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100% Elden Ring: Advent of the Game-Given (SI/Multiverse) / Chapter 7: First Dungeon Dive (1/2)

Capítulo 7: First Dungeon Dive (1/2)


God damnit, why did this damn dungeon have to be set in the sewers? Couldn't it be something like a forest or something?

I stepped on a pile of rat shit, the fecal matter sticking to my feet like an anime protag's Yandere ex.

It wasn't anything I couldn't deal with, but still, it's fucking disgusting!

I had to deal with this the entire time I walked through different sewage tunnels.

I didn't run to conserve my energy, so it took me a few minutes to reach the closest red dot that had appeared on my Map.

And as expected, the red dot was a rat.

It had gray fur and was fairly small compared to the one we hunted before, reaching only up to my knees.

It looked to be facing away from me. 

So taking the chance, I used {Observe} on it, feeling a small amount of Mana leave my body.

{ – Observe – }

{Lesser Rodent}

{Level: 3}

{HP: 400/400}

{MP: 20/20}

{SP: 60/60}

It's Level 3, huh?

Judging by its status bars, its attributes should range between three and six, with Endurance being the highest at 6. 

That is, assuming they're calculated the same way my stats are.

It looks mostly ordinary, excluding its unnatural size, so hopefully it doesn't have any skills or anything of the sort.

Gripping my dagger tightly, I looked at it. It was a long, twisting thing, about 30 cm in length.

The handle was made from wood, and the blade was colored reddish-white and resembled a twisting spiral. 

As such, its edges were blunt, only having a sharp, pointed end. It was a weapon that was mostly effective for stabbing.

Curious about its damage output, I tried casting {Observe} on it, remembering that the skill could also be used on inanimate objects.

{ – Observe – }

{Horned Dagger}

{Rank: E–}

{Dagger fashioned from the horn of a dead Omen.}

{Durability: 95%}

{DMG Range: (DMG Dealt ≤ 10)*(STR)}

That's a bit strange, there's no set value for the damage. Does this mean it depends on where and how well I can strike it?

There's only one way to find out.

Taking slow, measured steps, I began approaching it with caution.

Due to the distance between us, it couldn't hear me approach, as I had silenced my footsteps as best I could.

This was different from when I had tried to act as bait, as I needed to utilize the element of surprise efficiently.

I kept closing the distance stealthily until I was only a few meters away from it. 

For some reason, as if a signal had gone off, the rat started turning in my direction, causing me to panic.

I made a split-second decision, bolting towards it, dagger poised to strike.

My abrupt decision made some noise, causing the rat to chitter, realizing someone had snuck up on it.

However, by the time it laid its eyes on me, I'd already thrown myself on it, using my entire weight to pin it down.

It tried to break free, but its efforts yielded no results.

"Now then," I said, the rat shrinking and trembling in fear as it saw the dagger in my hand and the "friendly" smile on my face.

Throughout the entire dungeon, screams of pain and terror could be heard, alerting every inhabitant of the dungeon.

Restlessness and the thirst to hunt spread throughout, at the arrival of a new challenger.

X – X – X – X – X – X

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

I read the panel that popped up right after I finished off the Lesser Rodent, showing me my rewards for killing the rat.

It seemed {Auto Loot} was at work, as the drops had already been sent to my {Inventory}.

The EXP and Credits were as expected, and though the items were nothing special, they still held some use.

Opening up my {Inventory}, I thought of bringing out the pelt first and the System responded to my desire as an entire piece of fur-covered skin appeared from thin air.

I grabbed it and held it up in front of me.

Gray fur covered the entirety of the pelt, mainly offering protection against the cold.

If I gained more pelts, could I make clothing out of them?

Something to think about.

The pelt disappeared as I put it back in the {Inventory}, switching it out for the meat I'd gotten.

It was an entire block of meat and fat, much heavier than the pelt. It weighed a few kilograms, forcing me to hold it tight so it didn't drop onto the dirty floor.

It was big enough to last me, Mehg, and Gordon an entire day or two.

Such a size came from a single mob, and I saw multiple of them on the Map.

If I hunted them all, we'd have food for days, and no longer have to worry about going hungry.

Though, I gotta hunt them first.

Bringing my wandering thoughts back on track, I put away the meat, letting it disappear into my {Inventory}.

From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that the corpse had begun to dissolve into particles, disintegrating until nothing was left.

Opening the Map, I noticed that most of the red dots that had been stationary before had begun to move.

Hmm, I wonder why… oh yeah, it's because of my dumbass.

Seriously, what kinda lungs did that thing have that it screamed so fucking loudly?

I know I'm at fault for that, probably shouldn't have tortured the poor thing so much, but still…

Well, at least I got some useful information from that… disturbing venture.

The useful information being first-hand experience on how the damage system works. It seemed that my guess was correct.

Surface level damage like small stabs and cuts on the skin only dealt a base damage of 1 or 2, amplified by my Strength attribute, and any other skills, items, and or buffs that I may have applied on myself.

Attacks that penetrated the flesh ranged from a base damage of 3 to 8 depending on the severity.

Finally, any strikes to sensitive or important organs such as eyes, ears, lungs, testicles, etc, deal a base damage of 9 or 10, along with a guaranteed critical strike that increases the damage by 200%.

I didn't get to see what would happen if I directly attacked the brain or the heart, but I assumed that It would take off 90%, if not, 100% of the enemy's health, regardless of the damage the dagger can deal.

However, I was curious about how it'd work with stronger weapons with a higher base damage and a higher Strength attribute.

Would the enemies just keel over and die from a paper cut, or would some kind of damage reduction be applied to keep things consistent?

Hmm… I'll ask Rusty about this later.

Getting my thoughts in order, I scoured the Map again, noticing another dot approaching my location.

I hadn't moved from where I had conducted my little experiment, so I don't think it knew where I was.

I began moving towards its location, picking up the pace as I finally decided to take the dungeon seriously.

I passed through moss and sewage-covered walls and I soon had my second encounter with the dungeon's inhabitants.

Casting {Observe}, I found its stats to be the same as the other one.

The only difference was that this time, the rat was facing toward me, so there was no chance of me sneaking up on it.

As soon as it saw me, it screeched and used its little legs to run towards me, while I did the same.

It jumped high once it got within range, trying to take a bite out of my neck, and its open maw met my fist as I sent it flying away.

{-7 HP}

It hit the ground, splashing dirty water everywhere. Getting back up, it shook its head as it tried to recover from the hit.

It didn't take more than a second for it to resume its assault as it jumped again, this time going for a bigger target, that is my torso.

I sidestepped it, bringing my dagger up and slashing at its side.

{-33 HP}

The rat screeched as my attack met its mark, though the dagger couldn't penetrate deep enough to deal critical damage.

I used {Observe} on it again, since I couldn't see its health.

{ – Observe – }

{Lesser Rodent}

{Level: 3}

{HP: 360/400}

{MP: 20/20}

{SP: 60/60}

I took off 40 HP, just from two hits. Not bad, but not good enough.

As the rat landed on the ground, it recovered quickly before dashing at me once more, aiming for my neck again.

I waited for it to get closer, and when it did…


I ducked underneath, punching my arm out with full force, and stabbing my dagger directly where its gut would be.

{Critical Strike! | -177 HP}

Some of its blood fell directly on me, staining my hair. 

I quickly retracted my dagger, letting it fall before I pounced on its screeching form directly stabbing its eye, and ending its life.

{Critical Strike! | -198 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

A few moments later, the corpse started disintegrating, but I didn't linger and went after the next closest enemy.

A few minutes later, I received more loot as I dealt with another rat.

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

This went on, and by the time I knew it, I'd dealt with seven more of them within half an hour.

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 21 EXP, 70 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x7), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x7).}

Not only that, but I'd also used {Observe} on each rat I encountered, and because of that, it leveled up.

{{Observe} has leveled up!}

{Observe (2/20 | 20%) (Novice) (Passive/Active): Allows you to view basic information about anyone and anything within your field of vision, as long as you focus on them, and as long as their Level is within a certain range.}

{Current Level Range: 11}

{Cost: 10 MP per use.}

Man, I'm on a roll right now!

At this rate, it won't be long before I reach the boss.

Not only that but I'm figuring out how to deal with them more effectively as I go.

Each one I fought, helped me become more and more efficient at dealing with them.

However, I only fought each of them alone. It was a 1v1 every time, and I felt it would only get tougher from now on.

And as it turned out, I was right, because not even a minute later, I stood in front of two rats, instead of one.

Like the other rats I encountered, they came at me with little regard for their life. 

Their only goal was to kill and feast on my corpse, that much I could gleam from their hungry eyes.

Fortunately, they didn't attack me simultaneously, giving me some breathing room.

I ran up to the rat closer to me, kicking it away as hard as possible, before it could leap at me. 

{-7 HP}

Using that time, the other rat jumped at me, but I barely evaded it with a sidestep, jamming the dagger where the spine would be.

{Critical Strike! | -198 HP}

But I didn't stop there. Slamming it onto the ground, I went directly for its brain, giving a quick, hard stab.

{-13 HP}

{Critical Strike! | -198 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

Turning towards where I had kicked the other rat, I was met with its crooked teeth trying to bite out my neck.

I instinctively raised my hand, just in time to protect my neck as it clamped down on my raised arm instead.

{-40 HP}


I tried to shake it off, but the little fucker wouldn't let go.

Gritting my teeth, I started giving it a shanking so glorious, that even the toughest bloke in London would gaze at me in awe and envy.

{Critical Strike! | -177 HP}

{-53 HP}

{-46 HP}

{-53 HP}

{Critical Strike! | -177 HP}

{Lesser Rodent slain.}

{You have gained 3 EXP, 10 Credits, Lesser Rodent Pelt (x1), and Lesser Rodent Meat (x1).}

A panel popped up, telling me I had killed. At the same time, I felt its jaw slacken as its disintegrating corpse fell to the ground. 

Yet, my attention was solely focused on my wounded arm. Blood flowed from it, dripping it down.

I was hyper-focused on it, and my heart was the only thing I could hear, beating at a horse's pace.

Standing there, I realized that if I'd been just a bit slower, that rat would have taken me out then and there.

I'd been too hasty in dealing with this dungeon, treating it more like a walk in the park instead of an actual dungeon.

One misstep, one moment of carelessness is all it would take, and my life would be cut short.

It was a bitter realization that fortunately came before it was too late. 

A gamer I was, but a game it was not.

Opening the Map, I saw the distance between me and the next group of rats. 

As it turned out, the remaining ones all clustered together in groups of twos and threes.

One group was slowly closing in on my location, no doubt attracted because of my pained scream.

I wasn't used to fighting while injured, so I would definitely make mistakes that would get me killed.

In that case, there was only one option left.

Doing a 180… I bolted.

Nigerundayo, Rusty!

[A tactical retreat? Good choice, and while I do not have a physical body, I will simulate running beside you as a show of support to boost your morale.]

Thanks, buddy! 

I ran in the direction I'd come from. 

Making sure I was a ways away from the roaming groups, I slumped down the wall as the adrenaline left my body.

It would take a few minutes for me to heal back to full. 

I counted a total of 19 dots remaining on the Map. I've already killed 12, which means there were 31 enemies within this dungeon.

That is if there aren't any hidden ones. If there are any, hopefully, they remain hidden.

19 enemies and one of them is probably the boss.

Bringing up the {Inventory}, I took out the item I planned on using later.

{Beginner Class Change Token (x1)}

In my hand, was a shining bronze-colored coin, about thrice the size of a US quarter, with the letter "C", carved into it.

It was plain for the most part, with no engravings, or anything of the like.

But my only concern was its use, so I shoved any extra thoughts to the back of my mind.

Now then, how do you work?

X – X – X – X – X – X

AN: Do you guys want me to create an auxiliary chapter showing all the stats and everything?

next chapter
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