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100% Dc Warlock / Chapter 25: ch.25

Capítulo 25: ch.25

Without further ado chapter 25 of DC Warlock.


Arriving home, I looked around to see if the girls had returned from their day out that no doubt turned into a shopping trip.

Finding no one, I checked in with them while on my way to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

As I thought, they were still at the mall, shopping their asses off, or at least Starfire was. For someone who didn't like wearing clothes, she sure loved buying them and showing them off.

Cassandra perked up immediately when she felt me make contact with her mind, glad that I was okay.

I had felt Cassandra and Seraphina's attention on me when I had started to fight with Limhar but seeing no need to worry them, I had reassured them that I had everything well in hand and that they could continue their shopping trip.

Like always, my body went through the motions of cooking by itself when I reached the kitchen, slightly grilling both bread slices, cracking eggs, sizzling the bacon, slicing tomatoes and lettuce before combining them all together in a majestic bacon and egg sandwich.

I took a bite of my magically delicious sandwich before letting out a happy sigh.

Giving myself the ability to cook better than a first-class chef was the best choice I made in this life. Nothing beats eating a godly sandwich after a life-threatening battle.

Speaking off life-threatening battles, this one wasn't too bad.

I expected an outing with Constantine to end in a disaster for everyone involved like it usually does, but for once, it turned out pretty good. Neither of us was injured all that bad. Hell, we even managed to not get out without getting cursed this time.

All in all, it was a good day. Maybe Constantine's luck is finally turning around for the better.

My mouth was inches away from taking a second bite of my sandwich when my body was hit with an overwhelming wave of magic power.

You have to be fucking kidding me!

I had to open my big fucking mouth, didn't I?!

Can't a man enjoy his sandwich in peace anymore? I hope the one responsible for this, whatever this is, gets anal warts. Fucking bastard!

Not caring about my inner turmoil or the curses I was throwing at its caster, the wave of magic bypassed most of my defenses, none of them even registering it as a threat before slamming against the only one that did.

My defense against someone or something forcefully transporting me against my will activated instantly and tried to stop whatever this was from transporting me to who knows where.

Scanning the spell, I saw that it was made out of two components, one component was trying to transport me somewhere against my will, and the other one, which was using most of the power I was sensing, was targeting the world itself.

What the hell was going on?

I was about to throw more souls behind my defenses to stop the spell from teleporting me away when I got the feeling that the area I was standing in, and the earth around me was about to stop existing, taking me with it.

I hesitated for a second, not sure what to do.

Feeling Cassandra's and Seraphina's presences disappear from the back of my mind where they had been for years, and our mind-links snap made up my mind for me.

Not that mattered all that much even if I kept resisting, I would have only bought myself a few more hours. It was only a matter of time before I got exhausted and would have lost. I may have gotten stronger over the years but stopping spells that affect the whole world with brute force is currently a bit above my pay-grade.

Pumping my shields to the max and getting ready for anything that could be thrown at me, I reached for my forceful teleportation defense and turned it off.

The magic wave passed over me and...nothing, I was still standing in the same place with my sandwich in my hand(I'm not dropping it, are you crazy!).

What the...

I felt around me to see if I could sense any differences, but I couldn't find any. Everything was exactly the same.

However, I didn't let that fool me. I know that something had to have changed. There is no way someone went through all the trouble of transporting the whole city, or maybe even the world, only for everything to be the same.

I frowned when I didn't feel my link with Cassandra and Seraphina automatically reconnect. I didn't expect it to, but a man can always hope.

Taking a smartphone looking device out of my inventory, I turned it on. The status checker is something I made years ago to keep an eye on everybody I cared about. It showed where everyone is, their condition if they were hurt or not, and even if they are being controlled by someone.

I scowled when I saw that most of the people on it were out of reach.

Were they transported somewhere else, or were they still on the normal earth?

I sighed. I don't have time for this. I will figure it out when I know Cassandra and Seraphina are safe and sound. Their status said they were fine, but I wanted to see it with my own eyes.

Exchanging the status checker with my trusty compass, I let it teleport me away

>>>>(Roanoke Island)<<<<

"Hmm...what do you think about here?" Klarion asked Teekl as he stroked the striped cat's shiny orange fur.

They were standing in front of an abandoned crossroads, where multiple leylines intersected. There was no better place to do a ritual than here.

Teekl meowed before jumping out of Klarion's arms and stalking off.

"Finally," Klarion grumbled impatiently.

A satisfied smirk grew on his face as Klarion took a nifty little magical gem called the Ambre Jeune Perdu out of his coat pocket.

Teekl meowed when she saw the glowing amber gem in Klarion's hands.

"It's a nice piece, right?" Klarion agreed, "can you believe that Vandal just had it lying around? Image all the fun we could have had if we had it earlier."

Teekl rolled her red eyes at Klarion before meowing again.

"I wouldn't have broken it," Klarion replied petulantly.

Taking a few steps until he was in the exact middle of the crossroads and where the leyline met, Klarion crouched down and put the magical gem on the ground.

Standing back up, he lifted his hands glowing with red magic power in the air and started to soundlessly engrave a magic circle around the gem.

"Now to get the old band together," Klarion remarked, his eyes glowing the same amber as the gem and magic circle.

"Wotan...Blackbriar Thorn...Felix Faust...Wizard."

With every name, Klarion called, a person appeared around the magic circle one after the other.

Now that everyone has arrived, Klarion started erecting defenses around the magic circle. First, a red magic barrier that would stop anyone from getting to the Ambre Jeune Perdu formed, then 5 holes opened in the earth, and out crawled stone soldiers holding stone weapons.

"Why all the extra security?" Wizard asked in a British aristocratic voice as he studied the 5 rune engraved stone soldiers standing at each point of the magic circle, "we are the ones that have to deal with the Justice League."

"All you have to do is keep the kiddie League busy," Wotan agreed.

"I have a feeling that a certain someone will be coming to spoil my fun," Klarion scowled.

The other magic users looked at each other before shrugging. If Klarion wanted to erect extra defenses to protect the source of the spell. The better for them.

"Now..." Klarion smirked, his face turning demonic, "let's get this party started!"

Already knowing their parts, they all started chanting, their deep voices filling the silent night, growing heavier and eerier with every repetition.


Instead of letting my compass make a bogus glowing magic circle that did absolutely nothing, I had foregone all the smoke and mirrors and simply materialized next to a concerned looking Cassandra and Seraphina standing outside the local mall.

Noticing my arrival, Cassandra immediately threw herself in my arms. It was weird to not be able to feel her feelings or hear her thoughts in my mind.

Regardlessly, I smiled and hugged Cassandra back before patting the fiery head of Seraphina as she floated up to give me a burning kiss on my cheek.

"What is going on?" Cassandra asked softly, speaking a whole sentence for once, "you suddenly disappeared from my mind."

"I'm not entirely certain," I replied as I looked around, "but I'm starting to get an inkling."

The outside of the mall was packed full of distressed teenagers and kids calling and searching for their parents and other adults.

"Where is Starfire?" I asked as I restored the mind-link between the three of us.

"We were about to go home when she suddenly disappeared in a flash of amber light," Cassandra frowned as she explained what had happened.

Everything clicked inside my head. Ah, so that is what happened. To be honest, I kind of forgot about this happening in the Young Justice show.

I didn't believe anyone would really do this in this universe. Unlike the Young Justice universe, this world was a lot more complicated and had a lot more powerhouses that aren't going to be pleased about someone fucking around with the world.

Hell, I didn't realize how impressive splitting the world actually was when I saw it on tv ages ago. Until now, that is. To make this work, Klarion and his goons had to split the world into two different dimensions and yeet every person on earth to whichever dimension was meant for them.

The power requirements alone are fucking ridiculous, let alone the magical know-how needed to pull off something like this.

"Don't worry," I reassured them when I felt their emotions fluctuate. It seems like both of them felt like they failed their friend and newest family member, "Starfire is safe!"

Starfire being 18, was in the adult dimension, no doubt just as worried about them as they were about her. Wondering why they had suddenly disappeared along with the rest of the kids.

How does this spell even work, how does it determine if someone was an adult or not?

If I remember right, Miss Martian was in her forties or something like that, so it can't be just putting everyone above 18 in the adult's dimension. And what about beings without ages, that don't truly grow up, like Seraphina.

The more I think about this spell, the more bullshit it becomes.

"I'm going to get Starfire," I told them, quickly sending them a mental package about what is going on, "I will be right back."

Cassandra and Seraphina nodded.

It may take more souls than I have to destroy this spell with brute force or to circumvent it, for that matter, but that doesn't mean I can't cheat my ass off.

Going to the adult world where Starfire and my other missing people are is simple. All I have to do is stop being a kid, easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Taking hold of my soul-energy, I aged myself up two years.

I felt the spell instantly take note of my new age. I didn't fight it this time and let it do its thing. Which is transporting me to the dimension I belonged in.

The adult's dimension looked the same as the one of the kid's. Except instead of distressed and crying children looking for their parents, I was surrounded by angry adults searching for their missing children.

Finding Starfire in the crowd was easy, she was floating a few feet in the air, looking confused, and because she was the person most of the angry adults were screaming at.

She must have flown up to search for Cassandra and Seraphina when they suddenly vanished. Giving away that she had superpowers.

And in this world, if you had powers, you were either a Hero or Villain.

This means that in every adult's mind, Starfire was either responsible for the disappearance of their children or the one that should be fixing whatever is wrong and give them their children back.

"Shut up!" I yelled, putting a command behind my voice.

Immediately the street went quiet as everyone was forced to follow my command whether they wanted or not, "now, fuck off!"

I saw more than a few adults glare at me as their feet walked them away against their will.

On some level, I understood that they were just distressed and fearful about losing their children and loved ones, but that was no excuse to take it out on one of my people.

"Alexander!" Starfire cried happily as she flew in my arms, "it's so good to see you!"

"I lost Cassandra and Seraphina," She said, looking up at me. Her face sad and angry at the same time, "they suddenly vanished. I think someone took them!"

"It's not your fault, and no one took them," I comforted her, "they are still here only in a different dimension. Someone split the world into two different dimensions, one for kids and another for adults."

"Your world has this kind of technology?" Starfire asked, shocked.

Except for a few strange items in the hands of Heroes and Villains, Starfire hadn't seen any sign of advanced technology on par with other spacefaring races on earth.

She had been pretty sure that earth was more primitive than Tamaran when it came to technology, but if they could do things like this, it is clear that she was wrong in thinking that.

"We don't," I replied, "this was accomplished by using magic."

Noticing a plane starting to descent at the airport in the corner in my eyes, I turned to it...does that mean?

"Shit, we have to go!" not waiting for an answer or consent, I took hold of Starfire and de-aged both of us. Sighing when it took ten times as much power to de-age Starfire as it did myself.

We appeared back in the kid's dimension a second later. Cassandra and Seraphina were trying to cheer up a few little kids by putting up a magic show using Seraphina's flames.

Letting them be, for now, I motioned for Starfire to follow me before taking off into the sky and flying to where I saw the plane come from.

If there is a plane landing at the airport in the adult's dimension, there must be another one without a pilot and only kids in it in the kid's dimension.

If it hasn't crashed already, that is. It has been a few minutes since the world was split, after all.

I may not be a hero, but I'm also not a monster. If I can save a few little kids from dying in a plane crash, I will do my best to do so.

I know that thousands, probably tens of thousands of kids had died the moment all the adults vanished, from car accidents, babies getting dropped, and thousand more reasons, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't save the few that I can.

It doesn't take long before we catch sight of the plane. Strangely enough, it was still flying straight forward, but it didn't seem ready to land anytime soon.

Did the pilot have the plane's autopilot on when he vanished?

Without me having to say anything, Starfire flew under the plane and got ready.

Flying to the airplane door, I turned myself intangible before phasing through the door. My first instinct was to simply pull it off, but who knows what kind of damage that can do when the stable pressure inside the cabin suddenly changes.

The first thing that I saw was a bunch of crying children and pre-teens surrounding a 16 or 17 girl who was doing her best to comfort them, telling them that everything was going to be alright.

But it was clear that all she really wanted to do was curl up and cry like the other teens in the plane, who looked too absorbed in their own problems to help the girl with the younger kids.

In total there were about 20 people on the plane.

Coincidently the girl was facing one of the kids with his back to me, giving her front row seats to me phasing into the plane. Her mouth dropped open from shock before hope started shining in her eyes.

"Help us," She cried out immediately, "the adults suddenly vanished without a trace!"

"How the hell is this plane still in the air?" I asked without thinking.

Hearing me say that made the kids start crying and calling for their parents even harder. The girl glared at me and started shushing the kids once again.

"A boy went to the cockpit when the adults vanished. He said he may be able to do something," she answered after shushing the kids.

A few of the other teens had gotten free from their despair long enough to notice our conversation and started to beg me to save them.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be alright!" I promised them all before walking to the front of the plane and the cockpit.

A 15 old kid was sitting in the pilot seat. He was looking over all the buttons and levers, no doubt trying to figure out what they did and how to use them to land the plane.

"So we have you to thank for keeping this steel cage in the sky, huh."

The kid turns around, surprised, "what are you doing in here?!"

"Unless you know how to fly a plane, go back in the cabin and strap yourself in. This is the most dangerous place to be if we crash!"

I grinned at the thought of him trying to protect me when I was here to save them.

"I can't fly a plane, but I can fly without one, does that count?" I asked as I floated over a little pool of water and a cup lying in the cockpit's doorway and went inside, taking the seat of the co-pilot.

"Are you a hero!" He asked hopefully.

"Something like that," I looked above his head, "so how are things going over here, Jason?"

Jason let out a sigh of relief, not even asking how the other kid knew his name. He was just glad that there was finally someone that he could tag out with.

He was no hero. He was just a kid with a dad that liked planes.

"Not good. I managed to activate the plane's auto-pilot, but I don't know how to even start landing a plane this big," his eyes got a little wet, now that he didn't have to be strong anymore, "I have only had a few lessons with my dad."

"Okay, relax. I will take it from here," I reassured Jason, "do you know how to turn the engines off?"

The kid looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Do you or not?!"

He hesitated for a second before pointing to a few buttons.

"Okay, thanks. Go back to the other kids and tell everyone to buckle themselves in. Make sure to check for any hidden kids." He stood up and started to leave to follow my orders, "And Jason...good work!"

Trying to lift and gently lower a plane on the ground with all its engines still on would no doubt turn into a disaster.

I could have simply teleported all the kids out of the plane, but then I would still have a plane without a pilot getting ready to crash who knows where on my hands.

This way, both the kids and the plane will be on the ground safe and sound, and I can conserve my soul-energy. I did have a fight with a god an hour ago, after all. No matter how limited it was for both of us.

And If I wanted to teach the ones responsible for this a lesson, I will be needing all my soul-energy.

I waited a few minutes to let everyone get buckled in before contacting Starfire telepathically and telling her to get ready.

I flipped the buttons Jason had showed me, one by one, and just as he said, the engines started to turn off, leaving the plane to the mercy of gravity again.

The plane began to lose altitude immediately, free-falling to the cold, unforgiving ground down below. I got ready to help Starfire in case she couldn't do it by herself. I shouldn't have bothered, however, a second later, the plane stopped falling and just hovered for a moment before beginning a slow and smooth descent to the ground.

A few minutes later, I'm standing in the airport with a little girl of seven clinging to me, rubbing her tear and snot streaked face on my suit as a bunch of teens and kids thank Starfire and me(even though Starfire did most of the work) for saving their lives.

Pulling the little gremlin of me, I passed her off to a smiling Starfire and cleaned my suit with a wave of my hand before going to talk with Jason and Sarah, the girl who had kept it together long enough to take care of the little kids.

"Thanks for saving us," Jason said immediately.

"Don't worry about it," I said, waving his thanks away, "if you hadn't saved everyone first, there would have been nothing for us to save when we arrived."

"The adults will be back in a few hours, max," I informed both of them, "until then, find a room to settle in and take care of the little ones. I'm sure you can find enough food and snacks somewhere around here to hold you over."

The two of them nodded, "we will take care of them!" They promised.

Seeing our cue to leave, I signaled Starfire. She handed the now clean and smiling gremlin to Sarah before lifting off behind me.

"Wait," the little gremlin screamed, "what are your names!"

"Warlock and Starfire," Starfire and I yelled back before increasing our speed and breaking the sound barrier.


Heavens_Monarch Heavens_Monarch

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