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25% Bullet Refutation / Chapter 1: 00
Bullet Refutation Bullet Refutation original

Bullet Refutation

Autor: xhnile

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: 00

There was not a ray of light around me, not a sound.

My eyes were closed.

The thick darkness and silence engulfed me, taking the memory with me itself, falling into the darkness.

A glowing road appeared in front of me, and I stood on it, my eyes blankly looking ahead as it meandered.

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What am I ... going to do?

I walked forward along the road.

After walking for I don't know how long, I saw a bright light in front of this seemingly endless road.

I ran forward and a door appeared in front of me.

I pushed the door open.

Instantly, I was engulfed in blinding, blinding white light.

Like a walking light, memories came back.

I remembered myself.

I opened my eyes.


"Hey...hey ..."

"Wake up ..."

"Hello ..."

A voice sounded faintly in my ears, and my body was shaken slightly.

"Hey...wake up ..."

"Um...mmm ..." moaned from his voice.

With a headache that felt like it was about to explode and a dizziness that seemed to turn the whole world upside down, he slowly rose from the table holding his head.

The feeling was really bad, if you want to describe it, it was as if a dozen years of hangovers had come up together.

He shook his head to clear his consciousness a bit, and then opened his turquoise eyes.

The first thing that entered his eyes when he opened them was a blank blackboard.

'... blackboard? Why is there a blackboard? Could it be that I am in a classroom?'

'That said, just now I think I heard someone calling me ...' the brain that was not yet completely awake thought sluggishly, and a voice that suddenly sounded next to him made him completely awake.

"Ah, you're finally awake!"

A crisp and nice voice suddenly sounded in his ears, the power is no smaller than a bomb suddenly exploding, the biggest difference may lie in the absence of destructive power and mushroom clouds.

He turned his head and a brightly smiling teenager was standing next to his table.

"Hello, my name is Luo Xiaoyi, let's say I'm a super college level musician, how about you?" The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

He froze for a moment when he heard "super high school level", then introduced himself as if nothing had happened, "Ouyang Zero," after simply saying his name, he quickly changed the subject, "Do you know where this is? "

Luo Xiaoyi looked at him and cocked his head, did not care why he did not introduce his talent, and went along with his words again, "I do not know, I woke up here, and there are only two of us in this classroom." Luo Xiao Yi said, walked to the window and pointed outside, "And it's night."

Ouyang Zero looked out the window with his pointing - it was pitch black, nothing could be seen, and it did seem to be nighttime right.

The classroom was also dimly lit, with only a small lamp supporting it, allowing them to see each other.

But why would they come to school at night?

And also sleep in the classroom.

But than sleep seems to be a better word than faint.

"There are only two of us in this classroom," Ouyang Zero looked around the classroom, repeating the fact that Luo Xiaoyi had just said, and asked about another thing, "Have you ever gone out to see?"

Luo Xiaoyi shook his head, "No, the first thing I did after I woke up was to wake you up. Suddenly appear in a strange place, of course two people are more secure than one."

Ouyang Zero nodded and agreed with his remarks, then stood up and said to him, "Then let's go somewhere else together."

"Well, let's go!" Luo Xiaoyi smiled and nodded, "Maybe there are people in the other classrooms too."


The two walked out of the classroom, unsurprisingly the corridor was also pitch black, to the left and to the right all seemed to stretch infinitely into the darkness, as if no matter which way they went they would say the established ending.

"Let's go this way." Luo Xiaoyi suddenly pointed to the left and said.

Still thinking about going that way Ouyang zero froze for a moment, and then asked, "Why?"

"Because there's a safety exit sign there." Luo Xiaoyi pointed to the no longer glowing safety sign rightfully said.

Ouyang Zero: "..."

"Then let's go this way."

The two groped their way through the darkness, and finally at one point when they hit a wall Ouyang Zero couldn't help but complain, "How come I didn't touch a switch even after half a day of walking? This is too dark!"

"Ah!" At this time, Luo Xiaoyi beside him suddenly clapped his hands, as if he remembered something, then he pulled out a small lamp from nowhere, the dark environment was finally brighter, but Ouyang Zero how to look at how to find this lamp very familiar, and Luo Xiaoyi also quickly gave the answer, "I brought out that lamp in the classroom."

Ouyang zero: "..."

Ouyang Zero: "Then why didn't you just take it out?"

With the light, Ouyang Zero easily saw Luo Xiaoyi spit out his tongue with an embarrassed face, "I just forgot."

Ouyang zero: "..."

Ouyang zero touched the heart, always feel a little heart tired.

"Since there is light then let's keep going." Luo Xiao Yi said, tugged Ouyang zero sleeves, in the other side of the puzzled look, smiled and said, "hold the words, it is not easy to walk apart, right."


With the light, the two forward speed a little faster, after walking a short time, a thin strip of bright light appeared in front of the two.

The light was as if it was coming from a doorway.

Two people looked at each other, the foot coincidentally speed up the pace.

After approaching, it was indeed a door. Looking at the bright light from the unclosed doorway, Ouyang Zero and Luo Xiao Yi looked at each other, and then Ouyang Zero stood in front and pushed the door open.

Push open the door, the first thing you see is a bright auditorium, followed by fourteen teenage girls in different costumes.

"Kai Feng!" Seemingly seeing an acquaintance, Luo Xiaoyi stepped out from behind Ouyang Zero, then ran to an indigo-haired teenager's side.

Ouyang Zero: ...

Use it up and throw it away?

"Zero." A familiar gentle voice rang out from his ears, Ouyang Zero jerked his head to look, and indeed saw the figure in the wheelchair that resembled him. He took two quick steps and walked up to the man, "Brother."

"Zero, did you also wake up in a classroom?" The teenager who was called brother by Ouyang Zero looked at his own brother and questioned.

"Yes," Ouyang Zero nodded, "Are you too, brother?"

"Hmm." The older brother nodded, and then looked at the others, "Everyone is like this."

Ouyang Zero sniffed and turned his head to survey the others.

The first was Luo Xiao Yi, who woke up in a classroom with him, and the teenager beside him was called "kai feng", if he heard correctly.

Not far from them there are two teenagers, one of them is obviously younger than them, from the appearance, they also seem to be a pair of brothers.

Looking behind them, there are two girls leaning against the wall, away from the crowd, and judging from the distance between them, these two should not know each other.

looking to the left, there is a teenager wearing glasses and holding a laptop and a teenager with a game console playing a game sitting on the steps on either side of the stage.

further to the left, a man and a woman with the same hair color are standing together, I don't know what they are talking about, but from their faces and hair color, they should also be siblings or brother and sister.

Looking to the right, a girl is boringly patting the golden ball in her hand, not far from her, another girl is sitting on the ground with nothing to do.

and then behind them, another girl standing there, looking around at the people, doing nothing.

And further back, by the door of the auditorium, there was a boy leaning against the wall with his chest clasped, seemingly with his eyes closed.

Together with himself and his brother, the total was sixteen people.

And these sixteen people, those who knew each other gathered together, and those who didn't know each other were far away, and at a glance they knew they had personalities.

"That, everyone, excuse me!" A voice rang out in the quiet auditorium, like a thunderclap, attracting everyone's attention. Ouyang Zero also looked over, and it was actually Luo Xiao Yi.

"May I ask if any of you know why we are here?" Luo Xiaoyi asked.

"Ah, about this words ..." The first one to respond to him was the teenager who was playing the game, "I remember I was obviously going to enter school, but when I walked to the entrance of the school suddenly my eyes went black, and when I opened my eyes again I was in a I remember that I was going to enroll in school, but when I got to the entrance of the school, I suddenly had a blackout, and when I opened my eyes, I was in a classroom with him. He said, pointing to the teenager holding a laptop on the other side.

"Ah, I also remember that I am going to enter school today." The young girl standing alone echoed.

"Me too."

"Me too."

Three or two echoes rang out, and Ouyang Zero noticed a girl leaning against the wall approaching.

"Sorry to interrupt, I want to confirm one thing ..." she said, "The school you're entering today, is it Sae-Yu Academy?"

"Yes." The girl shooting the ball replied, and soon she thought of something, "Is it hard to believe that everyone is a freshman at Saieyu? Super High School level?"

"I am indeed right, but what about him?" The boy leaning against the wall said and looked at the teenager who was obviously younger than the others present, "He's obviously younger than us, right?"

The teenager took in the others' eyes and shrank back a bit fearfully behind the boy beside him, who stroked his head, supposedly to calm him, and then opened his mouth to explain to the crowd, "Zi Yao jumped up, only two years younger than everyone here, and is a real super high school level."

"So here's the question," said the girl who asked the question earlier, "Why are we Super High School Levels who are supposed to enter today unconscious?"

Listening to the girl's words, Ouyang Zero fell into deep thought.

Private Talent Education Academy.

It was a government-supported academy that was proposed to the higher-ups eight years ago after a government official visited the Neon country.

Unlike other schools, this academy does not actively recruit students, all students in the academy are scouted for admission.

And there are two conditions to be a student of this school.

①Must be a fresh high school student

②Must be a superb talent in a certain field

The students of this college are given the name "super high school level" to prove their talents, such as "super high school level musician", "super high school level basketball player", "super high school level programmer" or "super high school level game player". The "super high school level programmer" or "super high school level gamer" are recognized talents.

His brother, Ouyang Kun, was invited as a "super high school level mechanic".

As for him, Ouyang Zero, because he did not think he had any talent above the ordinary, although he was surprised to receive the admission notice from the Talent Academy, he did not look at it carefully and did not intend to enter at all if his brother did not advise him, so he did not know what talent he was entering with.

"Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup - let me answer that question!" A strange voice suddenly sounded in the auditorium, and then, on the lectern, a half-black, half-white bear-shaped doll suddenly appeared, "Good morning, you guys!"

The girl standing alone: "Wow! The doll is talking!"

Boy holding a computer: "Is this a robot?"

Boy playing video games: "That's amazing, the robot doll actually said yes!"

Girl sitting on the floor: "It's not uncommon for robots to talk, right? ..."

"I'm not a doll oh, it's a black and white bear!" Black and white bear very harmless self-introduction, and then a violent change of face, make a very angry look, "and is the principal of this college, you should respect me more ah!"

The girl shooting the ball: "Principal?"

Suspected brother and sister or sibling boys: "How to look like a doll ah."

Ouyang Kun: "Is it hard to be a new type of robot?"

"Good morning ...?" Luo Xiaoyi somewhat puzzled repeated what the black and white bear just said.

Black and white bear: "Yes, it's good morning oh~"

Luo Xiaoyi: "But it's pitch black outside, it should be night now, right?"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" The black and white bear suddenly laughed, to be honest, this laughter gave a very bad feeling, "really deserves to be 'super college level musician' Luo Xiao Yi classmate it! You should have noticed that it was not only dark outside and there was no sound at all! A little bit~"

"Is that so?" The teenager named "Kai Feng" beside Luo Xiaoyi turned his head to Luo Xiaoyi for confirmation.

Luo Xiaoyi nodded his head.

"Let this principal explain it to you!" The black and white bear said, put on the glasses from nowhere (although also do not know why a bear to wear glasses, obviously just a bear), "because the rest of the island is not yet completed, so the whole college with a black cloth covered oh! So now is the morning oh ~ above!"

"Island?" The girl leaving the wall keenly grasped a word, "I remember that Sae-Yo Academy is not on the island, why do you say we are on the island."

"Ah la la, do I need to answer you guys for such a simple question?" The black and white bear put on a very puzzled look, but in just a moment, it became expressionless again, "That's because you guys aren't in the Talent Academy right now, of course!"


The girls who looked like siblings or siblings: "You said we're not at Talent Academy? Then where are we now?"

Black and White Bear: "On No Man's Land!"

"No man's land?"

Black and White Bear: "That's right, No Man's Island!"

"What is the purpose of you bringing us here?" Ouyang Zero looked at it and asked with a frown.

From the moment he entered the auditorium, he always had a sense of foreboding.

"Purpose?" The black and white bear crooked its body and looked very harmless, then it pulled them into hell with a very cheerful voice, "Of course it's for you to kill each other!"

"Kill each other ...?"

"Hey, did it just say kill each other ...?"

Black and white bear: "Yes, it is killing each other oh!"

"Talented high school students like you are the hope of this world!"

"So in order to protect you, the hope of the world, according to school rules you can only live together on this island."


"What does this have to do with killing each other?

The black and white bear ignored: "And about the period of living together-"

"The duration is that there is no duration!"


Black and white bear: "In other words, you will live here for the rest of your lives!"

Brother of a pair of brothers: "What do you mean ...?"

Zi Yao: "Live here for the rest of your life ..."

The boy with the laptop: "A lie, right?!"

Black and white bear: "Yes, it is a lifetime oh! How about it, is not excited!"

The boy against the wall: "Who will be excited ah, let us leave!"

Black and white bear: "Of course you can leave if you want!"


"Wait, it's hard to ..." Luo Xiaoyi seemed to think of something, his face swished white.

Black and white bear: "Oh ah, it seems that Luo Xiaoyi students have thought of the answer to it ~"

"That's right, want to leave will have to kill each other oh!"

"This is a special rule that our school has prepared for you!"

"There is no limit to the means of killing, only students who successfully kill others can get out of here. It's such a simple rule!" 1

"It doesn't matter if you want to shoot or beat or burn or drown or run over or explode or decapitate or touch and kill or drop and spell and oppress and bleed and laugh and kill... "5

"Hoo poo poo poo, as long as you can think of killing techniques can be oh!"

The girl standing alone: "Are you kidding! How could we possibly go kill someone!"

"Impossible?" The aura around the black and white bear became dangerous in an instant, "There were people who said the same thing as you before, but ah - ended up becoming murderers, hahahahaha!"

Listening to the words of the black and white bear, the sixteen high school students were like falling into the ice cellar. Fear kept rising from the bottom of their hearts, gradually spreading and eventually filling the entire auditorium.

"Do what you want to do! Go ahead and do it! Do whatever you want, do it to your heart's content!"

Fear clogged their throats, and for a moment, the only voice left in the entire auditorium was that of the black and white bear.

"Open, open what joke! Killing each other or something ..." The girl who was sitting on the floor before stood up and confronted the black and white bear head-on, but anyone could see her hands that were trembling.

"Since you don't want to kill each other, you can stay here forever!"


"Then, the entrance ceremony will end here! Yah~ It's really much faster without the black and white beauty¹ messing up!"

"You guys, welcome to the new semester of self-flagellation!"

"Hoo hoo, poo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

With the playful laughter of the black and white bear, it stood on the lectern and slowly descended and disappeared.

But its laughter still echoed in the auditorium, unable to dissipate for a long time.


Episodel 0

Welcome to the new semester of fratricide!


Number of survivors remaining: 16

---------- ----

Doudou has something to say.

¹: black and white beauty (Monomoy), super projectile broken 2 in the role, claiming to be a rabbit-type mannequin of Hope's Peak Academy lead teacher, the original name rabbit beauty, but was forced by the black and white bear into half pink and half white shape, and forced to set the black and white bear's sister. The probability of not appearing in this article. 8

Dragon linkage projectile break

World view of the main projectile theory broken 1, 2

Game mode main projectile theory broken v3

Have not seen the bullet theory of broken does not delay reading the article

The original characters are likely to appear, when the time will be introduced 3

As you know, I never bothered to name the work linked with another anime, such as the next door "ghost extermination

The next chapter begins to dialogue body, pure text body free cut

Private set except for childhood friend Luo Xiao Yi Kai Feng and brothers and sisters do not know each other

Private except for Ziyao, the same age

All the staff to, perspective is variable, maybe today is Ouyang zero, tomorrow is Luo Xiaoyi, the day after tomorrow is Yang Tianle, the day after tomorrow is Benoit blue sky painting Lu Zitao ...

CP randomly knock, knock which pair can, but there is no fixed CP to (no accident should be able to knock to Kai Tact, zero Tact, Le Tact, the end of the painting, Tactino, etc., but will not confess) belong to no CP, but believe me, really can knock to 2

This time do not write crazy batch of black! I want to write about the little angel!

(This is my longest prologue there, I did not expect to write five thousand words) 7

I'm still asking for four more, this time with one more

The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items.

next chapter
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