"It's submerged in darkness. Its enviroment is one of the reason why it was so hard for the wizards to explore it," Voidslayer revealed.
"You keep talking about the wizards doing this and that. What were the bloodline users doing?" Val asked.
"There were no bloodline users in that era. They came about after the appearance of the Crimson Moon due to a wizard called Valerius. He should be a notable figure in history considering he was granted highest authority in the wizard community only a while after his first appearance."Voidslayer exposed the hidden truth to Val
"Wait, wait, wait, are you telling my wizards existed before the catastrophe that flipped the laws of this world?" Val asked, clearly taken aback by the revelation.
Voidslayer said, "What, you didn't know?"
Val shook his head in affirmation to Voidslayer's question, saying "No, I didn't" with his actions.
World building chapters are done for now. Next chaoter ends with a banger!
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