The time of 2 days was not much to begin with, it passed by in a blink of an eye for Shu XinYi, who was having a comfortable time for the most part. For Valen too, it passed by way too quickly, yet for him, no second of it was comfortable. Having his own son rebel against him, Valen couldn't decide what he must do next. The main city mine is only the 5th most important mine amoung all others, so the loss would not be the worst of it, but how did it even come to all this?
The morning of the second day, while cooking breakfast, for both his father and himself, Nerva subtly asked, "So father, did you find out why brother Juno is doing all this? Would he really give that fake evidence to the king if you don't meet him today?"
Valen was checking out some letters, while sipping on his tea, he said with a tone of annoyance, "Don't add to my headache. I don't know about all that. I can't possibly give him this mine, and I have to do anything I can to prevent that."