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28.57% FAIRY TAIL: GAMER PATH / Chapter 60: Chapter 60: Phantom Lord (10)

Capítulo 60: Chapter 60: Phantom Lord (10)

A/N: Alright folks this one is a long one since I had some trouble writing it while unlocking the MC Innate Magic power. This one might not be liked by others but I felt it was definitely the right moment in this situation.

Now hope you guys like and enjoy!


Chapter 60: Phantom Lord (10)

~Third POV~

Elsewhere back in town, the battle between dragon slayers was coming to an end with both Dragon Slayers reaching their limit as the fight destroyed parts of the town in their clash with Natsu lasting longer than Gajeel.

In the distance the Fairy Tail Guild building could be seen destroyed as Gajeel grins seeing Natsu at his limits, "Your guild's in ruins. And you lost. Just go down and stay down Salamander!!!"


Launching a leg sweep at Natsu too tired to defend as he was sent flying to a nearby building destroyed from the collision but stood up again as Gajeel in his iron skin mocks him, "I warn you!!! I don't know how to pull my punches!! I may just kill you for real!!! Geeheehee!!! It's only a matter of time before we get the girl and – Gwaaa!!!"



Suddenly distracted by Natsu Fire Dragon Slayer's Magic punch then going for a roar getting his strength angrily at Gajeel for the damage Phantom Lord has done, "Levy… Jet… Droy… the old man… Lucy… all my friends… and Fairy Tail!!! How many people do you have to hurt before your guys are satisfied?!!!!"

Gajeel sensing an increasing amount of danger as Natsu got his second wind unleased his <Iron Dragon's Roar> but to his shock, Natsu managed to grab it instead and sent it back with his bare hands as Gajeel looked on in shock, "He… he sent it back at me?!! Th-This is impossible!!!! I can't lose to this… little piece of trash!!!! I am... the strongest…"

Natsu began to finish off his fight pouring all of his emotions into his last attack and lashing out at Gajeel with everything he has to give, "You've done a whole lot, and I'm going to pay you back for all of it right now!!!! You made your biggest mistake when you decided to tangle with Fairy Tail!!!! <FIRE DRAGON'S FLAME LOTUS>!!!"

Unleashing a barrage of fire-coated fist attack at Gajeel felt all of the painful punches he endured as he soon fainted finally losing as he spoke to him in a neutral tone, "Now… we're… even…"


Happy seeing Natsu using up all of his Magical Power he quickly grabbed him taking him to where Lucy was hidden as he commented to his friend, "Natsu you did enough just leave the rest up to them. You showed that bully what for and for everyone in the guild!!"

As the two left Makarov could be seen looking at Gajeel showing he fully recovered as his eyes dart towards the mechas of Phantom Lord Guild could be seen as he rushes to help his children with a glare directed towards Jose…


Returning to the fight with Jose Silva takes his distance and provides support from the back as the wounds on the two could be seen as they panted with exhaustion shown as Jose despite being in the earlier end bruised didn't show signs of any damage of such.

So much as he grins wickedly at the two that despite having better condition it didn't last long enough to harm Jose as he dodged their attacks with ease much to their bitter frustration.

At the other end of the ice barrier, Gray slumped down tired and bruised with Mirajane supporting him with a down Aria could be seen encased in ice.

Jose seeing this could only glare at them but could admit respect if only out of self-anger at the Fairy Tail members in front of them, "You both certainly have been the greatest pains I have had the displeasure of meeting. But I doubt there are any Wizards who are greater… I certainly will not accept that there are any greater within Makarov's Guild!!!"

Taking into a pushing stance Jose released a Thunderbolt at them with Silva providing protection by reflecting the strike away with clear annoyance from Jose, "That is one annoying shield. Let's see how you do without it."



Unleashing multiple thunderbolts from all directions as Silva saw no escape with Spectator active groans as Erza looked about to intervene only when his weapon reacted from his next phrase in a serious tone, "Trump Card: <God's Wings>."



The disks split into segments and the wings turn into what appears to be an ethereal substance, which allows them to be shaped into a protective shield as the series of thunderbolts were all soon reflected at Jose gritting his teeth attempting to evade –

Only to be stuck noticing a <Glyph> stopping his movements with wide eyes as Silva kept his motion in place as the thunderbolts all aimed at him with an electrifying scream escaped his mouth, "AHHHHHH!!!"



Not letting an opportunity to seek damage, Jose. Erza rushed ahead switching her sword for twin axes using <Moon Flash> following the <Glyphs> provided rushing faster with the extra push of motion.

His eyes twitched seeing this as Jose extends his right arm sideways and generate several of his ghosts around it, which start circling it in spirals –

Quickly thinking ahead Silva used <Ice Make> to create his next creations taking the appearance of multiple animalistic skulls already charged with Mana as rune arrays prewritten on the ice as he calls out, "<Ice Make: Gaster Blaster>!!"


Releasing torrents of Mana beams at Jose's eyes seeing them up close in all directions refocusing on Silva having his Ricochet up in preparation as Erza managed to slice him across the chest almost forcing him to stop but didn't as he retaliated against the motion ice constructs with his own attack, "<DEAD WAVE>!!"

Standing his ground and already used up his Status Recovery just trying to fight against Jose with Erza regaining stamina he stood still hoping his <God's Wings> would reflect the attack back with his shield as extra insurance.


Silva was mostly correct about it being reflected but, in the process, he underestimated the amount of power Jose had thrown at him causing his eyes to widen as he was slammed against the wall feeling pain through out his body as he took on the attack despite most of it being sent to Jose.



Reflecting the attack back in Jose's direction he merely conjured Magic barriers to withstand his own attacks aimed at him as the explosion died down to show light bruises admiring his own strength and expressing a satisfied grin on his face damaged Silva, "Good. Finally, the weak link is gone like the pathetic bug that he is. Just as I expected my own power to harm me to such an extent."


The resulting hit caused Silva to slam his whole body to the nearby walls of the breaking Phantom Lord Guild causing Erza's eyes to widen with pure anger directed at Jose, "How dare you, Jose!!!"

Mirajane nearby saw the wall of ice also break from the resulting shockwaves of the clash as she immediately began to collect him unconscious.

Jose's form from the reflected attack showed damage with his upper clothes burnt as he scoffs at Silva, "Tch. The fool thought he could stay long reflecting and evading my attacks. The idiot wished he was dead when I get through to him."

Admiring his power his eyes focused on Mirajane picking Silva up as he tried to attack only for Erza to interfere taking his attention away from them holding Ricochet in hand, "You won't harm another one of my friends Jose!! I'm your only enemy now so deal with it!!!"



Dodging a sword strike Jose pushed Erza back with his phantoms as she avoided them stepping back with her flight or shield bashing them as he began to talk to her in a cruel tone, "Have you ever wondered why I left Makarov alive? Despair. I want him to experience despair when he finally awakens, he'll find his beloved, guild and all his friends annihilated!! Hehe… he'll be so sad!!! Only after I have treated him, heart, rendering despair will I kill him!! I refuse to give up him a quick death!!! I will make him suffer anguish and misery!!! When he has felt agony, only then will I kill him!!!!"

Jose then goes on to explain his jealousy to Erza as Silva was barely hanging on as Mira took carry of him as his title skill [Fairy Tail Wizard] came into effect when the attack left his HP in the red.

Activating his Requip Ring he soon summoned two Small Salve's and one Small Mana Bottle grabbing them as Mira helped as she gestures to it, "You want me to splash these on you?"

He gave a tired nod as she did as she was told splashing the bottles on top of his head as the healing effects of his items took immediate effect.

The earlier wounds soon faded and restored 25% of his MP bar regaining his strength and standing on his feet again, "Phew… too close for comfort there. But…"

Looking at the fight with a frown his attention towards Jose captures Erza as he begins his monologue as Silva held his Rune Sword showing signs of it reaching its breaking point.

Taking a deep breath, he told Mira with a smile as he began to pump Mana into his Rune Sword in a serious tone, "Mira can you take Gray out of here. I need to help Erza out and I would prefer if you weren't in the crossfire."

She wanted to say something, but Silva's expression was dead set as she only gave a nod trusting him to take Gray away as he spoke to the weapon he held from the beginning, "Sigh… I sure got a lot of use out of you huh? From that abandoned home to a final fight like this… At the very least I'll give you a proper sendoff for being with me for this long."

Taking a careful stand pumping his remaining Mana into his Rune Sword as Jose was busy monologuing to Erza in a delusional state, "I could never stand your guild!! So maybe what triggered the war was something small… small, such request for a return of the daughter of the Heartfillia consortium to her father. I could hardly believe it!!! The daughter of one of the country's top industrialists is in Fairy Tail?!! How much power do you intend to suck up before you've had enough?!!! If I were to allow you to use the Heartfilia money unrestrained… then you'd certainly have great power at your beck and call!! That is something I can never allow!!!"

Focusing everything Silva has he waited till his own abilities reached his peak as Jose continues to monologue picturing himself in a calm tone, 'Ignore everything… focus the picture of my body and my own Mana into my blade… storing it with <Cage> with everything I have… Just one strike is all I need… put my ALL into this final attack.'

Erza screamed as he listened to Jose dribble correcting him with a confident expression on her face turning into anger at him nearing the end, "Argh!!! Lucy ran away from home to come to us… how could she use her money as you claim fool… She lives in a 70K apartment, does the same work as us, laughs and cries as us… She's just a Wizard in our guild. You've never seen Lucy's tears!!! You know nothing of her!!!!"

Jose remained neutral as he easily says what he intends to do to her causing Erza and Silva's anger to spike, "Well, I'll find out won't I? Do you think we intended to hand her over to her father for nothing? Oh, no! We're going to bleed him until he has nothing left! Until the entire Heartfilia Empire is mine to control – !!!"


Listening to Jose's delusion his Magic Sense flared in alarm pointing his head towards Silva with anger directed in his eyes already using <Slashing Form> with his <Mana Burst> shining intently in the blinding blue light of his Mana wildly flaring into a wild spiral pillar fueled by his emotions reacting to his will closing in on him as Jose tried to defend but –


Only for a brief second time in his moment of weakness focus Erza tossed her axes at Jose using her <Telekinesis> paying attention to Silva rushing him as he was distracted by the sudden pain of the axes stabbing his body, "AHHH!"

That one-second distraction was all it took for Silva to rush ahead with everything he got that brief second was all they needed to finish the Wizard Saint that was already bruised as his blade struck him with everything, he put into his Rune Sword slamming Jose to the ground as his <Mana Burst> within the weapon generated fire as it created a flaming effect burning Jose in the process as his skin felt like it was burning him alive.



A loud booming sound from the impact was heard as Jose was sent down from the pillar of flaming Mana Burst sending him down as he screams out loud, "NO!!!! I CAN'T POSSIBLY LOSE TO THESE BRATS OF MAKAROV'S I REFUSE –"



Unleashing <Bloodlust> releasing the full unrestraint of his anger and frustration while <Indominable Spirit> letting the Demon's Extract effect activate as his eyes shined with pure malice and madness effectively startling Jose bearing the full brunt of the <Bloodlust> skill effectively helping Silva focus everything into the strike.

Feeling the drain occurring as he loses his strength in his grip Silva pushes past the exhaustion as he grabs his Philosopher Stone around his neck activating it, 'No way I'm giving this bastard the satisfaction of getting off free!! This may be a long shot but I'm running on fumes as is… just this once. I want to know what it's like to be there for someone and not be a failure… I must break my own limits here and fucking now!!!'


Regaining his strength despite being cut Jose focused all his magic on him rushing forward wanting to grab Silva if it was the last thing, he did with anger shining in his eyes.



Unaware at the time everyone looked away for a moment as the red sparks flew further enhancing the <Mana Burst> fueling everything Silva had and the Philosopher Stone into the Mana Burst from a blue light into pure crimson red energy…



Then it turned a pure white light appearing for a second with Silva's faith in himself and the power of the Philosopher Stone reacting to his spirit and body change.

For a moment the light of the red energy briefly changed to pure white unlimited magical energy within resonating with Silva's spirit unaware at this time managed to connect to his innate magic affected by his own soul resonating within…

Along with the white light came a whole entire form change on Silva's person becomes fully white overall, with an intricate clothing design as well as wings.



Surrounding around Silva's Mana becoming pure white for a moment releasing the inner divinity within that was given to him finally take form after being radiated with Mana from this world and the power of a God bestowed to him in his body…

Jose suddenly lost control as the unknown force forced him down with the white beam of Mana Burst causing even time and space surrounding him to be distorted as if the surrounding Ethernano was pushed back by the Mana Burst.

Jose looked surprised yelling in pain at the top of his lungs as the attack returned from the white beam returned into blue <Mana Burst> energy losing all his magic as if expelled screaming at the top of his lungs ending in silence, "AHHHHHHHH!!!! …"





Pouring his last of Mana into his Rune Sword as it finally broke no longer withstanding the Mana being poured into along with the Philosopher Stone shattering from the power Silva managed to unleash for the moment his eyes clouding him with the smokescreen covering the pop-up screens.

At that moment without him even realizing Silva managed to unlock his Magic. Connected briefly the flow of nature forcibly but soon ignored it as the exhaustion and pain consume him ignoring the level up on the screen but didn't care as he poured everything into the strike.


The bones of his arms and legs cracked but remained defiant seeing Jose's pained expression pushing through as the <Mana Burst> slowly fades from the aftereffects of overusing his body and spirit in the process.

Silva's eyes finally fades showing his time using his title [Fairy Tail Wizard] came to an end as the burst of Mana finally dismissed into light blue particles steam came off his body flying as exhaustion and pain finally took over blacking out but not before muttering, "Don't fuck… with Fairy… Tai…l…"



[Due to using the Philosopher Stone enhancing the host spirit!]

[For a moment the host faith has been connected to the flow of nature temporarily accessing his inner Magic!]

[The host has achieved the inner magic!]

[Notice divinity interference with the residue of the mana in the host has been detected taking form…]

[Skill: <Fairy Heart> temporary unlocked!]

[Skill: <Time Magic> temporary unlocked!]


[Notice of temporary form and skills is sealed so as to not endanger the host!]



The series of explosions of Jose being sent as Erza peeks to see his crushed body but still alive just unconscious from the pain as the point blank <Mana Burst> as she scoffs at him carrying Silva who's knocked out returning to normal, "Tch. That's what you get for messing with Fairy Tail…"

"I agree my child."

Her eyes shot up open wide viewing Makarov appearing with a smile on her face seeing her Master alive and well as he looks at the destruction caused, "You both and all of Fairy Tail did well to take care of Phantom Lord while I was away. Be proud that you are Fairy Tail Wizards and no more blood needed be drawn today."

Erza nodded as Makarov helped his children with the aftermath of the events that occurred today Erza mutters taking Silva on her back asleep from exhaustion and holding his shield on the other, "Still though we only managed to defeat Phantom Lord and their Master by your interference Silva. Fairy Tail owes its debt to you for making this victory possible along with Gray, Natsu, and everyone in the Guild doing their part. I just wish you'll wake up to realize it though..."

Like that, the confrontation soon came to an end with the Phantom Lord guild with many unaware of what happened only the small details of how Fairy Tail managed to defeat one of the Wizard Saint unknowing what exactly transpired.



Elsewhere in the above sea of the Fiore Kingdom, a small crack has appeared…


Just as it appeared soon resealed as a noticeable Celestial Spirit Wizard resembling Lucy looked on in worry of what just occurred in a concerned tone, "How… why have the Space between Time shown itself only to be sealed…"

Unaware the Celestial Spirit Wizard would've never guessed that a single being managed to unlock the untapped power from a simple confrontation away unrelated to each...

next chapter
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