Even though his hands were gliding on her satin-soft skin, even though his eyes were trying to submerge themselves deep into her, touching upon every frayed nerve that belonged to her, she could sense that something was wrong.
And like a reflex, her palm immediately landed on his hands.
"What is going on Raymond? Avoiding it isn't going to help you in any way."
"Erm... there is nothing. Erm... a small thing actually," Raymond said while trying to graze his thumb on her thigh.
"What is it?"
She whispered into his ears, resting her head on his shoulders. She knew that Raymond hated his own father, but going against own blood and that too to the level of putting him behind the bars was something else. It could break anyone.
"Nothing serious. I mean I just wanted to know if in any way you guys knew my parents? Or maybe your parents knew mine? Any connection between our families?"
"How on earth is that even possible?"
My heart just melts for you, Dr. Nelson. You will always be one of my most favorite characters.
I know the pain that you have in your heart and I also know that you will always just smile and hide it away.
Brace yourself as the man of the hour is going to enter in lives of his enemies.
It's time for Raymond to finally show his face. So stay tuned and keep voting.
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