunching up.

"T-that can wait... This is way more important!"

"But so is this idol career, sis." Kazuto argued back. "Who knows when you might get another chance at anything like this again, assuming the corporation isn't petty and doesn't just blacklist you outright for just up and ditching them? Something I can totally see those asshats doing. You've been waiting months for this! Nee-chan, this is your dream, and you're just a step away. You can't just throw it all away now. Not to mention, Momonga sent this out to everyone. We might have more than enough to go and help him…"

Chihiro fell silent to his arguments, but it would be his last point that captured her.

"Emiya-senpai wouldn't want you to throw away this opportunity."

Kazuto didn't wait any longer and rushed towards his neural set-up station in the living room to get everything ready for the virtual dive and connect to YGGDRASIL.

Chihiro wheeled her way back into her room slowly, her eyes slowly drawn back to the monitors where the manager was still muted and, from the looks of things, was starting to get irritated by the silence and lack of response. Her key to her idol hood, the one thing she'd always dreamt about.

That's right...

He always wanted what was best for her.

A cherished memory resurfaced from the recesses of her mind, one that reminded her of the reason why she embarked on this journey in the first place.

She couldn't recall the specifics of what had happened, but she distinctly remembered the presence of her brother, herself, and Shirou. In the midst of conversation, Peroroncino started talking about her burgeoning voice-acting career and brought up how she had what it took to be an idol during the conversation. It was a not-so-subtle attempt at being her wingman — pun fully intended. As the conversation progressed, the situation ultimately culminated in a private setting where Shirou was treated to a song from her.

Bukubukuchagama had just finished the last line of the song, leaving the room in total silence. The Elder Slime, being an amorphous slime without any distinguishable features, was grateful for this fact as she felt a rush of nervous anticipation course through her body. Throughout the entire performance, Shirou never once took his eyes off of her as she sang and danced to the music.

"Wow…" He simply let out, almost breathless. But in her heightened, anxiety-filled state, it only brought her down.

"I know, I know, I'm not that good, and I…"

"What are you talking about, Bukubukuchagama-san? You were amazing!" Shirou praised wholeheartedly, but her pessimism countered his cheer.

"Yeah, right. You don't have to pretend; I know I'm kind of bad at this and..." Bukubukuchagama continued dejectedly, believing that he was just saying that to be nice.

"Are you saying I'm lying?" He said, surprising her.

"W-what? N-nno, of course not!" She exclaimed, her voice cracking as her normal voice slipped out at the sudden question.

"Then believe me now when I say that you have a beautiful voice. An amazing voice. You have an incredible talent, Bukubukuchagama-san." He replied softly, and she could sense the supportive smile in his voice.

His sincere and inspiring voice pierced through the cloud of negativity surrounding her.

"You think I have what it takes to be an idol?"

"I know it." He answered instantly.

"In fact, as of this moment, consider me your first and number one fan! I'll be cheering you on all the way."

Shirou threw out a peace sign with his hand and a smile. One that proved infectious as she smiled alongside him.

"Well then, I'll be taking your word for that, and when I do become an idol, I better see you at every single event. Front and center! You hear me?" She joined in.

"Of course. How can I call myself your number one fan if I were to miss one of your precious events?"

The two soon burst out into fits of giggles, joking and laughing all the way.

Merry laughter echoed in her ears as the daydream subsided, drawing Chihiro back into reality.

She glanced away from her monitor, her eyes drifting towards the painting she had commissioned some time ago. Even in painting format, it still managed to capture his essence. One she always felt upon gazing. So daring, so inspiring.


She knew that Shirou, ever kind and ever selfless, would want her to continue on her path. Afterward, once she got in, she would share the good news. She'd be officially an idol, just like what she always dreamt of and what he wished for her.

He would want her to think about herself first...

But what about what she wanted…?

Without another word, she wheeled back towards her monitor. The light from her computers illuminated her face, one filled with determination and purpose.

She instantly unmuted the call, just in time too, as the manager was going off on a tangent about how unprofessional it was to leave him in such a disrespectful manner and that she should be grateful that they haven't ended things already. And blah, blah, blah, whatever nonsense Chihiro ignored.

"This conversation is done." She said.

"I have no idea what is going on, but this matter is far from over. I would suggest you be on your best behavior, or else we might have to pass over the position to someone else." He said smugly, a thinly veiled threat.

To which she responded with one simple word.


Chihiro slammed on the key, ending the call. She smirked and took immense satisfaction from the sputtering tone of the manager at the last second before disconnecting, no doubt catching him off guard completely from his failed threat.

She grabbed onto the wheels and wheeled herself out of her room, the door opening up with a bang as she made her appearance. Kazuto, who had just finished setting everything up, looked up to see his sister racing down the hallway towards him.

"S-sis?! B-bbut what about the position?!" He gasped.

"Fuck'em! I kind of always liked my old gig anyway. At least they don't treat me like shit from the big corps. Besides, how could I possibly leave my adorning fans without their previous Kaze-chin~ Now, are you going to help me or are you going to stand like a dumbass?" Despite her coarse words, there was a familiar levity that sparkled within her tone.

Kazuto blinked before sporting a toothy grin. Rushing over, he took hold of her wheelchair and wheeled her to their setup.

After all, they had work to do, and two sets of hands were better than one.


Ichirou released a contented sigh as he finally eased himself onto the wooden bench. The wooden bench creaked under his weight. Though he felt tired, that did little to diminish the smile that stretched brightly on his face as he watched his daughter frolic and play. She giggled and ran across the open grass park, her string in hand and a colorful kite soaring overhead, just like the other joyful park-goers.

Ichirou had taken his family to their local, sprawling park, one with a dome that replicated a clear, sunny day.

"Tired already?" A voice called out.

Sitting next to him was his wife, a smile playfully on her lips.

"Aye. I think I might be getting too old."

"Oh, nonsense. If that were the case, then that would mean I'm getting old as well. And we can't have that, now can we?"

"Oh, heavens forbid such a travesty." Ichirou rolled his eyes at his wife's jape, which she returned with a playful slap.

As his wife leaned onto him and rested her head against his shoulder, the off-duty officer gently placed a hand over her shoulder to pull her close. The two were content to watch their daughter enjoy herself from the sidelines.

The peaceful atmosphere that enveloped the couple was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a gentle ringing, prompting the husband and wife to turn their heads in unison. Ichirou quickly realized it was him. He retrieved his phone from his pocket, one connected via his Neural Nano network. Curious, he opened it and saw he had received a message. As he read the message, a wave of tension washed over him, causing his face to contort in a familiar expression of concern, which his wife recognized all too well.

"Go." Ichirou heard his wife say, turning to her in surprise.

"W-what? B-but you don't even know what it is. So how..."

"How long do you think we've been together, dear?" She rhetorically asked with a knowing smile, her hand reaching up and caressing his cheek.

"I probably know a few things about you more than you probably do. Such as that face you're making whenever something's going on and one that needs your help. So go, Adachi-san's family is also here. They'll keep us company for the time being until you finish things up."

His eyes widened before he looked at her, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"You're too good for me sometimes. Thank you." He told her lovingly and appreciatively.

"Of course. I am the wife of a hero, after all." She returned with a similar voice, smiling.

He leaned in and kissed her while grinning. Just as their daughter joined them, he stood up. Kneeling, he looked at his pride and joy and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be going somewhere for a bit, sweetie. Help take care of your mother while I'm gone." He told her before taking off into a sprint.

"Where's papa going?" The daughter's eyes shone with confusion and encroaching sadness at seeing her father leave them.

"There, there." The mother soothed, pulling her daughter into a hug. "Papa has some hero work to do. That's why he needs to go."

"Really?!" Her eyes lit up instantly, dazzling with awe and excitement.

"Good luck, papa!" The daughter cried out, waving her hand excitedly alongside the mother as the two smiled and watched. Ichirou waved back and then quickened his pace, estimating how long it would take to get back home in his head.

After all, what kind of hero would he be if he were to arrive late?


"Oi, brat! Quit running around, are you trying to make me drop the food?!" Youta chastised as he glared at the child running around the dining table.

Said brat simply flashed a not-so-sorry grin before running to the other side of the table, away from the salaryman's wrath.

"Now, now, Youta-san, please don't scream. You're more likely to drop it yourself. And you, sweetie, stop running around and help prepare the table." A third voice mediated.

The mother appeared in the dining room from the kitchen, wearing an all-too-familiar amused smile at seeing the two go at it.

"Yes, kaa-san." Said the child, rushing to do as he was told while sticking his tongue out at Youta as they crossed paths.

"You spoil him too much, Yui-san." Youta grumbled, addressing the mother.

"And you are too abrasive, Youta-san. I suppose that balances it out." She said, smirking at the end, which earned an eye roll from him.

Steadily, the table was set up as food was piled onto it. As the mother urged her son to quickly wash up, Youta took a step back, taking in the moment. A part of himself was still bewildered that he was in the situation he was currently in.

If anyone were to tell Youta he would open up to a single mother and her child, living and interacting contently with them, acting like some kind of pseudo-family, he would call that person out as a damn liar, and yet here he was.

He was living a life of relative normalcy that he always saw as an impossibility. At least, for someone like him.

Shaking his head, he watched as the kid finished up and ran to his seat. With everything done, the two adults followed suit and took their seats. However, as soon as he touched the seat, he felt something ringing. Puzzled, he touched his nape, looking away as the message appeared within his sight.

"Hey! Mama says playing at the table, only eating." The kid called out, but he ignored him.

The salaryman's stoic expression remained largely unchanged, but Yui could sense a hint of tension in his demeanor. Youta was quiet, his gaze fixed on a message only he could see. Eventually, he let out a sigh.

Youta turned to face Yui, and it was the first time she had ever noticed anything resembling remorse in his eyes.

"Sorry, but you all eat without me. Something came up."

Without another word, he looked back at them, stood up from the table, and made his way to the door.

"Hey, wait!"

Feeling something latch onto him, Youta let out an exasperated sigh as he looked down. He found the brat grabbing onto his arm with both hands, his lips puckering into a pout as he gave his best glare at the salaryman.

Youta glared down, but it lacked any true heat behind it.

"Let go, brat. Something came up, and I need to deal with it." He said, but unfortunately, the kid wouldn't relent.

"You can't! You, me, and mama haven't eaten together in a long time." He tried to argue.

"It was only three days ago, brat." Youta deadpanned. "Quit blowing things out of proportion. Plus, there's next time."

However, the child would not budge.

"Is it that important?" Said Yui, joining the conversation.

"Probably, it looks like some serious shi-" Youta tapered off, Yui sending a narrowed-eyed look at his particular choice of words. "...Some serious issues popped up. I can't be quite sure, but someone might need my help." He quickly corrected.

The two adults locked eyes, a silent conversation taking place between them. Breaking off, Yui turned her gaze to her son. Her eyes softened with understanding.

"Sweetie, let Youta-san go." She told him.

"No! I want him to eat with us. I want the three of us to eat together again…" His voice tapered off near the end, the heat in his voice replaced with a melancholic frustration.

Youta said nothing, spying down on the pouting kid who was doing whatever he could to get him to stay. The salaryman let out a sigh through his nose before wrenching his arm away from the kid's grasp and planting it on top of his head. His thumb gently rubs through the hair, drawing the kid's attention.

"Listen up, brat. There will come a time in everyone's life when you'll owe someone, something. Whether you'd like it or not. A man always has to pay his debts, or else they stick with him forever. And this is a debt I'm not keen on keeping on my back." Youta explained.

"I don't get it." The kid pouted, frowning in confusion.

The salaryman let out a small 'hmph' but cracked a small smile.

"Wait until you're an adult, brat, then maybe you'll understand." Youta ruffled his hair in a slightly patronizing but affectionate manner.

The kid groaned, fighting to get the hand off of him.

Youta turned back to Yui, who watched it all with a smile.

"We'll still be here. But please, do try and make it quick. Or else all the food we've taken to make will get cold."

Youta cracked a smile of his own. He nodded before hurrying to the front door, grabbing his belonging, and running through the hallways and into his apartment room. His thoughts raced, speculating just how dire the situation was.

He also made plans to give a certain wannabe hero a good socking for ruining his dinner.


All across Japan, Momonga's message was relayed instantly. Some were unfortunately unable to respond, and his call for help was left untouched. Many more saw and read the message for help but could not join, too preoccupied with whatever matter they had on hand to help. But the few that could need no other justification and hastened to answer the call without hesitation.

After all, they had a friend that needed their help.

Omake: It's exactly what it looks like! (Inspired by Dante, based on his appearance from season #3 with the battle with Foresight)

"Come on, come on! Let's hurry, or else we'll lose them!"

"Slow down! If we rush, we'll be giving ourselves away."

Voices intermingled as a small group consisting of Peroroncino, Bukubukuchagama, Touch Me, Yamaiko, and Warrior Takemikazuchi quietly but hurriedly moved. Their purpose? Spying on their friend's date, of course!

After hearing that Momonga was taking his special someone on a tour of the base, they grew curious. Especially to see and meet the woman who managed to catch their Guildmaster's eyes and affection.

The group originally hid themselves and shadowed their date from the first floor, cooing and awing at the cute interactions between them. More so for Bukubukuchagama and Yamaiko. Around the time they reached the 5th floor, they lost track of them, and now they were searching the 6th floor, more specifically, heading towards the Amphitheatre. As they got closer, they heard voices.

Quickening their pace, they entered the massive colosseum, and it was there where they would find the couple, only this time it was beyond what they thought would happen.

In the time that Momonga and Destana were by themselves, the angel had ditched her original attire, wearing a more risqué outfit that consisted of a negligee that covered very little of her avatar. However, what shocked the Ainz Ooal Gown members further was the exact state of their illustrious Guildmaster. Gone were his thick robes, leaving his skeletal upper torso bare for all to see. Also, why did he have some kind of heavy iron chain around his neck?

If that wasn't strange enough, Momonga was completely on his back, lying against the floor, with Destana standing on top of him, a whip made of light in her hands.

The group came full stop, unable to process how and where things could've led up to this moment.

"Um, what the actual fuck?" Peroroncino said aloud, revealing their presence to the couple.

Momonga and Destana's heads snapped towards them, with the group staring right back.

Cue a short pause.

Momonga immediately racked his brain. It didn't take a genius to see how the situation the couple was in and how it may appear to the other would cause a misunderstanding.

After reaching the 6th floor and the Colosseum, the two took a break from their tour. Destana suggested a friendly spar between them, which Momonga happily accepted. The two battled it out, with Momonga taking the first victory. In the second match, she employed a different strategy. Using her womanly wiles, she changed her gear mid-fight into this new, more risqué style to distract him long enough to score a point. The Elder Lich was quick to demand a rematch, during which his girlfriend continued to tease him.

Struck with a burst of momentary genius, Momonga employed the same strategy, hence his new appearance, in order to distract her as well.

For some odd reason, a voice in the back of his mind was screaming at him, telling him that the idea was convoluted, but he chose to ignore it for the moment. He had a score to settle! And after a brief scuffle, he landed on his back after she used the low-level spell [Light Whip] to rob him of his balance.

Hence the situation and position they found themselves in when the group found them.

Momonga used his hyper-intelligence to come up with a solution that would cast off any shadow of doubt. An answer that will clear up any and all misunderstandings. All his mental prowess centered on pulling the greatest Reverse Uno Card of the situation.

Shirou told him about situations such as these: when confronted with a group accidentally coming across a situation where it's highly invocative and prone to misunderstanding, saying "It's not what it looks like" only makes the scene more incriminating. Thus, there was only one option left!

"It is exactly what it looks like!" He blurted out.

Destana and the others looked at him.

"Um, babe? Don't you mean it's not what it looks like?" She asked.

"No, because this is exactly what it looks like!" Momonga repeated it louder this time.

"That's still a double negative, no matter how you look at the situation..." Said Destana, though it was drowned out by his word.

After all, it all comes down to confidence! By owning up to the situation and showing there was nothing he was hiding, it would remove any suspicion from them that they might be thinking it was anything else but a friendly spar between the two. Thus, removing any potential misunderstand of the situation from their mind.

He was met with silence. His guildmates silently looked at one another and nodded.

"R-right... Well, apologies for interrupting."

"Yes, indeed. And remember! This is exactly what it looks like!" Momonga repeated a third time.

One by one, they shuffled their feet out and left the two alone, still reeling from the revelation that they witnessed. All the while, muffled voices came together, unable to put what they saw out of their minds. Their discussion was all but lost on Momonga.

"Who would've thought..."

"You know, considering his meek personality, that kind of makes sense..."

"Damn, you'd think you know someone..."

"Wonder what's the sex like?"

Back in the colosseum, he all but jumped for joy. In Momonga's mind, seeing their lack of reaction meant that he perfectly deflected the issue, and there would be no misunderstanding whatsoever!

Absolutely none at all!

From that moment on, Momonga earned a new epithet. The King of Ainz Ooal Gown, The Connoisseur of Thighs, and lastly, The Bottom Overlord.

Much later, Momonga would have to attend an intervention by his guildmates, a long discussion on what is and isn't acceptable in a communal space… especially with guild property!

Author's Note:

I don't think I have much, I think I pretty much conveyed what I wanted and needed in the chapter itself. I can see perhaps the one the biggest detraction and contender with how the chapter plays out will be how "quickly" the matter is resolved regarding Momonga and Co. What I wanted to go for, and similarly to what I originally intended in the chapter 7 apology where I outlined my ideas, albeit modified to fit the new direction. Is Ainz Ooal Gown's turn to come to Shirou's aid and rescue.

Here, Momonga and Co aren't negligence, but they are passive to a degree. Shirou, by his nature and actions, he inadvertently became a crutch to them, they've always relied on him because he's never "failed" them so to speak. More often than naught, it's him that seek out to help others, but never was he the one to ask others for help. Shirou's character is an outlier from Overlord's full on dystopian future. Someone full of kindness and they took to that, believing he'll always be that pillar of strength and support because they've never seen anything to the contrary. Combined with Japanese etiquette of how one should never try and bother others with unneeded issues, it's understandable that why Momonga and Co would be a bit hesitant to take the first active step, where normally it was Shirou that is active role. They grew comfortable to his presence.

Looking at the timeline, it's been four years since the Conquest of Nazarick, and a further 2-3 years from their time as Nines Own Goal. They've played together for the better part of six years and it's only, relatively speaking "recently" that Shirou started acting off, around the same time that things started to slow down as the guild member's time dwindle for one reason or another. With time and availably, along with daily goings on for each member happening, it's not out of expectation to be caught out of the loop. They're still people.

Momonga and Co are more typical as passive/reactive types, due in part to the trust in Shirou and also in part to how part of the characters were in the canonicity. Something is off, but their faith in Shirou and their uncertainty to do something about it holds them back, falling back to prior norms. They simply need a little push in the right direction, which was the role of Destana, who is an outsider to their situation and offers a third, and outside perspective. She helps Momonga see what he already knows and kind of suspect, that something is off about Shirou and he has a choice. Either he can do nothing as they've done before, or step up the plate and take the initiative. Before it was typically Shirou that was the active focus, but now it's Momonga's turn, he is the rally point, spurring the others to join in as well. Fulfilling his role as Guildmaster.

Is them coming together all at what could be described as a drop of a hat, putting aside their difference, and rushing to help a friend in his time of need a bit shounen-ese and contrive? A bit, yes, I'll admit. But to them, Shirou whom always went above and beyond for them, he's the spot of light in such a cruel and dystopian world and is worth it. That, and I intended it similar to the "The boys got your back" kind of feels-good moment to it. A friend, or friends that are willing to take that extra step for you even if it might not be needed or warranted. Their friend is need and so they'll help.

Hopefully this one was an enjoyable read as well, and if ain't a bit obvious, those side characters aren't going to be one off any time soon. It's so much fun to write their dynamics!

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