/ Fantasy / Demon Lord's Reincarnation
4.63 (481 Avaliações)
The strongest Demon Lord dies and reincarnates as a human.
Follow his journey as he learns more about the truths of his past. About the secrets within himself that he never knew before.
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Escreva uma avaliaçãoAll my reviews are truthful (The way I review originals and translations are different), I'm not going to try and inflate anyone's egos if the book doesn't justify it. Writing Quality 4/5: The transitions are pretty smooth, nothing much to say here. (There are naturally your occasional grammar mistakes, but I'm not going to nit-pick something so miniscule. These occasional bumps in the writing have no major effect on the actual flow of the writing, which is really good for an ******* writer on WN; where english isn't the first language for many of the readers/writers.) E.g, In this novel you get your occasional use of 'Superfluous Commas', (where the writer uses a comma before because even though it is not necessary.) Examples of the types of minor errors I'm talking about, Unlike his demon family who only respected him, because of his power (Now, your typical extremely minor mistakes.) Kretos tried to speak, but was unable to. It would seem that his body wasn't develop enough to do such a thing. - Let's be honest here, we all know that it should be 'developed' and our eyes would auto-correct it pretty quickly anyway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was at this point in time, Kretos lifted his arms he finally noticed that his arms were small and dainty. This was not the arm of the supreme overlord, this was the arms of a baby. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Alright, it doesn't take a genius to recognize that these two sentences aren't perfect. Yet, we as your average readers can easily understand the general plot and direction the author is heading with.) Stability of Updates 5/5: The updates appear punctual (good to see) Story Development: The story is primarily about the MC progressing to become more 'human', he enjoys the warm feeling of love and care from a paternal family which is progress. Character Design: So far I can say that reading only 10 chapters, the MC has character. I admired the way he greeted his son's betrayal, even though it's not very 'realistic' in human terms I still enjoyed reading it nevertheless. Perhaps I've grown tired of the common trope, 'You, a haughty young master stared at my girl? Prepare for the nine familial exterminations.' Yet, this is also the character's double-edged sword. (You get the feeling that since he can greet death so casually, why won't he just do the same in his next life? — This may just be my own personal agenda against tropes like these, many readers would enjoy this type of MC though, so no massive complaints here.) The writer is able to give a seperate and unique personality to his main cast, so it doesn't feel like that we the readers are reading 2D cardboard cut-outs. So here's my conclusion, if you enjoy the magical world of 'elves', 'demons' etc you will probably enjoy this novel. Personally, it's not my cup of tea, the novels I enjoy are less main-stream. (The types of MC I admire also differ to this type of MC portrayed by the writer, but I can't comment on 'Writing Quality' in the review due to my personal preferences.) Overall Review: 4/5 (For an original it's definitely above average, but would I compare it to the likes of a novel like CCG, or perhaps even the averagely translated Shadow Hack? No fucking way.) My personal recommendations: Doomed To Be Cannon Fodder, Transmigator Meets Reincarnator, EMHS, Lord Xue Ying If anyone wants me to do an in-depth review, simply @reply to me in one of my reviews and I'll do a truthful in-depth review if I can actually understand the flow of the writing. (I write these reviews so that the section for determining whether someone reads a story is actually truthful and not full of deceit.)
Hi author here :) This is something I wrote to get out of my writers block while writing adopted soldier. So I don't know if it's going to be good but I'll try.
The problem with this story is its characters are unappealing. The character development is done by showing scenes where the MC is taking action. But he makes actions with little sense behind them that just make you feel like he's an immature sociopath. Rather than being an indomitable demon king reborn he is an impulsive little ****. All the other characters are paper thin.
We don't know much about the world the MC is in. Instead we know that the MC has some kind of bromance with his hero friend. His friend is very annoying and I don't understand why the MC would deal with his crap. Isn't the MC suppose to be a Demon King? You kept saying he is so strong on par with S ranks, but he runs away from a elder lich even though he killed a king drake. Then we have Hilda who is the worst companion you could've gave the MC. You didn't even try to make her likable for the readers and now we're stuck with the MC dealing with her crappy attitude. But the thing I dislike the most in this story is how you've made his sword spirit into some kind of long lost friend. That they met in a previous life 'eons' ago and now the sword spirit is trying to rekindle their relationship even though the MC doesn't have memories of her. I feel like you're trying to hard to make a 'cool' MC and forgot to make realistic developments. I suggest you should amend these things by going back and focusing on one thing at a time. Because right now you have the hero school arc, underworld arc and adventurer arc all mashed together into a mess. Instead plot out these arcs one at a time and finish them with out worrying about the other arcs. After which you'll have an easier time interconnecting these timelines together for a smoother read. Giving the characters proper time to develop. I do hope you'll take my advice and make some changes later on.
This Book has a bright future and look forward to what is to come in this new author for thise looking for a interesting plot and a set of characters that you come to like i highly recommend this novel
Not enough depth this storyline doesn’t have enough build up Very good interesting concept but not enough build up author in too much of hurry to develope finished product
Revelar SpoilerI believe it was ok until the "second" reincarnation of Kretos. It's very generic for this kind of novel. There's a few problems I have with this novel. 1 Half the girls that he takes in don't have any sort of personality or reason to be there. (Hilda, Sword Princess, everyone from the Kretos arc) 2. He's the Demon Lord Reincarnated, he has the wisdom of supposedly 10,000 different reincarnations or even more. He's supposed to be very intelligent. He cares so much about his family and village, but leaves them to fend for themselves. You literally know that there are forces stronger than whatever Lisa could possibly train... He had established himself as a force already within Grenton, but he didn't move his family or his village there. Sure maybe not the village since he has the whole "I break the norm and only care about people I care about" attitude, but at least your family. Using Lisa and the Father as a way to push the story to some other place was probably the biggest turnoff for me. 3. What is the Kretos arc? It's a huge mess and the story could have taken a much better turn than that.
Revelar SpoilerLiteral trash, seriously the amount of times I question how the f*ck is this even rated so high when at the start he gets destroyed just by blocking his mana, are you f*cking kidding me?, Strongest? MORE LIKE SHITTIEST, and how come he gets destroyed so easily at the beginning? at the very least, make it so that he dies after fighting 100 heroes so it make it look like he's the strongest, not by getting so easily tricked holy sh*t. Next is the amount of antagonists, every single fucking one of them is retarded with dick for a brain, and you though CN Novels young master are annoying? WELL EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SIDE CHARACTER HERE IS TRASH. All I can say don't even bother trying to read this, I read so many CN novels that have lower rating but still be readable but this? this trash? DON'T since your brain cells might just kill themselves for seeing this ****.
In the beginning, the story isn't too different from the general standard. Old works rehashed into something somewhat new and workable. However, that is one of the good things so far about this story. Unlike most stories that blindly throw out an old theme and jump into the story they really want to write—as if they couldn't think up an original opening of their own—this story comes off more like it was inspired to be this way. It's worth sinking your teeth into and has a couple of moments to laugh at fairly early on. Overall: Reincarnation - check. Demon Lord - check. Hero cheat system - check Dungeons & Dungeon Cores - check Female sidekicks for Male Leads - check Simple yet Good Foreshadowing - check Same old story — No! I've read what's available so far and I am not disappointed. If the author maintains this level of story preogression and interest, it should be worth reading for a long time to come. If I have one complaint about this story, it is the fact that these kind of stories are the ones most likely to be dropped. I've rarely seen an ending to stories with similar themes and formats. Usually, the story progresses without a foreseeable end until it is eventually canceled, dropped, abandoned or gets too ridiculous and the readers disappear. Hope this one makes it to the end.
I've had chapter 1 of this story opened in a new tab for almost 2 months ever since I found it while browsing for things to read, but I finally found the will within me to begin reading and find something good. Chapter 1, he dies. Makes sense given it's a Reincarnation novel. The grammar is painful to read, but I have hopes that it'll get better. I find the purity of the demon lord's lust for a fun battle to the death exciting. I prepare myself for the new experiences and people he'll meet when he reincarnates... and then it happens. Every sentence I read, every new interaction, reaction, and action the characters make makes me more and more nauseous as I scream (silently) into my pillow. It just gets cringier and cringier with cliches that I would normally be fine with thrown into the mix until I get to chapter 14 and I just can't take it anymore. The god awful sentence structure and comma placement is still bad, and I just can't. I tried turning off my brain and enjoying the story for what it is, but it wasn't enough. I check the comments and reviews to see a generally really positive reception for the story with a few outliers who share my opinion. I'm sure there's SOME kind of great, next level character development that really saves the story in the future, but I'll be crying myself to sleep and wondering if I'm really the crazy one for thinking this isn't writing worthy of praise before I ever get there. And yes, I'm well aware that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that some people do like the story, dear Author. Apparently many people like it, and I just don't get it. Don't try to reason with me: I'm just here to leave my honest review and then forget I read this. Hopefully my opinion gets buried by all of the positive reviews so people don't have to see my disparaging words.
Hi the author here :) Honestly, I want to rate this 5 star but all those 5 star reviews reading it with high expectations and finding out that is just a decent novel with too much sparkling colour painted on top of it. Only reason why I rated it 4 star and not 3 star is because I try not to be biased unlike those flipping 5 star reviewers... While some of them are genuine, but most of them are straight bs.....
another title that is misleading this should be "the redemption of the demon king" , from a person who kills to a person who all talks about killing but he won't, he's got affected by the hero who don't want to kill an enemy and only beat them even they kill you
Very good plot because the mc is not some kind of reincarnated fcked mcs which just start changung so much that they even forgt sime of there principles (of course that is there demonic things)...well the mc is a great battle maniac
Nice likable MC, some ups and down but overall good. Sometimes I was confuse about reincarnation and incarnation thingy on the authors work but its ok, I hope in the future he properly explain on how and why does many incarnation of MC works and why haven't they heard on some histories.
Seriously does no one ever bother to edit or proofread their stories before they release it? It's not that hard even if English isn't your native language you can always find someone to help. The grammar and structure of the sentences alone is giving me a massive headache trying just to make it coherent enough for me to understand it. EDIT YOUR WRITING AND GET A PROOFREADER
I Love This Story And How Even Though The MC Was Very O.P He Was Still At Haults When He Discovered That There Were Beings Who Far Surpassed His Levels And Even Wanted To Battle Them Through Mana And Force Of Will In All.
Revelar SpoilerAll I can say is: great, very interesting ideas concentrated into one novel. Due this great novel existing, there are only few novels that only come close to qualify to being compared to it. Great novel.👍
Just caught up with the chapters which is currently 471. This novel is so amazing. Author you better never drop this book until it has a satisfying ending. This is definitely a top 5 best novel EVER.
Autor lynerparel
So to start out with I’m a bit burned out on this type of novel just coz they're all the same and not much change. And that’s where this one improves, changes does something right which is Character Growth. You don’t see it often really often or I’ll be that the MC devolves into some dick. The author has a really good grasp of character growth and I can’t wait for more. The chapter read nice and easy and there is a good flow to them. Will review again after more is out but for the time being I enjoy it. Check it out yourself