C: The unknown's means of attack vary. Even dreaming about it can put you at risk.
D: It has the same weaknesses as Devils.
E: Just like myself, it is good at playing mind games. Only a direct confrontation will tell who's better.
Last but not least, it can't harm you in the slightest if you're in the forest of dread.
Val came to this conclusion after thorough consideration.
Alaric said his skin turned to sawdust when the Unknowm touched him. But he didn't talk about experiencing any kind of pain. He only talked about the dread he felt at seeing that it had found him. The situation was so terrifying for him that he didn't stop to consider it for a moment. It also meant that his skin turning to sawdust was an illusion, which points towards another fact.
Even in the forest, the Unknown can play mind tricks on you!
"Devil God, was the diary helpful?" Dris asked.
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