Val immediately used his Detect skill on it to find out more about it.
It was a scroll that contained the strongest technique of the Lumisoul Tribe that could only be learned by the chief of their tribe. In other words, studying this scroll can grant the unique skill exclusive to the chief of the Lumisoul Goblins!
Val set it aside for now, as he decided to learn it later.
Then, with the help of his undead, he quickly collected dozens of cores from the corpses of the Lumisoul goblins.
These cores were called Constitution Improving Lumisoul cores!
They were packed with a type of energy that could improve one's strength, agility, reflexes, stamina and even HP stat upon consumption.
But there was a catch.
If the energy inside the core wasn't properly circulated throughout the body, it would lead to an inevitable explosion.
But for Val, these cores were nothing short of treats, akin to candies.
Finally, Val's going to catch up with Oliver in the next chapter!
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