"Four seasons !!!"
Akira couldn't believe that he knew about the reservation made by Vikram. The moment he spoke about it, she was completely blown over.
"Tell me how you know about it?"
"Well when you enter a fight, you do not just check the strength of the opponent, you also check his weaknesses. I am not saying that I am waging a war against him. He is a reformed man now, and I am perfectly aware of it, but still, when it comes to you, I can trust no man".
"You sound so.... so bookish right now", Akira said and chuckled.
"Bookish? Did you really want to call me bookish or there was something else that you wanted to call me as? Huh?"
"Erm... maybe possessive !!!"
"What the heck is wrong with you Akira, How is this bookish or possessive in any sense?", Raymond asked all annoyed. He was pouring his deepest emotions and there she was, enjoying excavating and spewing garbage all over him with her out of the world words.
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