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42 : Some kind of miracle [ R18 ]

Pam sighed as she placed back the fetal heart monitor on the table.

Today was her daily appointment with Haru. Akihito wasn't there.

A month had passed since the gala and since then, Akihito seemed preoccupied. Therefore, he was working more than before. So Pam's wife, Mila, and her little son, Aaron, were spending their days with the omega under the supervision of Deborah and others bodyguards outside of the house. Pam would only visit during her appointment with the boy. Mila's mother sometimes encountered the omega when she picked up Mila and Aaron at night.

Mila was breast-feeding Aaron while she was observing Pam sighing as if something bad had happened.

Haru lowered his T-shirt. Somehow he knew what was happening but he didn't want to believe it.

Since four days, he was vomiting a lot and he would feel more tired than before. For some reasons his belly was hurting him and he would feel nauseous every morning and during his meals.

After noticing his condition, Mila asked her wife to bring a fetal monitor today because she had doubt Haru was pregnant.

Generally, it was easy to spot a pregnant omega. They had different scent not to seduce but more to appease people. Alphas tend to become more protective in front of pregnant omega.

But Haru's case was different. First of all, he wasn't emitting any pheromones, secondly he had health problems especially with his damage womb and his genital parts, moreover he hadn't had his heat so it was more than impossible for him to be pregnant.

Pam thought the omega couldn't be pregnant. If he was, it would be a real miracle. But she wasn't really surprised. Akihito was an EXTREME dominant alpha, so the chances for an omega to be pregnant from an extreme dominant was high. But… Haru couldn't get in heat. So how ?

She did all the check-ups necessary and the result was without doubt; Haru was pregnant.

" - So ?" Mila asked, pulling Pam from her thoughts.

Pam took a deep breath as she gazed at the nervous Haru.

" - You're pregnant."

Haru's heart started to pound faster and faster. He shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't be pregnant. His body was too broken and he was too weak to bear a pregnancy. And what about Akihito ? If he knew about this, will he be happy or will he make him abort like Silas forced him ?

Mila stood up and gave Aaron to her Wife. Then she took a sit next to Haru on the couch. She placed her hand on Haru's and the omega looked at her with teary eyes.

" - It's a great news ! " Mila said. " You're going to be a mom. You will have a beautiful baby that will love you unconditionally. This baby is going to be your most important family."

Mila explained really excited to see Haru's baby.

When she met Haru, she felt a connection between them. The boy was so pure she couldn't help feel like she was his mother. She treated Haru like her son and she was always happy to help the boy and keep him company.

Haru was so gentle and delicate. He was beautiful and so cute. Mila felt like Haru was her son in her past life. She didn't believe in past life but when she met Haru, she thought she had to protect him. It was the same feeling she felt deep in her heart the first time she put her eyes on Aaron.

Haru put his trembling hands on his belly. It was still flat with no sign of pregnancy and in fact, Haru was still trying to understand how he got pregnant but… he wanted to believe that it was one of his greatest gift.

But… Akihito. The man was a blessing in his life. Akihito treated him with so much love and care. Haru wasn't Akihito's fated partner but the love he was feeling for the man was so powerful and overwhelming that sometimes he had to pinch himself to see if he wasn't just dreaming about his ideal lover.

Everything was going smoothly between Akihito and him. Haru felt joy just by smelling the scent of the man. Everyday, he was looking forward to his time with Akihito. And every night he was excited to indulge himself in the pleasure Akihito never failed to give him.

Maybe they did it too much. Now that Haru was thinking about it, three weeks ago, he was so intoxicated by Akihito's pheromones that he took off the condom on the man by himself, though the alpha had struggled to stop him, and he… did what he wanted.

Haru blushed hard while covering his face. How could he become so addicted to sex ? Not long ago he hated it with all his heart and mind, but now, it was like he was going into heat everytime his eyes met Akihito's.

" - Will there be complication ?" Mila asked to Pam, grasping Haru's attention.

" - I'm not going to lie," Pam replied while rocking Aaron to sleep. " Haru's health is still at a risky stake. Physically we can do something but mentally… it will be from your own will power, Haru."

The omega looked down, worried.

" - For now, I'm going to keep an eye on you and we should talk about that with Aki and…"

" - No !" Haru screamed, surprising the couple. " I… I…"

" - Take your time," Mila reassured him. "We're listening."

Haru was playing nervously with his fingers. He took several deep breaths then he said with a soft voice that melt the heart :

" - Can't we keep it a secret ?"

Mila and Pam exchanged a look. They couldn't bring themselves to be happy that Haru talked. The omega was on the verge of crying and they knew that the news were stressing him.

" - I'm not sure if I'm keeping the… the baby…" Haru confessed.

His voice cracked on his last word.

" - Why ?" Mila frowned.

" - It might be your last chance to have a baby," Pam told him. " Your body is too damage to let a baby growth without issues. Bringing you to the hospital would be the ideal but I don't want to force you…"

" - I could… lose it ?" Haru asked with a shaky voice.

He wrapped his arms around his flat belly while glaring at Pam.

Mila couldn't help but smile. Haru did say he wasn't sure but actually, the answer was already there. He wanted to keep the baby.

" - Let's do that," Pam said. " Tell Akihito you want to be examined in the hospital now. There, I would be able to monitor you secretly without Akihito's constant presence. What do you say ?"

Haru was already shaking. He didn't have great experience with hospital.

" - Don't worry. It's a very well known hospital. No one will hurt you if they know you're with me. "

" - I will come with you !" Mila stated over joy.

Haru pondered a little. If he wanted to keep it a secret until he was sure of his decisions, he had to do it.

" - Okay…"

The rest of the day went pretty well. Pam had explained Haru some things about his body.

He learned that because of the internal bleeding he had when he got r*ped, his womb which was still young at that time had some damage. Plus, Silas hadn't taken care of Haru and though the boy was suffering, he and others had continued to abuse him.

Knowing it was a pretty sensitive subject, Pam never put it on the table in front of Haru. But, of course, Akihito knew about it all. He had asked Pam if he could have intercourse and sex with Haru and if it will be painful for the omega. That's how he learned more about Haru's condition.

Today was the first time Haru understood that Silas had destroyed him completely. But he wasn't sad. He was just at lost. If the baby in his belly was really his last… should he keep it ?

Will Akihito be happy about it ? Akihito loved him. Haru knows that. The alpha insisted on this matter everyday. Just earlier, before his lunch, Akihito had sent him a text saying : " Today, Zai bought a salad for me. Because I miss you I asked for a milkshake instead of a black coffee. Eat well my angel and don't skip your medecine. I love you. I can't wait to cuddle with you tonight. "

Haru had blushed hard and giggled like a teenager in front of the message. Just thinking about it was making him giddy.

Haru wasn't ready to sacrifice his live with Akihito. He loved the man. He liked Pam, Mila and Zaizen. He felt safe with Alicia, Ren and Katsuki- Ren's father.

He finally had a real family. He was finally living in a house where he wasn't restrain like a pet. Where he could go to the bathroom whenever he wanted, where he could ask for a glass of water without fear, where he wasn't afraid to sleep at night. He had finally the life he wanted and even more.

Haru was afraid that Akihito would be angry. Akihito didn't mark him and he didn't ask him to be his family forever. He did ask him to stay with him though. But one day, Akihito could just go back to his fated partner and forget about Haru. Haru was afraid to be thrown, to be alone…

When Akihito arrived, he had a box of cake with him and a bouquet of white roses.

" - Wow ! I never thought I would live long enough to see you buy that kind of presents !" Pam exclaimed.

Akihito ignored her and went straight to Haru to give him the flowers and put the cake on the table.

Haru admired the bouquet with sparkles eyes. It was his first flowers. He never thought he would like it so much.

Akihito pecked his forehead while stroking his soft hair.

" - Do you know what day we are ?" Akihito asked.

Haru shook his head.

" - It's your birthday," the alpha chuckled.

Haru's eyes went big and his cheeks became red when he remembered.

" - Happy birthday angel," Akihito said before kissing the omega softly on the lips.

Mila was smiling like a cheerleader as her eyebrows were dancing cheekily.

" - Now that you say it," Pam said with a smile while she placed a hand on her meddlesome wife's eyes. " That's why mom wanted you to come home tonight."

Since the time he visited the Ogata, Haru learned that Pam and Akihito were siblings. Actually, he never told Aki but he already knew it. Pam was the exact look alike of Akihito but her hair were longer and she was more feminine.

" - I told her we will come this week-end," Akihito answered. " Tonight, it's just for us," he then added while touching Haru's little nose, making the omega smiled widely.

" - Well, we will go then !" Mila said. " I'll be there with Aaron tomorrow in the morning."

" - Thank you Mila," Akihito thanked her genuinely.

Once they were gone, Akihito sat down next to Haru who was still contemplated the flowers.

" - You like it ?" Akihito asked.

" - Hm !" Haru replied very pleased.

" - I'm glad you like it," Akihito said.

He brought Haru on his lap. The omega had to put the flowers next to them on the couch.

Akihito rested his head on Haru's shoulder.

" - I missed you today too," he said.

Since the gala, he was working pretty much everyday. He wanted to find dirt on Silas but the man was remarkable on his work though he had some beef with his own older brother.

Akihito had already some information about the Kanzaki Clan but he wanted to destroy Silas particularly. Of course, not only him. His brother and his sister. His father and grandfather were on the list too. And pretty much everyone who had touched Haru were doomed to be damned by Akihito.

Akihito inhaled Haru's scent, feeling at ease. He hugged Haru who hugged him back and before they knew it, they were already making out on the couch. Kissing each other and caressing their most sensitive part.

Haru's appetite for sex was high these past few days. Akihito wasn't complaining. He was happy. He will do anything for the omega, even if he was tired from a day of work.

So that's why, now Haru was mounting him and bouncing his little body on top of his manhood while moaning deliciously.

Akihito's hands were on Haru's small waist and he was enjoying the view.

Haru's flushed neck and cheeks. His teary and hazy eyes, his glistening lips which were chanting moans. His round buttocks bouncing on him, his hole eating him greedily and his little rod that was half hard but drooling from pleasure. Akihito was fascinated. His omega was so beautiful and so sexy. He wanted to devour him completely.

After their sex in the living room, they continued with two more rounds in the bedroom.

For the first time, Akihito was the first one to fell asleep. He was sleeping on top of Haru, who was playing with his ear piercing and his hair.

" - Aki…" Haru murmured.

But he could just hear the alpha's discreet snore.

" - If I told you we're going to have a baby… would you be happy ?" Haru asked.

The alpha was still asleep. Haru swallowed his tears and nuzzled in the alpha's arms. He wanted to feel this warm a little longer before….

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