The sharp teeth of the viper-like hair snakes left deep impressions on the skin of Samiel. Although Shekansha had never been in true combat, she knew that they were venomous. She felt horrified seeing the results of her subconscious defence.
However, before she could worry too much, she felt herself losing touch with her control of the hair snakes. The snakes turned back into her luscious long hair. She looked at Samiel in surprise. He was studying the marks.
He twisted his head a little and looked at Shekansha with a smile. A green colour washed over his purple eyes like a sweet poison dripping before they cleared up.
"As delicious as I thought it would be…" He said with a flirtatious smile.
Shekansha's beautiful face flushed with embarrassment. "Can you be more proper? And what did you do to my snakes?"
Hey angels,
At the risk of jinxing, I am so proud of myself for DMB this month. Keeping up with two books ain't easy. I promised coins giveaway, but no one showed interest. So, I am letting those who find the code first redeem it.
Thanks for the support.
Lots of love.