With a swift swing of his sword, Val severed the boar's head from its body before the lingering hellfire could reduce it to ashes.
The head, still leaking thick, congealed blood, was quickly wrapped in a clean piece of cloth that Val summoned from his pocket dimension.
Then, he handed the gruesome trophy to Eliana.
With calm eyes, he looked at her and said, "There you go, the Grizzlehide Boar you were tasked to hunt."
"Thank you, Brother Val," Eliana expressed, her fingers securely gripping the cloth bundle that contained the trophy of her trial. Blood stained the cloth a darker hue and seeped through the material to stain her hands, but it did not elicit a hint of hesitation or revulsion from her. Instead, she bore witness to it with an unflinching composure. It was as if she was accustomed to such grim and dreadful sights.
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