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93.54% DEAD NO MORE / Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Capítulo 29: Chapter 29

Tai avoided every swing of bodies coming her way and cutting it close a few times when she felt a sting on her arm as her eyes widened trying to recall if it was a piece around her that knicked her or those things.

Tai threw a magnesium grenade that one of the arms grabbed pulling it inside the mass of bodies when it went off with an explosion she used a door to block chunks of burning body parts flying while the tail of bodies was whipping around hitting the floor and ceiling trying to put out the fire that was burning the whole tail that was insight.

" that thing has to be still in the furnace room...shit how am I gonna do this " Tai said seeing Sydney come inside the door making her way over to Tai.

" NO GET BACK TO THE OTHERS " Tai shouts at her making Sydney look at her body over seeing blood covering Tais arm, she fires the rifle where a blue sphere envelopes the bodies making them turn to ash.

" come on " Sydney said pulling Tai out of the room as more body parts drop from a vent in the hallway striking at Tai and ignoring Sydney completely.

" what the fuck " Sydney said firing another round clearing the way for them as they heard the vent above them needing to the weight of the bodies pushing through it.

" Hina on the controls find something that will clear the vents in case of a contaminate in them " Rory walked over taking the tablet finding what she's looking for as the vent slides shut over all the covers trapping it inside as a fire erupts inside the vents also filling the one room they were in that had the broken vent and ceiling.

" son of a bitch" Tai said leaning against the wall sliding down, she looked right then left when she seen the room burning they ran from.

" when will the fire sprinklers kick on " Tai said getting up grabbing a fire extinguisher from the wall looking back down the hallway seeing the people come out of the office.

" No all of you stay inside for now until I can clear this floor to make sure none has broken check on needle dick " Tai said limping over to the room using the extinguisher to put the fire out.

Olivia stood at the doorway seeing a look of fear on Tais face and she also noticed wounds that was dropping blood where Tai stood as she paled thinking about her being Infected, Olivia took two steps then stopped when Tai started backing away.

" Please " Tai said as Hina nodded holding in her tears pulling Olivia back in the room as Rory ignored them shutting the door behind her then jogs toward Tai who collapses to the floor feeling weak from blood loss.

" it's not bites at Least " Rory said tying a tourniquet to Tais arm and leg while Sydney handed her a med kit where she staples the wounds shut after cleaning them.

" we don't know if that thing got you or from the disarray of that room with all the metal with the broken wood" Rory said leaning in kissing Tais cheek, she looked back to the room where Hina put Harold on the door to not let them out no matter what.

" Rory go back with the others I'll keep Sydney by me, I hope we get to finish our discussion later " Tai said holding Rory's hand making her smile nodding her head while blushing, when she turned around to leave a tear escaped her eye going back to the office to start on what they need to do next since she read over some of Hinas notes.

" are those wounds " Hina asked while holding Olivia's hand while sitting on the couch with Ari who they had to give a sedative to when she was trying to leave the room to get to Tai.

" I'm not sure if it was something in the room since it was destroyed or the infused infected that is a level eight so it's hard to say " Rory said not looking Hina in the eyes walking over to the desk watching the cameras that she zoomed in on Sydney who was sniffing Tais wounds making a frowning face as Rory looked over at Olivia rubbing her stomach.

" I'd never thought I'd see you a mother just seeing you eighteen " Rory said smiling at Olivia who sadly smiled at her, Rory looked at the men around then back at Olivia.

" who is the father...I mean did he make it" Rory said trying to not think about what's going on with Tai as Hina and Olivia frown making her confused.

" Tais a uni-sex so she's one in a million that can actually get me pregnant" Olivia said making Rory put two and two together as she blushed.

" so that wasn't a weapon " Rory said under her breath then looked back at the screen seeing Sydney and Tai gone from the hallway she furrowed her brows then fluttered through the cameras finding Sydney helping Tai down to the furnace room door where she turned the cameras on from inside the furnace room finding that only two from eight are working and she gasped at seeing the mountain of bodies moving tails of bodies all over the furnace room trying to find ways out.

Hina walked over looking at the screen and her eyes widen seeing such a big infused infected, she then looked to a smaller screen seeing Tai standing outside the furnace door counting grenades then strapping them to her belt along with another belt she hooked around her arm.

", no move Harold now ! " Hina shouted trying to shove by the big man who doesn't budge, Lillian walked over trying to calm Hina down and she screams out loud.

" Tais down there getting ready to kill herself along with that thing " Hina said as Lillian darted toward Harold who bear hugged them both while frowning and turned his radio on so Tai can hear all these girls trying to get by him while Brax has to help stop them.

" she wouldn't kill herself Hina " Brax said as Kyle stood by the door picking up the rifle that Tai gave him earlier then looked over to Rory who shakes her head no.

" Sydney won't let her do that, Olivia you know better than the rest....they must have a plan to kill the thing, she also has to worry about the infected on the floors below " Rory said locking the doors with a control as Hina glares at her taking slow steady steps toward her.

" open the door " Hina said dropping her holster belt to the floor and shedding all her weapons, Rory kicks her heels off tying her hair up then walks around the desk to where Olivia got worried.

" don't hurt each other " Olivia said as Lillian makes her stay seated as Harold blocked the door with his massive body and watches the women knowing how strong Hina is, he doesn't know much about this woman except she is well toned from working her body out on a daily basis.

" if I have to fight you...then I will " Rory said doing a straight kick at Hina who barely dodged the kick when she had fist and elbows coming at her not giving her a single second to collect herself from the onslaught of attacks.

Hina managed to bring her knee up catching Rory in the stomach as Rory brought her elbow down on the side of Hinas head making her stumble back as Rory smiled rubbing her suplex.

" not bad to get a hit in...right Olivia " Rory said as Olivia tried to get up being stopped by Calista and Lillian who was thinking about breaking them up.

" you're wasting my time, I need to get Tai " Hina said doing a round of kicks where Rory blocked all of them except one that caught the back of her leg making her fall to one knee, she grabbed Hinas leg pulling up making her fall trying to bring down a scissor kick.

" STOP RIGHT NOW " Ari shouted getting between the two women who were panting while getting to their feet, Rory looked over at Harold nodding her head making Hina confused at what was going on.

" they entered already along with George " Harold said as Hina went to the screen quickly watching them move discreetly then hiding behind the beams, she seen George on the other side holding a few grenades as Tai tossed a few at the thing then ran over to another beam.

" where's Sydney " Rory said watching the screen when the door buzzed as Sydney walked through, Hinas face paled when Sydney wouldn't look them in the eyes.

" why did you leave her, why did you let her go inside " Hina cried out as Sydney finally looked Olivia in her eyes, then looked over where they had the vials from George seeing one with a red label with a black x that held a black substance inside of it.

" shes infected Hina " Sydney said walking over grabbing all three vials along with the needles then looked around for the dart gun that was perched in the corner of the room and grabs another belt along with a blaster that looked like a shotgun.

" Sydney don't " Rory said knowing what Sydney was going to do, she then felt the baby move then changed her mind.

" Just come back, I can't lose you both " Olivia said hugging her sister tight then looked over at Harold who sighed then let Sydney through but blocked Hina again making her groan in frustration.

A young man burrowed through a vent using a mirror he broke into pieces getting by the lasers that was to kill anything that passes through them, he could hear a faint fighting noise with small explosions making him frown thinking about his sister.

He decided to go toward the explosion noise smelling burnt flesh that makes him cover his nose with his hand going through a charred vent, he came to one that had thick metal doors and pry them apart hearing a loud screeching noise when another explosion goes off to his right as he stepped down.

" holy shit " he said under his breath seeing a woman limping to another beam while a man kept peeking his head out watching the creature along with the woman while holding a few grenades.

" why isn't he helping her " he said running quickly from pile of clothes to the next while keeping his eyes on all three inside the room, he knows what that thing is and even if he's infected this thing is still dangerous even to him.

He could smell the scent of his sister on the woman with some others on her as well then smiled, he dunked down when he met Tais eyes like she knows he's there in the shadows.

(" she is so Rory's type ") he thought to himself when blue flashes went across the room hitting the creature making large holes every where it hits making the creature wail while it fills the room with eight tail like tentacles made from body parts that start slapping around the room.

Tai holds her leg where the staples have ripped open and ties a belt above it, she looked down at the cut seeing the black veins spreading out from the wound.

" shit...I knew I was infected" Tai said looking to find George who isn't keeping his word, she also told him that once they take this thing out Sydney will open the doors.

Tai heard the door slide open when a few explosions followed watching Sydney run inside going to the first beam, she watched the creature wail extending three of its Tails toward the beam so Tai starts firing her gun hitting the Tails along with it's main body.

" move your ass " Tai shouted throwing another grenade that blew a large chunk away from the main body that started moving making Tai curse under her breath.

She seen George making his way to where she seen Sydney go and stood up to fall back to one knee groaning in pain, her vision started to blur when she felt arms lift her up.

" it's ok I'll help you " a young man's voice said to her while taking the gun from Tais hand firing at the smaller creatures that was quickly coming toward them while running with Tai over his shoulder.

" STOP NO PLEASE HELP ME" George was shouting while running away from Sydney as she spots him with a dart she made a cocktail from two of the viruses, she looked over seeing a young man running with Tai while shooting at the smaller creatures.

Sydney takes a piece of cloth putting the four grenades that George had inside then pulls the pins throwing it at the large infused infected as it takes the clothing inside of its massive body.

" Get down " Sydney said as the man ran with Tai getting behind one of the beams as she did the same, a large explosion with fire shooting up the massive creature as it started breaking lage portions away from the burning parts of it's body.

" well now we have six medium sized ones " Sydney said as she heard George groaning as one bundle of body parts moves toward him pulling his leg inside of it using eight arms grabbing his body while he tried to crawl away.

Sydney held the detonater watching the other five move in around the one pulling George as they closed around him fusing together and she pushed the button as a bright blue light erupted throughout all of the bodies as Sydney dunked down when a loud whooshing boom went off that shook the whole room.

Ashes was showering down as Sydney stood up looking around for the man who has Tai, he walked out carrying Tai in a bridal carry over to Sydney who runs to them pulling out a syringe full of the one virus.

" I see she's infected by this thing, I'm Sai by the way Rory's brother " Sai Said said taking the vial along with the needle while Sydney was holding Tai, he kept filling the syringe with the virus until they used the whole bottle.

" we need to get some more on a I.V., Tell Rory to meet you alone at the elevator " Sai Said said as Sydney studied his eyes then nodded her head doing exactly what Sai said, the only thing is that Hina wouldn't let Rory go by herself.

" I thought you said he's crazy " Hina said while walking down the hall to meet with the others as Rory sighed while nodding her head.

" he has his moments but he's loyal to the T, when he has his moments he'll lock himself up and when he sensed you all down stairs the first time he busted through the cell like paper. He wasn't going to hurt you all and he wanted to help that's why he made his way to the furnace room." Rory said walking in the room seeing her brother out in one of the suits that Sydney gave him, Rory ran over checking Tais wounds seeing where the infection started spreading then slowly receded.

" what did you two do " Rory said kissing Tais forehead making her brother smile then flinch when Hina glared at him.

" the same virus you gave me is her only chance, she's strong Rory I'm pretty sure if I can pull through she can" Sai said making Rory nod her head then motioned for him to pick her up, Hina walked over kissing Tais lips only to be pulled off with them brushing her lips.

" no, only forehead or cheek for now " Rory said as Sai picked Tai up like she was a precious cargo as he stepped inside the elevator first then all three women crammed their selves inside making Sai roll his eyes seeing them fight getting out.

" to the room where Sai was at " Rory said jogging after Sai who got to the room first gently placing Tai on the medical bed and strapping her down to it, he then went over getting a bowl of warm water with a wash towel cleaning Tais face, neck and then started on her arms looking the wound over pouring disinfectant on it making Tai groan out in pain.

" here I'll have to redo her staples " Rory said seeing the wound open again, Hina starts cleaning Tais body as they cut off her clothing then wiping her whole body down while Sai stepped out only to return when they were done with her staples and had a sheet covering her body.

" Hina I know you all need to strip this place for everything so you better get to work, keep everyone off the Dan-03 floor until Sai can clear the infected from there while I work on Tai...I'll contact you with good or bad news and Sydney help her, we need to leave this place in the next 48 hours before their dogs show up to do what you all are doing that will not leave a single person alive " Rory said as Both girls bod their heads getting on the radio, Len was already back taking the next round of vehicles back to the cabin only leaving the ones they'll use for the crates they'll take out from these floors then they'll be done with this place.

" what do you mean Tai was infected, this doesn't make sense" Len said pushing by Lillian who pulled her back into a hug.

" they might be able to help her the last update said she's doing good " Lillian said getting Len inside the small elevator with her going down to the hallway full of tall thin crates that can fit up through the elevator.

Rory walked out then seen a platinum colored haired girl rushing toward her with the red head she met earlier blocking them both.

" a few rules before I let you enter, she cannot be kissed on what so ever right now plus she might bite your faces off so do not go past the tape on the floor unless you want to die or become infected to die slowly " Rory said walking inside the room with the two girls, Sai was the only one aloud close to Tai since she was thrashing around and groaning in pain.

" baby " Len said as Sai stepped in front of Tai with a mad look on his face that softened when Rory gave him the stop now look, Len seen Tai covered in sweat while her body was flushed red.

" don't worry those are all good signs, she'll go pale next then that's our critical time which will happen in the next six hours...she's taking a lot more of the virus then Sai did so she'll be a force to reckon with and let's hope her mind is strong enough to adjust to all of this " Rory said ushering the two out of the room where they seen Sydney who looked worn down, Rory got Sai to leave with her leaving Sydney alone with Tai while locking the door.

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