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42.85% Fairy Tail: Dragon Emperor / Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Truth x unlocking magic

Capítulo 3: Chapter 2: Truth x unlocking magic

A/n: sorry for the late chapter, I have been pretty busy. writing has become a recent hoby so I am not sure how often I can update them without ideas and my but my other novel on hiatus temporarily.

Albion POV

I Start to open my eyes to see the face of a beautiful woman with pale blond hair and pink eyes. I recognize her from last night; the moon dragon Selene, but why is she still here? It seems that she notice me waking up as she turned to look at me.

Selene:"Hello Albion told me about you. I am the moon dragon Selene, but from today on I am going to be your mother with Veldanava as your father."


WHAT!? So not only do I have the star dragon king as my father but now the future moon dragon god is going to be my mother!? I remember that Selene had other children who are dragons, why woud she take on a human child?

Selene:"You seem confused and can understand what I am saying. You realy are interesting. Well, I spoke to Veldanava last night and he agreed that you need a father and a mother to raise you."

Veldanava:"So Albion is awake?"

I hear another voice as Veldanava came in from with a huge boar, most likely to make breakfast. I also see a cow, most likely for milk for me.

Selene:"He woke up a minute ago and understands what's happening."

Veldanava:"I noticed something like that about him to but didn't think anything of it. If you noticed that does that as well...I think he may have reincarnated into this world."

Selene:"Really? I already knew he was interesting but this more than I thought."

Well I should have expected as much, if Veldanava reincarnated into this world too he might be able to spot other reincarnates. Could be a case of "it takes one to know one" kind of thing.

It was then I felt something weird in my head, I felt it come from Selene; what is she trying to do to me?

Selene:"I connected you to us using telepathy magic, so you just have to think to speak to us since you can't talk out loud." She said before asking me a question. "So could you please tell us if you were reincarnated into this world?"

Veldanava:"I would like to as well if you don't mind Albion."

Well since they are going to be my parents, I may as well be honest with them.

Me:'Yes you're right. I was reincarnated into this world.' I revealed.

Selene:"So you have memories of your past life then?"

Me:'Yes I have memories from my past life, I was just getting ready to go to sleap when I suddently felt a pain in my chest. But I was completely healthy and I exercised but for some reason I felt pain in my chest and lost consciousness. When I woke up I saw a damaged carriage and saw a dragon heading my way.'

Veldanava:"So you have no idea why you sudently felt chest pain despite being healthy? Could it be that you were poisoned somehow?"

Me:'I don't think so. I usually cook my own meals and I am a nice to everyone. If I didn't know any better I would have thought that a god of death killed me out of boredom.'

Veldanava/Selene:"? what do you mean by that?"

I then explained the Shinigamis from the death note and that it was from fiction from my previous life. I also explained to them that in that anime/manga the shinigami had too much time on their hands sice they could not die and just had to write names in their notebooks in order to kill someone.

Veldanava:"I can see how you would think that."

Selene:"Yeah, there are gods of this world that would do things like this. Like Ankseram, the god of life and death."

Me:'Ankseram, huh. Have either of you met a man named Zeref Dragneel?'

Veldanavas/fathers eyes widened when I asked about the black wizard zeref, this reaction must mean that he did meet zeref at some point. It doesn't seem that Selene/mother has met zeref since she did not react the same as father.

Veldanava:"How do you know that name Albion?"

Me:'One of the fictions of my previous life was based on this world.' both their eyes widened when I revealed this as I continued. 'But I know that this world is not fiction its real. So for all I know, there may have been people who had the power so see other worlds and was inspired to put their stories to paper. Who can really say for sure.'

Selene:"That would make sense in a way. After all, one of my spells [aqua aera] can see into other dimensions."

Veldanava:"Yeah, you can't really argue with that logic. So does that mean you know the future of this world?" he asked with concern.

Me:'I am not entirely sure, since there are subtle differences between that world and this one. The biggest ones being that father and I were not in that world.'


He seemed surprised that I called him father out of nowhere or at the revalation that he did not exist in that world I read and saw.

Selene:"So has anything else seem different than you know?"

Me:'I don't know. But I do know that I have to be prepared for what could happen.'

Veldanava:"Well Selene and I did have a talk about how you were going to be raised and about your future."

Selene:"That's right, . You will also learn about language and society from our friend Anna."

Hold on a second...

Me:'Your friend Anna, is her full name Anna Heartfilia?' I asked causeing their eyes to widen.

Veldanava:"Yes that is her full name, was she in that world too?"

Me:'Yes, that's right.'

I just hope things are not so different from the anime and manga. Otherwise, it might be difficult for me to know what to do. In the world I've read there were many who shouldn't have suffered but did. I want to help them, but for all I know they may not exist in this world.

Well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


Veldanava:"We will teach you plenty in order for you to grow strong."

Selene:"Yes, we will make you so strong that no one could beat you."

Me:'Thanks mother, thanks father.'

After I thanked them they seem to be happy that I see them as my parents. Well they have been my parents since I came into this world. I was a only child in my previous and now I have 3 dragon siblings.

Veldanava:"Also, when I fould you I also found the remains of your birth parents. I have them stored in a storage space and will give them a proper burial when I find the right place for it."

So my birth parents are dead in this world; well I did wonder what happen to them. At least I have some closure.

Me:'When I woke up in this world I wonder what happened to them. That's one less burden on my mind, thanks for telling me father.'

Veldanava:"Your welcome son."

Selene:"Your such a brave boy." she said as she held me a little tighter trying to comfort me. She soon loosened and continued."We will raise you for about 5 years before we start teaching you magic. We can introduce you to other dragons you could learn from."

Me:'Ok that sounds like a good plan.'


5 years later

I has been 5 years since I was reincarnated into earthland, I have learned about reading and writing from my lessons with Anna-sensei. I also learned that Father Veldanava was friends with Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeeney, Skeadrum, and Weisslogia. While my Mother Selene was acquainted with Mercphobia and Alderon.

I found it surprising that father knew Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeeney, Skeadrum, and Weisslogia. I will most likely be joining Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox, Wendy Marvel, Rouge Chutney, and Sting Eugcliff when they travel to the future. Though considering what would happen to their dragon parents, I can't help feel sad for them, especially Wendy who deeply loved Grandeeney.

I am currently sitting crosslegged in front of my dragon parents while they are in their human forms. We were in a field near a forest, a place full of nature.

Selene:"You need to feel the earth, the wind, the energy aroud you: like being one with nature. Take deep breathes and concentrate, it will help you draw in ethernano to unlock your magic power."

Veldanava:"We know it might not be different for everyone, especially for humans. But we believe that you'll learn quick and if you have trouble, we'll be right here for you."

Me:"I understand, thanks." I said as I close my eyes and got into the pose naruto did when he was learning sage-jutsu(senjutsu).

I can hear the wind blowing, the grass and leaves rustling, and animals moving around. At the same time, I feel the wind on my skin and feel the vibrations from the ground. I take deep breathes while feeling the nature around me: I thought that using the senjutsu method from natruo might help with drawing in ethernano.

As seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours, I feel something entering my body causing me to feel warn despite the cool breeze on my skin. I think my body is starting to pull in ethernano and my magic power will unlock soon.

As the ethernano is being drawn into my body, I hope that I won't turn into a statue like how those who tried to learn sage-jutsu on Mount Myōboku. Since this is a different earthland from what I know, I don't know what other differences there are from the earthland I know of.

When I remembered the statue from Mount Myōboku, I felt a weight on my hands that wasn't there before. I opened my eyes to see that the very statue that I was thinking about was in my hands!

I look to my dragon parents to ask them something, only to see that they had a surprised look on their faces. I have a feeling I know what happened but I'll ask them just in case.

Me:"Mother, Father, Did either of you put this staute in my hands?"

They both shook their heads before replying.

Mother:"No we did not put that statue in your hands, it appeared while ethernano was being absorbed into your body. It appears you have quite the powerful magic."

Father:"Yeah, we saw that ethernano was being pulled into your body and during that we saw magic power converging above your hands and that's when the statue appeared."

If that is the case I need to try something to confirm my suspicion, I close my eyes and start to imagine a a pokemon from my previous life. As I gather the magic power with the clear image in my hear something starts to appear before me.

In front of me was a short chubby rodent covered in yellow fur, two horizontal stripes on his back, long pointed ears with black tips, a red circle on each cheek, a small mouth, brown eyes, two short forearms with five fingers on each paw, two feet with three toes each and a lightning bolt shaped tail with a patch of brown fure at the base. This is definitely a freaking male Pikachu in front of me!

Pikachu:"Pika?" it said as it came close to me.

I stick my hand out to pet it; it has soft fur as it leaned into my hand enjoying being petted.

Pikachu:"Pika pika." it said as it jumped toward me, rubbing itself on me.

My dragon parents looked surprised at the Pikachu that appeared out of nowhere.

Mother:"Did Albion just create a living thing?"

Father:"No, he didn't. I can tell that while it may look alive, it does not have a soul."

Mother:"That is a remarkable magic."

Their words have confirmed my suspicion, It seems I have unlocked the [Arc of Embodyment magic]. While this magic is powerful it does have limits to its use.

Me:"I know what is magic is." My dragon parents look at me as I continue. "It is a magic that gives form to the users imagination, known as [Arc of Embodyment magic]." I said all this while petting the Pikachu.

Father:"It reminds me of the [material creation] skills from my previous life. But that skll cannot create living things or souls. I was once a god who created worlds and the beings that live in them but since being reborn in this world I no longer have that power."

Mother:"That is amazing enough on its own; for Albion to posess such a magic is even rarer case."

Me:"But [Arc of Embodyment] has its limitations; like you need to have a strong imagination and it uses alot of magic power to create and maintain the creations." I said while looking at the pikachu rubbing against me like a cat before continuing. "Sorry Pikachu but this will be goodbye for now; but don't worry, I will see you again. You can count on that."

Pikachu:"Pikachu!" said the pokemon happily before it disappeared.

I also took the chance get rid of the frog statue too. After Pikachu and the statue disappeared, I started to feel tired; most likely from using too much magic power. Mother and Father looked concerned when they saw my face; my face must be giving away my tired state.

Mother/father:"Are you ok son?" they asked with worry.

Me:"It's ok, I am fine. I may have used too much magic, given my age that is to be expected when using magic like this. I just need to rest a bit and restore my magic power." I said as I begun meditating to absorb more ethernano from the atmosphere to restore my magic power.

I can feel my magic power being restored but I will need to continue to meditate and train to increase the amount of magic power I can use for my magic. But for now I should rest to also recover stamina. I should also train my body as well to increase my physical strength and stamina as well.

After a couple of minutes of meditation, my magic power was completely restored. Considering how draining [arc of embodyment] is I will hold off on using it until I have more magic power. I should focus on learning [dragon slayer magic] and train my body, Ill talk to my parents about this.

Me:"My magic power is restored but I still need to recover my stamina. I already have morning lessons with Anna-sensei, I just need two days for physical training, four days for magic training and one day to rest. That way I know I will get stronger so I can handle whatever the future may hold."

Mother:"That is a good plan, it would also be best that you learn other dragon slayer magics other then ours, I could contact Mercphobia and Alderon and ask them to teach you their magic."

Father:"I have [star dragon slayer magic] from my primary element and [law dragon slayer magic] based on information I could teach you. I might be able to convince Weisslogia and Grandeeney to see if they wants to take on another student."

[moon dragon slayer], [star dragon slayer], [water dragon slayer], [wood dragon slayer], [sky dragon slayer], [law dragon slayer] and [arc or embodyment]? Sounds like quite the arsenal to have; especially when [law dragon slayer magic] is the draconic version of [archive magic] and [sky dragon slayer magic] can be used for healing.

I will get stronger and handle whatever comes my way, be it Acnologia, Zeref, or some other unknown threat. I don't know what this world has to offer but I will be ready.


A/n 2: since MC will be a dragon slayer, He will have an Exceed. was going to use other anime female cat as a reference for his Exceed. here are some ideas to use for the MCs Exceed:

1) Kuroka (high school dxd)

2) Intress (chaotic)

3) Blair (soul eater)

4) Yoruichii (bleach)

5) other suggestions that you readers may have, I am open to ideas.

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