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31.25% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 24: Chapter 2: Cruise Ship [Rewritten]

Capítulo 24: Chapter 2: Cruise Ship [Rewritten]

[Kurushima Pov]

[19th July]

"Good morning, Class C, I'm here to tell you splendid news. On the 31rd July, we're going on a 2-week cruising trip, on the high luxury liner 'Speranza'," just as Chabashira-sensei finishes her sentence, everyone in the class cheers up.

After discussing more concrete details such as the location, time and necessities for the two week trip, the lesson ended.

Instantly, the time has passed, as it's now the 31rd July.


[31rd July]

Unfortunately for us, the bus would arrive at 3 a.m. So each of us despite being sleepy were required to stay up, until the four busses for the classes arrived.

Upon the arrival of the bus I immediately had gone to the last row on the right side at the window side.

But as I sat down, I could see someone standing at my right side. The person was none other than Matsushita Chiaki.

"Kurushima-kun, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked.

"I don't mind," I responded, as I simply wanted to enjoy my beauty sleep.

"Thank you," she replied, taking a seat right next to me.

I could some girls angered by Matsushita-san, however, they didn't seem to have the energy and didn't say anything. That's good.

Meanwhile as everyone had an seat, I saw from the side Ayanokoji still standing. The only retainable seat in the bus was the one next to Horikita, which was also in the last row on the left side.

I could see him sighing, as he sat down next to Horikita, who took a compass out? 

Wow, poor guy.

"For these five hours we should set a few rules up, Ayanokoji-kun," she exclaimed.

"The most important ones first. Don't look at me, don't lean to me, don't make any noises, don't touch me, don't disturb me, don't talk to me, don't get any erection next to me, don't snore and don't drool."

"For now, that should be everything," she expressed, looking at Ayanokoji expectantly while spinning the compass in her hand. "If I have more, I'll state them right away, independent whether you sleep or not. Just a small reminder, I'm not going to repeat myself."

Ayanokoji simply gulped his throat and nodded his head obediently.

"Kurushima-kun, we don't need any rules, right?" Matsushita-san asked, with an flirtatious tone.

"Yeah..." I yawned, inclining to her that I am tired and sleepy. 

She looked at me a bit disappointed, but shrugged her shoulders off and leaned her head backwards, closing her eyes.

The bus simultaneously also began to drive, as everyone took an seat already. Our destination is Tokyo Bay, which is approximately five hour's away from our current location.

Depending on the situation of the traffic it might also take longer. If there aren't any traffic problems, we should arrive at 8 a.m at our destination.

Anyways, I should sleep for now...

Slowly I took my water bottle, where my sleeping pill were, since I couldn't sleep without them, drank them, and my eyes began to close themselves and I had fallen asleep...


[Matsushita Pov]

"Hraaaarrh," I yawned, stretching my right arm up to the air. However, as much as I tried to stretch my other arm, it wasn't possible.

Huh? Why can't I stretch my left arm? And why isn't my head leaning against the seat?

Slightly confused I glanced with my pupils to the left side. But as I had done that, the moment of realization hit me.

I was leaning against Kurushima-kuns shoulder. Don't tell me...I was leaning against his shoulder the whole time?

Slightly confused I looked at my watch depicting that it's 6:30 a.m. So we still have more than one and a half hours to drive. Potentially more, depending whether there's much traffic or not.

Chiaki, I know what you want to do. And honestly, I'm supporting you to one hundred percent.

Lean against Kurushima-kuns shoulder. Lean against his shoulder...Do it.

Normally, I don't have an inner voice, but this time it seemed like I had one. Repeatedly my desire was revealed. And without any other thoughts, I slowly approached my head to his shoulder.

But it seemed like this wasn't enough for me. My right arm has moved itself without listening to my neurological commands to Kurushima-kuns abdominal area.

I wasn't sure what I was doing right now. I tried to restrain my arm...

But it seemed like my arm had other plans ready...

My arm didn't want to move away...

And I knew what I was doing right now was more than wrong enough. But I had this unusual feeling the whole time. It was like I couldn't resist the temptation to be closer to Kurushima-kun.

I knew it was inappropriate, but my body was betraying my mind. I felt a sense of guilt and shame, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement.

I wanted to get closer to him. I wanted him to watch my unconscious self leaning against his shoulder. I wanted to see a slight reaction out of him. One of embarrassment, or one of happiness.

So I decided to steal a glance at his face. I looked at him and couldn't help but to admire his cute and beautiful sleeping face. And I couldn't help but feel excited that he didn't seem to recognize what I was doing.

A small smile toggled the corners of my lips, as I began to sleep and lean against his right shoulder again.

But as I had done that, I could feel my heartbeat increasing. It wasn't something I experienced before. But I instantly knew what this feeling was.

This feeling — might be love.

It's a stupid question. I knew what this feeling already was. It's definitely love. And as much as I liked it, there was something worrisome about this.

I'm not sure if the other girls are simply attracted to him or are really in love with him.

If it's the latter, it might ruin my relationship with Mayo and Nene, as I'm not sure whether they truly love him.

But one thing is for sure...

My feelings are real...


[Ayanokoji Pov]

Since ten minutes ago, I had woken up. It's now 7:15 a.m and from the looks of it the bus driver wants to take an break for twenty minutes. Perhaps I should buy an drink outside or something to eat.

Yeah, I still have the thousand of Yens Matsuo gave me, so that should be alright...

Speaking of Matsuo, is he okay? Well, aside from being fired from that man, everything should be fine.

Anyways, I'm drifting away.

I looked slightly to the left, only to see Matsushita leaning against Kurushima's shoulder. And I slightly looked to my right shoulder, which was also being used by an certain girl, with an high elevated superior complex.

Someone...whom I come to fear due to her violent tendencies. Even now, I can feel the pain from the compass needle.


What's important is that she is using my shoulder as an pillow. I can't accept that. After all...

I remember the unforgivable thing she did to me...

My poor ice cream.

One time, when I wasn't paying attention in the cafeteria, she took my ice cream from the table...

And ate my precious special deluxe chocolate ice cream right in front of me...


Because I wasn't listening to her request...

She's an devil hidden in the façade of an attractive and cute girl. I spent more than 4.000 Points on that special deluxe ice cream...

At that day, I realized that Horikita Suzune is an devil. 

No, an monster...


Bringing up my most tragic memory in life won't help me with anything. But I know what will help me feel better.

Yeah, it's not ice cream though. It's retribution.

I positioned her head against the window and slowly moved outside, without disturbing anyone.

That's what you get for eating my ice cream.

I went to an automat and bought me an drink for two hundred Yen. Slowly I went back to the bus, only to see Matsushita Chiaki, an classmate of mine also to get off the bus.

"Ayanokoji-kun," she exclaimed in a startled tone.

"Ah, Matsushita," I responded calmly, trying to match her tone of surprise. However, my stoic voice prevented any hint of shock or surprise from being conveyed.

"What are you doing here?" Matsushita asked, her eyes widening with curiosity.

"I could ask you the same thing," I replied.

"Ah, well, I got thirsty so I wanted to get something to drink," she responded. "And you?" she asked.

"Well...uh, I just bought me something to drink, so yeah, the same reason as you I guess," I responded, again in full awkwardness.

"Aha, I see," she replied. "Uhm, Ayanokoji-kun, did you see?"

"See what?" I asked.

"That I was...leaning against Kurushima-kun's shoulder," she answered while wrapping her fingers around her hair.


"I see," she murmured.

"Did anyone else see?" she asked.

"No, I don't think so. I didn't saw anyone before me waking up, so yeah, I don't think that's the case."

"That's good to hear," she exclaimed.

"Can you promise me to not tell anyone what you saw?" she asked, with an expectant tone.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be as quiet as an corpse," I responded, trying to make an small joke with this analogy.

"Aha, weird analogy," she exclaimed, painfully laughing.

Should I have used an different analogy? I'll be as quiet as an ant? 

Yeah...I think that would have been an better one.

I'm really not good at this...

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, trying to steer away from the awkward atmosphere, as I saw that something was bothering her.

"Is it that obvious?" she asked in an quiet tone, wrapping her fingers around her hair.

"A little bit," I replied.

"Well...if I tell you that, please keep quiet about this matter, kay?"


"I think it should be offensively, but I think I have fallen for Kurushima-kun," she exclaimed, her tone stuttering a bit while her cheeks became red.

"I see," I muttered in an thoughtful manner. "Do you want to confess?" I asked, wanting to pique the sudden interest of curiosity I got about romantic relationships.

"I guess," she murmured.

"Well, if that's how you feel, then you should tell him," I advised her.

"But what if he doesn't feel the same way?" she asked, her expression filled with worry.

"It's better to know than to keep your feelings hidden," I said.

"And who knows, maybe he feels the same way about you?"

"Do you really think so?" she asked, looking at me with hope in her eyes.

"I can't say for sure, but it's worth finding out," I replied.

"Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun," she said, giving me a grateful smile.

"I think I will confess to him."

"I wish you the best of luck," I said.

"And uh don't worry, your secret is uh safe with me."

Will I also ever be able to love someone?

I'm not sure, but perhaps it might happen within these three years.

Hopefully, I'm able to find that out, within these three years...

Before I'm returning to that place...


[Kurushima Pov]

After these quickly went five hours we have reached our destination, at this large cruise ship called 'Speranza'. I could see a smug faced Matsushita getting off the bus and suddenly approaching me.

"Kurushima-kun," she exclaimed, engulfing her arms around my right arm, which I suppose should have started me.

But, I didn't have any shock or surprise at all.

"Ah, Matsushita-san," I exclaimed in a forcefully startled tone.

"What are you doing?" 

"Nothing," she slowly emphasized part for part, letting my arm free.

"I see," I replied, with a thoughtful expression.

But, she wasn't the reason why I had a thoughtful expression.

It was because of the person whom I saw getting off the bus with a newfound smug and seemingly "kind" expression.

That person was none other than Kushida Kikyo, the person whom I have been using since two months for discovering and spreading secrets from upperclassmen.

It has been in these two months in the third year so chaotic that even Horikita Manabu sometimes needed to interfere.

But as he couldn't keep each class in control of preventing rumors from spreading further, chaos undoubtedly was bound to happen.

And the reason for Kushida Kikyo's sudden happiness must be inclined to the person whom I make her believe manipulates her.

I had heard that rumors about that person have spread enormously further. He seemed to be bullied again. This time, by not only Class 3-C, but also his own classmates.

In any case, I can't let someone who potentially witnessed and knows that I was responsible for the expulsion of the three idiots in the school, can I?

Yeah, that's ridiculous. It's too ridiculous.

In these two months, as anticipated, Kushida acted within the parameter of my expectations the whole time. From gaining information about the different people in the third year to spreading rumors about my target since day three. She made them all act against him by causing rumors.

However, she never tried to disobey or neither talk to the seemingly "blackmailer" but watched him carefully. I obviously was able to see that as I observed her the whole time in the cafeteria.

And for worse or good, it seemed like the person did like Kushida, in fact.

So, I made her under the impression that I was after her body, several times, making wordplays in that corner, to make her act faster to expel him.

And, it won't take long enough anymore. One month, that's the maximum time I'm giving him until he wants to leave the school out of his own accord.

I could have expelled him myself, but what's the use of making my hands dirty. I can let her do that and test her abilities of whether she might be in other categories aside from information gathering useful.

I do have already many crucial pieces of information that I could use to destroy for some people's whole school life from first-year's, second-year's up to the third-year's.

But not now. It's too soon for that. I'll do it once the perfect opportunity has arisen.

If she's however... unable to expel him regardless, after we return, I'll interfere, probably. 

Before I'm continuing to think about my future plans further, I should better focus on the cruise trip again.


[1 Hour Later]

After eating breakfast at the cruise ship with the class, I went to my assigned room, which I coincidentally shared with Koenji, Hirata, and Ayanokoji.

Well, that's an awkward combination of people in one room.

Nevertheless, it's not that bad, I suppose. I can observe Ayanokoji even further.

Right now, he is the one whom I can't evaluate at all.

He was able to solve the Sūdo trial with the precise same method I thought at first. Deceiving those three with a fake camera.

Although he had tried to write his achievement off to Horikita, I knew that he was the one who saved Sūdo. He was also responsible for giving Kushida the midterm exams.

And I suspect that he's the other first-year student Manabu-senpai has taken great interest into.

No, it's pretty much evident that Ayanokoji is the one who Manabu-senpai is interested in. Because I could hear one time before entering the student council's room, Tachibana-senpai's being infuriated by Ayanokoji, as she expressed her frustration towards him.

And last but not least, there is another factor which made me particularly attentive to him.

It's his fifty points in the short test we had written on the 27th of April. Although this test might have been far too easy, for students in this school, the test should be more than sufficient enough to give students some problems.

Well, I can't let my guard down just yet. I'll continue to observe him closely and gather more information about him.

Thinking of Ayanokoji, is he currently with Horikita-san or Ike, Yamauchi, and Sūdo on the way to discover the cruise ship?

I guess it's the latter ones. After all, he is always around them. Makes me kind of wonder why.

But he could also be around Horikita-san. After all, she happens to have currently a fever. No matter how hard she tries to hide it, it won't matter against me.

Heh, either way, I didn't have the intention of following him for today. Perhaps in the evening or tomorrow, but that's a thing for another time.

For now, I would like to take a few hours of sleep.


[In the Evening]

I walked around the ship in boredom, watching the ocean. But then, I suddenly remembered Icarus and Daedalus was supposed to play, today evening.

Out of boredom, I approached the theatre where the story of Icarus and Daedalus is supposed to play this evening, and watch it, I decided.

Once I was there, I could only see a bit more of 20 students here. No one from our class is h—

Ah, Ayanokoji and Chabashira-sensei are also here, huh? 

Who would've thought of that? 

I can't hear them that good since there is a literal play going on.

Also, we've quite the large distance between us. Around fifty meters, making it almost impossible to hear them.

But even if I'm prevented from hearing them, I might be able to read their lip movements, depending on whether they are turning around to the side. 

But I don't think that will happen thou—

Ayanokoji is standing up and grabs her by her collar.

What an interesting development.

Wait, he's speaking. 'You call yourself a teacher?' Ayanokoji said, as I read his lip movements.

'Choose, Ayanokoji. Help Kurushima to advance up to Class A or get expelled. You choose Ayanokoji.'

Hmm, I didn't think my name would also come up to the conversation. But it seemed like I was wrong. Well, that's surprising.

Nevertheless, it's not that important. 

More importantly, I should go away and don't let Ayanokoji see me. I looked slightly back and saw Ayanokoji lips moving a last time.

'You'll regret it, manipulating me.'

With reading this last sentence from his lips, I left.

In the end, I couldn't watch the play...


[1 Day Later]

[1st August, 6.50]

[Kurushima Kaoru:]

[Private Points: 9.220.850]

[9.047.550 + 193.000 – 20.000]

[Class Bank:]

[Private Points: 2.400.000]

[1.600.000 + 800.000]

While I was watching the ocean view, a sudden voice from the loudspeaker interrupted me.

"Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to see the island soon. This is a good time to take in some rather "significant scenery."

I see, so the school has something else planned. The sudden speed of the cruise ship is three times faster than normally and now the announcement with a rather "significant scenery".

Also, the reason why we're circling three times around the island has something to do with it, huh.

"Kurushima-kun," Some girls shouted out my name, from my class.

They were all in bikinis, with some eye-catching ones, to seduce me, perhaps? But even now, I could feel the glaze of boys behind my back, staring at me. 

"Damn, Ikemen," someone murmured. 

Anyway, I already memorized the whole structure of the island, in case of something happening. There wasn't any reason I deemed to observe the Island further, since I had a decent overview of it, as of now.

I could see the girls surrounding me. "Kurushima-kun, are you interested in going swimming with us? Are you?" Matsushita asked, looking at me with expectancy. 

"Ah, sure, I guess..." I answered.

Well, I don't really mind... I believe...

"Okay, then let's swim..."

Since there was a pool nearby on the cruise, you could swim here. Usually, that's the place where everyone is.

I had the intention of cooling myself off, anyhow, since it's really hot right now. 


I wish it was with her, instead with them...

Do I...?

No, of course not. 

For the remaining time, I shrugged this off, until I heard the PA speakers again. 

"We will disembark in thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have changed into their jerseys. Make sure to check your designated bag and your luggage, and do not forget your cell phone. Please keep all other personal items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the bathroom for some time, so please do so now."

"The school is calling for us. I guess, we'll have to head to the room, again?"

"Oh, really? We were just about half an hour in..." Matsushita said, looking depressingly. 

"We also can't take our bikinis to the island? Oh no..." Another one muttered quietly. 

"Yeah, unfortunately..." Matsushita-san muttered.

"But I guess we'll have later time, right, Kurushima-kun?" she asked me.

"I guess. We're most likely first going to walk around the island and discover some aspects. And then, we'll have the freedom of enjoying ourselves, I suppose."

"Yeah, makes sense," she exclaimed with a happy tone, just like the other girls. 

"Well, see you later," she said, alongside the others, wishing me farewell.

Once they had left, I walked to the room from the four of us. There, I meet Ayanokoji, who also changed himself. 

Despite saying he never trained, he sure is quite muscular. Of course, you must be stupid to believe that, since he was fairly well built. 

Almost the same like me, but he slightly weighed less, so that's where we differ. 

I changed myself into a jersey and walked with Ayanokoji and Hirata back. At our arrival, I was greeted by many of my classmates, alongside Hirata.

"We will disembark now, beginning with the students from Class A. Cell phones are prohibited on the island. Please hand your phone to your homeroom teacher as you leave."

Following the loudspeaker's command, the students went down the stairs in an orderly fashion.

Each student gave their phones to their homeroom teachers. When everyone had done that, Mashima-sensei, Class A's teacher, stepped forward and spoke up.

"First, I would like to say that I'm happy you've arrived safely. However, it's unfortunate that one of the students was unable to participate due to illness."

"The test commences now and lasts for one week, concluding on August 7th at the year's end. This test will determine if you can live on a deserted island together as a group. In addition, I should warn you that this special test is both practical and realistic, designed based on real-world corporate training." Mashima-sensei announced, continuing the explanation.

Minutes later, Mashima-sensei finished with the explanation, all of us headed to the Island. Once we arrived there, Chabashira-sensei also gave us additional information about the new exam that is said to commerce from today onwards. 

Soon after, she had finished with her explanation, we now would have to search and claim for a spot, while also deciding for a leader .

I, as the only one, began to look in the manual about the rules, while everyone else was arguing about the need of an expensive toilet.

[Basic Rules:]

[1. Each class will be granted 300 S-points.]

[2. S-points can be spent to purchase items listed in the manual.]

[A: In addition, bonus points acquired during the test by fulfilling certain conditions will only be added on after the test is finished. They cannot be used during the test.]

[3. Each class will choose one student to be their leader.]

[Leaders cannot be changed without a legitimate reason.]

I read the manual further, until I saw something else—something overly exciting, that I couldn't help but space out, immediately.

Apparently, venomous snakes—were present, in this Island.

In other words, Plan A, had increased chances of working, now again.


I'm quite lucky, I guess...

But I'll need something else, too, still, to make it really effective.

However in case—these unknown venomous snakes were not enough, I had to estimate the threat-level of a certain individual, who might hinder with Plan B, expelling the Third-Year's, that is.

Many rules caught my attention, but this one in particular caught mine. The rule that leaders cannot be changed without legitimate reasons.


Didn't she have slight fever, when we were driving in the bus?


I'll test your abilities, for now.

If Plan A doesn't work, I'll have to know of your capabilities, so I can be sure, you're unable to interfere with my plans, of expelling other students.

Let's see, whether you can win this...

I know, that you have to win this exam, after all, so I might as well, test you. Sensei, you did a great job.

I can observe and test Ayanokoji's during this exam, and know of his abilities more.


Since I also have blackmail material against Ryūen's class, they should become useful, sooner or later. I should let him win this exam, after all.

Well, this exam will become quite interesting, will it not?


A/N: Slightly boring chapter, I think.

But I can ensure one thing. That is that the Island Exam is going to be quite unique since I fufufu have thought about a quite unique strategy, I guess.

I don't want to say anything more, which could potentially spoil the Island Exam, so I'll be quiet.

Just a small question like always once again. How did you find the chapter?

I am quite curious.

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