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65.78% BROKEN FLOWER ( BL ) / Chapter 50: 49 : Haru’s first fight

Capítulo 50: 49 : Haru’s first fight

Haru was tapping softly his pockets. He had forgotten his phone.

Malia was driving while singing a song. She had left her son with her best friend Katrina. Because Malia had to go to do some papers to put Aaron at the kindergarten next month she asked Haru if he wanted to go with him. But the omega said he'd rather wait at the hospital for Pam.

Malia had already called Pam to tell her about the situation and Pam pushed back two of her appointments to receive Haru during the time Malia would be at the kindergarten.

" - What is it ?" Malia asked when she noticed the agitated omega next to her.

" - I forgot my phone," Haru sighed.

" - Don't worry I will join you there right away. Plus, Pam will not leave you alone," Malia said.

" - It's not that. It's just…"

" - Aki ? Wanna call him ?"

Haru shook his head, worried.

" - He's angry with me. I told him I wanted space."

" - Do you ?"

Haru shook his head again.

" - I realized I didn't want him to go when he was already out but I was afraid to call him back… "

" - Aki and Pam are both complicated. They don't believe words, they need proof."

" - Proof ?" Haru repeated.

" - Just like us omegas," Malia smiled. " People tend to hurt us, omegas. And even if Pam and Aki are alphas, they came from a big family. So they tend to attract bad people. They are just like us. They need to be reassured. "

" - I… think I hurt him," Haru said after a while. " He seems to doubt my love for him… I thought he… was cheating on me."

Malia laughed as if Haru told her a joke.

" - Aki ? Cheating ? That's new ! Oh boy ! You don't know yet," Malia kept laughing. " Let me tell you something. When he was in high school, Aki found a little puppy on the road. Obviously, he kept him. He was so attached to the dog that he would growled and got angry when someone else was playing with it. The puppy died from a really bad cold. Aki cried for days and since then, he refuse having another dog. His mom tried to soothe him by adopting some cats instead of dogs but Aki wasn't so fond of them so eventually, the cats liked Alicia the most. Long story short, you're the puppy. "

Haru tilted his head not really understanding what Malia was trying to say.

" - Aki is possessive. He would kill for you darling. Because he doesn't want to afraid you, he tries to keep his inner alpha in check but you know he's… an extreme dominant." Malia said.

She glanced at Haru, expecting some kind of reaction but nothing.

" - Did you know ?" Malia asked, curious.

" - Hum," Haru nodded.

" - He told you ?"

" - No."

" - So it's Pam then," Malia concluded.

" - Actually I already knew even before she told me," Haru said.

" - Eh ? Since when ?"

" - Since our first meeting, I guess I have suspicions," Haru replied. " His scent… was the first I liked since what happened at Sila's. I met different alphas and dominant alphas since then, and every time their scents made me throw up. I realized Aki was an extreme dominant one when he saved me from Sissy. That night, he leaked a small amount of his pheromones. But the smell was strong enough to make Sissy go down on her knees. But in contrary, it brought peace in me. His scent had always intrigued me. And during…"

" - What ?" Malia asked, noticing the omega's silent but failing to see the tint of pink that was painting his cheeks.

" - During our first intercourse, he… well… you know. I can't get hard but I was… you know.."

Malia giggled.

" - So he used the aphrodisiac," She said then.

" - His kiss was different as if something was making me dizzy. But when he kisses me normally, it's… tender and lovely. His scent too was a bit stronger but not to the point I'm losing my mind. So I could confirmed that he was different from dominant alphas. He can control himself and even when my pheromones are leaking, he doesn't seem affected. So I guess when Pam said he was an extreme one, I just thought all my doubts were cleared."

" - Were you angry ?"

Haru shook his head

" - Akihito has always been kind with me. He always treats me like a precious flower. Time pass and his gaze is still looking at me with so much lo…"

Haru sighed, feeling exasperated by himself.

" - He proves me his love everyday but I don't…" he whispered.

He turned to face Malia.

" - I want to visit his office,"

" - Eh ? But this morning, you said your fated partner is working there !"

" - I know but I need to go. Right now ! Please !" Haru begged her.

Malia turned her wheel and the car took another road to go to Akihito's office.

When they arrived, Haru left the car hastily. He didn't even hear Malia trying to stop him.

Haru froze once inside the building. There were alphas everywhere. Here, there, behind the reception desk. Everywhere.

Some of them were looking at him strangely and people were already whispering.

Haru reached the reception desk and asked politely :

" - Hello… I would like to see Aki… Mr Ogata please…"

The receptionist, a beautiful beta, just looked at him coldly before she said.

" - He had a meeting."

" - Can you tell him I'm here…"

" - And who are you ?"

" - His… wife," Haru said.

The beta sighed after looking at Haru's hands. No ring, just a large jewel that look like a wedding ring around his thumb. " This omega is already married but he wants to trick the President," she thought outraged.

" - Look, there are a lot of people like you who came for the same thing once in a while. Just go back quietly and I will not call the police. "

" - I'm really his wife," Haru insisted in a whisper.

" - What happen ?!" Malia came in a rush. " Just go upstairs !"

" - They…"

" - He's Aki's wife ! Let him go see him !" Malia said to the beta.

The beta evaluated her silently before she sneered.

" - Yeah yeah yeah. And I'm the queen of England. Please just go. I don't want to loose my job because I let omegas here," She said.

" - I'm not lying ! " Haru said sternly. " I'm his wife !"

" - What's the problem ?"

The beta, Malia and Haru turned to see a beautiful woman and a security guard.

" - She's the woman I saw with Aki at the hotel three days ago," Malia whispered at Haru's ear.

And Haru already knew who she was. She might not know him, but Haru remembered having a glimpse of her face when he was at Silas'. She was the one who told Silas to bring him to Reinz.

More than fear, Haru felt anger rising inside him. He wanted to strangle her.

" - This… man claims to be Mr President's wife," the beta receptionist said.

Dana observed both Haru and Malia with clear disgust.

Since she was working here she saw so many people trying to sneak in to see Akihito. But lying about being his wife was a first to her.

She admitted the omega in front of her was a real beauty, she had almost believed him if he wasn't a boy and an omega at that.

" - Akihito is busy," Dana replied leisurely.

Haru frowned.

" - Why are you calling him by his name ?" Malia asked. " He's your boss."

Dana smiled.

It's been a week since she was trying to bed the man. Now it was Vicky that accompanied her to the hotel. The first three day, Dana tried to ask Akihito to have a drink with her but everytime she was interrupted. But since the day she lied about her affair with Satoh, Akihito seemed to warmed to her. He replied to her when she talked now and he showed a smile to her from time to time. Dana was close to her goal. Soon, she would be his side woman and then more.

" - We are close," Dana just replied.

" - You're both close to each other ? You mean friends ?" Malia said, dubious.

" - More than close friends," Dana said while looking straight in the eyes of Haru.

For some reasons she hated him already. He might not be Akihito's wife, but he was beautiful enough to seduce any man.

Some alphas and betas men were already eyeing the omega boy as if he was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.

" - You're lying," Haru said.

Dana raised an eyebrow.

" - Wh-what ?!" She asked, dumbfounded.

" - You're lying. Aki is not close to you. " Haru stated.

" - What do you even know ? You're just a filthy omega," Dana said angry.

" - Watch your mouth !" Malia growled.

" - Or what ?! " Dana snickered. " Throw them out !"

The security guard obeyed and pulled Haru by his arm.

Haru reacted violently by pushing the man away. He wanted to throw up.

" - What are you doing ?! Put these trash out !" Dana screamed.

The security dragged Haru and Malia out. But Haru bit the man's arm and ran inside again.

He was about to reach the lift when Dana stopped him. She pushed him and Haru fell.

" - You fucking whore ! If you want to be fuck there are many alphas who will do it out there ! Don't try to put your disgusting hands on Akihito !" Dana screamed.

Everyone was looking at them now. Haru was silently crying, feeling ashamed.

He was not a whore. Akihito said he wasn't one.

He stood up and said :

" - Even if you want you can't have him. Is it not enough to fuck Satoh Kanzaki ?"

Dana paled. She slapped Haru fiercely. She was fuming with anger. The omega was holding his cheek but even if he was hurting, he wanted to defend himself properly.

On the other side, Dana thought Haru was a spy send by Satoh himself because she refused to see him, saying she was working late.

She clenched her fists when she noticed people were whispering about her.

" - You're just a jealous omega craving some attention," Dana said angrier. " Do you really think Akihito will look at you ? You're dirty. I'm pretty sure you were fucked enough to have a loose hole, so don't try to talk about what you don't know."

" - You're not different from these omegas you talk about. You're practically selling your body for fame. " Haru retorted.

" - Enough !" Dana screamed as she pushed Haru again.

But before he could stand up, the guard blocked his arms.

" - I will call the police," the guard said.

" - No. Bring him at the back and let some of them do what they want," Dana said while looking at the alphas that were already panting from lust by the mere sight of Haru.

Haru was in heat. The alphas could smell his scent that was still inoffensive for the time being.

Dana went inside the lift on Haru' screams while he was being dragged again by the guard.

She was so furious by this omega. She hoped they would screw him real good and she will never see him again.

Once on the chairman's floor, she sighed and straightened up her clothes and fixed her hair.

" - You smell… different," Camila said when Dana pass next to her.

" - Ugh… I smell like this whore !" Dana snarled.

She was about to take her perfume when the door of the office opened suddenly and Akihito left in a hurry. He bumped into Dana but did not care even when she almost fell.

Suddenly Akihito stopped and turned to face her. She blushed when he came close and smelled her.

" - Oh.. I'm sorry. I met an omega. But don't worry I throw him out already," She said to reassure the man.

" - You what !???! " Akihito shouted.

His voice was so strong that everyone fell down from the pressure.

" - Where is he !?!" He commanded in a stern tone.

His pheromones were exploding. Camila was coughing and Dana was throwing up. Zaizen was trying to keep his composure. Thankfully he was a dominant alpha, otherwise he would be down too.

" - Where is he !!!" Akihito repeated.

His voice was echoing, making everyone trembled from fear.

" - D-d-d-downstairs," Dana managed to say.

Without wasting anymore time, Akihito and Zaizen took the lift to go down. Dana and Camila had follow them by taking the other lift.

When they reached the hall, all alphas were throwing up and cries were heard.

Haru was sitting on the floor. He was bawling, while his pheromones, thick and dangerous were dancing around him to protect him.

Malia was trying to calm him but she couldn't approach him too.

" - What happened !?" Zaizen asked.

The beta receptionist answered with panic :

" - He suddenly attacked us when we try to… tell him to go."

Haru's clothes were torn on the arms. His lips was in blood and one of his cheek was red and swollen.

Akihito frowned.

He took big stride through the miasma of pheromones.

When he reached Haru, he crouched down in front of him and looked at him while he was crying. He eyes were closed and he was crying loud, screaming to not touch him.

Everyone was silent, watching the scene.

" - My love…" Akihito said.

Haru opened his eyes when he heard the familiar voice.

" - My love…" Akihito repeated. " Did you come to see me ?"

Haru nodded without stopping his tears though he did stop screaming.

" -… I can't touch you. Let me touch you…" Akihito begged with a breaking voice.

Slowly the pheromones became softer until they disappeared completely.

" - You… they… don't… I… said… I… was… your… wife… but… they… said… I… was… lying… " Haru said between his sobs. " They… hurt… me… said… I… whore… I'm… not one.."

He cried again.

Akihito approached him carefully and brought Haru's head to his. Their forehead were kissing each other while Akihito was wiping Haru's cheeks.

" - You're right. You're my wife and you're not a whore. I'll punish them for hurting you. I promise," he soothed him in a whisper.

Haru hugged him and nuzzled on his neck. Akihito embraced him with relief.

" - I love you," Haru said in his neck.

" - I love you too," Akihito's replied.

" - No.." Haru said before he faced the man. " I came to… tell… all of them that you are mine and… that I'm yours… "

Akihito's heart skipped an excited beat.

" - I love you so much…" Haru stated. " And… I don't want you to work here with her," he said while looking at Dana.

" - I'll fire her," Akihito said with a smile. " What else ?"

" - I… I want… you to come back home. And don't ever go even if… one day I say I want space. Because it's not true… I need you…" Haru replied shyly.

" - What else ?" Akihito asked happily.

" - I want to go home now. My cheek hurts," He said with a blush.

" - Who did that ?" Akihito was furious now.

Haru's eyes went directly on Dana who was standing next to Zaizen.

" - This fucking bitch," Akihito whispered.

He was about to stand up but Haru grabbed his hand.

" - Home… I wanna go home… My heat… I'm… I…" he blushed while searching his words.

Akihito sighed and lift the omega in his arms as he stood up.

" - Let's go home first then," he chuckled before he pecked Haru's little nose. " Zai. Tell to mom Haru was here. I'll let you handle the rest," Akihito said when he looked at Zaizen.

" - Yes, sir," Zaizen replied.

" - And gather every people who hurt my wife today. I don't care if it was just words of whatever. I want their name on my desk tomorrow !" Akihito growled.

The receptionist stiffened and the security guard gulped hard. Dana was clenching her fists while her eyes were sending daggers to Haru.

" - I told you he was his wife," Malia said once the couple was out.

" - I… I didn't know," The receptionist stuttered.

" - No one knew. But you should have check with Aki if you weren't sure !" Malia scolded her. " Just because he's an omega you thought you can do whatever and treat him like shit !"

" - I can't be fired… I need this job !" The receptionist cried.

Malia glanced at Dana who was silent.

" - So ? Still thinking you're close to your boss ?" Malia asked her with a mockery tone.

Dana frowned and clenched her jaw.

" - I'm pretty sure your so called "more than friend" is ruined now that you messed up. I recommend you to start packing your stuff because you're going to get fired. You slapped his wife. You're dead." Malia said really satisfied.

Dana just turned on her heels and walked away.

She was not the type to give up so easily. Akihito would not fire her. She was pretty sure of that. First she had to meet him and explained everything.

So when it was time to clock out of work, she hopped in her car and drove to Akihito's house. She saw his address on a package he brought last week.

Dana was determined to fix her error. She was afraid of what Satoh would do to her if he knew she screwed up just because of love.

Twenty minutes later, she was in front of the house. She wasn't surprised to see that the man was living in one of the best building of this city in on of the richest district of Androuse.

She rang at the door after adjusting her skirt and putting some perfume.

Two minutes later, the door opened on Akihito. He was wearing a tank top and a jogging. Aroused, Dana gulped when her eyes met the flex musculature of the Alpha's naked arms.

" - Come in," The man sighed.

Dana followed him inside.

The pheromones were mixing in the air. A sweet and tingling smell. Her eyes went on Haru, who was sitting on the couch with a large shirt for only clothes.

Dana swallowed her rage, knowing that they both had sexe all day.

Akihito automatically sat next to Haru and Dana stood before the couple, not knowing if she could sit or not.

" - I didn't want to let you in, but he wanted to talk to you," Akihito said to her.

The omega seemed more angry suddenly. Even though his little hand was inside Akihito large palm, he was still angry, as if he was about to jump on Dana and kill her. If Haru really wanted to, Akihito doubted he would stop the omega.

Earlier when he made love to the omega, it was different. Haru was bolder. His voice was louder and he was enjoying the sex more than ever. Just remembering it was making Akihito blushed a little. He had a pretty strong stamina but for the first time, he thought his partner was going to suck him dry. Haru's heat was really dangerous. The omega was exuding a sex appeal and a beauty than let everyone in an awe.

" - I came to apologize," Dana said as she bowed. " I did not know that the omega was your wife. I thought he was one of the many pranker that try to approach you. I thought he was lying. I'm so sorry sir. I took action for your protection. I should have check with you first but you were busy with your mother, so I…"

" - First of all it's not "omega" but "he" and not "was" but "is". He's my wife and you should apologize to him not to me," Akihito interrupted her.

Dana furrowed her eyebrows but nevertheless, she straightened up and met Haru's dark gaze. She bowed again and said :

" - Mrs Ogata, I'm sincerely sorry for my behavior earlier. I didn't want to hurt you. It was not my intention. I just thought you were not Aki… Mr President's wife so I acted without thinking. "

Haru did not reply immediately. Dana had to keep her head down for at least three long minutes before Haru said :

" - You said I'm a whore."

Dana's heart skip a dangerous beat. She looked up to see the omega.

" - You said I'm a whore and I'm a filthy omega. You slapped me and asked some alphas to rape me."

Akihito already knew about it. Haru had explained him everything while they were taking a bath together. And Akihito knew his omega was telling the truth. To be honest, even if Haru was lying he would believe him blindly. That's how much his love is deep rooted for Haru.

Dana clenched her fists again.

" - Like I said, I didn't know you were.."

" - Are you treating every omegas like that ?" Haru asked her. " Our company is focus on equality and equity between gender. If you're like that, you can't work with my husband." Haru said, insisting on his last word just to piss her off.

Dana was thinking relentlessly. She had to do something but what. This omega was making her bad in front of Akihito. And how he just said "husband" was irking her. The man was probably with this omega because he was easy. Soon she will be in this omega's place. She believed it. But before, she had to save herself.

" - I… I panicked," she said. " The receptionist said you were lying so I thought she was right. She's working here for years she knows what she say. I believed her because I know it's true that before, omegas tried to approach the President like that. I swear I did not mean to offend you," She started to sob.

Haru turned his head towards Akihito.

" - Your call," Akihito whispered to him.

Haru then remembered how the alpha promised to let him deal with Dana how he wanted. So Haru chose what he thought was the best for him and for Akihito :

" - Please, leave the company. You're fired. "

Dana paled.

" - What did you say ?" She asked dumbfounded to the omega. " You don't have to power to decide that !"

" - He can," Akihito said. " Haru is the biggest shareholder of O. Company. And the head of the direction's committee. He's my wife so he owns everything I have. " Akihito explained leisurely to the beta woman.

" - But… But I can't be fire ! I'm not under your…"

" - I already called Chairman Kanzaki." Akihito stated.

Dana couldn't breath anymore. Chairman Kanzaki was Satoh and Silas's grandfather. He was the head of the family and a stern and difficult man. And he just let a mere omega do whatever he wanted ?! "That's impossible ! "Dana thought.

" - You're out of job." Akihito said. " The chairman was kind enough to listen to me. And the project will still go on with Silas but not with you. The Kanzaki also don't want you anymore. And… "

Akihito walked towards Dana and whispered in her ears.

" - Don't do anything stupid like taking revenge. I can tell the chairman that you had an affair with his married son. He's not going to spare your life. Plus, I know how your hands are dirty. I can destroy you, slowly until your last breath so lay low and don't ever show up again."

Dana was trembling from the menacing and heavy voice of Akihito.

She stumbled as she walked out of the apartment and almost collapsed. Her life was doomed.

WndyButter WndyButter

Probably not what you were expecting XD It’s still to soon for Haru to fight Silas and Reinz !

Hope you liked this chapter :3

PS : I’m sorry for the mistakes T-T

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