As the fighters were a few dozen meters from each other, the man with the crimson armor stopped walking to talk with the cultist.
"In my home, it is customary to introduce yourself before fighting. So I will start. My name is Eisen Scharlach, Blood Count of Absterben." The man said this while bowing his head.
After hearing that, the cultist couldn't help but smile.
"What you are is a dead man!" he shouted before swinging his arm toward his opponent.
With that movement, four knives appeared from inside the cultist's robe that was sent flying toward Eisen. Without even blinking, he deflected the projectiles with a swift movement of his katana.
"Really? I hoped that we could have an honorable duel. We would fight until death until one failed, and the other claimed his life and honor as a reward. But it seems like you prefer a battle between beasts, so that's what you are going to get. " Eisen said as he smiled, revealing a pair of long fangs.
After those words, he dashed toward the cultist at full speed before swinging his katana as he stood before him. As if it were paper, he cut in half his opponent with a single and elegant movement of his weapon.
But instead of being happy, he looked around as if looking for something.
As if appearing from nowhere, a knife flew toward the armored man's back, who managed to evade it at the last second.
"Your dirty tricks will not work with me. I'm above anything you may try."
"You look capable. I may even need to fight seriously and all." the cultist said as he appeared behind the man." By the way, I'm Kerah."
"See? It wasn't so difficult, right?" Eisen said as he burst into a laugh.
Seeing that the fight would last longer than he had expected, Kerah took out of his sleeve a sword. Even though it was longer than the knives, it was still shorter than Eisen's sword. Not only that, but it also had a serrated blade.
Seeing that his opponent had drawn a weapon to fight him, Eisen smiled before trying to cut his opponent in half again. This time, Kerah evaded the attack by stepping to the side before trying to stab his enemy.
The armored man parried Kerah's attack with his sword, but as he was doing that, the cultist took out another knife, with which he didn't hesitate to stab Eisen between his armor's gasps.
As his opponent had managed to wound him, Eisen released his right hand from his weapon and punched the cultist in the face with all his strength.
In that situation, a regular person would faint instantly, but because of Kerah's cultivation body, he only bleeds a little from the lip.
"You are going to need to hit me a little bit harder if you want to do any damage. That almost felt like a little girl punching me," Kerah said while laughing.
"It seems more than enough to me," Eisen said with a cold smile.
Suddenly, Eisen's eyes, which were already red, began to shine with crimson light. As if reacting to the light, the blood from Kerah's lip began to flow much faster before it flew toward Eisen.
The blood entered the wound that Kerah had caused, and in less than a second, there was no trace of it anymore.
"See? More than enough!" Eisen shouted before swinging his sword toward Kerah.
As he realized what was happening, Kerah turned into a shadow to dodge the attack and appeared a few meters away from where he had previously been.
It looked like his opponent was capable of healing his wounds by using his blood, so he would need to reduce the damage to a minimum and fight as safely as possible.
Before resuming the fight, Kerah released some corruption from his hand and quickly applied it to his lip, closing the wound but leaving behind an ugly scar where it was previously. Clearly, that type of energy wasn't the best to heal wounds.
"You said this was going to be a battle between beasts. Maybe you were right." Kerah said before large amounts of corruption began to leave his body.
"It looks like this may become interesting after all," Eisen said as his blade shone with crimson light.
Here is this week's first chapter.
I hope you like it and that you have a nice day.
I'll see you around for more.