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11.11% Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus] / Chapter 1: Spartan Law: 1
Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus] Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus] original

Dungeon: Spartan Law [Hiatus]

Autor: SoupHarbinger

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Spartan Law: 1




Spartans, brothers, fathers and sons. All stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder in a grand phalanx as a roman testudo thunders towards the hill they are guarding.

A roman principes cataphractus rides infront of the formation and halts them with his banner.



The roman leader waves his red banner to the left twice and to the right once, the formation splits and the thunderous march of 100s of mercenary gauls clang against the rocky ground.

Soldiers with ashen blonde hair wielding, axes, shields, falxes, rhomphaias, and donning leather armor, animal skins and even some of the chieftains have lamellar plate or scaled armor.

They form into a basic shield wall, putting their shock polearm troops in the back along with their rock slingers and javelin throwers.

As the gauls approach the Spartans ready their famous silver gilded shields over their bodies.

Javelins begins flooding the sky towards the greek warriors who hold their shields strong.

A gaul chieftain wielding a large 2 handed fall screams.


The shield wall crashes forward against the phalanx, the spears keep them at bay but the Spartans cannot continuously thrust their spears lest they get a rock or javelin to their head wich would mean almost certain death.

The Greeks push back the barbarians with their spears for what feels like hours, poking and prodding with only a few enemy deaths, javelins and dents cover the shields of the proud warriors.

The cataphractus rides forward and stops behind the mercenaries.



Arrows rain down on the spartan backline, the unprepared auxiliaries fall like dominoes, arrows scattering their bodies.


The king, wearing a large red plumed helmet, similar to a roman commanders screams as he throws a pilum back at the veteran warriors attacking their line.

"King their archers are too many, this will not last we must retreat."

"Orpheus, silence, we do not retreat!"

The fellow spartan rears his head down, he knows death is approaching and their is no hope, but their foolish king and culture will not allow them to fight another day when they are stronger, and many.

The king continues picking up pilums off the ground and chucking them over his small phalanx of 75 Spartans, now more like 50 after the arrow barrage.


The king turns behind his formation and looks beyond the hill to about half a mile away where black smokestacks rise from the ground.

"The Roman cavalry.. they.."



With a phalanx broken and the remaining warriors charging down the hill total hell breaks lose, the confident Gauls are stuck backing down a hill, now with all of their missiles used to thin the herd.

The Spartans now armed with their spathas slash down the gauls, weaving like a pack of wolves through each other to kill the barbarians.



Flaming arrows rain down from the sky, the roman hastati and velites throw droves of pilum at the raging warriors, falling them tens of yards before they can even reach their lines. Soon only 3 Spartans remain standing only due to the commander ceasing fire.

"Yield. If you do not the rest of Sparta shall burn, your children shall be taken from this land, and the women bred to birth your bloodlines out of existence, what say ye king of mighty warriors?"

The red plumed spartan stands silently.




"Ha. If."

The king rears his shoulder back and with a mighty crack a broad blade javelin sinks into the cavalrymans chest, he sinks against his horse, lifeless.

The hastati attack and there stands the warrior king, dozens of javelins sticking out of his body, so much so when he falls forward they hold his body up into the air.




The roman soldiers cheer, raising their weapons and banners of eagles high into the air.




"Ah shit, I really thought I had that sim, fucking roman archers are so bullshit, they need to be nerfed."

A young man with shaggy black hair raises a vr headset off his head, next his hands move to motion trackers all over his body wich he quickly plucks off one by one.

"Kingbanner 1.3 is fucked, they just buffed whichever faction they liked and not what balanced the game!"

He slaps the headset aggressively on the floor, his face glowing red.

"Stupid shit."

"Spartans have the best infantry in the game, I didnt know that arrows fuckng 3 shot them what kind of shit shit is that?!?!?! The prick I was playing against was a diamond 3 so I had low hopes but Jesus he shat on me so hard just because he used the meta faction what an absolute pussy!"

The boys stomach grumbles, he clutches it and begins breathing at a human rate again.

"Damn I'm hungy."

He grabs his wallet from a small desk that is in complete shambles from being kicked and punched.

Seems like hes got a bit of a gamer rage problem..

The door flies open and he walks out, slamming it shut behind him.

Now in the streets of a small town he takes a stroll towards a gas station where her can obtain some munchies for another late night game.

The 7/11 comes into view, only a couple blocks away now.

He marches into the store smiling, the young girl who is the cashier on shift waves at him.

He is a regular here, coming 4 times a day to get some micro plastic juice and cancer snacks, just known to be a generally unhealthy person but still he remains skin and bones somehow.

His hands grip a munstar energy drink aswell as some shickers bars.

The cashier slides them and they beep, then she clicks some buttons on the small screen in front of her.


The boy slaps a 5 dollar bill onto the desk wich she takes and slots into the register.


"Nah. Keep it Maya."

The girl now slightly rizzed by the twink looking boy blushes.

The boy takes up his items but as he goes to leave the door bursts open, a man with a black mask and hoodie over his head stands quietly, his right hand jammed into his pocket.

"I have a gun. Hand over everything you got or I'll shoot."

The boys face grows in terror, his eyes widening and hands shaking.

"Dude - I - uh just spent it all."

"Stop lying, empty your wallet, cashier stay still or I will kill this boy."

Mayas body is frozen solid, her dyed blonde hair falling to her shoulders as her hands left it.

"O-ok sir just dont hurt anyone."

She pleads, not moving a muscle as she speaks. sweat drips down her face.

The young man pulls out his wallet slowly and presents it, empty just as he already said.

"Tch, girl open the cash register now."

The robber turns from the boy and stares at Maya who slowly opens the register and slides the slots out.

"Alright that's what I'm talking about."

The robber reaches his hand in and scoops up all the cash, he grips Mayas hip and then let's go.

"Hmm I would take you but that's an extra charge."

Before the robber leaves the boy charges him, a large pocket knife in his hand.


The knife plunges into the robbers chest and he screams as blood spurts everywhere.




A bright muzzle flash appears 3 times in quick succession, the piercing sound nearly deafening everyone in the room.

The lonely gamer drops forward, ragodlling with his legs splayed out and not a single noise coming from his mouth gurgling blood.

Maya scream as the bandit bastard runs off leaking blood like a broken condom.

The girl rushes to the boy huddled over him, ahe pumps his chest to give him cpr, but when geisers of blood shoot out she resigns his fate to nature, tears streaming down her face.

"Adonis wake up come on this isnt funny!"






[1st person]


Eughhh what the hell..

Am I dead, wait I cant see anything?!?!


Ah shit my eyes are closed nvm, I'm probably in the hospital.


My eyes jolt open..

This ain't a hospital. My back is layed up against a tree a man with sharp features and short blonde stubble stares at me.

"The caravan is leaving the Empire to head to Orario soon, and they need a guard. Get up get payed dumbass."

Where am I? Who is this guy.

"Eh who are you?"

The man stares at me smiling.

"That's a funny joke Adonis, grow the fuck up."

His short curly hair billows in the wind as he stands fully away from me.

I in turn stand up..

Is it just me or is everyone short af around here.

My eyes gaze below to the streets of the small village.






I watched 2 episodes of that shit and dropped it because the protagonist gave me high estrogen vibes.


Also my hair.

Its red?!


Uh that came out wrong. I hope Maya is ok but I'm never seeing her again..

She was a 7/10 anyways...

Danmachi. It's one of the shows ever.

Kill monsters level up simple right.

"Stop spacing out Adonis, this was your dream, to leave this shitty village.. Fine I'll play along. It's me Ryan your neighbor."

"Haha I was fucking with you Ryan, where was the caravan again."

"Edge of town, leaving in 3 hours. Leave if you want. I hope I never see your big ass again."

"Yea same you fucker."

He laughs and walks away, holding the falchion on his belt to keep it from flopping around.

I don't have any weapons or armor.


I'm shirtless and got some freaky tatoos all over me, atleast I'm fucking ripped... Wich is average in this world, my luck I look in the mirror and I'm a half troll or something and I look like grendel..

All I got to my name is pants and underwear and this little seax dagger meant for making kindling.

I love me a good rock bottom Start whatever sent me here catered to my personality a bit, on kingbanner I chose the homeless wretch start everytime, on one run I became viking king and conquered the world as an assyrian hobo.

Good times.

But this is real life now, all the combat I had in those games had pain disabled. This is real..

I walk from the tree to the edge of the small village, some dudes in plate armor and complete bascinet helms sit around a fire, by them are 3 wagons loaded with furs and some passengers, women and kids, and some elderly people.


The caravan guard look at me, the one with a red hauberk wich has a lion Crest lifts up his helmet.

"What are you looking for, buying or selling?"

"I want to join as a guard."

"Heh, you are a big lad. Half giant? or half high elf. no no darker skin. Half blood drow maybe. Just your appearwnce alone would probably scare bandits off. Sure we'll take you. About let's say.. 4000 vallis payment."

I don't know if 4000 vallis is alot. Am I getting grifted?

Also my race..

Hell if I know. Hopefully just human I don't want to be sterile that would suck... Are half breeds sterile in this world? Fuck I know nothing about this place.

Should've given in to peer pressure and watched it.. Apparently the honkers on some of the females kept people watching for multiple seasons.

"Oy lad where are your weapons??

"Oh haha, dont got any."

"What, you want to become a mercenary but dont have a weapon? Galter could you lend him a spear?"

He looks to the guard on his left.

"Mm yes captain.. but that's 500 vallis off his payment."

"I will take it."

The guard leans behind the log and reaches into a pile of shit, after a few minute of scrambling around he pulls up a short militia spear and tosses it to me.

"Have fun kid we ride at dawn."

The spear small and the grips on the haft and worn and splintered, I don't know if this is worth 500 valis..

I need to research the currency of this world asap once we get to Orario.

I know for sure this is a scam.

"You know how to use that lad?"

He points at the spear.

"A little."

The knight commander stands up.

"A little spar, to see if you are actually capable."

The commanders arms up with a shield and short mace.

"alright boy show me what ya got."

A spear is simple to use, just know your measure and keep the target at bay, look for gaps in their armor.. Finally me VRMMO knowledge will actually be helpful in real life.

I brace the spear and point it out at the man in plate armor, he slides his helmet down.

"I wont hit too hard, seeing as you have no armor."

The man begins walking slowly with his heater shield out infront of his body.

My arms with a strength unknown to myslef thrust the spear forward towards the armpit crack of his armor, he deflects it with his shield and continues advancing, I shuffle back sleeping distance. His armor will wear him down fast for sure, but he might be an adventurer with a level, I doubt it he would have already used a skill or something. And the way he moves, it's too slow for him to be affiliated with those people.

"Come on boy attack me already!"

I thrust the spear at the man but he manages to block me continously. I need to get over his shield but I don't want to get any closer.


I slowly slide the knife off my belt while keeping the man at bay with one arm and the spear couched in my arm.

I move forward and the knight charges me to try and take me down quickly while I'm out of measure.

I drop the spear and grapple his legs and slam onto the ground, I pull the knife and hold it to his throat.

"Haha well done, the way you were fighting I didn't think you would ever do something, but you forgot something, I still have a weapon in my hand."

He taps the mace on my back.

"You passed but remember to go for the kill on a real enemy."

I push off the ground and stand up.

"A little help here?"

He pokes his hand up from off the ground, I grasp it and pull him up to standing.

"Phew, go rest now and meet here in the morning and we shall embark to the grand capital of the world, oh and take this for your troubles."

He hands me a small deerskin pouch, I open it and inside small silver coins clink, shining as light hits them.

"Its 125 vallis dont freak out brother."

I scratch my neck, putting the small spear into my belt loop, facing upwards lying on my back.

"Well uh, see you guys."

Well time to look for a place to sleep, I sure hope there is an inn or tavern in this little village.

After exploring for a bit and being accosted by some ladies of the night I found it.

Forked Lizard Inn and brewery.

The stench of stale liquor dominates my senses as I step in, various dwarven patrons gather with their obtuse smoking pipes.

A middle aged woman with braided blonde hair mans the reception and bar area wich is directly right of the entrance

"You alone hotshot? Need a drink or room?"

She looks at me indifferently, her eyes void of emotion, and for some reason she has a skyrim nord accent wich is uncanny and somewhat comforting at the same time.

"Yea I'm alone, and I need a room for just the night."

"Well alright then that'll be 100 vallis."

Damn that's almost all my money.

I scrape the coins out onto the desktop, I know they are worth ten each because of the literal 10 inscribed on them.

"Thanks love, 3rd down from the left, have a good night."

She smiles and sticks the money down her shirt.

That's an interesting way of collecting money, but probably safer than locking it up.

And I'm not sure if it's just tavern wench charisma but I think she was coming onto me..

Probably not I'm just a skeptic weirdo.

"Oh hon what was your name, incase your a wanted criminal."


"Family name?"


"Well ok then have a good night Adonis."

It is a short walk to the room, the simple wooden door whines as it opens, screeching forward on rusted hinges of bronze.

So this is it?

A small bed, desk and a small storage chest. Behind the door a deadbolt made of wrought iron is connected firmly to the wall, I slide it forward obviously.

It clacks with a satisfying plink and the small handle flops downwards and into its slotted piece.

I flip the chest open and stick my dagger and feeble sack of coins into it. I lay my spear next to my bed and lay down, the shitty linen sheets make my skin itch at every shift and the rusty bed frame whines with every movement.

Welcome to the medieval world..


[Adonis image]

SoupHarbinger SoupHarbinger

Welcome to my little adventure story..

next chapter
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