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35% Born of a Star (HP FanFic) / Chapter 7: Chapter 7- Rumours and Judgment

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7- Rumours and Judgment

Breakfast Friday morning

In the few hours between the duel and now, Rigel's brutal domination had spread through all of the lower years, and had begun to make their way through the higher years as well. While Rigel wasn't interested in the newfound fame, knowing it to be a passing wave of interest, he was enjoying the prestige of being labelled the most powerful of his year, with both knowledge and power beyond the purebloods. 'At least Malfoy was good for something,' he thought enjoying the pear juice that filled his cup. Every meal he had, since he came to Hogwarts, has been accompanied by a different type of fruit juice, as if the house elves were excited by the opportunity to better serve a student.

Double potions that morning had been a bore, but the simmering rage coming from Draco had been boring into his head the entire time, resulting in Malfoy failing to produce a sufficient hair growth potion and being held back after class. Rigel again left his friends during the free period to spend time in the Room of Requirement, enjoying both its resources and the privacy it provided him. He'd worked himself to near-exhaustion, but by the time lunch came he wished he could be back there.

"Hey did you hear about Black's father?"

"The deranged mass killer locked up in Azkaban? Of course, I think everyone's heard it by now.

"No one seemed to know at breakfast though."

"True, maybe one of the older students spread the information."

These kinds of conversations were happening all throughout the great hall, and as Rigel sat down at the Gryffindor table, his housemates recoiled.

"Rigel, did you know?" Hermione asked.

"Know what?"

"That your dad murdered a wizard and 12 muggles," Ron spat out vindictively.

"I know he's in Azkaban, yes. So what?"

"SO WHAT?! He's a killer."

"And I never met him, so again. So what?" At this point the boy was annoyed, 'Who started the rumour? If I find out, I'll feed them to the acromantulas.' A chill went down Black's spine as he heard Malfoy from behind him.

"I'm surprised you're still sitting with him, his father a raving lunatic and all. Especially you Potter." A few confused looks turned up at the ferret, though they all disliked him, there was no way they weren't interested in what he was saying.

"Why me in particular?"

"YOU DON'T KNOW?!" He laughed like he'd heard the funniest joke in the world. "It's not super common knowledge I suppose, but Black betrayed your parents to You-know-who." Gasps and the clattering of cutlery was all that could be heard around him as almost everyone was currently listening intently. "That's how he found them. Why they're dead." Jasmine whipped her head to me with an almost blazing glare.


"I wasn't told about it, no." She calmed slightly, but then began to cry, her parents not just killed, but betrayed. Her friend, the son of the lunatic who betrayed them.

"DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!" she sobbed, before getting out of her seat and running out of the hall, the girls following her while the boys glared.

"Malfoy…You just made a terrible mistake in revealing that." Rigel's voice had turned cold, his gaze holding untold malice.

"Don't like having your girlfriend upset do you Black, knowing your-"

"VERY few people would have known how he betrayed them, and only ONE greasy-haired git with bad teeth and an inferiority complex would have leaked it…especially to YOU." Rigel stood, then grabbed Malfoy's hand pinning it to the Gryffindor table, before stabbing a fork into the blonde twit's hand and leaving the hall. Chaos erupted behind him but he had things to do. If he wants to build a haven for himself, he needs the trust of the Potters, staff and Gryffindors, as well as the other students. Which means he needs to clear Sirius of his crimes…now. Rigel could have tried to hold out, make the students hate him, despise him even, before revealing his father's innocence. He could have gained their pity, but the same people who apologised to Harry for accusing him of putting his name into the goblet of fire then a year later called him a liar and a madman, so… Anything he could have gained through emotional manipulation could be gained by building their loyalties, and it would prevent having to live in isolation for a few months.

Making it to his dorm he writes a letter to Arcturus detailing the situation.

Dear Grandfather,

Information was leaked about my father, not only his known crimes, but a supposed betrayal of the Potters. I know he couldn't be given a trial before, but I have undeniable proof of his innocence. Support the emergency motion for trial that should come tonight or tomorrow, and I'll return Sirius from Azkaban, reinforcing our family position.

I really need your support Grandfather,

Rigel Sirius Black.

Emptying his backpack, he stuffs Ron's metal rat cage into the bag, Scabber's inside. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to leave the rat conscious and risk losing him, so he cast Petrificus Totalus on the rat bastard. Moving to the owlery to find Corvin, who'd gotten annoyed by the noise of the boy's dorm, he came across the person he needed to find, as well as her slightly chubby blonde friend.

"Black," Hannah called out in fright, hiding behind her red-head friend.

"I'm just here to send a letter," the boy spoke gently, hands in the air in false surrender. "Though I do need to talk to you Susan."

"What about?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. Not only was the boy a far better wizard than them but now the son of a killer. For the young girls, he might as well have had red eyes and sharpened teeth.

"I need to talk to the same kind girl who would help me in Herbology, who was friendly and sweet even though we're from different houses. I'm still me, even if what they're saying about my dad is true. I need the cute girl who slid me her notes on gobble-berries to trust me…just this once." Both Hannah and Susan were conflicted, the boy was still scary, but he had been so kind and funny in class. Susan had still been considering to refuse him until he called her cute, completely throwing her mind into disarray.

"Fine. Just this once." The boy's bright smile washed over them like magic, convincing them they made the right choice. Susan wrote a letter to her aunt, the head of the DMLE, claiming that Rigel had guaranteed proof that Sirius Black was innocent, and if he wasn't given a trial, the evidence would instead be given to the Daily Prophet highlighting the ministry's incompetence.

"Thank you," Rigel said, still smiling as he hugged both girls tight. 'Have them help me, while proving I can be trusted. Two birds with one stone. At least after this is done the rest of them will be less likely to believe hearsay…I hope.'

The next two classes were a stark reminder of Rigel's past life, and the isolation he had at school, especially after the fights. Once the teachers labelled him violent, the kids had distanced themselves greatly. While not a totally new experience, Rigel was still uncomfortable. The awkwardness was broken as a patronus burst into the transfiguration classroom and revealed a message to McGonagall.

"Mr Black, you have been summoned to the headmaster's office." Gazes followed him out the door as he left, and he couldn't help but hope this was Amelia and not some bullshit about stabbing Malfoy with a fork. Passing the ridiculous statue that protected the office, 'Who even eats cockroach clusters,' the boy passed into the room, four sets of eyes watching him like ambush predators.

"Mr Black, please come in." Dumbledore had donned his grandfatherly persona, so I was expecting some level of lecturing, but Amelia and the auror with her, an older man with scruffy black hair and a funny moustache, were not interested in listening to them.

"I'm Amelia Bones, head of the DMLE. My niece sent a private letter to my office for the first time, and yet it was about you. So boy, tell me what undeniable evidence you have for your father's innocence before I have you tried for wasting my time." The boy put down his backpack and pulled out the petrified rat.

"Is this a joke?" the unnamed auror asked.

"It's a petrified animagus is what it is," the boy snorted back. "I found journals of my father's detailing him and his friend's attempt to become animagi, including Peter Pettigrew, who became a rat…both in body and soul."

Amelia, understanding the implication, immediately pulled her wand, not bothering to remove the petrification and instead undid the animagi transformation, forcing him back into the still-petrified fat man with rat-like teeth and a missing finger.

Snape, Amelia and the auror were shocked, but Dumbledore had a momentary delay before his face turned to shock. 'He knew…good. Whether he is good or evil, I now have a good reason for screwing him over later. "If he's alive, then…"

"It means everything about the situation needs to be re-examined," Amelia stated bluntly.

"Does this mean my father will finally receive a trial?"

"He didn't before?" the auror asked, confused.

Amelia groaned loudly before explaining, "The war was finishing and the Ministry was dealing with the so-called imperious victims, so something as minor as Sirius just got swept under the rug by Crouch and Fudge. When I asked about it, I was ignored, and eventually forgot entirely." Turning to Rigel she bowed slightly, "I'm sorry for that. I WILL get him a trial."

"My great-grandfather has been sent warning of the trial, and should support the motion."

"Well, in that case, it is definitely being held tomorrow. With an heir, his position is far stronger than it was just after the war." She turned, binding the petrified Pettigrew and walked back through the floo station, her auror bowing before he followed.

With the two gone, Dumbledore began the lecture. "Now we must turn to your behaviour Mr Black. While I understand the anger at being insulted publicly, that is no reason to assault Mr Malfoy."

"I barely need a reason to assault the ferret," the boy muttered. "And he hasn't paid me the 50 galleons he owes from the bet, which means he now owes me a hundred. A hundred galleons plus insulting my family by spreading rumours that he shouldn't have information on. Definitely good enough reason."

"Yes, the source of the rumour will need to be investigated."

"Well, it had to have come from the older years or teachers, because Malfoy would have brought it up earlier, as would his goons. The cunning of a bulldozer. Personally, I think it was Snivvelus here."


"Severus," Dumbledore interrupted, his voice quiet yet chilling. Magic seemed to permeate the air and froze us both.

"And why would you think it was Professor Snape?"

"Because after potions, where Malfoy glared at me all class and screwed up again, Snape spoke with him after class, and as you can see, has severe…issues with both Jasmine and myself. It's possible that someone else did, but I doubt anyone else but the teachers would have been in the know about my father's alleged betrayal of the Potters." Dumbledore's eyes again sharpened as he glared at Snape.

"I see. Until the trial occurs, Professor McGonagall suggested for your safety that you return to your home. As soon as the trial is over you may, of course, return." Another few minutes later and I was back at Grimmauld Place.

"Master Rigel, welcome home. Lord Black is in the dining room if you wish to join him." The house elf was definitely better behaved than after Arcturus's death, the company, source of magic and sense of purpose kept him relatively happy and sane. 'Perhaps the sanest Black here.'


"I received your letter. Your familiar is exceptionally swift."

"In comparison to owls that are notoriously slow, yes."

"Is it true? Is my grandson innocent?"

"Yes, I found Peter Pettigrew hiding in Hogwarts as a rat." Arcturus rose from his seat, walking over to the boy, before enveloping him in a hug.

"Thank you for doing what I couldn't, all those years ago." He then swiftly turned, his face back to its stony mask. "Kreacher. Prepare a formal suit for both myself and Rigel, we have a Wizengamot session tomorrow."


Entering through the floo the two Blacks were stood in a marble-floored room, expansive and brightly lit, the gold decorations on the walls and glimmering gold fountain shining under the sunlight. The two had woken at their regular 6 am, which was beneficial, as the Wizengamot trial was to be held at 7:30. The grandson and grandfather pair wore matching suits, slim-line and of acromantula silks. Though the grandson wore his in a more muggle style, the grandfather wore an accompanying robe that held the family crest.

"Lord Black and Heir Black, welcome," said a younger woman, average looking but with an excellent customer service manner. "You're expected in the chambers, please surrender your wands and follow me." While hesitant Rigel agreed, knowing damn well that the small knife hidden deep inside his jacket was still somewhat decent protection. Arcturus took his position as the Black seat, while the heir moved to a witness seat off to the side. The room quickly filled as Lords, ladies and other half-witted politicians took their positions, the minister, Cornelius Fudge arriving last, accompanied by a pink-dressed toad.

"6th of September, 1991. Trial of Sirius Black of House Black." The pudgy failure of a leader was sat at the top of a tall stool while Albus-definitely-didn't-know-Sirius-was-innocent Dumbledore took his position at a slightly lower seat symbolising his position as the head of the Wizengamot. "The defence may begin."

Bones, who sat in the rows of lower members smiled at Rigel, as Arcturus's chosen lawyer stood up to represent the family. Rigel had heard he was an excellent lawyer, and had served loyally for many decades, having mastered both contract law and criminal. "Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot, I'm not here to convince you that my client, Sirius Black is not a killer, as we have proof that the wizard he was accused of murdering in cold blood is alive. I'm here to ask for the court to administer both Mr Black and Pettigrew with Veritaserum." Shocked gasps escaped into the air. The use of veritaserum on a pure-blood was rare, and to make a spectacle of it made it rarer still, and demonstrated the lawyer's confidence. Having heard from Sirius very early this morning during an interview he was incredibly confident in proving his innocence, and winning reparations for the House that he couldn't provide them over a decade ago. He and Arcturus had fought for a trial back then, but the Wizengamot was a mess at the time, with many of the lords accused of being terrorists and the ministry scrambling for control, seeking a clear and quick end. "My client has consented to questioning under the veritaserum, as long as the questions remain pertinent."

*BANG BANG* "That is acceptable Mr Stilinski, but first you should provide the evidence to the court of the supposed alive wizard." The lawyer nodded to a court official, who brought out a tied and thrashing Pettigrew, who under the eyes of the court froze and began whimpering quietly.

"I present Peter Pettigrew to the court, alive, and missing a finger." Another round of excited whispers and shocked gasps filled the room before the pink toad stood.

"And how, did you manage to locate Pettigrew a decade later?" she asked, her voice whiny and irritating like a judgmental aunt or teacher.

Stilinski instead of explaining, basically told her to go fuck herself, which brought Rigel, and a few of the members seated in the rows great joy, "The wizard has been confirmed to be Peter Pettigrew, so what does it matter HOW he was found? The fact he was proves my client did not kill him and the story was a constructed fable." He then turned back to the members of the Wizengamot, "I'd also like to request for Mr Pettigrew to be given the same potion as my client and questioned."

"MR Stilinski. We do NOT coerce witnesses into taking the Veritaserum, it is illegal." Arcturus coughed into his hand, drawing attention to him.

"That would be the case, Minister, but the law only applies to LIVING wizards. As Pettigrew is still legally dead, there are no laws forbidding it."

"Lord Black, you can't really be insisting the Wizengamot perform questionable acts just for the defence of your grandson," Dumbledore said calmly, but Rigel saw a flash of panic and a slight sheen of sweat on his brow, which means so did everyone else. Lady Longbottom was one of those that saw the frantic state of the older wizard, and recognising that a scheme was being unravelled, was more than happy to help. Particularly if it screwed over Dumbledore and Fudge.

"If the defendant is willing to take the serum, there should be no issue with Pettigrew, the man from the dead receiving the same treatment…unless there's something to hide Dumbledore." The grey faction and the more honour bound of the light faction were interested in revealing the secret that was hidden, while a few from the dark faction were interested in screwing over Dumbledore, thus weakening his position and power.

"As the head of this trial, I call for a vote. Those in favour of forcing Pettigrew to undertake Veritaserum questioning?" Unfortunately for Dumbledore, Fudge's vote won over two-thirds of the votes, only Dumbledore's most loyal and the Malfoys resisting the temptation. The reporters in the stands were ecstatic, scribbling frantically. "Very well then. Bring out the defendant and two doses of Veritaserum." He'd been washed and dressed, no doubt by Stilinski, who would be aware of appearance bias, but Rigel just stared. 'My dad huh? The first father I'll have met, not that he seemed like a good parental figure in the films. Though that could be because he saw James in Harry, remarkably more difficult in Jasmine. The long hair and being a girl might ruin the illusion.' After being a dose of four drops, the questioning begins, Amelia, as the head of the DMLE and with a solid reputation deemed a fair person to ask them.

"What is your name?"

"Sirius Black.

"Which house were you sorted into at school?" 'A weird question,' Rigel thought. 'Maybe it goes on public record somehow.'


"Good. On the morning of November the first, 1981, did you kill Peter Pettigrew?

"No, he escaped.

"What about any muggles?"

"No, the rat threw a blasting curse and caused a gas explosion, killing the muggles in the street."

"Why didn't you tell anyone this before?

"I did. Repeatedly." Rigel could see the emotion slipping through the calmness the Veritaserum provides, demonstrating his fury. "No one listened and my wand was clean."

"Were you ever under the employ or working for Voldemort?" A hiss escaped some of the members of the hall as bad memories resurfaced at the mention of their old foe.


"Since there is now a public rumour it should also be addressed as it relates to the crime. Did you betray the Potter family on Halloween, 1981?"

"No. Pettigrew did. That's why I wanted to kill him."

"How did he betray them?"

"Lady Bones, what does this have to do with the trial?" Dumbledore interrupts quickly.

"Resulting in the death of the Saviour of Magical Britain's parents, Lord and Lady Potter is most definitely a crime, one which he had been socially accused of. This trial will prove him innocent of ALL alleged crimes. Again, how did he betra-"

"Lady Bones, I insist."

"Dumbledore, you wouldn't be using your position to coerce the head of the DMLE not to conduct a fair investigation, would you? Perhaps you should be removed from your position for this trial, as you cannot remain unobstructive." Arcturus had seen the fear in Albus's words and knew he played a role in Sirius's 10-year sentence, and refused to let the social accusations continue burdening his family. "Minister Fudge, I request Dumbledore be kept silent for the remainder or temporarily removed from the courtroom." Again, those that sensed the secret were hollering to have him removed, and an ancient-looking witch was placed in his position after a word from the Minister, who could not afford to lose the support of so many ancient families over such a small matter.

Amelia, for the third time, asked the question, "How did Pettigrew betray the Potters?"

"He was the secret keeper on the Potter's Fidelus charm. He sold them out to Voldemort." Clamouring broke out as not only was the Fidelus charm rare, but near-impossible to place on an entire house, limiting the potential caster to perhaps a few wizards, including a very nervous-looking bastard sat quietly on the side. Sirius was allowed to sit back down, the serum having worn him out rather quickly due to his weak body.

Soon would be Pettigrew's interview, which would guarantee Sirius's innocence, and Rigel couldn't wait

next chapter
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